import sys import numpy from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyQt4 import QtGui import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils import sas.qtgui.Utilities.ObjectLibrary as ObjectLibrary from FittingWidget import FittingWidget from FitPage import FitPage class FittingWindow(QtGui.QTabWidget): """ """ name = "Fitting" # For displaying in the combo box in DataExplorer def __init__(self, parent=None, data=None): super(FittingWindow, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self._data = data # List of active fits self.tabs = [] # Max index for adding new, non-clashing tab names self.maxIndex = 0 # Index of the current tab self.currentTab = 0 # The current optimizer self.optimizer = 'DREAM' # The tabs need to be closeable self.setTabsClosable(True) self.communicate = self.parent.communicator() # Initialize the first tab self.addFit(None) # Deal with signals self.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.tabCloses) # Perspective window not allowed to close by default self._allow_close = False self.setWindowTitle('Fit panel - Active Fitting Optimizer: %s' % self.optimizer) def setClosable(self, value=True): """ Allow outsiders close this widget """ assert isinstance(value, bool) self._allow_close = value def closeEvent(self, event): """ Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close """ if self._allow_close: # reset the closability flag self.setClosable(value=False) event.accept() else: event.ignore() # Maybe we should just minimize self.setWindowState(QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized) def addFit(self, data): """ Add a new tab for passed data """ tab = FittingWidget(parent=self.parent, data=data, id=self.maxIndex+1) # Add this tab to the object library so it can be retrieved by scripting/jupyter ObjectLibrary.addObject(self.tabName(), tab) self.tabs.append(tab) self.maxIndex += 1 self.addTab(tab, self.tabName()) def tabName(self): """ Get the new tab name, based on the number of fitting tabs so far """ page_name = "FitPage" + str(self.maxIndex) return page_name def tabCloses(self, index): """ Update local bookkeeping on tab close """ assert len(self.tabs) >= index # don't remove the last tab if len(self.tabs) <= 1: return ObjectLibrary.deleteObjectByRef(self.tabs[index]) del self.tabs[index] self.removeTab(index) def allowBatch(self): """ Tell the caller that we accept multiple data instances """ return True def setData(self, data_item=None): """ Assign new dataset to the fitting instance Obtain a QStandardItem object and dissect it to get Data1D/2D Pass it over to the calculator """ assert data_item is not None if not isinstance(data_item, list): msg = "Incorrect type passed to the Fitting Perspective" raise AttributeError, msg if not isinstance(data_item[0], QtGui.QStandardItem): msg = "Incorrect type passed to the Fitting Perspective" raise AttributeError, msg for data in data_item: # Find the first unassigned tab. # If none, open a new tab. available_tabs = list(map(lambda tab: tab.acceptsData(), self.tabs)) if numpy.any(available_tabs): self.tabs[available_tabs.index(True)].data = data else: self.addFit(data)