import sys import unittest from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtTest import QTest from PyQt5.QtCore import * from unittest.mock import MagicMock from unittest.mock import patch from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # set up import paths import path_prepare # Local from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader from sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataManager import DataManager from sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataExplorer import DataExplorerWindow from sas.qtgui.MainWindow.GuiManager import GuiManager from sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils import * from UnitTesting.TestUtils import QtSignalSpy from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter import Plotter from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D import Plotter2D import sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotHelper as PlotHelper #if not QApplication.instance(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) class DataExplorerTest(unittest.TestCase): '''Test the Data Explorer GUI''' def setUp(self): '''Create the GUI''' class MyPerspective(object): def communicator(self): return Communicate() def allowBatch(self): return True def setData(self, data_item=None, is_batch=False): return None def title(self): return "Dummy Perspective" class dummy_manager(object): def communicator(self): return Communicate() def perspective(self): return MyPerspective() def workspace(self): return None self.form = DataExplorerWindow(None, dummy_manager()) def tearDown(self): '''Destroy the GUI''' self.form.close() self.form = None def testDefaults(self): '''Test the GUI in its default state''' # Tab widget self.assertIsInstance(self.form, QTabWidget) self.assertEqual(self.form.count(), 2) # Buttons - data tab self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdLoad.text(), "Load data") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdDeleteData.text(), "Delete") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdDeleteTheory.text(), "Delete") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdFreeze.text(), "Freeze Theory") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdSendTo.text(), "Send data to") self.assertEqual(self.form.cmdSendTo.iconSize(), QSize(48, 48)) self.assertIsInstance(self.form.cmdSendTo.icon(), QIcon) self.assertEqual(self.form.chkBatch.text(), "Batch mode") self.assertFalse(self.form.chkBatch.isChecked()) # Buttons - theory tab # Combo boxes self.assertEqual(self.form.cbSelect.count(), 6) self.assertEqual(self.form.cbSelect.currentIndex(), 0) # Models - data self.assertIsInstance(self.form.model, QStandardItemModel) self.assertEqual(self.form.treeView.model().rowCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.treeView.model().columnCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.model.columnCount(), 0) self.assertIsInstance(self.form.data_proxy, QSortFilterProxyModel) self.assertEqual(self.form.data_proxy.sourceModel(), self.form.model) self.assertEqual("[^()]", str(self.form.data_proxy.filterRegExp().pattern())) self.assertIsInstance(self.form.treeView, QTreeView) # Models - theory self.assertIsInstance(self.form.theory_model, QStandardItemModel) self.assertEqual(self.form.freezeView.model().rowCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.freezeView.model().columnCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.theory_model.rowCount(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.form.theory_model.columnCount(), 0) self.assertIsInstance(self.form.theory_proxy, QSortFilterProxyModel) self.assertEqual(self.form.theory_proxy.sourceModel(), self.form.theory_model) self.assertEqual("[^()]", str(self.form.theory_proxy.filterRegExp().pattern())) self.assertIsInstance(self.form.freezeView, QTreeView) def testWidgets(self): """ Test if all required widgets got added """ def testLoadButton(self): loadButton = self.form.cmdLoad filename = "cyl_400_20.txt" # Initialize signal spy instances spy_file_read = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.fileReadSignal) # Return no files. QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames = MagicMock(return_value=('','')) # Click on the Load button QTest.mouseClick(loadButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the getOpenFileName() dialog called once self.assertTrue(QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.called) QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.assert_called_once() # Make sure the signal has not been emitted self.assertEqual(spy_file_read.count(), 0) # Now, return a single file QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames = MagicMock(return_value=(filename,'')) # Click on the Load button QTest.mouseClick(loadButton, Qt.LeftButton) qApp.processEvents() # Test the getOpenFileName() dialog called once self.assertTrue(QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.called) QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.assert_called_once() # Expected one spy instance #self.assertEqual(spy_file_read.count(), 1) #self.assertIn(filename, str(spy_file_read.called()[0]['args'][0])) def testLoadFiles(self): """ Test progress bar update while loading of multiple files """ # Set up the spy on progress bar update signal spy_progress_bar_update = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.progressBarUpdateSignal) # Populate the model filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt", "P123_D2O_10_percent.dat", "cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.readData(filename) # 0, 0, 33, 66, -1 -> 5 signals reaching progressBar self.assertEqual(spy_progress_bar_update.count(), 5) expected_list = [0, 0, 33, 66, -1] spied_list = [spy_progress_bar_update.called()[i]['args'][0] for i in range(5)] self.assertEqual(expected_list, spied_list) def testDeleteButton(self): """ Functionality of the delete button """ deleteButton = self.form.cmdDeleteData # Mock the confirmation dialog with return=No QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QMessageBox.No) # Populate the model filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt", "cyl_400_20.txt", "cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.readData(filename) # Assure the model contains three items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 3) # Assure the checkboxes are on item1 = self.form.model.item(0) item2 = self.form.model.item(1) item3 = self.form.model.item(2) self.assertTrue(item1.checkState() == Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item2.checkState() == Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item3.checkState() == Qt.Checked) # Click on the delete button QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the warning dialog called once self.assertTrue(QMessageBox.question.called) # Assure the model still contains the items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 3) # Now, mock the confirmation dialog with return=Yes QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QMessageBox.Yes) # Click on the delete button QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the warning dialog called once self.assertTrue(QMessageBox.question.called) # Assure the model contains no items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 0) # Click delete once again to assure no nasty behaviour on empty model QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) def testDeleteTheory(self): """ Test that clicking "Delete" in theories tab removes selected indices """ deleteButton = self.form.cmdDeleteTheory # Mock the confirmation dialog with return=No QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QMessageBox.No) # Populate the model item1 = QStandardItem(True) item1.setCheckable(True) item1.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) item1.setText("item 1") self.form.theory_model.appendRow(item1) item2 = QStandardItem(True) item2.setCheckable(True) item2.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) item2.setText("item 2") self.form.theory_model.appendRow(item2) # Assure the model contains two items self.assertEqual(self.form.theory_model.rowCount(), 2) # Assure the checkboxes are on self.assertTrue(item1.checkState() == Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item2.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) # Click on the delete button QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the warning dialog called once self.assertTrue(QMessageBox.question.called) # Assure the model still contains the items self.assertEqual(self.form.theory_model.rowCount(), 2) # Now, mock the confirmation dialog with return=Yes QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QMessageBox.Yes) # Click on the delete button QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the warning dialog called once self.assertTrue(QMessageBox.question.called) # Assure the model contains 1 item self.assertEqual(self.form.theory_model.rowCount(), 1) # Set the remaining item to checked self.form.theory_model.item(0).setCheckState(Qt.Checked) # Click on the delete button again QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) # Assure the model contains no items self.assertEqual(self.form.theory_model.rowCount(), 0) # Click delete once again to assure no nasty behaviour on empty model QTest.mouseClick(deleteButton, Qt.LeftButton) def testSendToButton(self): """ Test that clicking the Send To button sends checked data to a perspective """ # Send empty data mocked_perspective = self.form.parent.perspective() mocked_perspective.setData = MagicMock() # Click on the Send To button QTest.mouseClick(self.form.cmdSendTo, Qt.LeftButton) # The set_data method not called self.assertFalse(mocked_perspective.setData.called) # Populate the model filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.readData(filename) # setData is the method we want to see called mocked_perspective = self.form.parent.perspective() mocked_perspective.setData = MagicMock(filename) # Assure the checkbox is on self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(0) # Click on the Send To button QTest.mouseClick(self.form.cmdSendTo, Qt.LeftButton) # Test the set_data method called once #self.assertTrue(mocked_perspective.setData.called) # open another file filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.readData(filename) # Mock the warning message QMessageBox = MagicMock() # Click on the button QTest.mouseClick(self.form.cmdSendTo, Qt.LeftButton) # Assure the message box popped up QMessageBox.assert_called_once() def testDataSelection(self): """ Tests the functionality of the Selection Option combobox """ # Populate the model with 1d and 2d data filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt", "P123_D2O_10_percent.dat"] self.form.readData(filename) # Unselect all data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(1) # Test the current selection item1D = self.form.model.item(0) item2D = self.form.model.item(1) self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) # Select all data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(0) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == Qt.Checked) # select 1d data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(2) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == Qt.Checked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) # unselect 1d data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(3) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) # select 2d data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(4) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == Qt.Checked) # unselect 2d data self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(5) # Test the current selection self.assertTrue(item1D.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) self.assertTrue(item2D.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) # choose impossible index and assure the code raises #with self.assertRaises(Exception): # self.form.cbSelect.setCurrentIndex(6) def testFreezeTheory(self): """ Assure theory freeze functionality works """ # Not yet tested - agree on design first. pass def testRecursivelyCloneItem(self): """ Test the rescursive QAbstractItem/QStandardItem clone """ # Create an item with several branches item1 = QStandardItem() item2 = QStandardItem() item3 = QStandardItem() item4 = QStandardItem() item5 = QStandardItem() item6 = QStandardItem() item4.appendRow(item5) item2.appendRow(item4) item2.appendRow(item6) item1.appendRow(item2) item1.appendRow(item3) # Clone new_item = self.form.recursivelyCloneItem(item1) # assure the trees look identical self.assertEqual(item1.rowCount(), new_item.rowCount()) self.assertEqual(item1.child(0).rowCount(), new_item.child(0).rowCount()) self.assertEqual(item1.child(1).rowCount(), new_item.child(1).rowCount()) self.assertEqual(item1.child(0).child(0).rowCount(), new_item.child(0).child(0).rowCount()) def testReadData(self): """ Test the low level readData() method """ filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.manager.add_data = MagicMock() # Initialize signal spy instances spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal) spy_data_received = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.fileDataReceivedSignal) # Read in the file self.form.readData(filename) # Expected two status bar updates self.assertEqual(spy_status_update.count(), 2) self.assertIn(filename[0], str(spy_status_update.called()[0]['args'][0])) # Check that the model contains the item self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 1) self.assertEqual(self.form.model.columnCount(), 1) # The 0th item header should be the name of the file model_item = self.form.model.index(0,0) model_name = self.assertEqual(model_name, filename[0]) def skip_testDisplayHelp(self): # Skip due to help path change """ Test that the Help window gets shown correctly """ partial_url = "sasgui/guiframe/data_explorer_help.html" button1 = self.form.cmdHelp button2 = self.form.cmdHelp_2 # Click on the Help button QTest.mouseClick(button1, Qt.LeftButton) qApp.processEvents() # Check the browser self.assertIn(partial_url, str(self.form._helpView.url())) # Close the browser self.form._helpView.close() # Click on the Help_2 button QTest.mouseClick(button2, Qt.LeftButton) qApp.processEvents() # Check the browser self.assertIn(partial_url, str(self.form._helpView.url())) def testLoadFile(self): """ Test the threaded call to readData() """ #self.form.loadFile() pass def testGetWList(self): """ Test the list of known extensions """ w_list = self.form.getWlist() defaults = 'All (*.*);;canSAS files (*.xml);;SESANS files' +\ ' (*.ses);;ASCII files (*.txt);;' +\ 'IGOR/DAT 2D Q_map files (*.dat);;IGOR 1D files (*.abs);;'+\ 'DANSE files (*.sans)' default_list = defaults.split(';;') for def_format in default_list: self.assertIn(def_format, w_list) def testLoadComplete(self): """ Test the callback method updating the data object """ message="Loading Data Complete" data_dict = {"a1":Data1D()} output_data = (data_dict, message) self.form.manager.add_data = MagicMock() # Initialize signal spy instances spy_status_update = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal) spy_data_received = QtSignalSpy(self.form, self.form.communicator.fileDataReceivedSignal) # Read in the file self.form.loadComplete(output_data) # "Loading data complete" no longer sent in LoadFile but in callback self.assertIn("Loading Data Complete", str(spy_status_update.called()[0]['args'][0])) # Expect one Data Received signal self.assertEqual(spy_data_received.count(), 1) # Assure returned dictionary has correct data # We don't know the data ID, so need to iterate over dict data_dict = spy_data_received.called()[0]['args'][0] for data_key, data_value in data_dict.items(): self.assertIsInstance(data_value, Data1D) # Assure add_data on data_manager was called (last call) self.assertTrue(self.form.manager.add_data.called) def testNewPlot1D(self): """ Creating new plots from Data1D/2D """ loader = Loader() manager = DataManager() PlotHelper.clear() self.form.enableGraphCombo(None) # Make sure the controls are disabled self.assertFalse(self.form.cbgraph.isEnabled()) self.assertFalse(self.form.cmdAppend.isEnabled()) # get Data1D p_file="cyl_400_20.txt" output_object = loader.load(p_file) new_data = [manager.create_gui_data(output_object[0], p_file)] # Mask retrieval of the data self.form.plotsFromCheckedItems = MagicMock(return_value=new_data) # Mask plotting self.form.parent.workspace = MagicMock() # Call the plotting method self.form.newPlot() # The plot was registered self.assertEqual(len(PlotHelper.currentPlots()), 1) self.assertTrue(self.form.cbgraph.isEnabled()) self.assertTrue(self.form.cmdAppend.isEnabled()) def testNewPlot2D(self): """ Creating new plots from Data1D/2D """ loader = Loader() manager = DataManager() PlotHelper.clear() self.form.enableGraphCombo(None) # Make sure the controls are disabled self.assertFalse(self.form.cbgraph.isEnabled()) self.assertFalse(self.form.cmdAppend.isEnabled()) # get Data2D p_file="P123_D2O_10_percent.dat" output_object = loader.load(p_file) new_data = [manager.create_gui_data(output_object[0], p_file)] # Mask retrieval of the data self.form.plotsFromCheckedItems = MagicMock(return_value=new_data) # Mask plotting self.form.parent.workspace = MagicMock() # Call the plotting method self.form.newPlot() # The plot was registered self.assertEqual(len(PlotHelper.currentPlots()), 1) self.assertTrue(self.form.cbgraph.isEnabled()) self.assertTrue(self.form.cmdAppend.isEnabled()) @patch('sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils.plotsFromCheckedItems') def testAppendPlot(self, test_patch): """ Creating new plots from Data1D/2D """ loader = Loader() manager = DataManager() PlotHelper.clear() self.form.enableGraphCombo(None) # Make sure the controls are disabled self.assertFalse(self.form.cbgraph.isEnabled()) self.assertFalse(self.form.cmdAppend.isEnabled()) # get Data1D p_file="cyl_400_20.txt" output_object = loader.load(p_file) output_item = QStandardItem() new_data = [(output_item, manager.create_gui_data(output_object[0], p_file))] # Mask plotting self.form.parent.workspace = MagicMock() # Mask the plot show call = MagicMock() # Mask retrieval of the data test_patch.return_value = new_data # Call the plotting method self.form.newPlot() # Call the plotting method again, so we have 2 graphs self.form.newPlot() # See that we have two plots self.assertEqual(len(PlotHelper.currentPlots()), 2) # Add data to plot #1 self.form.cbgraph.setCurrentIndex(1) self.form.appendPlot() # See that we still have two plots self.assertEqual(len(PlotHelper.currentPlots()), 2) def testUpdateGraphCombo(self): """ Test the combo box update """ PlotHelper.clear() graph_list=["1","2","3"] self.form.updateGraphCombo(graph_list) self.assertEqual(self.form.cbgraph.count(), 3) self.assertEqual(self.form.cbgraph.currentText(), '1') graph_list=[] self.form.updateGraphCombo(graph_list) self.assertEqual(self.form.cbgraph.count(), 0) def testUpdateModelFromPerspective(self): """ Assure the model update is correct """ good_item = QStandardItem() bad_item = "I'm so bad" self.form.model.reset = MagicMock() self.form.updateModelFromPerspective(good_item) # See that the model got reset self.form.model.reset.assert_called_once() # See that the bad item causes raise with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.form.updateModelFromPerspective(bad_item) def testContextMenu(self): """ See if the context menu is present """ # get Data1D p_file=["cyl_400_20.txt"] # Read in the file output, message = self.form.readData(p_file) self.form.loadComplete((output, message)) # Pick up the treeview index corresponding to that file index = self.form.treeView.indexAt(QPoint(5,5)) # Find out the center pointof the treeView row rect = self.form.treeView.visualRect(index).center() self.form.context_menu.exec_ = MagicMock() # Move the mouse pointer to the first row QTest.mouseMove(self.form.treeView.viewport(), pos=rect) # This doesn't invoke the action/signal. Investigate why? # QTest.mouseClick(self.form.treeView.viewport(), Qt.RightButton, pos=rect) # Instead, send the signal directly self.form.treeView.customContextMenuRequested.emit(rect) # See that the menu has been shown self.form.context_menu.exec_.assert_called_once() def testShowDataInfo(self): """ Test of the showDataInfo method """ # get Data1D p_file=["cyl_400_20.txt"] # Read in the file output, message = self.form.readData(p_file) self.form.loadComplete((output, message)) # select the data self.form.treeView.selectAll() # Call the tested method self.form.showDataInfo() # Test the properties self.assertTrue(self.form.txt_widget.isReadOnly()) self.assertEqual(self.form.txt_widget.windowTitle(), "Data Info: cyl_400_20.txt") self.assertIn("Waveln_max", self.form.txt_widget.toPlainText()) # Slider moved all the way up self.assertEqual(self.form.txt_widget.verticalScrollBar().sliderPosition(), 0) def testSaveDataAs(self): """ Test the Save As context menu action """ # get Data1D p_file=["cyl_400_20.txt"] # Read in the file output, message = self.form.readData(p_file) self.form.loadComplete((output, message)) # select the data self.form.treeView.selectAll() QFileDialog.getSaveFileName = MagicMock() # Call the tested method self.form.saveDataAs() QFileDialog.getSaveFileName.assert_called_with( caption="Save As", directory='cyl_400_20_out.txt', filter='Text files (*.txt);;CanSAS 1D files(*.xml)', parent=None) QFileDialog.getSaveFileName.assert_called_once() # get Data2D p_file=["P123_D2O_10_percent.dat"] # Read in the file output, message = self.form.readData(p_file) self.form.loadComplete((output, message)) # select the data index = self.form.model.index(1, 0) selmodel = self.form.treeView.selectionModel() selmodel.setCurrentIndex(index, QItemSelectionModel.NoUpdate), QItemSelectionModel.Select|QItemSelectionModel.Rows) QFileDialog.getSaveFileName = MagicMock() # Call the tested method self.form.saveDataAs() QFileDialog.getSaveFileName.assert_called_with( caption="Save As", directory='P123_D2O_10_percent_out.dat', filter='IGOR/DAT 2D file in Q_map (*.dat)', parent=None) QFileDialog.getSaveFileName.assert_called_once() def testQuickDataPlot(self): """ Quick data plot generation. """ # get Data1D p_file=["cyl_400_20.txt"] # Read in the file output, message = self.form.readData(p_file) self.form.loadComplete((output, message)) # select the data self.form.treeView.selectAll() = MagicMock() # for masking the display self.form.quickDataPlot() self.assertTrue( def testQuickData3DPlot(self): """ Slow(er) 3D data plot generation. """ # get Data1D p_file=["P123_D2O_10_percent.dat"] # Read in the file output, message = self.form.readData(p_file) self.form.loadComplete((output, message)) # select the data self.form.treeView.selectAll() = MagicMock() # for masking the display self.form.quickData3DPlot() self.assertTrue( def testShowEditMask(self): """ Edit mask on a 2D plot. TODO: add content once plotting finalized """ pass def notestDeleteItem(self): """ Delete selected item from data explorer """ # Mock the confirmation dialog with return=No QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QMessageBox.No) # Populate the model filename = ["cyl_400_20.txt", "cyl_400_20.txt", "cyl_400_20.txt"] self.form.readData(filename) # Assure the model contains three items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 3) # Add an item to first file item item1 = QtGui.QStandardItem("test") item1.setCheckable(True) self.form.model.item(0).appendRow(item1) # Check the new item is in self.assertTrue(self.form.model.item(0).hasChildren()) #select_item = self.form.model.item(0).child(3) select_item = self.form.model.item(0) select_index = self.form.model.indexFromItem(select_item) # Open up items self.form.current_view.expandAll() # Select the newly created item self.form.current_view.selectionModel().select(select_index, QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Rows) # Attempt at deleting self.form.deleteItem() # Test the warning dialog called once self.assertTrue(QMessageBox.question.called) # Assure the model still contains the items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 3) # Now, mock the confirmation dialog with return=Yes QMessageBox.question = MagicMock(return_value=QMessageBox.Yes) # Select the newly created item self.form.current_view.selectionModel().select(select_index, QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Rows) # delete it. now for good self.form.deleteItem() # Test the warning dialog called once self.assertTrue(QMessageBox.question.called) # Assure the model contains no items self.assertEqual(self.form.model.rowCount(), 3) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()