# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 import datetime import re import logging from io import BytesIO import urllib.parse from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter import Plotter from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D import Plotter2D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting import FittingUtilities class ReportPageLogic(object): """ Logic for the Report Page functionality. Refactored from FittingWidget. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, kernel_module=None, data=None, index=None, model=None): self.parent = parent self.kernel_module = kernel_module self.data = data self._index = index self.model = model @staticmethod def cleanhtml(raw_html): """Remove html tags from a document""" cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>') cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, '', raw_html) return cleantext def reportList(self): """ Return the HTML version of the full report """ if self.kernel_module is None: report_txt = "No model defined" report_html = HEADER % report_txt images = [] return [report_html, report_txt, images] # Get plot image from plotpanel images = self.getImages() imagesHTML = "" if images is not None: imagesHTML = self.buildPlotsForReport(images) report_header = self.reportHeader() report_parameters = self.reportParams() report_html = report_header + report_parameters + imagesHTML report_txt = self.cleanhtml(report_html) report_list = [report_html, report_txt, images] return report_list def reportHeader(self): """ Look at widget state and extract report header info """ report = "" title = self.data.name current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M%p, %B %d, %Y") filename = self.data.filename modelname = self.kernel_module.id if hasattr(self.data, 'xmin'): qrange_min = self.data.xmin qrange_max = self.data.xmax else: qrange_min = min(self.data.x) qrange_max = max(self.data.x) qrange = "min = {}, max = {}".format(qrange_min, qrange_max) title = title + " [" + current_time + "]" title_name = HEADER % title report = title_name report = report + CENTRE % "File name:{}\n".format(filename) report = report + CENTRE % "Model name:{}\n".format(modelname) report = report + CENTRE % "Q Range: {}\n".format(qrange) chi2_repr = GuiUtils.formatNumber(self.parent.chi2, high=True) report = report + CENTRE % "Chi2/Npts:{}\n".format(chi2_repr) return report def buildPlotsForReport(self, images): """ Convert Matplotlib figure 'fig' into a tag for HTML use using base64 encoding. """ html = FEET_1 % self.data.filename for fig in images: canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) png_output = BytesIO() canvas.print_png(png_output) data = png_output.getvalue() data64 = base64.b64encode(data) data_to_print = urllib.parse.quote(data64) html += ''.format(data_to_print) return html def reportParams(self): """ Look at widget state and extract parameters """ pars = FittingUtilities.getStandardParam(self.model) if pars is None: return "" report = "" plus_minus = " ± " for value in pars: try: par_name = value[1] par_fixed = not value[0] par_value = value[2] par_unit = value[7] # Convert units for nice display par_unit = GuiUtils.convertUnitToHTML(par_unit.strip()) if par_fixed: error = " (fixed)" else: error = plus_minus + str(value[4][1]) param = par_name + " = " + par_value + error + " " + par_unit except IndexError as ex: # corrupted model. Complain and skip the line logging.error("Error in parsing parameters: "+str(ex)) continue report += CENTRE % param + "\n" return report def getImages(self): """ Create MPL figures for the current fit """ graphs = [] modelname = self.kernel_module.name if not modelname or self._index is None: return None plots = GuiUtils.plotsFromModel(modelname, self._index) # Call show on requested plots # All same-type charts in one plot for plot_set in plots: if isinstance(plot_set, Data1D): if 'residuals' in plot_set.title.lower(): res_plot = Plotter(self, quickplot=True) res_plot.plot(plot_set) graphs.append(res_plot.figure) continue if not 'new_plot' in locals(): new_plot = Plotter(self, quickplot=True) new_plot.plot(plot_set) elif isinstance(plot_set, Data2D): plot2D = Plotter2D(self, quickplot=True) plot2D.item = self._index plot2D.plot(plot_set) graphs.append(plot2D.figure) else: msg = "Incorrect data type passed to Plotting" raise AttributeError(msg) if 'new_plot' in locals() and isinstance(new_plot.data, Data1D): graphs.append(new_plot.figure) return graphs # Simple html report template HEADER = "\n" HEADER += "\n" HEADER += " \n" HEADER += "\n" HEADER += "\n" HEADER += "\n" HEADER += "
\n" HEADER += "

" HEADER += "%s

" HEADER += "


" PARA = "

%s \n" PARA += "

" CENTRE = "

%s \n" CENTRE += "

" FEET_1 = \ """




Model Computation
Data: "%s"
""" FEET_2 = \ """ """ ELINE = """

