import numpy from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils from BaseInteractor import BaseInteractor from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D from sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils import formatNumber from sas.qtgui.Plotting.SlicerModel import SlicerModel class AnnulusInteractor(BaseInteractor, SlicerModel): """ Select an annulus through a 2D plot. This interactor is used to average 2D data with the region defined by 2 radius. this class is defined by 2 Ringinterators. """ def __init__(self, base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3): BaseInteractor.__init__(self, base, axes, color=color) SlicerModel.__init__(self) self.markers = [] self.axes = axes self.base = base self._item = item self.qmax = min(numpy.fabs(, numpy.fabs( # must be positive self.connect = self.base.connect # Number of points on the plot self.nbins = 36 # Cursor position of Rings (Left(-1) or Right(1)) self.xmaxd = self.xmind = if (self.xmaxd + self.xmind) > 0: self.sign = 1 else: self.sign = -1 # Inner circle self.inner_circle = RingInteractor(self, self.axes, zorder=zorder, r=self.qmax / 2.0, sign=self.sign) self.inner_circle.qmax = self.qmax self.outer_circle = RingInteractor(self, self.axes, zorder=zorder + 1, r=self.qmax / 1.8, sign=self.sign) self.outer_circle.qmax = self.qmax * 1.2 self.update() self._post_data() self.setModelFromParams() def set_layer(self, n): """ Allow adding plot to the same panel :param n: the number of layer """ self.layernum = n self.update() def clear(self): """ Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer """ self.clear_markers() self.outer_circle.clear() self.inner_circle.clear() self.base.connect.clearall() def update(self): """ Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets. """ # Update locations self.inner_circle.update() self.outer_circle.update() def save(self, ev): """ Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc. """ def _post_data(self, nbins=None): """ Uses annulus parameters to plot averaged data into 1D data. :param nbins: the number of points to plot """ # Data to average data = if data is None: return from sas.sascalc.dataloader.manipulations import Ring rmin = min(numpy.fabs(self.inner_circle.get_radius()), numpy.fabs(self.outer_circle.get_radius())) rmax = max(numpy.fabs(self.inner_circle.get_radius()), numpy.fabs(self.outer_circle.get_radius())) # If the user does not specify the numbers of points to plot # the default number will be nbins= 36 if nbins is None: self.nbins = 36 else: self.nbins = nbins # Create the data1D Q average of data2D sect = Ring(r_min=rmin, r_max=rmax, nbins=self.nbins) sector = sect( if hasattr(sector, "dxl"): dxl = sector.dxl else: dxl = None if hasattr(sector, "dxw"): dxw = sector.dxw else: dxw = None new_plot = Data1D(x=(sector.x - numpy.pi) * 180 / numpy.pi, y=sector.y, dy=sector.dy) new_plot.dxl = dxl new_plot.dxw = dxw = "AnnulusPhi" + "(" + + ")" new_plot.title = "AnnulusPhi" + "(" + + ")" new_plot.source = new_plot.interactive = True new_plot.detector = # If the data file does not tell us what the axes are, just assume... new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{\phi}", 'degrees') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ", "cm^{-1}") if hasattr(data, "scale") and data.scale == 'linear' and \"Residuals") > 0: new_plot.ytransform = 'y' new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Residuals} ", "/") new_plot.group_id = "AnnulusPhi" + = "AnnulusPhi" + new_plot.is_data = True new_plot.xtransform = "x" new_plot.ytransform = "y" variant_plot = QtCore.QVariant(new_plot) GuiUtils.updateModelItemWithPlot(self._item, variant_plot, self.base.manager.communicator.plotUpdateSignal.emit([new_plot]) if self.update_model: self.setModelFromParams() self.draw() def validate(self, param_name, param_value): """ Test the proposed new value "value" for row "row" of parameters """ MIN_DIFFERENCE = 0.01 isValid = True if param_name == 'inner_radius': # First, check the closeness if numpy.fabs(param_value - self.getParams()['outer_radius']) < MIN_DIFFERENCE: print("Inner and outer radii too close. Please adjust.") isValid = False elif param_value > self.qmax: print("Inner radius exceeds maximum range. Please adjust.") isValid = False elif param_name == 'outer_radius': # First, check the closeness if numpy.fabs(param_value - self.getParams()['inner_radius']) < MIN_DIFFERENCE: print("Inner and outer radii too close. Please adjust.") isValid = False elif param_value > self.qmax: print("Outer radius exceeds maximum range. Please adjust.") isValid = False elif param_name == 'nbins': # Can't be 0 if param_value < 1: print("Number of bins cannot be less than or equal to 0. Please adjust.") isValid = False return isValid def moveend(self, ev): """ Called when any dragging motion ends. Redraw the plot with new parameters. """ self._post_data(self.nbins) def restore(self): """ Restore the roughness for this layer. """ self.inner_circle.restore() self.outer_circle.restore() def move(self, x, y, ev): """ Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed. """ pass def set_cursor(self, x, y): pass def getParams(self): """ Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. :return params: the dictionary created """ params = {} params["inner_radius"] = numpy.fabs(self.inner_circle._inner_mouse_x) params["outer_radius"] = numpy.fabs(self.outer_circle._inner_mouse_x) params["nbins"] = self.nbins return params def setParams(self, params): """ Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary. :param params: a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer. """ inner = numpy.fabs(params["inner_radius"]) outer = numpy.fabs(params["outer_radius"]) self.nbins = int(params["nbins"]) # Update the picture self.inner_circle.set_cursor(inner, self.inner_circle._inner_mouse_y) self.outer_circle.set_cursor(outer, self.outer_circle._inner_mouse_y) # Post the data given the nbins entered by the user self._post_data(self.nbins) def draw(self): """ """ self.base.draw() class RingInteractor(BaseInteractor): """ Draw a ring Given a radius """ def __init__(self, base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, sign=1): """ :param: the color of the line that defined the ring :param r: the radius of the ring :param sign: the direction of motion the the marker """ BaseInteractor.__init__(self, base, axes, color=color) self.markers = [] self.axes = axes # Current radius of the ring self._inner_mouse_x = r # Value of the center of the ring self._inner_mouse_y = 0 # previous value of that radius self._inner_save_x = r # Save value of the center of the ring self._inner_save_y = 0 # Class instantiating RingIterator class self.base = base # the direction of the motion of the marker self.sign = sign # # Create a marker # Inner circle marker x_value = [self.sign * numpy.fabs(self._inner_mouse_x)] self.inner_marker = self.axes.plot(x_value, [0], linestyle='', marker='s', markersize=10, color=self.color, alpha=0.6, pickradius=5, label="pick", zorder=zorder, visible=True)[0] # Draw a circle [self.inner_circle] = self.axes.plot([], [], linestyle='-', marker='', color=self.color) # The number of points that make the ring line self.npts = 40 self.connect_markers([self.inner_marker]) self.update() def set_layer(self, n): """ Allow adding plot to the same panel :param n: the number of layer """ self.layernum = n self.update() def clear(self): """ Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer """ self.clear_markers() self.inner_marker.remove() self.inner_circle.remove() def get_radius(self): """ :return self._inner_mouse_x: the current radius of the ring """ return self._inner_mouse_x def update(self): """ Draw the new roughness on the graph. """ # Plot inner circle x = [] y = [] for i in range(self.npts): phi = 2.0 * numpy.pi / (self.npts - 1) * i xval = 1.0 * self._inner_mouse_x * numpy.cos(phi) yval = 1.0 * self._inner_mouse_x * numpy.sin(phi) x.append(xval) y.append(yval) self.inner_marker.set(xdata=[self.sign * numpy.fabs(self._inner_mouse_x)], ydata=[0]) self.inner_circle.set_data(x, y) def save(self, ev): """ Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc. """ self._inner_save_x = self._inner_mouse_x self._inner_save_y = self._inner_mouse_y def moveend(self, ev): """ Called after a dragging motion """ self.base.moveend(ev) def restore(self): """ Restore the roughness for this layer. """ self._inner_mouse_x = self._inner_save_x self._inner_mouse_y = self._inner_save_y def move(self, x, y, ev): """ Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed. """ self._inner_mouse_x = x self._inner_mouse_y = y self.base.base.update() def set_cursor(self, x, y): """ draw the ring given x, y value """ self.move(x, y, None) self.update() def getParams(self): """ Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. :return params: the dictionary created """ params = {} params["radius"] = numpy.fabs(self._inner_mouse_x) return params def setParams(self, params): """ Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary. :param params: a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer. """ x = params["radius"] self.set_cursor(x, self._inner_mouse_y) class CircularMask(BaseInteractor): """ Draw a ring Given a radius """ def __init__(self, base, axes, color='grey', zorder=3, side=None): """ :param: the color of the line that defined the ring :param r: the radius of the ring :param sign: the direction of motion the the marker """ BaseInteractor.__init__(self, base, axes, color=color) self.markers = [] self.axes = axes self.base = base self.is_inside = side self.qmax = min(numpy.fabs(, numpy.fabs( # must be positive self.connect = self.base.connect # Cursor position of Rings (Left(-1) or Right(1)) self.xmaxd = self.xmind = if (self.xmaxd + self.xmind) > 0: self.sign = 1 else: self.sign = -1 # Inner circle self.outer_circle = RingInteractor(self, self.axes, 'blue', zorder=zorder + 1, r=self.qmax / 1.8, sign=self.sign) self.outer_circle.qmax = self.qmax * 1.2 self.update() self._post_data() def set_layer(self, n): """ Allow adding plot to the same panel :param n: the number of layer """ self.layernum = n self.update() def clear(self): """ Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer """ self.clear_markers() self.outer_circle.clear() self.base.connect.clearall() def update(self): """ Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets. """ # Update locations self.outer_circle.update() self._post_data() out = self._post_data() return out def save(self, ev): """ Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc. """ def _post_data(self): """ Uses annulus parameters to plot averaged data into 1D data. :param nbins: the number of points to plot """ # Data to average data = # If we have no data, just return if data is None: return mask = data.mask from sas.sascalc.dataloader.manipulations import Ringcut rmin = 0 rmax = numpy.fabs(self.outer_circle.get_radius()) # Create the data1D Q average of data2D mask = Ringcut(r_min=rmin, r_max=rmax) if self.is_inside: out = (mask(data) == False) else: out = (mask(data)) return out def moveend(self, ev): """ Called when any dragging motion ends. Post an event (type =SlicerParameterEvent) to plotter 2D with a copy slicer parameters Call _post_data method """ self.base.thaw_axes() # create a 1D data plot self._post_data() def restore(self): """ Restore the roughness for this layer. """ self.outer_circle.restore() def move(self, x, y, ev): """ Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed. """ pass def set_cursor(self, x, y): pass def getParams(self): """ Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. :return params: the dictionary created """ params = {} params["outer_radius"] = numpy.fabs(self.outer_circle._inner_mouse_x) return params def setParams(self, params): """ Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary. :param params: a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer. """ outer = numpy.fabs(params["outer_radius"]) # Update the picture self.outer_circle.set_cursor(outer, self.outer_circle._inner_mouse_y) # Post the data given the nbins entered by the user self._post_data() def draw(self): self.base.update()