""" Allows users to modify the box slicer parameters. """ from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore # Local UI from sas.qtgui.UI.SlicerParametersUI import Ui_SlicerParametersUI class SlicerParameters(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_SlicerParametersUI): """ Interaction between the QTableView and the underlying model, passed from a slicer instance. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, model=None): super(SlicerParameters, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) assert isinstance(model, QtGui.QStandardItemModel) self.model = model # Define a proxy model so cell enablement can be finegrained. self.proxy = ProxyModel(self) self.proxy.setSourceModel(self.model) # Set the proxy model for display in the Table View. self.lstParams.setModel(self.proxy) # Disallow edit of the parameter name column. self.lstParams.model().setColumnReadOnly(0, True) # Disable row number display self.lstParams.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) # Specify the validator on the parameter value column. self.lstParams.setItemDelegate(ValidatedItemDelegate()) class ProxyModel(QtGui.QIdentityProxyModel): """ Trivial proxy model with custom column edit flag """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ProxyModel, self).__init__(parent) self._columns = set() def columnReadOnly(self, column): return column in self._columns def setColumnReadOnly(self, column, readonly=True): if readonly: self._columns.add(column) else: self._columns.discard(column) def flags(self, index): flags = super(ProxyModel, self).flags(index) if self.columnReadOnly(index.column()): flags &= ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable return flags class ValidatedItemDelegate(QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate): """ Simple delegate enabling adding a validator to a cell editor. """ def createEditor(self, widget, option, index): if not index.isValid(): return 0 if index.column() == 1: # Edir only cells in the second column editor = QtGui.QLineEdit(widget) validator = QtGui.QDoubleValidator() # Don't use the scientific notation, cause 'e'. validator.setNotation(QtGui.QDoubleValidator.StandardNotation) editor.setValidator(validator) return editor return super(ValidatedItemDelegate, self).createEditor(widget, option, index)