import sys import unittest from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtTest import QTest from PyQt4.QtCore import * from mock import MagicMock # Local from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader from sas.sasgui.guiframe.data_manager import DataManager from DataExplorer import DataExplorerWindow from GuiManager import GuiManager from GuiUtils import * from UnitTesting.TestUtils import QtSignalSpy from Plotter import Plotter app = QApplication(sys.argv) class DataExplorerTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Test the Data Explorer GUI''' def setUp(self): '''Create the GUI''' class MyPerspective(object): def communicator(self): return Communicate() def allowBatch(self): return False def setData(self, data_item=None): return None def title(self): return "Dummy Perspective" class dummy_manager(object): def communicator(self): return Communicate() def perspective(self): return MyPerspective() self.form = DataExplorerWindow(None, dummy_manager()) def tearDown(self): '''Destroy the GUI''' self.form.close() self.form = None def testDefaults(self): '''Test the GUI in its default state''' self.assertIsInstance(self.form, QTabWidget) self.assertIsInstance(self.form.treeView, QTreeView) self.assertIsInstance(self.form.freezeView, QTreeView) self.assertEqual(self.form.count(), 2) self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdLoad.text(), "Load") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdDeleteData.text(), "Delete") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdDeleteTheory.text(), "Delete") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdFreeze.text(), "Freeze") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdSendTo.text(), "Send to") self.assertEqual(self.form.chkBatch.text(), "Batch mode") self.assertFalse(self.form.chkBatch.isChecked()) self.assertEqual(self.form.cbSelect.count(), 6) self.assertEqual(self.form.cbSelect.currentIndex(), 0) # Class is in the default state even without pressing OK self.assertEqual(self.form.treeView.model().rowCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.treeView.model().columnCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.model.columnCount(), 0) def testLoadButton(self): loadButton = self.form.cmdLoad filename = "cyl_400_20.txt" # Initialize signal spy instances spy_file_read = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.fileReadSignal) # Return no files. QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames = MagicMock(return_value=None) # Click on the Load button QTest.mouseClick(loadButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the getOpenFileName() dialog called once self.assertTrue(QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.called) QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.assert_called_once() # Make sure the signal has not been emitted #self.assertEqual(spy_file_read.count(), 0) # Now, return a single file QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames = MagicMock(return_value=filename) # Click on the Load button QTest.mouseClick(loadButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the getOpenFileName() dialog called once self.assertTrue(QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.called) QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.assert_called_once() # Expected one spy instance #self.assertEqual(spy_file_read.count(), 1) #self.assertIn(filename, str(spy_file_read.called()[0]['args'][0])) def testDeleteButton(self): """ Functionality of the delete button """ deleteButton = self.form.cmdDeleteData # Mock the confirmation dialog with return=No QtGui.QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QtGui.QMessageBox.No) # Populate the model filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt", "Dec07031.ASC", "cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.readData(filename) # Assure the model contains three items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 3) # Assure the checkboxes are on item1 = self.form.model.item(0) item2 = self.form.model.item(1) item3 = self.form.model.item(2) self.assertTrue(item1.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item2.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item3.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) # Click on the delete button QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the warning dialog called once self.assertTrue(QtGui.QMessageBox.question.called) # Assure the model still contains the items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 3) # Now, mock the confirmation dialog with return=Yes QtGui.QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes) # Click on the delete button QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the warning dialog called once self.assertTrue(QtGui.QMessageBox.question.called) # Assure the model contains no items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 0) # Click delete once again to assure no nasty behaviour on empty model QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) def testSendToButton(self): """ Test that clicking the Send To button sends checked data to a perspective """ # Send empty data mocked_perspective = self.form.parent.perspective() mocked_perspective.setData = MagicMock() # Click on the Send To button QTest.mouseClick(self.form.cmdSendTo, Qt.LeftButton) # The set_data method not called self.assertFalse(mocked_perspective.setData.called) # Populate the model filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.readData(filename) # setData is the method we want to see called mocked_perspective = self.form.parent.perspective() mocked_perspective.setData = MagicMock(filename) # Assure the checkbox is on self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(0) # Click on the Send To button QTest.mouseClick(self.form.cmdSendTo, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the set_data method called once #self.assertTrue(mocked_perspective.setData.called) # open another file filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.readData(filename) # Mock the warning message QtGui.QMessageBox = MagicMock() # Click on the button QTest.mouseClick(self.form.cmdSendTo, Qt.LeftButton) # Assure the message box popped up QtGui.QMessageBox.assert_called_once() def testDataSelection(self): """ Tests the functionality of the Selection Option combobox """ # Populate the model with 1d and 2d data filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt", "Dec07031.ASC"] self.form.readData(filename) # Unselect all data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(1) # Test the current selection item1D = self.form.model.item(0) item2D = self.form.model.item(1) self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) # Select all data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(0) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) # select 1d data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(2) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) # unselect 1d data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(3) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) # select 2d data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(4) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) # unselect 2d data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(5) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) # choose impossible index and assure the code raises #with self.assertRaises(Exception): # self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(6) def testReadData(self): """ Test the low level readData() method """ filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.manager.add_data = MagicMock() # Initialize signal spy instances spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal) spy_data_received = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.fileDataReceivedSignal) # Read in the file self.form.readData(filename) # Expected two status bar updates self.assertEqual(spy_status_update.count(), 1) self.assertIn(filename[0], str(spy_status_update.called()[0]['args'][0])) # Check that the model contains the item self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 1) self.assertEqual(self.form.model.columnCount(), 1) # The 0th item header should be the name of the file model_item = self.form.model.index(0,0) model_name = str( self.assertEqual(model_name, filename[0]) def testLoadFile(self): """ Test the threaded call to readData() """ #self.form.loadFile() pass def testGetWList(self): """ Test the list of known extensions """ list = self.form.getWlist() defaults = 'All (*.*);;canSAS files (*.xml);;SESANS files' +\ ' (*.ses);;ASCII files (*.txt);;IGOR 2D files (*.asc);;' +\ 'IGOR/DAT 2D Q_map files (*.dat);;IGOR 1D files (*.abs);;'+\ 'HFIR 1D files (*.d1d);;DANSE files (*.sans);;NXS files (*.nxs)' self.assertEqual(defaults, list) def testLoadComplete(self): """ Test the callback method updating the data object """ message="Loading Data Complete" data_dict = {"a1":Data1D()} output_data = (data_dict, message) self.form.manager.add_data = MagicMock() # Initialize signal spy instances spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal) spy_data_received = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.fileDataReceivedSignal) # Read in the file self.form.loadComplete(output_data) # "Loading data complete" no longer sent in LoadFile but in callback self.assertIn("Loading Data Complete", str(spy_status_update.called()[0]['args'][0])) # Expect one Data Received signal self.assertEqual(spy_data_received.count(), 1) # Assure returned dictionary has correct data # We don't know the data ID, so need to iterate over dict data_dict = spy_data_received.called()[0]['args'][0] for data_key, data_value in data_dict.iteritems(): self.assertIsInstance(data_value, Data1D) # Assure add_data on data_manager was called (last call) self.assertTrue(self.form.manager.add_data.called) def testNewPlot(self): """ Creating new plots from Data1D/2D """ loader = Loader() manager = DataManager() # get Data1D p_file="cyl_400_20.txt" output_object = loader.load(p_file) new_data = [manager.create_gui_data(output_object, p_file)] # Mask the plot show call = MagicMock() # Mask retrieval of the data self.form.plotsFromCheckedItems = MagicMock(return_value=new_data) # Call the plotting method self.form.newPlot() # The plot was displayed self.assertTrue( def testUpdateModelFromPerspective(self): """ Assure the model update is correct """ good_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() bad_item = "I'm so bad" self.form.model.reset = MagicMock() self.form.updateModelFromPerspective(good_item) # See that the model got reset self.form.model.reset.assert_called_once() # See that the bad item causes raise with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.form.updateModelFromPerspective(bad_item) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()