# global import os import sys import sasmodels import json import platform import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWebKit from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.UI.GPUOptionsUI import Ui_GPUOptions from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.UI.GPUTestResultsUI import Ui_GPUTestResults try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8(s): return s try: _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding) except AttributeError: def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) class GPUOptions(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_GPUOptions): """ OpenCL Dialog to select the desired OpenCL driver """ clicked = False sas_open_cl = None def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GPUOptions, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.setupUi(self) self.addOpenCLOptions() self.setFixedSize(self.size()) self.createLinks() def addOpenCLOptions(self): """ Populate the window with a list of OpenCL options """ # Get list of openCL options and add to GUI cl_tuple = _get_clinfo() self.sas_open_cl = os.environ.get("SAS_OPENCL", "") for title, descr in cl_tuple: # Create an item for each openCL option check_box = QtGui.QCheckBox() check_box.setObjectName(_fromUtf8(descr)) check_box.setText(_translate("GPUOptions", descr, None)) self.optionsLayout.addWidget(check_box) if (descr == self.sas_open_cl) or ( title == "None" and not self.clicked): check_box.click() self.clicked = True self.openCLCheckBoxGroup.setMinimumWidth( self.optionsLayout.sizeHint().width()) self.setMinimumWidth(self.verticalLayout.sizeHint().width()) def createLinks(self): """ Link user interactions to function calls """ self.testButton.clicked.connect(self.testButtonClicked) self.helpButton.clicked.connect(self.helpButtonClicked) for item in self.openCLCheckBoxGroup.findChildren(QtGui.QCheckBox): item.clicked.connect(self.checked) def checked(self): """ Only allow a single check box to be selected. Uncheck others. """ checked = None for box in self.openCLCheckBoxGroup.findChildren(QtGui.QCheckBox): if box.isChecked() and (str(box.text()) == self.sas_open_cl or ( str(box.text()) == "No OpenCL" and self.sas_open_cl == "")): box.setChecked(False) elif box.isChecked(): checked = box if hasattr(checked, "text"): self.sas_open_cl = str(checked.text()) else: self.sas_open_cl = None def set_sas_open_cl(self): """ Set SAS_OPENCL value when tests run or OK button clicked """ no_opencl_msg = False if self.sas_open_cl: os.environ["SAS_OPENCL"] = self.sas_open_cl if self.sas_open_cl.lower() == "none": no_opencl_msg = True else: if "SAS_OPENCL" in os.environ: del os.environ["SAS_OPENCL"] # Sasmodels kernelcl doesn't exist when initiated with None if 'sasmodels.kernelcl' in sys.modules: sasmodels.kernelcl.ENV = None reload(sasmodels.core) return no_opencl_msg def testButtonClicked(self): """ Run sasmodels check from here and report results from """ no_opencl_msg = self.set_sas_open_cl() # Only import when tests are run from sasmodels.model_test import model_tests try: from sasmodels.kernelcl import environment env = environment() clinfo = [(ctx.devices[0].platform.vendor, ctx.devices[0].platform.version, ctx.devices[0].vendor, ctx.devices[0].name, ctx.devices[0].version) for ctx in env.context] except ImportError: clinfo = None failures = [] tests_completed = 0 for test in model_tests(): try: test() except Exception: failures.append(test.description) tests_completed += 1 info = { 'version': sasmodels.__version__, 'platform': platform.uname(), 'opencl': clinfo, 'failing tests': failures, } msg = str(tests_completed) + ' tests completed.\n' if len(failures) > 0: msg += str(len(failures)) + ' tests failed.\n' msg += 'Failing tests: ' msg += json.dumps(info['failing tests']) msg += "\n" else: msg += "All tests passed!\n" msg += "\nPlatform Details:\n\n" msg += "Sasmodels version: " msg += info['version'] + "\n" msg += "\nPlatform used: " msg += json.dumps(info['platform']) + "\n" if no_opencl_msg: msg += "\nOpenCL driver: None" else: msg += "\nOpenCL driver: " msg += json.dumps(info['opencl']) + "\n" GPUTestResults(self, msg) def helpButtonClicked(self): """ Open the help menu when the help button is clicked """ help_location = GuiUtils.HELP_DIRECTORY_LOCATION help_location += "/user/sasgui/perspectives/fitting/gpu_setup.html" help_location += "#device-selection" self.helpView = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.helpView.load(QtCore.QUrl(help_location)) self.helpView.show() def reject(self): """ Close the window without modifying SAS_OPENCL """ self.closeEvent(None) self.parent.gpu_options_widget.open() def accept(self): """ Close the window after modifying the SAS_OPENCL value """ self.set_sas_open_cl() self.closeEvent(None) def closeEvent(self, event): """ Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close """ self.close() self.parent.gpu_options_widget = GPUOptions(self.parent) class GPUTestResults(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_GPUTestResults): """ OpenCL Dialog to modify the OpenCL options """ def __init__(self, parent, msg): super(GPUTestResults, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.resultsText.setText(_translate("GPUTestResults", msg, None)) self.setFixedSize(self.size()) self.open() def _get_clinfo(): """ Read in information about available OpenCL infrastructure """ clinfo = [] cl_platforms = [] try: import pyopencl as cl cl_platforms = cl.get_platforms() except ImportError: print("pyopencl import failed. Using only CPU computations") p_index = 0 for cl_platform in cl_platforms: d_index = 0 cl_platforms = cl_platform.get_devices() for cl_platform in cl_platforms: if len(cl_platforms) > 1 and len(cl_platforms) > 1: combined_index = ":".join([str(p_index), str(d_index)]) elif len(cl_platforms) > 1: combined_index = str(p_index) else: combined_index = str(d_index) clinfo.append((combined_index, ":".join([cl_platform.name, cl_platform.name]))) d_index += 1 p_index += 1 clinfo.append(("None", "No OpenCL")) return clinfo