import os import sys from twisted.internet import threads import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils import sas.qtgui.Utilities.LocalConfig as LocalConfig from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from import BumpsFit as Fit import sas.qtgui.Utilities.ObjectLibrary as ObjectLibrary from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.UI.ConstraintWidgetUI import Ui_ConstraintWidgetUI from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.FittingWidget import FittingWidget from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.FitThread import FitThread from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.ConsoleUpdate import ConsoleUpdate from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.ComplexConstraint import ComplexConstraint from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.Constraint import Constraint class ConstraintWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget, Ui_ConstraintWidgetUI): """ Constraints Dialog to select the desired parameter/model constraints. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ConstraintWidget, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self.setupUi(self) self.currentType = "FitPage" # Page id for fitting # To keep with previous SasView values, use 300 as the start offset self.page_id = 301 # Remember previous content of modified cell self.current_cell = "" # Tabs used in simultaneous fitting # tab_name : True/False self.tabs_for_fitting = {} # Set up the widgets self.initializeWidgets() # Set up signals/slots self.initializeSignals() # Create the list of tabs self.initializeFitList() def acceptsData(self): """ Tells the caller this widget doesn't accept data """ return False def initializeWidgets(self): """ Set up various widget states """ labels = ['FitPage', 'Model', 'Data', 'Mnemonic'] # tab widget - headers self.editable_tab_columns = [labels.index('Mnemonic')] self.tblTabList.setColumnCount(len(labels)) self.tblTabList.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels) self.tblTabList.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.tblTabList.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tblTabList.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showModelContextMenu) # disabled constraint labels = ['Constraint'] self.tblConstraints.setColumnCount(len(labels)) self.tblConstraints.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels) self.tblConstraints.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.tblConstraints.setEnabled(False) self.tblConstraints.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tblConstraints.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showConstrContextMenu) def initializeSignals(self): """ Set up signals/slots for this widget """ # simple widgets self.btnSingle.toggled.connect(self.onFitTypeChange) self.btnBatch.toggled.connect(self.onFitTypeChange) self.cbCases.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onSpecialCaseChange) self.cmdFit.clicked.connect(self.onFit) self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.onHelp) # QTableWidgets self.tblTabList.cellChanged.connect(self.onTabCellEdit) self.tblTabList.cellDoubleClicked.connect(self.onTabCellEntered) self.tblConstraints.cellChanged.connect(self.onConstraintChange) # External signals self.parent.tabsModifiedSignal.connect(self.initializeFitList) def updateSignalsFromTab(self, tab=None): """ Intercept update signals from fitting tabs """ if tab is not None: ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab).constraintAddedSignal.connect(self.initializeFitList) ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab).newModelSignal.connect(self.initializeFitList) def onFitTypeChange(self, checked): """ Respond to the fit type change single fit/batch fit """ source = self.sender().objectName() self.currentType = "BatchPage" if source == "btnBatch" else "FitPage" self.initializeFitList() def onSpecialCaseChange(self, index): """ Respond to the combobox change for special case constraint sets """ pass def getTabsForFit(self): """ Returns list of tab names selected for fitting """ return [tab for tab in self.tabs_for_fitting if self.tabs_for_fitting[tab]] def onFit(self): """ Perform the constrained/simultaneous fit """ # Find out all tabs to fit tabs_to_fit = self.getTabsForFit() # Single fitter for the simultaneous run sim_fitter = Fit() sim_fitter.fitter_id = self.page_id # Notify the parent about fitting started self.parent.fittingStartedSignal.emit(tabs_to_fit) # prepare fitting problems for each tab # page_ids = [] fitter_id = 0 sim_fitter=[sim_fitter] # Prepare the fitter object try: for tab in tabs_to_fit: tab_object = ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab) if tab_object is None: # No such tab! return sim_fitter, fitter_id = tab_object.prepareFitters(fitter=sim_fitter[0], fit_id=fitter_id) page_ids.append([tab_object.page_id]) except ValueError as ex: # No parameters selected in one of the tabs no_params_msg = "Fitting can not be performed.\n" +\ "Not all tabs chosen for fitting have parameters selected for fitting." reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Warning', no_params_msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return # Create the fitting thread, based on the fitter completefn = self.onBatchFitComplete if self.currentType=='BatchPage' else self.onFitComplete if LocalConfig.USING_TWISTED: handler = None updater = None else: handler = ConsoleUpdate(parent=self.parent, manager=self, improvement_delta=0.1) updater = handler.update_fit batch_inputs = {} batch_outputs = {} # new fit thread object calc_fit = FitThread(handler=handler, fn=sim_fitter, batch_inputs=batch_inputs, batch_outputs=batch_outputs, page_id=page_ids, updatefn=updater, completefn=completefn) if LocalConfig.USING_TWISTED: # start the trhrhread with twisted calc_thread = threads.deferToThread(calc_fit.compute) calc_thread.addCallback(completefn) calc_thread.addErrback(self.onFitFailed) else: # Use the old python threads + Queue calc_fit.queue() calc_fit.ready(2.5) #disable the Fit button self.cmdFit.setText('Running...') self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit('Fitting started...') self.cmdFit.setEnabled(False) def onHelp(self): """ Show the "Fitting" section of help """ tree_location = "/user/sasgui/perspectives/fitting/" helpfile = "fitting_help.html#simultaneous-fit-mode" help_location = tree_location + helpfile # OMG, really? Crawling up the object hierarchy... self.parent.parent.showHelp(help_location) def onTabCellEdit(self, row, column): """ Respond to check/uncheck and to modify the model moniker actions """ item = self.tblTabList.item(row, column) if column == 0: # Update the tabs for fitting list tab_name = item.text() self.tabs_for_fitting[tab_name] = (item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) # Enable fitting only when there are models to fit self.cmdFit.setEnabled(any(self.tabs_for_fitting.values())) if column not in self.editable_tab_columns: return new_moniker = # The new name should be validated on the fly, with QValidator # but let's just assure it post-factum is_good_moniker = self.validateMoniker(new_moniker) if not is_good_moniker: self.tblTabList.blockSignals(True) item.setBackground( self.tblTabList.blockSignals(False) self.cmdFit.setEnabled(False) return self.tblTabList.blockSignals(True) item.setBackground(QtCore.Qt.white) self.tblTabList.blockSignals(False) self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) if not self.current_cell: return # Remember the value if self.current_cell not in self.available_tabs: return temp_tab = self.available_tabs[self.current_cell] # Remove the key from the dictionaries self.available_tabs.pop(self.current_cell, None) # Change the model name model = temp_tab.kernel_module = new_moniker # Replace constraint name temp_tab.replaceConstraintName(self.current_cell, new_moniker) # Replace constraint name in the remaining tabs for tab in self.available_tabs.values(): tab.replaceConstraintName(self.current_cell, new_moniker) # Reinitialize the display self.initializeFitList() def onConstraintChange(self, row, column): """ Modify the constraint's "active" instance variable. """ item = self.tblConstraints.item(row, column) if column == 0: # Update the tabs for fitting list constraint = self.available_constraints[row] = (item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) def onTabCellEntered(self, row, column): """ Remember the original tab list cell data. Needed for reverting back on bad validation """ if column != 3: return self.current_cell = self.tblTabList.item(row, column).data(0) def onFitComplete(self, result): """ Respond to the successful fit complete signal """ #re-enable the Fit button self.cmdFit.setText("Fit") self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) # Notify the parent about completed fitting self.parent.fittingStoppedSignal.emit(self.getTabsForFit()) # get the elapsed time elapsed = result[1] # result list results = result[0][0] # Find out all tabs to fit tabs_to_fit = [tab for tab in self.tabs_for_fitting if self.tabs_for_fitting[tab]] # update all involved tabs for i, tab in enumerate(tabs_to_fit): tab_object = ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab) if tab_object is None: # No such tab. removed while job was running return # Make sure result and target objects are the same (same model moniker) if == results[i] tab_object.fitComplete(([[results[i]]], elapsed)) msg = "Fitting completed successfully in: %s s.\n" % GuiUtils.formatNumber(elapsed) self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(msg) def onBatchFitComplete(self, result): """ Respond to the successful batch fit complete signal """ #re-enable the Fit button self.cmdFit.setText("Fit") self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) # Notify the parent about completed fitting self.parent.fittingStoppedSignal.emit(self.getTabsForFit()) # get the elapsed time elapsed = result[1] # ADD THE BATCH FIT VIEW HERE # msg = "Fitting completed successfully in: %s s.\n" % GuiUtils.formatNumber(elapsed) self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(msg) pass def onFitFailed(self, reason): """ Respond to fitting failure. """ #re-enable the Fit button self.cmdFit.setText("Fit") self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) # Notify the parent about completed fitting self.parent.fittingStoppedSignal.emit(self.getTabsForFit()) msg = "Fitting failed: %s s.\n" % reason self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(msg) pass def isTabImportable(self, tab): """ Determines if the tab can be imported and included in the widget """ if not isinstance(tab, str): return False if not self.currentType in tab: return False object = ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab) if not isinstance(object, FittingWidget): return False if is None: return False return True def showModelContextMenu(self, position): """ Show context specific menu in the tab table widget. """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() rows = [s.row() for s in self.tblTabList.selectionModel().selectedRows()] num_rows = len(rows) if num_rows <= 0: return # Select for fitting param_string = "Fit Page " if num_rows==1 else "Fit Pages " to_string = "to its current value" if num_rows==1 else "to their current values" self.actionSelect = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionSelect.setObjectName("actionSelect") self.actionSelect.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Select "+param_string+" for fitting")) # Unselect from fitting self.actionDeselect = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionDeselect.setObjectName("actionDeselect") self.actionDeselect.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "De-select "+param_string+" from fitting")) self.actionRemoveConstraint = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionRemoveConstraint.setObjectName("actionRemoveConstrain") self.actionRemoveConstraint.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Remove all constraints on selected models")) self.actionMutualMultiConstrain = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionMutualMultiConstrain.setObjectName("actionMutualMultiConstrain") self.actionMutualMultiConstrain.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Mutual constrain of parameters in selected models...")) menu.addAction(self.actionSelect) menu.addAction(self.actionDeselect) menu.addSeparator() if num_rows >= 2: menu.addAction(self.actionMutualMultiConstrain) # Define the callbacks self.actionMutualMultiConstrain.triggered.connect(self.showMultiConstraint) self.actionSelect.triggered.connect(self.selectModels) self.actionDeselect.triggered.connect(self.deselectModels) try: menu.exec_(self.tblTabList.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) except AttributeError as ex: logging.error("Error generating context menu: %s" % ex) return def showConstrContextMenu(self, position): """ Show context specific menu in the tab table widget. """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() rows = [s.row() for s in self.tblConstraints.selectionModel().selectedRows()] num_rows = len(rows) if num_rows <= 0: return # Select for fitting param_string = "constraint " if num_rows==1 else "constraints " to_string = "to its current value" if num_rows==1 else "to their current values" self.actionSelect = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionSelect.setObjectName("actionSelect") self.actionSelect.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Select "+param_string+" for fitting")) # Unselect from fitting self.actionDeselect = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionDeselect.setObjectName("actionDeselect") self.actionDeselect.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "De-select "+param_string+" from fitting")) self.actionRemoveConstraint = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionRemoveConstraint.setObjectName("actionRemoveConstrain") self.actionRemoveConstraint.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Remove "+param_string)) menu.addAction(self.actionSelect) menu.addAction(self.actionDeselect) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.actionRemoveConstraint) # Define the callbacks self.actionRemoveConstraint.triggered.connect(self.deleteConstraint) self.actionSelect.triggered.connect(self.selectConstraints) self.actionDeselect.triggered.connect(self.deselectConstraints) try: menu.exec_(self.tblConstraints.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) except AttributeError as ex: logging.error("Error generating context menu: %s" % ex) return def selectConstraints(self): """ Selected constraints are chosen for fitting """ status = QtCore.Qt.Checked self.setRowSelection(self.tblConstraints, status) def deselectConstraints(self): """ Selected constraints are removed for fitting """ status = QtCore.Qt.Unchecked self.setRowSelection(self.tblConstraints, status) def selectModels(self): """ Selected models are chosen for fitting """ status = QtCore.Qt.Checked self.setRowSelection(self.tblTabList, status) def deselectModels(self): """ Selected models are removed for fitting """ status = QtCore.Qt.Unchecked self.setRowSelection(self.tblTabList, status) def selectedParameters(self, widget): """ Returns list of selected (highlighted) parameters """ return [s.row() for s in widget.selectionModel().selectedRows()] def setRowSelection(self, widget, status=QtCore.Qt.Unchecked): """ Selected models are chosen for fitting """ # Convert to proper indices and set requested enablement for row in self.selectedParameters(widget): widget.item(row, 0).setCheckState(status) def deleteConstraint(self):#, row): """ Delete all selected constraints. """ # Removing rows from the table we're iterating over, # so prepare a list of data first constraints_to_delete = [] for row in self.selectedParameters(self.tblConstraints): constraints_to_delete.append(self.tblConstraints.item(row, 0).data(0)) for constraint in constraints_to_delete: moniker = constraint[:constraint.index(':')] param = constraint[constraint.index(':')+1:constraint.index('=')].strip() tab = self.available_tabs[moniker] tab.deleteConstraintOnParameter(param) # Constraints removed - refresh the table widget self.initializeFitList() def uneditableItem(self, data=""): """ Returns an uneditable Table Widget Item """ item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(data) item.setFlags( QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled ) return item def updateFitLine(self, tab): """ Update a single line of the table widget with tab info """ fit_page = ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab) model = fit_page.kernel_module if model is None: return tab_name = tab model_name = moniker = model_data = model_filename = model_data.filename self.available_tabs[moniker] = fit_page # Update the model table widget pos = self.tblTabList.rowCount() self.tblTabList.insertRow(pos) item = self.uneditableItem(tab_name) item.setFlags(item.flags() ^ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) if tab_name in self.tabs_for_fitting: state = QtCore.Qt.Checked if self.tabs_for_fitting[tab_name] else QtCore.Qt.Unchecked item.setCheckState(state) else: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) self.tabs_for_fitting[tab_name] = True self.tblTabList.setItem(pos, 0, item) self.tblTabList.setItem(pos, 1, self.uneditableItem(model_name)) self.tblTabList.setItem(pos, 2, self.uneditableItem(model_filename)) # Moniker is editable, so no option change item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(moniker) # Disable signals so we don't get infinite call recursion self.tblTabList.blockSignals(True) self.tblTabList.setItem(pos, 3, item) self.tblTabList.blockSignals(False) # Check if any constraints present in tab constraint_names = fit_page.getConstraintsForModel() constraints = fit_page.getConstraintObjectsForModel() if not constraints: return self.tblConstraints.setEnabled(True) for constraint, constraint_name in zip(constraints, constraint_names): # Create the text for widget item label = moniker + ":"+ constraint_name[0] + " = " + constraint_name[1] pos = self.tblConstraints.rowCount() self.available_constraints[pos] = constraint # Show the text in the constraint table item = self.uneditableItem(label) item.setFlags(item.flags() ^ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) self.tblConstraints.insertRow(pos) self.tblConstraints.setItem(pos, 0, item) def initializeFitList(self): """ Fill the list of model/data sets for fitting/constraining """ # look at the object library to find all fit tabs # Show the content of the current "model" objects = ObjectLibrary.listObjects() # Tab dict # moniker -> (kernel_module, data) self.available_tabs = {} # Constraint dict # moniker -> [constraints] self.available_constraints = {} # Reset the table widgets self.tblTabList.setRowCount(0) self.tblConstraints.setRowCount(0) # Fit disabled self.cmdFit.setEnabled(False) if not objects: return tabs = [tab for tab in ObjectLibrary.listObjects() if self.isTabImportable(tab)] for tab in tabs: self.updateFitLine(tab) self.updateSignalsFromTab(tab) # We have at least 1 fit page, allow fitting self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) def validateMoniker(self, new_moniker=None): """ Check new_moniker for correctness. It must be non-empty. It must not be the same as other monikers. """ if not new_moniker: return False for existing_moniker in self.available_tabs: if existing_moniker == new_moniker and existing_moniker != self.current_cell: return False return True def getObjectByName(self, name): for object_name in ObjectLibrary.listObjects(): object = ObjectLibrary.getObject(object_name) if isinstance(object, FittingWidget): try: if == name: return object except AttributeError: # Disregard atribute errors - empty fit widgets continue return None def showMultiConstraint(self): """ Invoke the complex constraint editor """ selected_rows = self.selectedParameters(self.tblTabList) assert(len(selected_rows)==2) tab_list = [ObjectLibrary.getObject(self.tblTabList.item(s, 0).data(0)) for s in selected_rows] # Create and display the widget for param1 and param2 cc_widget = ComplexConstraint(self, tabs=tab_list) if cc_widget.exec_() != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: return constraint = Constraint() model1, param1, operator, constraint_text = cc_widget.constraint() constraint.func = constraint_text constraint.param = param1 # Find the right tab constrained_tab = self.getObjectByName(model1) if constrained_tab is None: return # Find the constrained parameter row constrained_row = constrained_tab.getRowFromName(param1) # Update the tab constrained_tab.addConstraintToRow(constraint, constrained_row)