import sys import subprocess import unittest import webbrowser import logging from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtTest import QTest from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtWebKit import * from mock import MagicMock # Local from GuiManager import GuiManager from UI.MainWindowUI import MainWindow from UnitTesting.TestUtils import QtSignalSpy app = QApplication(sys.argv) class GuiManagerTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Test the Main Window functionality''' def setUp(self): '''Create the tested object''' class MainSasViewWindow(MainWindow): # Main window of the application def __init__(self, reactor, parent=None): super(MainSasViewWindow, self).__init__(parent) # define workspace for dialogs. self.workspace = QWorkspace(self) self.setCentralWidget(self.workspace) self.manager = GuiManager(MainSasViewWindow(None), None) def tearDown(self): '''Destroy the GUI''' self.manager = None def testDefaults(self): '''Test the object in its default state''' pass def testUpdatePerspective(self): """ """ pass def testUpdateStatusBar(self): """ """ pass def testSetData(self): """ """ pass def testSetData(self): """ """ pass def testQuitApplication(self): """ Test that the custom exit method is called on shutdown """ # Must mask sys.exit, otherwise the whole testing process stops. sys.exit = MagicMock() # Say No to the close dialog QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QMessageBox.No) # Open, then close the manager self.manager.quitApplication() # See that the MessageBox method got called self.assertTrue(QMessageBox.question.called) # sys.exit() not called this time self.assertFalse(sys.exit.called) # Say Yes to the close dialog QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QMessageBox.Yes) # Open, then close the manager self.manager.quitApplication() # See that the MessageBox method got called self.assertTrue(QMessageBox.question.called) def testCheckUpdate(self): """ Tests the SasView website version polling """ self.manager.processVersion = MagicMock() version = {'update_url' : '', 'version' : '3.1.2', 'download_url': ''} self.manager.checkUpdate() self.manager.processVersion.assert_called_with(version) pass def testProcessVersion(self): """ Tests the version checker logic """ # 1. version = 0.0.0 version_info = {u'version' : u'0.0.0'} spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.manager, self.manager.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal) self.manager.processVersion(version_info) self.assertEqual(spy_status_update.count(), 1) message = 'Could not connect to the application server. Please try again later.' self.assertIn(message, str(spy_status_update.signal(index=0))) # 2. version < LocalConfig.__version__ version_info = {u'version' : u'0.0.1'} spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.manager, self.manager.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal) self.manager.processVersion(version_info) self.assertEqual(spy_status_update.count(), 1) message = 'You have the latest version of SasView' self.assertIn(message, str(spy_status_update.signal(index=0))) # 3. version > LocalConfig.__version__ version_info = {u'version' : u'999.0.0'} spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.manager, self.manager.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal) = MagicMock() self.manager.processVersion(version_info) self.assertEqual(spy_status_update.count(), 1) message = 'Version 999.0.0 is available!' self.assertIn(message, str(spy_status_update.signal(index=0)))"") ## 4. version > LocalConfig.__version__ and standalone #version_info = {u'version' : u'999.0.0'} #spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.manager, self.manager.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal) = MagicMock() #self.manager.processVersion(version_info, standalone=True) #self.assertEqual(spy_status_update.count(), 1) #message = 'See the help menu to download it' #self.assertIn(message, str(spy_status_update.signal(index=0))) #self.assertFalse( # 5. couldn't load version version_info = {} logging.error = MagicMock() spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.manager, self.manager.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal) self.manager.processVersion(version_info) # Retrieve and compare arguments of the mocked call message = "guiframe: could not get latest application version number" args, _ = logging.error.call_args self.assertIn(message, args[0]) # Check the signal message message = 'Could not connect to the application server.' self.assertIn(message, str(spy_status_update.signal(index=0))) def testActions(self): """ """ pass def testActionLoadData(self): """ Menu File/Load Data File(s) """ # Mock the system file open method QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames = MagicMock(return_value=None) # invoke the action self.manager.actionLoadData() # Test the getOpenFileName() dialog called once self.assertTrue(QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.called) def testActionDocumentation(self): """ Menu Help/Documentation """ #Mock the QWebView method = MagicMock() # Assure the filename is correct self.assertIn("index.html", self.manager._helpLocation) # Invoke the action self.manager.actionDocumentation() # Check if show() got called self.assertTrue( def testActionTutorial(self): """ Menu Help/Tutorial """ # Mock subprocess.Popen subprocess.Popen = MagicMock() tested_location = self.manager._tutorialLocation # Assure the filename is correct self.assertIn("Tutorial.pdf", tested_location) # Invoke the action self.manager.actionTutorial() # Check if popen() got called self.assertTrue(subprocess.Popen.called) #Check the popen() call arguments subprocess.Popen.assert_called_with([tested_location], shell=True) def testActionAcknowledge(self): """ Menu Help/Acknowledge """ self.manager.actionAcknowledge() # Check if the window is actually opened. self.assertTrue(self.manager.ackWidget.isVisible()) self.assertIn("", self.manager.ackWidget.label.text()) def testActionCheck_for_update(self): """ Menu Help/Check for update """ # Just make sure checkUpdate is called. self.manager.checkUpdate = MagicMock() self.manager.actionCheck_for_update() self.assertTrue(self.manager.checkUpdate.called) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()