# global import sys import os import time import logging from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from twisted.internet import threads # SASCALC from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader # QTGUI import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils import sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotHelper as PlotHelper from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter import Plotter from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D import Plotter2D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.MaskEditor import MaskEditor from sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataManager import DataManager from sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DroppableDataLoadWidget import DroppableDataLoadWidget import sas.qtgui.Perspectives as Perspectives DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE = "Fitting" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DataExplorerWindow(DroppableDataLoadWidget): # The controller which is responsible for managing signal slots connections # for the gui and providing an interface to the data model. def __init__(self, parent=None, guimanager=None, manager=None): super(DataExplorerWindow, self).__init__(parent, guimanager) # Main model for keeping loaded data self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel(self) # Secondary model for keeping frozen data sets self.theory_model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel(self) # GuiManager is the actual parent, but we needed to also pass the QMainWindow # in order to set the widget parentage properly. self.parent = guimanager self.loader = Loader() self.manager = manager if manager is not None else DataManager() self.txt_widget = QtWidgets.QTextEdit(None) # Be careful with twisted threads. self.mutex = QtCore.QMutex() # Plot widgets {name:widget}, required to keep track of plots shown as MDI subwindows self.plot_widgets = {} # Active plots {id:Plotter1D/2D}, required to keep track of currently displayed plots self.active_plots = {} # Connect the buttons self.cmdLoad.clicked.connect(self.loadFile) self.cmdDeleteData.clicked.connect(self.deleteFile) self.cmdDeleteTheory.clicked.connect(self.deleteTheory) self.cmdFreeze.clicked.connect(self.freezeTheory) self.cmdSendTo.clicked.connect(self.sendData) self.cmdNew.clicked.connect(self.newPlot) self.cmdNew_2.clicked.connect(self.newPlot) self.cmdAppend.clicked.connect(self.appendPlot) self.cmdAppend_2.clicked.connect(self.appendPlot) self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.displayHelp) self.cmdHelp_2.clicked.connect(self.displayHelp) # Fill in the perspectives combo self.initPerspectives() # Custom context menu self.treeView.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.treeView.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.onCustomContextMenu) self.contextMenu() # Same menus for the theory view self.freezeView.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.freezeView.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.onCustomContextMenu) # Connect the comboboxes self.cbSelect.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.selectData) #self.closeEvent.connect(self.closeEvent) self.currentChanged.connect(self.onTabSwitch) self.communicator = self.parent.communicator() self.communicator.fileReadSignal.connect(self.loadFromURL) self.communicator.activeGraphsSignal.connect(self.updateGraphCount) self.communicator.activeGraphName.connect(self.updatePlotName) self.communicator.plotUpdateSignal.connect(self.updatePlot) self.communicator.maskEditorSignal.connect(self.showEditDataMask) self.cbgraph.editTextChanged.connect(self.enableGraphCombo) self.cbgraph.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.enableGraphCombo) # Proxy model for showing a subset of Data1D/Data2D content self.data_proxy = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel(self) self.data_proxy.setSourceModel(self.model) # Don't show "empty" rows with data objects self.data_proxy.setFilterRegExp(r"[^()]") # The Data viewer is QTreeView showing the proxy model self.treeView.setModel(self.data_proxy) # Proxy model for showing a subset of Theory content self.theory_proxy = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel(self) self.theory_proxy.setSourceModel(self.theory_model) # Don't show "empty" rows with data objects self.theory_proxy.setFilterRegExp(r"[^()]") # Theory model view self.freezeView.setModel(self.theory_proxy) self.enableGraphCombo(None) # Current view on model self.current_view = self.treeView def closeEvent(self, event): """ Overwrite the close event - no close! """ event.ignore() def onTabSwitch(self, index): """ Callback for tab switching signal """ if index == 0: self.current_view = self.treeView else: self.current_view = self.freezeView def displayHelp(self): """ Show the "Loading data" section of help """ tree_location = "/user/qtgui/MainWindow/data_explorer_help.html" self.parent.showHelp(tree_location) def enableGraphCombo(self, combo_text): """ Enables/disables "Assign Plot" elements """ self.cbgraph.setEnabled(len(PlotHelper.currentPlots()) > 0) self.cmdAppend.setEnabled(len(PlotHelper.currentPlots()) > 0) def initPerspectives(self): """ Populate the Perspective combobox and define callbacks """ available_perspectives = sorted([p for p in list(Perspectives.PERSPECTIVES.keys())]) if available_perspectives: self.cbFitting.clear() self.cbFitting.addItems(available_perspectives) self.cbFitting.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.updatePerspectiveCombo) # Set the index so we see the default (Fitting) self.cbFitting.setCurrentIndex(self.cbFitting.findText(DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE)) def _perspective(self): """ Returns the current perspective """ return self.parent.perspective() def loadFromURL(self, url): """ Threaded file load """ load_thread = threads.deferToThread(self.readData, url) load_thread.addCallback(self.loadComplete) load_thread.addErrback(self.loadFailed) def loadFile(self, event=None): """ Called when the "Load" button pressed. Opens the Qt "Open File..." dialog """ path_str = self.chooseFiles() if not path_str: return self.loadFromURL(path_str) def loadFolder(self, event=None): """ Called when the "File/Load Folder" menu item chosen. Opens the Qt "Open Folder..." dialog """ folder = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Choose a directory", "", QtWidgets.QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly | QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog) if folder is None: return folder = str(folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): return # get content of dir into a list path_str = [os.path.join(os.path.abspath(folder), filename) for filename in os.listdir(folder)] self.loadFromURL(path_str) def loadProject(self): """ Called when the "Open Project" menu item chosen. """ kwargs = { 'parent' : self, 'caption' : 'Open Project', 'filter' : 'Project (*.json);;All files (*.*)', 'options' : QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog } filename = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(**kwargs)[0] if filename: load_thread = threads.deferToThread(self.readProject, filename) load_thread.addCallback(self.readProjectComplete) load_thread.addErrback(self.readProjectFailed) def loadFailed(self, reason): """ """ print("file load FAILED: ", reason) pass def readProjectFailed(self, reason): """ """ print("readProjectFailed FAILED: ", reason) pass def readProject(self, filename): self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit("Loading Project... %s" % os.path.basename(filename)) try: manager = DataManager() with open(filename, 'r') as infile: manager.load_from_readable(infile) self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit("Loaded Project: %s" % os.path.basename(filename)) return manager except: self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit("Failed: %s" % os.path.basename(filename)) raise def readProjectComplete(self, manager): self.model.clear() self.manager.assign(manager) self.model.beginResetModel() for id, item in self.manager.get_all_data().items(): self.updateModel(item.data, item.path) self.model.endResetModel() def saveProject(self): """ Called when the "Save Project" menu item chosen. """ kwargs = { 'parent' : self, 'caption' : 'Save Project', 'filter' : 'Project (*.json)', 'options' : QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog } name_tuple = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(**kwargs) filename = name_tuple[0] if filename: _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if not extension: filename = '.'.join((filename, 'json')) self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit("Saving Project... %s\n" % os.path.basename(filename)) with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: self.manager.save_to_writable(outfile) def deleteFile(self, event): """ Delete selected rows from the model """ # Assure this is indeed wanted delete_msg = "This operation will delete the checked data sets and all the dependents." +\ "\nDo you want to continue?" reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Warning', delete_msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: return # Figure out which rows are checked ind = -1 # Use 'while' so the row count is forced at every iteration deleted_items = [] deleted_names = [] while ind < self.model.rowCount(): ind += 1 item = self.model.item(ind) if item and item.isCheckable() and item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked: # Delete these rows from the model deleted_names.append(str(self.model.item(ind).text())) deleted_items.append(item) self.model.removeRow(ind) # Decrement index since we just deleted it ind -= 1 # Let others know we deleted data self.communicator.dataDeletedSignal.emit(deleted_items) # update stored_data self.manager.update_stored_data(deleted_names) def deleteTheory(self, event): """ Delete selected rows from the theory model """ # Assure this is indeed wanted delete_msg = "This operation will delete the checked data sets and all the dependents." +\ "\nDo you want to continue?" reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Warning', delete_msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: return # Figure out which rows are checked ind = -1 # Use 'while' so the row count is forced at every iteration while ind < self.theory_model.rowCount(): ind += 1 item = self.theory_model.item(ind) if item and item.isCheckable() and item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked: # Delete these rows from the model self.theory_model.removeRow(ind) # Decrement index since we just deleted it ind -= 1 # pass temporarily kept as a breakpoint anchor pass def sendData(self, event): """ Send selected item data to the current perspective and set the relevant notifiers """ # Set the signal handlers self.communicator.updateModelFromPerspectiveSignal.connect(self.updateModelFromPerspective) def isItemReady(index): item = self.model.item(index) return item.isCheckable() and item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked # Figure out which rows are checked selected_items = [self.model.item(index) for index in range(self.model.rowCount()) if isItemReady(index)] if len(selected_items) < 1: return # Which perspective has been selected? if len(selected_items) > 1 and not self._perspective().allowBatch(): msg = self._perspective().title() + " does not allow multiple data." msgbox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgbox.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) msgbox.setText(msg) msgbox.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) retval = msgbox.exec_() return # Notify the GuiManager about the send request self._perspective().setData(data_item=selected_items, is_batch=self.chkBatch.isChecked()) def freezeTheory(self, event): """ Freeze selected theory rows. "Freezing" means taking the plottable data from the Theory item and copying it to a separate top-level item in Data. """ # Figure out which rows are checked # Use 'while' so the row count is forced at every iteration outer_index = -1 theories_copied = 0 while outer_index < self.theory_model.rowCount(): outer_index += 1 outer_item = self.theory_model.item(outer_index) if not outer_item: continue if outer_item.isCheckable() and \ outer_item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.model.beginResetModel() theories_copied += 1 new_item = self.cloneTheory(outer_item) self.model.appendRow(new_item) self.model.endResetModel() freeze_msg = "" if theories_copied == 0: return elif theories_copied == 1: freeze_msg = "1 theory copied from the Theory tab as a data set" elif theories_copied > 1: freeze_msg = "%i theories copied from the Theory tab as data sets" % theories_copied else: freeze_msg = "Unexpected number of theories copied: %i" % theories_copied raise AttributeError(freeze_msg) self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(freeze_msg) # Actively switch tabs self.setCurrentIndex(1) def cloneTheory(self, item_from): """ Manually clone theory items into a new HashableItem """ new_item = GuiUtils.HashableStandardItem() new_item.setCheckable(True) new_item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) info_item = QtGui.QStandardItem("Info") data_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() data_item.setData(item_from.child(0).data()) new_item.setText(item_from.text()) new_item.setChild(0, data_item) new_item.setChild(1, info_item) # Append a "unique" descriptor to the name time_bit = str(time.time())[7:-1].replace('.', '') new_name = new_item.text() + '_@' + time_bit new_item.setText(new_name) # Change the underlying data so it is no longer a theory try: new_item.child(0).data().is_data = True except AttributeError: #no data here, pass pass return new_item def recursivelyCloneItem(self, item): """ Clone QStandardItem() object """ new_item = item.clone() # clone doesn't do deepcopy :( for child_index in range(item.rowCount()): child_item = self.recursivelyCloneItem(item.child(child_index)) new_item.setChild(child_index, child_item) return new_item def updatePlotName(self, name_tuple): """ Modify the name of the current plot """ old_name, current_name = name_tuple ind = self.cbgraph.findText(old_name) self.cbgraph.setCurrentIndex(ind) self.cbgraph.setItemText(ind, current_name) def updateGraphCount(self, graph_list): """ Modify the graph name combo and potentially remove deleted graphs """ self.updateGraphCombo(graph_list) if not self.active_plots: return new_plots = [PlotHelper.plotById(plot) for plot in graph_list] active_plots_copy = list(self.active_plots.keys()) for plot in active_plots_copy: if self.active_plots[plot] in new_plots: continue self.active_plots.pop(plot) def updateGraphCombo(self, graph_list): """ Modify Graph combo box on graph add/delete """ orig_text = self.cbgraph.currentText() self.cbgraph.clear() self.cbgraph.insertItems(0, graph_list) ind = self.cbgraph.findText(orig_text) if ind > 0: self.cbgraph.setCurrentIndex(ind) def updatePerspectiveCombo(self, index): """ Notify the gui manager about the new perspective chosen. """ self.communicator.perspectiveChangedSignal.emit(self.cbFitting.itemText(index)) self.chkBatch.setEnabled(self.parent.perspective().allowBatch()) def itemFromFilename(self, filename): """ Retrieves model item corresponding to the given filename """ item = GuiUtils.itemFromFilename(filename, self.model) return item def displayFile(self, filename=None, is_data=True): """ Forces display of charts for the given filename """ model = self.model if is_data else self.theory_model # Now query the model item for available plots plots = GuiUtils.plotsFromFilename(filename, model) ids = [list(self.active_plots.values())[id].data.id for id in range(len(self.active_plots))] new_plots = [] for item, plot in plots.items(): plot_id = plot.id if plot_id in ids: self.active_plots[plot_id].replacePlot(plot_id, plot) else: # 'sophisticated' test to generate standalone plot for residuals if 'esiduals' in plot.title: self.plotData([(item, plot)]) else: new_plots.append((item, plot)) if new_plots: self.plotData(new_plots) def displayData(self, data_list): """ Forces display of charts for the given data set """ plot_to_show = data_list[0] # passed plot is used ONLY to figure out its title, # so all the charts related by it can be pulled from # the data explorer indices. filename = plot_to_show.filename self.displayFile(filename=filename, is_data=plot_to_show.is_data) def addDataPlot2D(self, plot_set, item): """ Create a new 2D plot and add it to the workspace """ plot2D = Plotter2D(self) plot2D.item = item plot2D.plot(plot_set) self.addPlot(plot2D) self.active_plots[plot2D.data.id] = plot2D #============================================ # Experimental hook for silx charts #============================================ ## Attach silx #from silx.gui import qt #from silx.gui.plot import StackView #sv = StackView() #sv.setColormap("jet", autoscale=True) #sv.setStack(plot_set.data.reshape(1,100,100)) ##sv.setLabels(["x: -10 to 10 (200 samples)", ## "y: -10 to 5 (150 samples)"]) #sv.show() #============================================ def plotData(self, plots): """ Takes 1D/2D data and generates a single plot (1D) or multiple plots (2D) """ # Call show on requested plots # All same-type charts in one plot for item, plot_set in plots: if isinstance(plot_set, Data1D): if not 'new_plot' in locals(): new_plot = Plotter(self) new_plot.item = item new_plot.plot(plot_set) # active_plots may contain multiple charts self.active_plots[plot_set.id] = new_plot elif isinstance(plot_set, Data2D): self.addDataPlot2D(plot_set, item) else: msg = "Incorrect data type passed to Plotting" raise AttributeError(msg) if 'new_plot' in locals() and \ hasattr(new_plot, 'data') and \ isinstance(new_plot.data, Data1D): self.addPlot(new_plot) def newPlot(self): """ Select checked data and plot it """ # Check which tab is currently active if self.current_view == self.treeView: plots = GuiUtils.plotsFromCheckedItems(self.model) else: plots = GuiUtils.plotsFromCheckedItems(self.theory_model) self.plotData(plots) def addPlot(self, new_plot): """ Helper method for plot bookkeeping """ # Update the global plot counter title = str(PlotHelper.idOfPlot(new_plot)) new_plot.setWindowTitle(title) # Set the object name to satisfy the Squish object picker new_plot.setObjectName(title) # Add the plot to the workspace plot_widget = self.parent.workspace().addSubWindow(new_plot) # Show the plot new_plot.show() new_plot.canvas.draw() # Update the plot widgets dict self.plot_widgets[title]=plot_widget # Update the active chart list #self.active_plots[new_plot.data.id] = new_plot def appendPlot(self): """ Add data set(s) to the existing matplotlib chart """ # new plot data; check which tab is currently active if self.current_view == self.treeView: new_plots = GuiUtils.plotsFromCheckedItems(self.model) else: new_plots = GuiUtils.plotsFromCheckedItems(self.theory_model) # old plot data plot_id = str(self.cbgraph.currentText()) assert plot_id in PlotHelper.currentPlots(), "No such plot: %s"%(plot_id) old_plot = PlotHelper.plotById(plot_id) # Add new data to the old plot, if data type is the same. for _, plot_set in new_plots: if type(plot_set) is type(old_plot._data): old_plot.data = plot_set old_plot.plot() def updatePlot(self, new_data): """ Modify existing plot for immediate response """ data = new_data[0] assert type(data).__name__ in ['Data1D', 'Data2D'] id = data.id if data.id in list(self.active_plots.keys()): self.active_plots[id].replacePlot(id, data) def chooseFiles(self): """ Shows the Open file dialog and returns the chosen path(s) """ # List of known extensions wlist = self.getWlist() # Location is automatically saved - no need to keep track of the last dir # But only with Qt built-in dialog (non-platform native) paths = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, "Choose a file", "", wlist, None, QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog)[0] if not paths: return if not isinstance(paths, list): paths = [paths] return paths def readData(self, path): """ verbatim copy-paste from sasgui.guiframe.local_perspectives.data_loader.data_loader.py slightly modified for clarity """ message = "" log_msg = '' output = {} any_error = False data_error = False error_message = "" number_of_files = len(path) self.communicator.progressBarUpdateSignal.emit(0.0) for index, p_file in enumerate(path): basename = os.path.basename(p_file) _, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) if extension.lower() in GuiUtils.EXTENSIONS: any_error = True log_msg = "Data Loader cannot " log_msg += "load: %s\n" % str(p_file) log_msg += """Please try to open that file from "open project" """ log_msg += """or "open analysis" menu\n""" error_message = log_msg + "\n" logging.info(log_msg) continue try: message = "Loading Data... " + str(basename) + "\n" # change this to signal notification in GuiManager self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(message) output_objects = self.loader.load(p_file) # Some loaders return a list and some just a single Data1D object. # Standardize. if not isinstance(output_objects, list): output_objects = [output_objects] for item in output_objects: # cast sascalc.dataloader.data_info.Data1D into # sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting.Data1D # TODO : Fix it new_data = self.manager.create_gui_data(item, p_file) output[new_data.id] = new_data # Model update should be protected self.mutex.lock() self.updateModel(new_data, p_file) #self.model.reset() QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() self.mutex.unlock() if hasattr(item, 'errors'): for error_data in item.errors: data_error = True message += "\tError: {0}\n".format(error_data) else: logging.error("Loader returned an invalid object:\n %s" % str(item)) data_error = True except Exception as ex: logging.error(sys.exc_info()[1]) any_error = True if any_error or error_message != "": if error_message == "": error = "Error: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) + "\n" error += "while loading Data: \n%s\n" % str(basename) error_message += "The data file you selected could not be loaded.\n" error_message += "Make sure the content of your file" error_message += " is properly formatted.\n\n" error_message += "When contacting the SasView team, mention the" error_message += " following:\n%s" % str(error) elif data_error: base_message = "Errors occurred while loading " base_message += "{0}\n".format(basename) base_message += "The data file loaded but with errors.\n" error_message = base_message + error_message else: error_message += "%s\n" % str(p_file) current_percentage = int(100.0* index/number_of_files) self.communicator.progressBarUpdateSignal.emit(current_percentage) if any_error or error_message: logging.error(error_message) status_bar_message = "Errors occurred while loading %s" % format(basename) self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(status_bar_message) else: message = "Loading Data Complete! " message += log_msg # Notify the progress bar that the updates are over. self.communicator.progressBarUpdateSignal.emit(-1) self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(message) return output, message def getWlist(self): """ Wildcards of files we know the format of. """ # Display the Qt Load File module cards = self.loader.get_wildcards() # get rid of the wx remnant in wildcards # TODO: modify sasview loader get_wildcards method, after merge, # so this kludge can be avoided new_cards = [] for item in cards: new_cards.append(item[:item.find("|")]) wlist = ';;'.join(new_cards) return wlist def selectData(self, index): """ Callback method for modifying the TreeView on Selection Options change """ if not isinstance(index, int): msg = "Incorrect type passed to DataExplorer.selectData()" raise AttributeError(msg) # Respond appropriately if index == 0: # Select All for index in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(index) if item.isCheckable() and item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) elif index == 1: # De-select All for index in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(index) if item.isCheckable() and item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) elif index == 2: # Select All 1-D for index in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(index) item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) try: is1D = isinstance(GuiUtils.dataFromItem(item), Data1D) except AttributeError: msg = "Bad structure of the data model." raise RuntimeError(msg) if is1D: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) elif index == 3: # Unselect All 1-D for index in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(index) try: is1D = isinstance(GuiUtils.dataFromItem(item), Data1D) except AttributeError: msg = "Bad structure of the data model." raise RuntimeError(msg) if item.isCheckable() and item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked and is1D: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) elif index == 4: # Select All 2-D for index in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(index) item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) try: is2D = isinstance(GuiUtils.dataFromItem(item), Data2D) except AttributeError: msg = "Bad structure of the data model." raise RuntimeError(msg) if is2D: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) elif index == 5: # Unselect All 2-D for index in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(index) try: is2D = isinstance(GuiUtils.dataFromItem(item), Data2D) except AttributeError: msg = "Bad structure of the data model." raise RuntimeError(msg) if item.isCheckable() and item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked and is2D: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) else: msg = "Incorrect value in the Selection Option" # Change this to a proper logging action raise Exception(msg) def contextMenu(self): """ Define actions and layout of the right click context menu """ # Create a custom menu based on actions defined in the UI file self.context_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) self.context_menu.addAction(self.actionDataInfo) self.context_menu.addAction(self.actionSaveAs) self.context_menu.addAction(self.actionQuickPlot) self.context_menu.addSeparator() self.context_menu.addAction(self.actionQuick3DPlot) self.context_menu.addAction(self.actionEditMask) self.context_menu.addSeparator() self.context_menu.addAction(self.actionDelete) # Define the callbacks self.actionDataInfo.triggered.connect(self.showDataInfo) self.actionSaveAs.triggered.connect(self.saveDataAs) self.actionQuickPlot.triggered.connect(self.quickDataPlot) self.actionQuick3DPlot.triggered.connect(self.quickData3DPlot) self.actionEditMask.triggered.connect(self.showEditDataMask) self.actionDelete.triggered.connect(self.deleteItem) def onCustomContextMenu(self, position): """ Show the right-click context menu in the data treeview """ index = self.current_view.indexAt(position) proxy = self.current_view.model() model = proxy.sourceModel() if index.isValid(): model_item = model.itemFromIndex(proxy.mapToSource(index)) # Find the mapped index orig_index = model_item.isCheckable() if orig_index: # Check the data to enable/disable actions is_2D = isinstance(GuiUtils.dataFromItem(model_item), Data2D) self.actionQuick3DPlot.setEnabled(is_2D) self.actionEditMask.setEnabled(is_2D) # Fire up the menu self.context_menu.exec_(self.current_view.mapToGlobal(position)) def showDataInfo(self): """ Show a simple read-only text edit with data information. """ index = self.current_view.selectedIndexes()[0] proxy = self.current_view.model() model = proxy.sourceModel() model_item = model.itemFromIndex(proxy.mapToSource(index)) data = GuiUtils.dataFromItem(model_item) if isinstance(data, Data1D): text_to_show = GuiUtils.retrieveData1d(data) # Hardcoded sizes to enable full width rendering with default font self.txt_widget.resize(420,600) else: text_to_show = GuiUtils.retrieveData2d(data) # Hardcoded sizes to enable full width rendering with default font self.txt_widget.resize(700,600) self.txt_widget.setReadOnly(True) self.txt_widget.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.Window) self.txt_widget.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(":/res/ball.ico")) self.txt_widget.setWindowTitle("Data Info: %s" % data.filename) self.txt_widget.clear() self.txt_widget.insertPlainText(text_to_show) self.txt_widget.show() # Move the slider all the way up, if present vertical_scroll_bar = self.txt_widget.verticalScrollBar() vertical_scroll_bar.triggerAction(QtWidgets.QScrollBar.SliderToMinimum) def saveDataAs(self): """ Save the data points as either txt or xml """ index = self.current_view.selectedIndexes()[0] proxy = self.current_view.model() model = proxy.sourceModel() model_item = model.itemFromIndex(proxy.mapToSource(index)) data = GuiUtils.dataFromItem(model_item) if isinstance(data, Data1D): GuiUtils.saveData1D(data) else: GuiUtils.saveData2D(data) def quickDataPlot(self): """ Frozen plot - display an image of the plot """ index = self.current_view.selectedIndexes()[0] proxy = self.current_view.model() model = proxy.sourceModel() model_item = model.itemFromIndex(proxy.mapToSource(index)) data = GuiUtils.dataFromItem(model_item) method_name = 'Plotter' if isinstance(data, Data2D): method_name='Plotter2D' self.new_plot = globals()[method_name](self, quickplot=True) self.new_plot.data = data #new_plot.plot(marker='o') self.new_plot.plot() # Update the global plot counter title = "Plot " + data.name self.new_plot.setWindowTitle(title) # Show the plot self.new_plot.show() def quickData3DPlot(self): """ Slowish 3D plot """ index = self.current_view.selectedIndexes()[0] proxy = self.current_view.model() model = proxy.sourceModel() model_item = model.itemFromIndex(proxy.mapToSource(index)) data = GuiUtils.dataFromItem(model_item) self.new_plot = Plotter2D(self, quickplot=True, dimension=3) self.new_plot.data = data self.new_plot.plot() # Update the global plot counter title = "Plot " + data.name self.new_plot.setWindowTitle(title) # Show the plot self.new_plot.show() def showEditDataMask(self, data=None): """ Mask Editor for 2D plots """ if data is None or not isinstance(data, Data2D): index = self.current_view.selectedIndexes()[0] proxy = self.current_view.model() model = proxy.sourceModel() model_item = model.itemFromIndex(proxy.mapToSource(index)) data = GuiUtils.dataFromItem(model_item) mask_editor = MaskEditor(self, data) # Modal dialog here. mask_editor.exec_() def deleteItem(self): """ Delete the current item """ # Assure this is indeed wanted delete_msg = "This operation will delete the selected data sets " +\ "and all the dependents." +\ "\nDo you want to continue?" reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Warning', delete_msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: return # Every time a row is removed, the indices change, so we'll just remove # rows and keep calling selectedIndexes until it returns an empty list. indices = self.current_view.selectedIndexes() proxy = self.current_view.model() model = proxy.sourceModel() deleted_items = [] deleted_names = [] while len(indices) > 0: index = indices[0] row_index = proxy.mapToSource(index) item_to_delete = model.itemFromIndex(row_index) if item_to_delete and item_to_delete.isCheckable(): row = row_index.row() # store the deleted item details so we can pass them on later deleted_names.append(item_to_delete.text()) deleted_items.append(item_to_delete) # Delete corresponding open plots self.closePlotsForItem(item_to_delete) if item_to_delete.parent(): # We have a child item - delete from it item_to_delete.parent().removeRow(row) else: # delete directly from model model.removeRow(row) indices = self.current_view.selectedIndexes() # Let others know we deleted data self.communicator.dataDeletedSignal.emit(deleted_items) # update stored_data self.manager.update_stored_data(deleted_names) def closePlotsForItem(self, item): """ Given standard item, close all its currently displayed plots """ # item - HashableStandardItems of active plots # {} -> 'Graph1' : HashableStandardItem() current_plot_items = {} for plot_name in PlotHelper.currentPlots(): current_plot_items[plot_name] = PlotHelper.plotById(plot_name).item # item and its hashable children items_being_deleted = [] if item.rowCount() > 0: items_being_deleted = [item.child(n) for n in range(item.rowCount()) if isinstance(item.child(n), GuiUtils.HashableStandardItem)] items_being_deleted.append(item) # Add the parent in case a child is selected if isinstance(item.parent(), GuiUtils.HashableStandardItem): items_being_deleted.append(item.parent()) # Compare plot items and items to delete plots_to_close = set(current_plot_items.values()) & set(items_being_deleted) for plot_item in plots_to_close: for plot_name in current_plot_items.keys(): if plot_item == current_plot_items[plot_name]: plotter = PlotHelper.plotById(plot_name) # try to delete the plot try: plotter.close() #self.parent.workspace().removeSubWindow(plotter) self.plot_widgets[plot_name].close() self.plot_widgets.pop(plot_name, None) except AttributeError as ex: logging.error("Closing of %s failed:\n %s" % (plot_name, str(ex))) pass # debugger anchor def onAnalysisUpdate(self, new_perspective=""): """ Update the perspective combo index based on passed string """ assert new_perspective in Perspectives.PERSPECTIVES.keys() self.cbFitting.blockSignals(True) self.cbFitting.setCurrentIndex(self.cbFitting.findText(new_perspective)) self.cbFitting.blockSignals(False) pass def loadComplete(self, output): """ Post message to status bar and update the data manager """ assert isinstance(output, tuple) # Reset the model so the view gets updated. #self.model.reset() self.communicator.progressBarUpdateSignal.emit(-1) output_data = output[0] message = output[1] # Notify the manager of the new data available self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(message) self.communicator.fileDataReceivedSignal.emit(output_data) self.manager.add_data(data_list=output_data) def loadFailed(self, reason): print("File Load Failed with:\n", reason) pass def updateModel(self, data, p_file): """ Add data and Info fields to the model item """ # Structure of the model # checkbox + basename # |-------> Data.D object # |-------> Info # |----> Title: # |----> Run: # |----> Type: # |----> Path: # |----> Process # |-----> process[0].name # |-------> THEORIES # Top-level item: checkbox with label checkbox_item = GuiUtils.HashableStandardItem() checkbox_item.setCheckable(True) checkbox_item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) checkbox_item.setText(os.path.basename(p_file)) # Add the actual Data1D/Data2D object object_item = GuiUtils.HashableStandardItem() object_item.setData(data) checkbox_item.setChild(0, object_item) # Add rows for display in the view info_item = GuiUtils.infoFromData(data) # Set info_item as the first child checkbox_item.setChild(1, info_item) # Caption for the theories checkbox_item.setChild(2, QtGui.QStandardItem("THEORIES")) # New row in the model self.model.beginResetModel() self.model.appendRow(checkbox_item) self.model.endResetModel() def updateModelFromPerspective(self, model_item): """ Receive an update model item from a perspective Make sure it is valid and if so, replace it in the model """ # Assert the correct type if not isinstance(model_item, QtGui.QStandardItem): msg = "Wrong data type returned from calculations." raise AttributeError(msg) # TODO: Assert other properties # Reset the view ##self.model.reset() # Pass acting as a debugger anchor pass def updateTheoryFromPerspective(self, model_item): """ Receive an update theory item from a perspective Make sure it is valid and if so, replace/add in the model """ # Assert the correct type if not isinstance(model_item, QtGui.QStandardItem): msg = "Wrong data type returned from calculations." raise AttributeError(msg) # Check if there are any other items for this tab # If so, delete them current_tab_name = model_item.text() for current_index in range(self.theory_model.rowCount()): #if current_tab_name in self.theory_model.item(current_index).text(): if current_tab_name == self.theory_model.item(current_index).text(): return self.theory_model.removeRow(current_index) break # send in the new item self.theory_model.appendRow(model_item)