import os import sys from twisted.internet import threads import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from import BumpsFit as Fit import sas.qtgui.Utilities.ObjectLibrary as ObjectLibrary from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.UI.ConstraintWidgetUI import Ui_ConstraintWidgetUI from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.FittingWidget import FittingWidget from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.FitThread import FitThread from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.ConsoleUpdate import ConsoleUpdate from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.ComplexConstraint import ComplexConstraint from sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Fitting.Constraints import Constraint class ConstraintWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget, Ui_ConstraintWidgetUI): """ Constraints Dialog to select the desired parameter/model constraints. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, tab_id=1): super(ConstraintWidget, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self.setupUi(self) self.currentType = "FitPage" self.tab_id = tab_id # Page id for fitting # To keep with previous SasView values, use 300 as the start offset self.page_id = 300 + self.tab_id # Remember previous content of modified cell self.current_cell = "" # Tabs used in simultaneous fitting # tab_name : True/False self.tabs_for_fitting = {} # Set up the widgets self.initializeWidgets() # Set up signals/slots self.initializeSignals() # Create the list of tabs self.initializeFitList() def acceptsData(self): """ Tells the caller this widget doesn't accept data """ return False def initializeWidgets(self): """ Set up various widget states """ labels = ['FitPage', 'Model', 'Data', 'Mnemonic'] # tab widget - headers self.editable_tab_columns = [labels.index('Mnemonic')] self.tblTabList.setColumnCount(len(labels)) self.tblTabList.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels) self.tblTabList.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.tblTabList.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tblTabList.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showModelContextMenu) # disabled constraint labels = ['Constraint'] self.tblConstraints.setColumnCount(len(labels)) self.tblConstraints.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels) self.tblConstraints.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.tblConstraints.setEnabled(False) self.tblConstraints.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tblConstraints.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showConstrContextMenu) def initializeSignals(self): """ Set up signals/slots for this widget """ # simple widgets self.btnSingle.toggled.connect(self.onFitTypeChange) self.btnBatch.toggled.connect(self.onFitTypeChange) self.cbCases.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onSpecialCaseChange) self.cmdFit.clicked.connect(self.onFit) self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.onHelp) # QTableWidgets self.tblTabList.cellChanged.connect(self.onTabCellEdit) self.tblTabList.cellDoubleClicked.connect(self.onTabCellEntered) self.tblConstraints.cellChanged.connect(self.onConstraintChange) # External signals self.parent.tabsModifiedSignal.connect(self.onModifiedTabs) def updateSignalsFromTab(self, tab=None): """ Intercept update signals from fitting tabs """ if tab is not None: ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab).constraintAddedSignal.connect(self.initializeFitList) ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab).newModelSignal.connect(self.initializeFitList) def onFitTypeChange(self, checked): """ Respond to the fit type change single fit/batch fit """ source = self.sender().objectName() self.currentType = "BatchPage" if source == "btnBatch" else "FitPage" self.initializeFitList() def onSpecialCaseChange(self, index): """ Respond to the combobox change for special case constraint sets """ pass def onFit(self): """ Perform the constrained/simultaneous fit """ # Find out all tabs to fit tabs_to_fit = [tab for tab in self.tabs_for_fitting if self.tabs_for_fitting[tab]] # Single fitter for the simultaneous run sim_fitter = Fit() sim_fitter.fitter_id = self.page_id # prepare fitting problems for each tab # page_ids = [] fitter_id = 0 sim_fitter=[sim_fitter] # Prepare the fitter object try: for tab in tabs_to_fit: tab_object = ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab) if tab_object is None: # No such tab! return sim_fitter, fitter_id = tab_object.prepareFitters(fitter=sim_fitter[0], fit_id=fitter_id) page_ids.append([tab_object.page_id]) except ValueError as ex: # No parameters selected in one of the tabs no_params_msg = "Fitting can not be performed.\n" +\ "Not all tabs chosen for fitting have parameters selected for fitting." reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Warning', no_params_msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return # Create the fitting thread, based on the fitter completefn = self.onBatchFitComplete if self.currentType=='BatchPage' else self.onFitComplete #if USING_TWISTED: handler = None updater = None #else: # handler = ConsoleUpdate(parent=self.parent, # manager=self, # improvement_delta=0.1) # updater = handler.update_fit batch_inputs = {} batch_outputs = {} # new fit thread object calc_fit = FitThread(handler=handler, fn=sim_fitter, batch_inputs=batch_inputs, batch_outputs=batch_outputs, page_id=page_ids, updatefn=updater, completefn=completefn) #if USING_TWISTED: # start the trhrhread with twisted calc_thread = threads.deferToThread(calc_fit.compute) calc_thread.addCallback(completefn) calc_thread.addErrback(self.onFitFailed) #else: # # Use the old python threads + Queue # calc_fit.queue() # calc_fit.ready(2.5) #disable the Fit button self.cmdFit.setText('Running...') self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit('Fitting started...') self.cmdFit.setEnabled(False) def onHelp(self): """ Show the "Fitting" section of help """ tree_location = "/user/sasgui/perspectives/fitting/" helpfile = "fitting_help.html#simultaneous-fit-mode" help_location = tree_location + helpfile # OMG, really? Crawling up the object hierarchy... self.parent.parent.showHelp(help_location) def onTabCellEdit(self, row, column): """ Respond to check/uncheck and to modify the model moniker actions """ item = self.tblTabList.item(row, column) if column == 0: # Update the tabs for fitting list tab_name = item.text() self.tabs_for_fitting[tab_name] = (item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) # Enable fitting only when there are models to fit self.cmdFit.setEnabled(any(self.tabs_for_fitting.values())) if column not in self.editable_tab_columns: return new_moniker = # The new name should be validated on the fly, with QValidator # but let's just assure it post-factum is_good_moniker = self.validateMoniker(new_moniker) if not is_good_moniker: self.tblTabList.blockSignals(True) item.setBackground( self.tblTabList.blockSignals(False) self.cmdFit.setEnabled(False) return self.tblTabList.blockSignals(True) item.setBackground(QtCore.Qt.white) self.tblTabList.blockSignals(False) self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) if not self.current_cell: return # Remember the value if self.current_cell not in self.available_tabs: return temp_tab = self.available_tabs[self.current_cell] # Remove the key from the dictionaries self.available_tabs.pop(self.current_cell, None) # Change the model name model = temp_tab.kernel_module = new_moniker # Replace constraint name temp_tab.replaceConstraintName(self.current_cell, new_moniker) # Replace constraint name in the remaining tabs for tab in self.available_tabs.values(): tab.replaceConstraintName(self.current_cell, new_moniker) # Reinitialize the display self.initializeFitList() def onConstraintChange(self, row, column): """ Modify the constraint's "active" instance variable. """ item = self.tblConstraints.item(row, column) if column == 0: # Update the tabs for fitting list constraint = self.available_constraints[row] = (item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked) def onTabCellEntered(self, row, column): """ Remember the original tab list cell data. Needed for reverting back on bad validation """ if column != 3: return self.current_cell = self.tblTabList.item(row, column).data(0) def onModifiedTabs(self): """ Respond to tabs being deleted by deleting involved constraints This should probably be done in FittingWidget as it is the owner of all the fitting data, but I want to keep the FW oblivious about dependence on other FW tabs, so enforcing the constraint deletion here. """ # Get the list of all constraints from querying the table #constraints = getConstraintsForModel() # Get the current list of tabs #tabs = ObjectLibrary.listObjects() # Check if any of the constraint dependencies got deleted # Check the list of constraints self.initializeFitList() pass def onFitComplete(self, result): """ Respond to the successful fit complete signal """ #re-enable the Fit button self.cmdFit.setText("Fit") self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) # get the elapsed time elapsed = result[1] # result list results = result[0][0] # Find out all tabs to fit tabs_to_fit = [tab for tab in self.tabs_for_fitting if self.tabs_for_fitting[tab]] # update all involved tabs for i, tab in enumerate(tabs_to_fit): tab_object = ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab) if tab_object is None: # No such tab. removed while job was running return # Make sure result and target objects are the same (same model moniker) if == results[i] tab_object.fitComplete(([[results[i]]], elapsed)) msg = "Fitting completed successfully in: %s s.\n" % GuiUtils.formatNumber(elapsed) self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(msg) def onBatchFitComplete(self, result): """ Respond to the successful batch fit complete signal """ #re-enable the Fit button self.cmdFit.setText("Fit") self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) # get the elapsed time elapsed = result[1] # ADD THE BATCH FIT VIEW HERE # msg = "Fitting completed successfully in: %s s.\n" % GuiUtils.formatNumber(elapsed) self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(msg) pass def onFitFailed(self, reason): """ Respond to fitting failure. """ #re-enable the Fit button self.cmdFit.setText("Fit") self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) msg = "Fitting failed: %s s.\n" % reason self.parent.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(msg) pass def isTabImportable(self, tab): """ Determines if the tab can be imported and included in the widget """ if not self.currentType in tab: return False object = ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab) if not isinstance(object, FittingWidget): return False if is None: return False return True def showModelContextMenu(self, position): """ Show context specific menu in the tab table widget. """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() rows = [s.row() for s in self.tblTabList.selectionModel().selectedRows()] num_rows = len(rows) if num_rows <= 0: return # Select for fitting param_string = "Fit Page " if num_rows==1 else "Fit Pages " to_string = "to its current value" if num_rows==1 else "to their current values" self.actionSelect = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionSelect.setObjectName("actionSelect") self.actionSelect.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Select "+param_string+" for fitting")) # Unselect from fitting self.actionDeselect = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionDeselect.setObjectName("actionDeselect") self.actionDeselect.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "De-select "+param_string+" from fitting")) self.actionRemoveConstraint = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionRemoveConstraint.setObjectName("actionRemoveConstrain") self.actionRemoveConstraint.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Remove all constraints on selected models")) self.actionMutualMultiConstrain = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionMutualMultiConstrain.setObjectName("actionMutualMultiConstrain") self.actionMutualMultiConstrain.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Mutual constrain of parameters in selected models...")) menu.addAction(self.actionSelect) menu.addAction(self.actionDeselect) menu.addSeparator() #menu.addAction(self.actionRemoveConstraint) if num_rows >= 2: menu.addAction(self.actionMutualMultiConstrain) # Define the callbacks #self.actionConstrain.triggered.connect(self.addSimpleConstraint) #self.actionRemoveConstraint.triggered.connect(self.deleteConstraint) self.actionMutualMultiConstrain.triggered.connect(self.showMultiConstraint) self.actionSelect.triggered.connect(self.selectModels) self.actionDeselect.triggered.connect(self.deselectModels) try: menu.exec_(self.tblTabList.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) except AttributeError as ex: logging.error("Error generating context menu: %s" % ex) return def showConstrContextMenu(self, position): """ Show context specific menu in the tab table widget. """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() rows = [s.row() for s in self.tblConstraints.selectionModel().selectedRows()] num_rows = len(rows) if num_rows <= 0: return # Select for fitting param_string = "constraint " if num_rows==1 else "constraints " to_string = "to its current value" if num_rows==1 else "to their current values" self.actionSelect = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionSelect.setObjectName("actionSelect") self.actionSelect.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Select "+param_string+" for fitting")) # Unselect from fitting self.actionDeselect = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionDeselect.setObjectName("actionDeselect") self.actionDeselect.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "De-select "+param_string+" from fitting")) self.actionRemoveConstraint = QtWidgets.QAction(self) self.actionRemoveConstraint.setObjectName("actionRemoveConstrain") self.actionRemoveConstraint.setText(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("self", "Remove "+param_string)) menu.addAction(self.actionSelect) menu.addAction(self.actionDeselect) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.actionRemoveConstraint) # Define the callbacks #self.actionConstrain.triggered.connect(self.addSimpleConstraint) self.actionRemoveConstraint.triggered.connect(self.deleteConstraint) #self.actionMutualMultiConstrain.triggered.connect(self.showMultiConstraint) self.actionSelect.triggered.connect(self.selectConstraints) self.actionDeselect.triggered.connect(self.deselectConstraints) try: menu.exec_(self.tblConstraints.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) except AttributeError as ex: logging.error("Error generating context menu: %s" % ex) return def selectConstraints(self): """ Selected constraints are chosen for fitting """ status = QtCore.Qt.Checked self.setRowSelection(self.tblConstraints, status) def deselectConstraints(self): """ Selected constraints are removed for fitting """ status = QtCore.Qt.Unchecked self.setRowSelection(self.tblConstraints, status) def selectModels(self): """ Selected models are chosen for fitting """ status = QtCore.Qt.Checked self.setRowSelection(self.tblTabList, status) def deselectModels(self): """ Selected models are removed for fitting """ status = QtCore.Qt.Unchecked self.setRowSelection(self.tblTabList, status) def selectedParameters(self, widget): """ Returns list of selected (highlighted) parameters """ return [s.row() for s in widget.selectionModel().selectedRows()] def setRowSelection(self, widget, status=QtCore.Qt.Unchecked): """ Selected models are chosen for fitting """ # Convert to proper indices and set requested enablement for row in self.selectedParameters(widget): widget.item(row, 0).setCheckState(status) def deleteConstraint(self):#, row): """ Delete all selected constraints. """ # Removing rows from the table we're iterating over, # so prepare a list of data first constraints_to_delete = [] for row in self.selectedParameters(self.tblConstraints): constraints_to_delete.append(self.tblConstraints.item(row, 0).data(0)) for constraint in constraints_to_delete: moniker = constraint[:constraint.index(':')] param = constraint[constraint.index(':')+1:constraint.index('=')].strip() tab = self.available_tabs[moniker] tab.deleteConstraintOnParameter(param) # Constraints removed - refresh the table widget self.initializeFitList() def uneditableItem(self, data=""): """ Returns an uneditable Table Widget Item """ item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(data) item.setFlags( QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled ) return item def updateFitLine(self, tab): """ Update a single line of the table widget with tab info """ fit_page = ObjectLibrary.getObject(tab) model = fit_page.kernel_module if model is None: return tab_name = tab model_name = moniker = model_data = model_filename = model_data.filename self.available_tabs[moniker] = fit_page # Update the model table widget pos = self.tblTabList.rowCount() self.tblTabList.insertRow(pos) item = self.uneditableItem(tab_name) item.setFlags(item.flags() ^ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) if tab_name in self.tabs_for_fitting: state = QtCore.Qt.Checked if self.tabs_for_fitting[tab_name] else QtCore.Qt.Unchecked item.setCheckState(state) else: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) self.tabs_for_fitting[tab_name] = True self.tblTabList.setItem(pos, 0, item) self.tblTabList.setItem(pos, 1, self.uneditableItem(model_name)) self.tblTabList.setItem(pos, 2, self.uneditableItem(model_filename)) # Moniker is editable, so no option change item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(moniker) # Disable signals so we don't get infinite call recursion self.tblTabList.blockSignals(True) self.tblTabList.setItem(pos, 3, item) self.tblTabList.blockSignals(False) # Check if any constraints present in tab constraint_names = fit_page.getConstraintsForModel() constraints = fit_page.getConstraintObjectsForModel() if not constraints: return self.tblConstraints.setEnabled(True) for constraint, constraint_name in zip(constraints, constraint_names): # Create the text for widget item label = moniker + ":"+ constraint_name[0] + " = " + constraint_name[1] pos = self.tblConstraints.rowCount() self.available_constraints[pos] = constraint # Show the text in the constraint table item = self.uneditableItem(label) item.setFlags(item.flags() ^ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) self.tblConstraints.insertRow(pos) self.tblConstraints.setItem(pos, 0, item) def initializeFitList(self): """ Fill the list of model/data sets for fitting/constraining """ # look at the object library to find all fit tabs # Show the content of the current "model" objects = ObjectLibrary.listObjects() # Tab dict # moniker -> (kernel_module, data) self.available_tabs = {} # Constraint dict # moniker -> [constraints] self.available_constraints = {} # Reset the table widgets self.tblTabList.setRowCount(0) self.tblConstraints.setRowCount(0) # Fit disabled self.cmdFit.setEnabled(False) if not objects: return tabs = [tab for tab in ObjectLibrary.listObjects() if self.isTabImportable(tab)] for tab in tabs: self.updateFitLine(tab) self.updateSignalsFromTab(tab) # We have at least 1 fit page, allow fitting self.cmdFit.setEnabled(True) def validateMoniker(self, new_moniker=None): """ Check new_moniker for correctness. It must be non-empty. It must not be the same as other monikers. """ if not new_moniker: return False for existing_moniker in self.available_tabs: if existing_moniker == new_moniker and existing_moniker != self.current_cell: return False return True def getObjectByName(self, name): for object_name in ObjectLibrary.listObjects(): object = ObjectLibrary.getObject(object_name) if isinstance(object, FittingWidget): try: if == name: return object except AttributeError: # Disregard atribute errors - empty fit widgets continue return None def showMultiConstraint(self): """ Invoke the complex constraint editor """ selected_rows = self.selectedParameters(self.tblTabList) assert(len(selected_rows)==2) tab_list = [ObjectLibrary.getObject(self.tblTabList.item(s, 0).data(0)) for s in selected_rows] # Create and display the widget for param1 and param2 cc_widget = ComplexConstraint(self, tabs=tab_list) if cc_widget.exec_() != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: return constraint = Constraint() model1, param1, operator, constraint_text = cc_widget.constraint() constraint.func = constraint_text constraint.param = param1 # Find the right tab constrained_tab = self.getObjectByName(model1) if constrained_tab is None: return # Find the constrained parameter row constrained_row = constrained_tab.getRowFromName(param1) # Update the tab constrained_tab.addConstraintToRow(constraint, constrained_row) pass