# global import sys import os import types import webbrowser from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from sas.qtgui.UI import images_rc from sas.qtgui.UI import main_resources_rc import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils from bumps import fitters import bumps.options from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.UI.FittingOptionsUI import Ui_FittingOptions # Set the default optimizer class FittingMethodParameter: _shortName = None _longName = None _type = None _defaultValue = None value = None def __init__(self, shortName, longName, dtype, defaultValue): self._shortName = shortName self._longName = longName self._type = dtype self._defaultValue = defaultValue self.value = defaultValue @property def shortName(self): return self._shortName @property def longName(self): return self._longName @property def type(self): return self._type @property def defaultValue(self): return self._defaultValue def __str__(self): return "'{}' ({}): {} ({})".format( self.longName, self.sortName, self.defaultValue, self.type) class FittingMethod: """ Represents a generic fitting method. """ _shortName = None _longName = None _params = None # dict of : def __init__(self, shortName, longName, params): self._shortName = shortName self._longName = longName self._params = dict(zip([p.shortName for p in params], params)) @property def shortName(self): return self._shortName @property def longName(self): return self._longName @property def params(self): return self._params def __str__(self): return "\n".join(["{} ({})".format(self.longName, self.shortName)] + [str(p) for p in self.params]) class FittingMethods: """ A container for the available fitting methods. Allows SasView to employ other methods than those provided by the bumps package. """ _methods = None # a dict containing FitMethod objects _default = None def __init__(self): """Receives a list of FittingMethod instances to be initialized with.""" self._methods = dict() def add(self, fittingMethod): if not isinstance(fittingMethod, FittingMethod): return self._methods[fittingMethod.longName] = fittingMethod def importFromBumps(self, ids): """ Import fitting methods indicated by the provided list of ids from the bumps package. """ for f in fitters.FITTERS: if f.id not in ids: continue params = [] for shortName, defValue in f.settings: longName, dtype = bumps.options.FIT_FIELDS[shortName] param = FittingMethodParameter(shortName, longName, dtype, defValue) params.append(param) self.add(FittingMethod(f.id, f.name, params)) @property def longNames(self): return list(self._methods.keys()) @property def ids(self): return [fm.shortName for fm in self._methods.values()] def __getitem__(self, name): return self._methods[name] @property def default(self): return self._default def setDefault(self, methodName): assert methodName in self._methods # silently fail instead? self._default = self._methods[methodName] def __str__(self): return "\n".join(["{}: {}".format(key, fm) for key, fm in self._methods.items()]) class FittingOptions(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_FittingOptions): """ Hard-coded version of the fit options dialog available from BUMPS. This should be make more "dynamic". bumps.options.FIT_FIELDS gives mapping between parameter names, parameter strings and field type (double line edit, integer line edit, combo box etc.), e.g. FIT_FIELDS = dict( samples = ("Samples", parse_int), xtol = ("x tolerance", float)) bumps.fitters..settings gives mapping between algorithm, parameter name and default value: e.g. settings = [('steps', 1000), ('starts', 1), ('radius', 0.15), ('xtol', 1e-6), ('ftol', 1e-8)] """ fit_option_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) # storing of fitting methods here for now, dependencies might indicate a better place later fittingMethods = None def __init__(self, parent=None, config=None): super(FittingOptions, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) # disable the context help icon self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self.config = config # no reason to have this widget resizable self.setFixedSize(self.minimumSizeHint()) self.setWindowTitle("Fit Algorithms") # Fill up the algorithm combo, based on what BUMPS says is available self.fittingMethods = FittingMethods() # option 1: hardcode the list of bumps fitting methods according to forms # option 2: create forms dynamically based on selected fitting methods self.fittingMethods.importFromBumps(fitters.FIT_ACTIVE_IDS) self.fittingMethods.add(FittingMethod('mcsas', 'McSAS', [])) self.fittingMethods.setDefault('Levenberg-Marquardt') # build up the comboBox finally self.cbAlgorithm.addItems(self.fittingMethods.longNames) # Handle the Apply button click self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).clicked.connect(self.onApply) # handle the Help button click self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Help).clicked.connect(self.onHelp) # Handle the combo box changes self.cbAlgorithm.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onAlgorithmChange) # Set the default index default_index = self.cbAlgorithm.findText(self.fittingMethods.default.longName) self.cbAlgorithm.setCurrentIndex(default_index) # previous algorithm choice self.previous_index = default_index # Assign appropriate validators self.assignValidators() # Set defaults self.current_fitter_id = self.fittingMethods.default.shortName # OK has to be initialized to True, after initial validator setup self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(True) def assignValidators(self): """ Use options.FIT_FIELDS to assert which line edit gets what validator """ for option in bumps.options.FIT_FIELDS.keys(): (f_name, f_type) = bumps.options.FIT_FIELDS[option] validator = None if type(f_type) == types.FunctionType: validator = QtGui.QIntValidator() validator.setBottom(0) elif f_type == float: validator = GuiUtils.DoubleValidator() validator.setBottom(0) else: continue for fitter_id in self.fittingMethods.ids: line_edit = self.widgetFromOption(str(option), current_fitter=str(fitter_id)) if hasattr(line_edit, 'setValidator') and validator is not None: line_edit.setValidator(validator) line_edit.textChanged.connect(self.check_state) line_edit.textChanged.emit(line_edit.text()) def check_state(self, *args, **kwargs): sender = self.sender() validator = sender.validator() state = validator.validate(sender.text(), 0)[0] if state == QtGui.QValidator.Acceptable: color = '' # default self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(True) else: color = '#fff79a' # yellow self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(False) sender.setStyleSheet('QLineEdit { background-color: %s }' % color) def onAlgorithmChange(self, index): """ Change the page in response to combo box index """ # Find the algorithm ID from name selectedName = str(self.cbAlgorithm.currentText()) if selectedName in self.fittingMethods.longNames: self.current_fitter_id = self.fittingMethods[selectedName].shortName # find the right stacked widget widget_name = "self.page_"+str(self.current_fitter_id) # Convert the name into widget instance try: widget_to_activate = eval(widget_name) except AttributeError: # We don't yet have this optimizer. # Show message msg = "This algorithm has not yet been implemented in SasView.\n" msg += "Please choose a different algorithm" QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) # Move the index to previous position self.cbAlgorithm.setCurrentIndex(self.previous_index) return index_for_this_id = self.stackedWidget.indexOf(widget_to_activate) # Select the requested widget self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(index_for_this_id) self.updateWidgetFromBumps(self.current_fitter_id) self.assignValidators() # OK has to be reinitialized to True self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(True) # keep reference self.previous_index = index def onApply(self): """ Update the fitter object """ options = self.config.values[self.current_fitter_id] for option in options.keys(): # Find the widget name of the option # e.g. 'samples' for 'dream' is 'self.samples_dream' widget_name = 'self.'+option+'_'+self.current_fitter_id try: line_edit = eval(widget_name) except AttributeError: # Skip bumps monitors continue if line_edit is None or not isinstance(line_edit, QtWidgets.QLineEdit): continue color = line_edit.palette().color(QtGui.QPalette.Background).name() if color == '#fff79a': # Show a custom tooltip and return tooltip = "Please enter valid values in all fields." QtWidgets.QToolTip.showText(line_edit.mapToGlobal( QtCore.QPoint(line_edit.rect().right(), line_edit.rect().bottom() + 2)), tooltip) return # Notify the perspective, so the window title is updated self.fit_option_changed.emit(self.cbAlgorithm.currentText()) def bumpsUpdate(option): """ Utility method for bumps state update """ widget = self.widgetFromOption(option) if widget is None: return try: if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QComboBox): new_value = widget.currentText() else: try: new_value = int(widget.text()) except ValueError: new_value = float(widget.text()) #new_value = widget.currentText() if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QComboBox) \ # else float(widget.text()) self.config.values[self.current_fitter_id][option] = new_value except ValueError: # Don't update bumps if widget has bad data self.reject # Update the BUMPS singleton [bumpsUpdate(o) for o in self.config.values[self.current_fitter_id].keys()] self.close() def onHelp(self): """ Show the "Fitting options" section of help """ tree_location = GuiUtils.HELP_DIRECTORY_LOCATION tree_location += "/user/qtgui/Perspectives/Fitting/" # Actual file anchor will depend on the combo box index # Note that we can be clusmy here, since bad current_fitter_id # will just make the page displayed from the top helpfile = "optimizer.html#fit-" + self.current_fitter_id help_location = tree_location + helpfile webbrowser.open('file://' + os.path.realpath(help_location)) def widgetFromOption(self, option_id, current_fitter=None): """ returns widget's element linked to the given option_id """ if current_fitter is None: current_fitter = self.current_fitter_id if option_id not in list(bumps.options.FIT_FIELDS.keys()): return None option = option_id + '_' + current_fitter if not hasattr(self, option): return None return eval('self.' + option) def getResults(self): """ Sends back the current choice of parameters """ algorithm = self.cbAlgorithm.currentText() return algorithm def updateWidgetFromBumps(self, fitter_id): """ Given the ID of the current optimizer, fetch the values and update the widget """ options = self.config.values[fitter_id] for option in options.keys(): # Find the widget name of the option # e.g. 'samples' for 'dream' is 'self.samples_dream' widget_name = 'self.'+option+'_'+fitter_id if option not in bumps.options.FIT_FIELDS: return if isinstance(bumps.options.FIT_FIELDS[option][1], bumps.options.ChoiceList): control = eval(widget_name) control.setCurrentIndex(control.findText(str(options[option]))) else: eval(widget_name).setText(str(options[option])) pass