import sys import unittest from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from mock import MagicMock from mock import patch ####### TEMP import path_prepare ####### from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D from sas.qtgui.UnitTesting.TestUtils import WarningTestNotImplemented from sas.qtgui.Plotting.LinearFit import LinearFit from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotProperties import PlotProperties # Tested module import sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter as Plotter app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) class PlotterTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Test the Plotter 1D class''' def setUp(self): '''create''' self.plotter = Plotter.Plotter(None, quickplot=True) = Data1D(x=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], y=[10.0, 11.0, 12.0], dx=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], dy=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])"Test data""Test name" = 1 def tearDown(self): '''destroy''' self.plotter = None def testDataProperty(self): """ Adding data """ = self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(self.plotter._title, self.assertEqual(self.plotter.xLabel, "$()$") self.assertEqual(self.plotter.yLabel, "$()$") def testPlotWithErrors(self): """ Look at the plotting with error bars""" = FigureCanvas.draw = MagicMock() self.plotter.plot(hide_error=False) self.assertEqual(, 'log') self.assertTrue(FigureCanvas.draw.called) def testPlotWithoutErrors(self): """ Look at the plotting without error bars""" = FigureCanvas.draw = MagicMock() self.plotter.plot(hide_error=True) self.assertEqual(, 'log') self.assertTrue(FigureCanvas.draw.called) def testCreateContextMenuQuick(self): """ Test the right click menu """ self.plotter.createContextMenuQuick() actions = self.plotter.contextMenu.actions() self.assertEqual(len(actions), 7) # Trigger Save Image and make sure the method is called self.assertEqual(actions[0].text(), "Save Image") self.plotter.toolbar.save_figure = MagicMock() actions[0].trigger() self.assertTrue(self.plotter.toolbar.save_figure.called) # Trigger Print Image and make sure the method is called self.assertEqual(actions[1].text(), "Print Image") QtGui.QPrintDialog.exec_ = MagicMock(return_value=QtGui.QDialog.Rejected) actions[1].trigger() self.assertTrue(QtGui.QPrintDialog.exec_.called) # Trigger Copy to Clipboard and make sure the method is called self.assertEqual(actions[2].text(), "Copy to Clipboard") # Spy on cliboard's dataChanged() signal self.clipboard_called = False def done(): self.clipboard_called = True QtCore.QObject.connect(app.clipboard(), QtCore.SIGNAL("dataChanged()"), done) actions[2].trigger() QtGui.qApp.processEvents() # Make sure clipboard got updated. #self.assertTrue(self.clipboard_called) # Trigger Toggle Grid and make sure the method is called self.assertEqual(actions[4].text(), "Toggle Grid On/Off") = MagicMock() actions[4].trigger() self.assertTrue( # Trigger Change Scale and make sure the method is called self.assertEqual(actions[6].text(), "Change Scale") = MagicMock(return_value=QtGui.QDialog.Rejected) actions[6].trigger() self.assertTrue( def testXyTransform(self): """ Tests the XY transformation and new chart update """ self.plotter.plot( # Transform the points self.plotter.xyTransform(xLabel="x", yLabel="log10(y)") # Assure new plot has correct labels self.assertEqual(, "$()$") self.assertEqual(, "$()$") # ... and scale self.assertEqual(self.plotter.xscale, "linear") self.assertEqual(self.plotter.yscale, "log") # See that just one plot is present self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter.plot_dict), 1) self.assertEqual(len(, 1) def testAddText(self): """ Checks the functionality of adding text to graph """ self.plotter.plot( self.plotter.x_click = 100.0 self.plotter.y_click = 100.0 # modify the text edit control test_text = "Smoke in cabin" test_font = QtGui.QFont("Arial", 16, QtGui.QFont.Bold) test_color = "#00FF00" self.plotter.addText.textEdit.setText(test_text) # Return the requested font parameters self.plotter.addText.font = MagicMock(return_value = test_font) self.plotter.addText.color = MagicMock(return_value = test_color) # Return OK from the dialog self.plotter.addText.exec_ = MagicMock(return_value = QtGui.QDialog.Accepted) # Add text to graph self.plotter.onAddText() # Check if the text was added properly self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter.textList), 1) self.assertEqual(self.plotter.textList[0].get_text(), test_text) self.assertEqual(self.plotter.textList[0].get_color(), test_color) self.assertEqual(self.plotter.textList[0].get_fontproperties().get_family()[0], 'Arial') self.assertEqual(self.plotter.textList[0].get_fontproperties().get_size(), 16) def testOnRemoveText(self): """ Cheks if annotations can be removed from the graph """ # Add some text self.plotter.plot( test_text = "Safety instructions" self.plotter.addText.textEdit.setText(test_text) # Return OK from the dialog self.plotter.addText.exec_ = MagicMock(return_value = QtGui.QDialog.Accepted) # Add text to graph self.plotter.onAddText() # Check if the text was added properly self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter.textList), 1) # Now, remove the text self.plotter.onRemoveText() # And assure no text is displayed self.assertEqual(self.plotter.textList, []) # Attempt removal on empty and check self.plotter.onRemoveText() self.assertEqual(self.plotter.textList, []) def testOnSetGraphRange(self): """ Cheks if the graph can be resized for range """ new_x = (1,2) new_y = (10,11) self.plotter.plot( self.plotter.setRange.exec_ = MagicMock(return_value = QtGui.QDialog.Accepted) self.plotter.setRange.xrange = MagicMock(return_value = new_x) self.plotter.setRange.yrange = MagicMock(return_value = new_y) # Call the tested method self.plotter.onSetGraphRange() # See that ranges changed accordingly self.assertEqual(, new_x) self.assertEqual(, new_y) def testOnResetGraphRange(self): """ Cheks if the graph can be reset after resizing for range """ # New values new_x = (1,2) new_y = (10,11) # define the plot self.plotter.plot( # mock setRange methods self.plotter.setRange.exec_ = MagicMock(return_value = QtGui.QDialog.Accepted) self.plotter.setRange.xrange = MagicMock(return_value = new_x) self.plotter.setRange.yrange = MagicMock(return_value = new_y) # Change the axes range self.plotter.onSetGraphRange() # Now, reset the range back self.plotter.onResetGraphRange() # See that ranges are changed self.assertNotEqual(, new_x) self.assertNotEqual(, new_y) def testOnLinearFit(self): """ Checks the response to LinearFit call """ self.plotter.plot( QtGui.QDialog.exec_ = MagicMock(return_value=QtGui.QDialog.Accepted) # Just this one plot self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter.plot_dict.keys()), 1) self.plotter.onLinearFit(1) # Check that exec_ got called self.assertTrue(QtGui.QDialog.exec_.called) def testOnRemovePlot(self): """ Assure plots get removed when requested """ # Add two plots self.plotter.plot( data2 = Data1D(x=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], y=[11.0, 12.0, 13.0], dx=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], dy=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) data2.title="Test data 2""Test name 2" = 2 self.plotter.plot(data2) # Assure the plotter window is visible #self.assertTrue(self.plotter.isVisible()) # Assure we have two sets self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter.plot_dict.keys()), 2) # Delete one set self.plotter.onRemovePlot(2) # Assure we have two sets self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter.plot_dict.keys()), 1) self.plotter.manager = MagicMock() # Delete the remaining set self.plotter.onRemovePlot(1) # Assure we have no plots self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter.plot_dict.keys()), 0) # Assure the plotter window is closed self.assertFalse(self.plotter.isVisible()) def testRemovePlot(self): """ Test plot removal """ # Add two plots self.plotter.plot( data2 = Data1D(x=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], y=[11.0, 12.0, 13.0], dx=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], dy=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) data2.title="Test data 2""Test name 2" = 2 data2._xaxis = "XAXIS" data2._xunit = "furlong*fortnight^{-1}" data2._yaxis = "YAXIS" data2._yunit = "cake" data2.hide_error = True self.plotter.plot(data2) # delete plot 1 self.plotter.removePlot(1) # See that the labels didn't change xl = yl = self.assertEqual(xl, "$XAXIS(furlong*fortnight^{-1})$") self.assertEqual(yl, "$YAXIS(cake)$") # The hide_error flag should also remain self.assertTrue(self.plotter.plot_dict[2].hide_error) def testOnToggleHideError(self): """ Test the error bar toggle on plots """ # Add two plots self.plotter.plot( data2 = Data1D(x=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], y=[11.0, 12.0, 13.0], dx=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], dy=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) data2.title="Test data 2""Test name 2" = 2 data2._xaxis = "XAXIS" data2._xunit = "furlong*fortnight^{-1}" data2._yaxis = "YAXIS" data2._yunit = "cake" error_status = True data2.hide_error = error_status self.plotter.plot(data2) # Reverse the toggle self.plotter.onToggleHideError(2) # See that the labels didn't change xl = yl = self.assertEqual(xl, "$XAXIS(furlong*fortnight^{-1})$") self.assertEqual(yl, "$YAXIS(cake)$") # The hide_error flag should toggle self.assertEqual(self.plotter.plot_dict[2].hide_error, not error_status) def testOnFitDisplay(self): """ Test the fit line display on the chart """ self.assertIsInstance(self.plotter.fit_result, Data1D) self.assertEqual(self.plotter.fit_result.symbol, 13) self.assertEqual(, "Fit") # fudge some init data fit_data = [[0.0,0.0], [5.0,5.0]] # Call the method self.plotter.plot = MagicMock() self.plotter.onFitDisplay(fit_data) self.assertTrue(self.plotter.plot.called) # Look at arguments passed to .plot() self.plotter.plot.assert_called_with(data=self.plotter.fit_result, hide_error=True, marker='-') def testReplacePlot(self): """ Test the plot refresh functionality """ # Add original data self.plotter.plot( # See the default labels xl = yl = self.assertEqual(xl, "$()$") self.assertEqual(yl, "$()$") # Prepare new data data2 = Data1D(x=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], y=[11.0, 12.0, 13.0], dx=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], dy=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) data2.title="Test data 2""Test name 2" = 2 data2._xaxis = "XAXIS" data2._xunit = "furlong*fortnight^{-1}" data2._yaxis = "YAXIS" data2._yunit = "cake" error_status = True data2.hide_error = error_status # Replace data in plot self.plotter.replacePlot(1, data2) # See that the labels changed xl = yl = self.assertEqual(xl, "$XAXIS(furlong*fortnight^{-1})$") self.assertEqual(yl, "$YAXIS(cake)$") # The hide_error flag should be as set self.assertEqual(self.plotter.plot_dict[2].hide_error, error_status) def notestOnModifyPlot(self): """ Test the functionality for changing plot properties """ # Prepare new data data2 = Data1D(x=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], y=[11.0, 12.0, 13.0], dx=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], dy=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) data2.title="Test data 2""Test name 2" = 2 data2.custom_color = None data2.symbol = 1 data2.markersize = 11 self.plotter.plot(data2) with patch('sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotProperties.PlotProperties') as mock: instance = mock.return_value QtGui.QDialog.exec_ = MagicMock(return_value=QtGui.QDialog.Accepted) instance.symbol.return_value = 7 self.plotter.onModifyPlot(2) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()