import copy import numpy import pylab import functools from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore DEFAULT_CMAP = from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import sas.qtgui.PlotUtilities as PlotUtilities from sas.qtgui.PlotterBase import PlotterBase from sas.qtgui.ColorMap import ColorMap from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data2D # Minimum value of Z for which we will present data. MIN_Z=-32 class Plotter2DWidget(PlotterBase): """ 2D Plot widget for use with a QDialog """ def __init__(self, parent=None, manager=None, quickplot=False, dimension=2): self.dimension = dimension super(Plotter2DWidget, self).__init__(parent, manager=manager, quickplot=quickplot) self.cmap = # Default scale self.scale = 'log_{10}' @property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, data=None): """ data setter """ self._data = data self.qx_data = data.qx_data self.qy_data = data.qy_data self.xmin = data.xmin self.xmax = data.xmax self.ymin = data.ymin self.ymax = data.ymax self.zmin = data.zmin self.zmax = data.zmax self.label = self.xLabel = "%s(%s)"%(data._xaxis, data._xunit) self.yLabel = "%s(%s)"%(data._yaxis, data._yunit) self.title(title=data.title) def plot(self, data=None, marker=None, linestyle=None): """ Plot 2D self._data """ # Assing data if isinstance(data, Data2D): = data assert(self._data) # Toggle the scale zmin_2D_temp, zmax_2D_temp = self.calculateDepth() # Prepare and show the plot self.showPlot(, qx_data=self.qx_data, qy_data=self.qy_data, xmin=self.xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, cmap=self.cmap, zmin=zmin_2D_temp, zmax=zmax_2D_temp) def calculateDepth(self): """ Re-calculate the plot depth parameters depending on the scale """ # Toggle the scale zmin_temp = self.zmin zmax_temp = self.zmax # self.scale predefined in the baseclass if self.scale == 'log_{10}': if self.zmin is not None: zmin_temp = numpy.power(10, self.zmin) if self.zmax is not None: zmax_temp = numpy.power(10, self.zmax) else: if self.zmin is not None: # min log value: no log(negative) zmin_temp = MIN_Z if self.zmin <= 0 else numpy.log10(self.zmin) if self.zmax is not None: zmax_temp = numpy.log10(self.zmax) return (zmin_temp, zmax_temp) def createContextMenu(self): """ Define common context menu and associated actions for the MPL widget """ self.defaultContextMenu() self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionDataInfo = self.contextMenu.addAction("&DataInfo") self.actionDataInfo.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onDataInfo, self.actionSavePointsAsFile = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Save Points as a File") self.actionSavePointsAsFile.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onSavePoints, self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionCircularAverage = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Perform Circular Average") self.actionCircularAverage.triggered.connect(self.onCircularAverage) self.actionSectorView = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Sector [Q View]") self.actionSectorView.triggered.connect(self.onSectorView) self.actionAnnulusView = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Annulus [Phi View]") self.actionAnnulusView.triggered.connect(self.onAnnulusView) self.actionBoxSum = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Box Sum") self.actionBoxSum.triggered.connect(self.onBoxSum) self.actionBoxAveragingX = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Box Averaging in Qx") self.actionBoxAveragingX.triggered.connect(self.onBoxAveragingX) self.actionBoxAveragingY = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Box Averaging in Qy") self.actionBoxAveragingY.triggered.connect(self.onBoxAveragingY) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionEditGraphLabel = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Edit Graph Label") self.actionEditGraphLabel.triggered.connect(self.onEditgraphLabel) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionColorMap = self.contextMenu.addAction("&2D Color Map") self.actionColorMap.triggered.connect(self.onColorMap) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionChangeScale = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Linear/Log Scale") self.actionChangeScale.triggered.connect(self.onToggleScale) def createContextMenuQuick(self): """ Define context menu and associated actions for the quickplot MPL widget """ self.defaultContextMenu() if self.dimension == 2: self.actionToggleGrid = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Grid On/Off") self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionChangeScale = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Linear/Log Scale") # Define the callbacks self.actionChangeScale.triggered.connect(self.onToggleScale) if self.dimension == 2: self.actionToggleGrid.triggered.connect(self.onGridToggle) def onToggleScale(self, event): """ Toggle axis and replot image """ # self.scale predefined in the baseclass if self.scale == 'log_{10}': self.scale = 'linear' else: self.scale = 'log_{10}' self.plot() def onCircularAverage(self): """ """ pass def onSectorView(self): """ """ pass def onAnnulusView(self): """ """ pass def onBoxSum(self): """ """ pass def onBoxAveragingX(self): """ """ pass def onBoxAveragingY(self): """ """ pass def onEditgraphLabel(self): """ """ pass def onColorMap(self): """ Display the color map dialog and modify the plot's map accordingly """ color_map_dialog = ColorMap(self, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, if color_map_dialog.exec_() == QtGui.QDialog.Accepted: self.cmap = color_map_dialog.cmap() self.vmin, self.vmax = color_map_dialog.norm() # Redraw the chart with new cmap self.plot() pass def showPlot(self, data, qx_data, qy_data, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, color=0, symbol=0, markersize=0, label='data2D', cmap=DEFAULT_CMAP): """ Render and show the current data """ self.qx_data = qx_data self.qy_data = qy_data self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.ymin = ymin self.ymax = ymax self.zmin = zmin self.zmax = zmax # If we don't have any data, skip. if data is None: return if data.ndim == 1: output = PlotUtilities.build_matrix(data, self.qx_data, self.qy_data) else: output = copy.deepcopy(data) zmin_temp = self.zmin # check scale if self.scale == 'log_{10}': try: if self.zmin <= 0 and len(output[output > 0]) > 0: zmin_temp = self.zmin output[output > 0] = numpy.log10(output[output > 0]) elif self.zmin <= 0: zmin_temp = self.zmin output[output > 0] = numpy.zeros(len(output)) output[output <= 0] = MIN_Z else: zmin_temp = self.zmin output[output > 0] = numpy.log10(output[output > 0]) except: #Too many problems in 2D plot with scale output[output > 0] = numpy.log10(output[output > 0]) pass self.cmap = cmap if self.dimension != 3: #Re-adjust colorbar self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, right=.8, bottom=.2) im =, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=zmin_temp, vmax=self.zmax, cmap=self.cmap, extent=(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax)) cbax = self.figure.add_axes([0.84, 0.2, 0.02, 0.7]) # Current labels for axes # Title only for regular charts if not self.quickplot: if cbax is None: ax.set_frame_on(False) cb = self.figure.colorbar(im, shrink=0.8, aspect=20) else: cb = self.figure.colorbar(im, cax=cbax) cb.update_bruteforce(im) cb.set_label('$' + self.scale + '$') self.vmin = cb.vmin self.vmax = cb.vmax else: # clear the previous 2D from memory self.figure.clear() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.8, bottom=.1) X = self._data.x_bins[0:-1] Y = self._data.y_bins[0:-1] X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(X, Y) ax = Axes3D(self.figure) #cbax = self.figure.add_axes([0.84, 0.1, 0.02, 0.8]) # Disable rotation for large sets. # TODO: Define "large" for a dataset SET_TOO_LARGE = 500 if len(X) > SET_TOO_LARGE: ax.disable_mouse_rotation() self.figure.canvas.resizing = False im = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, output, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cmap, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) if self.dimension != 3: self.figure.canvas.draw_idle() else: self.figure.canvas.draw() class Plotter2D(QtGui.QDialog, Plotter2DWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, quickplot=False, dimension=2): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) Plotter2DWidget.__init__(self, manager=parent, quickplot=quickplot, dimension=dimension) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/res/ball.ico"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) self.setWindowIcon(icon)