import sys import os import numpy import logging import time from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore from twisted.internet import threads from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils from sas.qtgui.Utilities.GenericReader import GenReader from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import Detector from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import Source from sas.sascalc.calculator import sas_gen from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Arrow3D import Arrow3D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterBase import PlotterBase from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D import Plotter2D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter import Plotter from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D # Local UI from UI.GenericScatteringCalculator import Ui_GenericScatteringCalculator _Q1D_MIN = 0.001 class GenericScatteringCalculator(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_GenericScatteringCalculator): trigger_plot_3d = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GenericScatteringCalculator, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.manager = parent self.communicator = self.manager.communicator() self.model = sas_gen.GenSAS() self.omf_reader = sas_gen.OMFReader() self.sld_reader = sas_gen.SLDReader() self.pdb_reader = sas_gen.PDBReader() self.reader = None self.sld_data = None self.parameters = [] = None self.datafile = None self.file_name = '' self.ext = None self.default_shape = str(self.cbShape.currentText()) self.is_avg = False self.data_to_plot = None self.graph_num = 1 # index for name of graph # combox box self.cbOptionsCalc.setVisible(False) # push buttons self.cmdClose.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.onHelp) self.cmdLoad.clicked.connect(self.loadFile) self.cmdCompute.clicked.connect(self.onCompute) self.cmdReset.clicked.connect(self.onReset) self.cmdSave.clicked.connect(self.onSaveFile) self.cmdDraw.clicked.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=True)) self.cmdDrawpoints.clicked.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=False)) # validators # scale, volume and background must be positive validat_regex_pos = QtCore.QRegExp('^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+([.]\d+)?)$') self.txtScale.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_pos, self.txtScale)) self.txtBackground.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator( validat_regex_pos, self.txtBackground)) self.txtTotalVolume.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator( validat_regex_pos, self.txtTotalVolume)) # fraction of spin up between 0 and 1 validat_regexbetween0_1 = QtCore.QRegExp('^(0(\.\d*)*|1(\.0+)?)$') self.txtUpFracIn.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regexbetween0_1, self.txtUpFracIn)) self.txtUpFracOut.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regexbetween0_1, self.txtUpFracOut)) # 0 < Qmax <= 1000 validat_regex_q = QtCore.QRegExp('^1000$|^[+]?(\d{1,3}([.]\d+)?)$') self.txtQxMax.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_q, self.txtQxMax)) self.txtQxMax.textChanged.connect(self.check_value) # 2 <= Qbin <= 1000 self.txtNoQBins.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_q, self.txtNoQBins)) self.txtNoQBins.textChanged.connect(self.check_value) # plots - 3D in real space self.trigger_plot_3d.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=False)) # TODO the option Ellipsoid has not been implemented self.cbShape.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.selectedshapechange) # New font to display angstrom symbol new_font = 'font-family: -apple-system, "Helvetica Neue", "Ubuntu";' self.lblUnitSolventSLD.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitVolume.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lbl5.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMx.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMy.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMz.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitNucl.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitx.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnity.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitz.setStyleSheet(new_font) def selectedshapechange(self): """ TODO Temporary solution to display information about option 'Ellipsoid' """ print "The option Ellipsoid has not been implemented yet." self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit( "The option Ellipsoid has not been implemented yet.") def loadFile(self): """ Open menu to choose the datafile to load Only extensions .SLD, .PDB, .OMF, .sld, .pdb, .omf """ try: self.datafile = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Choose a file", "", "All Gen files (*.OMF *.omf) ;;" "SLD files (*.SLD *.sld);;PDB files (*.pdb *.PDB);; " "OMF files (*.OMF *.omf);; " "All files (*.*)") if self.datafile: self.default_shape = str(self.cbShape.currentText()) self.file_name = os.path.basename(str(self.datafile)) self.ext = os.path.splitext(str(self.datafile))[1] if self.ext in self.omf_reader.ext: loader = self.omf_reader elif self.ext in self.sld_reader.ext: loader = self.sld_reader elif self.ext in self.pdb_reader.ext: loader = self.pdb_reader else: loader = None # disable some entries depending on type of loaded file # (according to documentation) if self.ext.lower() in ['.sld', '.omf', '.pdb']: self.txtUpFracIn.setEnabled(False) self.txtUpFracOut.setEnabled(False) self.txtUpTheta.setEnabled(False) if self.reader is not None and self.reader.isrunning(): self.reader.stop() self.cmdLoad.setEnabled(False) self.cmdLoad.setText('Loading...') self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit( "Loading File {}".format(os.path.basename( str(self.datafile)))) self.reader = GenReader(path=str(self.datafile), loader=loader, completefn=self.complete_loading, updatefn=self.load_update) self.reader.queue() except (RuntimeError, IOError): log_msg = "Generic SAS Calculator: %s" % sys.exc_value raise return def load_update(self): """ Legacy function used in GenRead """ if self.reader.isrunning(): status_type = "progress" else: status_type = "stop" def complete_loading(self, data=None): """ Function used in GenRead""" self.cbShape.setEnabled(False) try: is_pdbdata = False self.txtData.setText(os.path.basename(str(self.datafile))) self.is_avg = False if self.ext in self.omf_reader.ext: gen = sas_gen.OMF2SLD() gen.set_data(data) self.sld_data = gen.get_magsld() self.check_units() elif self.ext in self.sld_reader.ext: self.sld_data = data elif self.ext in self.pdb_reader.ext: self.sld_data = data is_pdbdata = True # Display combobox of orientation only for pdb data self.cbOptionsCalc.setVisible(is_pdbdata) self.update_gui() except IOError: log_msg = "Loading Error: " \ "This file format is not supported for GenSAS." raise except ValueError: log_msg = "Could not find any data" raise"Load Complete") self.cmdLoad.setEnabled(True) self.cmdLoad.setText('Load') self.trigger_plot_3d.emit() def check_units(self): """ Check if the units from the OMF file correspond to the default ones displayed on the interface. If not, modify the GUI with the correct unit """ # TODO: adopt the convention of font and symbol for the updated values if sas_gen.OMFData().valueunit != 'A^(-2)': value_unit = sas_gen.OMFData().valueunit self.lbl_unitMx.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitMy.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitMz.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitNucl.setText(value_unit) if sas_gen.OMFData().meshunit != 'A': mesh_unit = sas_gen.OMFData().meshunit self.lbl_unitx.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unity.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unitz.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unitVolume.setText(mesh_unit+"^3") def check_value(self): """Check range of text edits for QMax and Number of Qbins """ text_edit = self.sender() text_edit.setStyleSheet( QtCore.QString.fromUtf8('background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);')) if text_edit.text(): value = float(str(text_edit.text())) if text_edit == self.txtQxMax: if value <= 0 or value > 1000: text_edit.setStyleSheet(QtCore.QString.fromUtf8( 'background-color: rgb(255, 182, 193);')) else: text_edit.setStyleSheet(QtCore.QString.fromUtf8( 'background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);')) elif text_edit == self.txtNoQBins: if value < 2 or value > 1000: self.txtNoQBins.setStyleSheet(QtCore.QString.fromUtf8( 'background-color: rgb(255, 182, 193);')) else: self.txtNoQBins.setStyleSheet(QtCore.QString.fromUtf8( 'background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);')) def update_gui(self): """ Update the interface with values from loaded data """ self.model.set_is_avg(self.is_avg) self.model.set_sld_data(self.sld_data) self.model.params['total_volume'] = len(self.sld_data.sld_n)*self.sld_data.vol_pix[0] # add condition for activation of save button self.cmdSave.setEnabled(True) # activation of 3D plots' buttons (with and without arrows) self.cmdDraw.setEnabled(self.sld_data is not None) self.cmdDrawpoints.setEnabled(self.sld_data is not None) self.txtScale.setText(str(self.model.params['scale'])) self.txtBackground.setText(str(self.model.params['background'])) self.txtSolventSLD.setText(str(self.model.params['solvent_SLD'])) # Volume to write to interface: npts x volume of first pixel self.txtTotalVolume.setText(str(len(self.sld_data.sld_n)*self.sld_data.vol_pix[0])) self.txtUpFracIn.setText(str(self.model.params['Up_frac_in'])) self.txtUpFracOut.setText(str(self.model.params['Up_frac_out'])) self.txtUpTheta.setText(str(self.model.params['Up_theta'])) self.txtNoPixels.setText(str(len(self.sld_data.sld_n))) self.txtNoPixels.setEnabled(False) list_parameters = ['sld_mx', 'sld_my', 'sld_mz', 'sld_n', 'xnodes', 'ynodes', 'znodes', 'xstepsize', 'ystepsize', 'zstepsize'] list_gui_button = [self.txtMx, self.txtMy, self.txtMz, self.txtNucl, self.txtXnodes, self.txtYnodes, self.txtZnodes, self.txtXstepsize, self.txtYstepsize, self.txtZstepsize] # Fill right hand side of GUI for indx, item in enumerate(list_parameters): if getattr(self.sld_data, item) is None: list_gui_button[indx].setText('NaN') else: value = getattr(self.sld_data, item) if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): item_for_gui = str(GuiUtils.formatNumber(numpy.average(value), True)) else: item_for_gui = str(GuiUtils.formatNumber(value, True)) list_gui_button[indx].setText(item_for_gui) # Enable / disable editing of right hand side of GUI for indx, item in enumerate(list_parameters): if indx < 4: # this condition only applies to Mx,y,z and Nucl value = getattr(self.sld_data, item) enable = self.sld_data.pix_type == 'pixel' \ and numpy.min(value) == numpy.max(value) else: enable = not self.sld_data.is_data list_gui_button[indx].setEnabled(enable) def write_new_values_from_gui(self): """ update parameters using modified inputs from GUI used before computing """ if self.txtScale.isModified(): self.model.params['scale'] = float(self.txtScale.text()) if self.txtBackground.isModified(): self.model.params['background'] = float(self.txtBackground.text()) if self.txtSolventSLD.isModified(): self.model.params['solvent_SLD'] = float(self.txtSolventSLD.text()) # Different condition for total volume to get correct volume after # applying set_sld_data in compute if self.txtTotalVolume.isModified() \ or self.model.params['total_volume'] != float(self.txtTotalVolume.text()): self.model.params['total_volume'] = float(self.txtTotalVolume.text()) if self.txtUpFracIn.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_frac_in'] = float(self.txtUpFracIn.text()) if self.txtUpFracOut.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_frac_out'] = float(self.txtUpFracOut.text()) if self.txtUpTheta.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_theta'] = float(self.txtUpTheta.text()) if self.txtMx.isModified(): self.sld_data.sld_mx = float(self.txtMx.text())*\ numpy.ones(len(self.sld_data.sld_mx)) if self.txtMy.isModified(): self.sld_data.sld_my = float(self.txtMy.text())*\ numpy.ones(len(self.sld_data.sld_my)) if self.txtMz.isModified(): self.sld_data.sld_mz = float(self.txtMz.text())*\ numpy.ones(len(self.sld_data.sld_mz)) if self.txtNucl.isModified(): self.sld_data.sld_n = float(self.txtNucl.text())*\ numpy.ones(len(self.sld_data.sld_n)) if self.txtXnodes.isModified(): self.sld_data.xnodes = int(self.txtXnodes.text()) if self.txtYnodes.isModified(): self.sld_data.ynodes = int(self.txtYnodes.text()) if self.txtZnodes.isModified(): self.sld_data.znodes = int(self.txtZnodes.text()) if self.txtXstepsize.isModified(): self.sld_data.xstepsize = float(self.txtXstepsize.text()) if self.txtYstepsize.isModified(): self.sld_data.ystepsize = float(self.txtYstepsize.text()) if self.txtZstepsize.isModified(): self.sld_data.zstepsize = float(self.txtZstepsize.text()) if self.cbOptionsCalc.isVisible(): self.is_avg = (self.cbOptionsCalc.currentIndex() == 1) def onHelp(self): """ Bring up the Generic Scattering calculator Documentation whenever the HELP button is clicked. Calls Documentation Window with the path of the location within the documentation tree (after /doc/ ....". """ try: location = GuiUtils.HELP_DIRECTORY_LOCATION + \ "/user/sasgui/perspectives/calculator/sas_calculator_help.html" self.manager._helpView.load(QtCore.QUrl(location)) except AttributeError: # No manager defined - testing and standalone runs pass def onReset(self): """ Reset the inputs of textEdit to default values """ try: # reset values in textedits self.txtUpFracIn.setText("1.0") self.txtUpFracOut.setText("1.0") self.txtUpTheta.setText("0.0") self.txtBackground.setText("0.0") self.txtScale.setText("1.0") self.txtSolventSLD.setText("0.0") self.txtTotalVolume.setText("216000.0") self.txtNoQBins.setText("50") self.txtQxMax.setText("0.3") self.txtNoPixels.setText("1000") self.txtMx.setText("0") self.txtMy.setText("0") self.txtMz.setText("0") self.txtNucl.setText("6.97e-06") self.txtXnodes.setText("10") self.txtYnodes.setText("10") self.txtZnodes.setText("10") self.txtXstepsize.setText("6") self.txtYstepsize.setText("6") self.txtZstepsize.setText("6") # reset Load button and textedit self.txtData.setText('Default SLD Profile') self.cmdLoad.setEnabled(True) self.cmdLoad.setText('Load') # reset option for calculation self.cbOptionsCalc.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cbOptionsCalc.setVisible(False) # reset shape button self.cbShape.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cbShape.setEnabled(True) # reset compute button self.cmdCompute.setText('Compute') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(True) # TODO reload default data set self._create_default_sld_data() finally: pass def _create_default_2d_data(self): """ Copied from previous version Create 2D data by default :warning: This data is never plotted. """ self.qmax_x = float(self.txtQxMax.text()) self.npts_x = int(self.txtNoQBins.text()) = Data2D() = False # # Default values index = len( - 1[index].distance = 8000 # mm = 6 # A[index].pixel_size.x = 5 # mm[index].pixel_size.y = 5 # mm[index].beam_center.x = self.qmax_x[index].beam_center.y = self.qmax_x xmax = self.qmax_x xmin = -xmax ymax = self.qmax_x ymin = -ymax qstep = self.npts_x x = numpy.linspace(start=xmin, stop=xmax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) y = numpy.linspace(start=ymin, stop=ymax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) # use data info instead new_x = numpy.tile(x, (len(y), 1)) new_y = numpy.tile(y, (len(x), 1)) new_y = new_y.swapaxes(0, 1) # all data require now in 1d array qx_data = new_x.flatten() qy_data = new_y.flatten() q_data = numpy.sqrt(qx_data * qx_data + qy_data * qy_data) # set all True (standing for unmasked) as default mask = numpy.ones(len(qx_data), dtype=bool) = Source() = numpy.ones(len(mask)) = numpy.ones(len(mask)) = qx_data = qy_data = q_data = mask # store x and y bin centers in q space = x = y # max and min taking account of the bin sizes = xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax def _create_default_sld_data(self): """ Copied from previous version Making default sld-data """ sld_n_default = 6.97e-06 # what is this number?? omfdata = sas_gen.OMFData() omf2sld = sas_gen.OMF2SLD() omf2sld.set_data(omfdata, self.default_shape) self.sld_data = omf2sld.output self.sld_data.is_data = False self.sld_data.filename = "Default SLD Profile" self.sld_data.set_sldn(sld_n_default) def _create_default_1d_data(self): """ Copied from previous version Create 1D data by default :warning: This data is never plotted. residuals.x = data_copy.x[index] residuals.dy = numpy.ones(len(residuals.y)) residuals.dx = None residuals.dxl = None residuals.dxw = None """ self.qmax_x = float(self.txtQxMax.text()) self.npts_x = int(self.txtNoQBins.text()) # Default values xmax = self.qmax_x xmin = self.qmax_x * _Q1D_MIN qstep = self.npts_x x = numpy.linspace(start=xmin, stop=xmax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) # store x and y bin centers in q space y = numpy.ones(len(x)) dy = numpy.zeros(len(x)) dx = numpy.zeros(len(x)) = Data1D(x=x, y=y) = dx = dy def onCompute(self): """ Copied from previous version Execute the computation of I(qx, qy) """ # Set default data when nothing loaded yet if self.sld_data is None: self._create_default_sld_data() try: self.model.set_sld_data(self.sld_data) self.write_new_values_from_gui() if self.is_avg or self.is_avg is None: self._create_default_1d_data() i_out = numpy.zeros(len( inputs = [, [], i_out] else: self._create_default_2d_data() i_out = numpy.zeros(len( inputs = [,, i_out]"Computation is in progress...") self.cmdCompute.setText('Wait...') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) d = threads.deferToThread(self.complete, inputs, self._update) # Add deferred callback for call return d.addCallback(self.plot_1_2d) except: log_msg = "{}. stop".format(sys.exc_value) return def _update(self, value): """ Copied from previous version """ pass def complete(self, input, update=None): """ Gen compute complete function :Param input: input list [qx_data, qy_data, i_out] """ out = numpy.empty(0) for ind in range(len(input[0])): if self.is_avg: if ind % 1 == 0 and update is not None: # update() percentage = int(100.0 * float(ind) / len(input[0])) update(percentage) time.sleep(0.001) # 0.1 inputi = [input[0][ind:ind + 1], [], input[2][ind:ind + 1]] outi = out = numpy.append(out, outi) else: if ind % 50 == 0 and update is not None: percentage = int(100.0 * float(ind) / len(input[0])) update(percentage) time.sleep(0.001) inputi = [input[0][ind:ind + 1], input[1][ind:ind + 1], input[2][ind:ind + 1]] outi = self.model.runXY(inputi) out = numpy.append(out, outi) self.data_to_plot = out'Gen computation completed.') self.cmdCompute.setText('Compute') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(True) return def onSaveFile(self): """Save data as .sld file""" path = os.path.dirname(str(self.datafile)) default_name = os.path.join(path, 'sld_file') kwargs = { 'parent': self, 'directory': default_name, 'filter': 'SLD file (*.sld)', 'options': QtGui.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog} # Query user for filename. filename = str(QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(**kwargs)) if filename: try: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() == '.sld': sas_gen.SLDReader().write(filename, self.sld_data) else: sas_gen.SLDReader().write('.'.join((filename, 'sld')), self.sld_data) except: raise def plot3d(self, has_arrow=False): """ Generate 3D plot in real space with or without arrows """ self.write_new_values_from_gui() graph_title = " Graph {}: {} 3D SLD Profile".format(self.graph_num, self.file_name) if has_arrow: graph_title += ' - Magnetic Vector as Arrow' plot3D = Plotter3D(self, graph_title) plot3D.plot(self.sld_data, has_arrow=has_arrow) self.graph_num += 1 def plot_1_2d(self, d): """ Generate 1D or 2D plot, called in Compute""" if self.is_avg or self.is_avg is None: data = Data1D(, y=self.data_to_plot) data.title = "GenSAS {} #{} 1D".format(self.file_name, int(self.graph_num)) data.xaxis('\\rm{Q_{x}}', '\AA^{-1}') data.yaxis('\\rm{Intensity}', 'cm^{-1}') plot1D = Plotter(self) plot1D.plot(data) self.graph_num += 1 # TODO print 'TRANSFER OF DATA TO MAIN PANEL TO BE IMPLEMENTED' return plot1D else: numpy.nan_to_num(self.data_to_plot) data = Data2D(image=self.data_to_plot,,,,,,,, data.title = "GenSAS {} #{} 2D".format(self.file_name, int(self.graph_num)) plot2D = Plotter2D(self) plot2D.plot(data) self.graph_num += 1 # TODO print 'TRANSFER OF DATA TO MAIN PANEL TO BE IMPLEMENTED' return plot2D class Plotter3DWidget(PlotterBase): """ 3D Plot widget for use with a QDialog """ def __init__(self, parent=None, manager=None): super(Plotter3DWidget, self).__init__(parent, manager=manager) @property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, data=None): """ data setter """ self._data = data def plot(self, data=None, has_arrow=False): """ Plot 3D self._data """ if not data: return = data #assert(self._data) # Prepare and show the plot self.showPlot(, has_arrow=has_arrow) def showPlot(self, data, has_arrow=False): """ Render and show the current data """ # If we don't have any data, skip. if data is None: return color_dic = {'H': 'blue', 'D': 'purple', 'N': 'orange', 'O': 'red', 'C': 'green', 'P': 'cyan', 'Other': 'k'} marker = ',' m_size = 2 pos_x = data.pos_x pos_y = data.pos_y pos_z = data.pos_z sld_mx = data.sld_mx sld_my = data.sld_my sld_mz = data.sld_mz pix_symbol = data.pix_symbol sld_tot = numpy.fabs(sld_mx) + numpy.fabs(sld_my) + \ numpy.fabs(sld_mz) + numpy.fabs(data.sld_n) is_nonzero = sld_tot > 0.0 is_zero = sld_tot == 0.0 if data.pix_type == 'atom': marker = 'o' m_size = 3.5 self.figure.clear() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.8, bottom=.1) ax = Axes3D(self.figure) ax.set_xlabel('x ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) ax.set_ylabel('z ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) ax.set_zlabel('y ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) # I. Plot null points if is_zero.any(): im = ax.plot(pos_x[is_zero], pos_z[is_zero], pos_y[is_zero], marker, c="y", alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor='y', markersize=m_size) pos_x = pos_x[is_nonzero] pos_y = pos_y[is_nonzero] pos_z = pos_z[is_nonzero] sld_mx = sld_mx[is_nonzero] sld_my = sld_my[is_nonzero] sld_mz = sld_mz[is_nonzero] pix_symbol = data.pix_symbol[is_nonzero] # II. Plot selective points in color other_color = numpy.ones(len(pix_symbol), dtype='bool') for key in color_dic.keys(): chosen_color = pix_symbol == key if numpy.any(chosen_color): other_color = other_color & (chosen_color!=True) color = color_dic[key] im = ax.plot(pos_x[chosen_color], pos_z[chosen_color], pos_y[chosen_color], marker, c=color, alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor=color, markersize=m_size, label=key) # III. Plot All others if numpy.any(other_color): a_name = '' if data.pix_type == 'atom': # Get atom names not in the list a_names = [symb for symb in pix_symbol \ if symb not in color_dic.keys()] a_name = a_names[0] for name in a_names: new_name = ", " + name if a_name.count(name) == 0: a_name += new_name # plot in black im = ax.plot(pos_x[other_color], pos_z[other_color], pos_y[other_color], marker, c="k", alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor="k", markersize=m_size, label=a_name) if data.pix_type == 'atom': ax.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 10}) # IV. Draws atomic bond with grey lines if any if data.has_conect: for ind in range(len(data.line_x)): im = ax.plot(data.line_x[ind], data.line_z[ind], data.line_y[ind], '-', lw=0.6, c="grey", alpha=0.3) # V. Draws magnetic vectors if has_arrow and len(pos_x) > 0: def _draw_arrow(input=None, update=None): """ draw magnetic vectors w/arrow """ max_mx = max(numpy.fabs(sld_mx)) max_my = max(numpy.fabs(sld_my)) max_mz = max(numpy.fabs(sld_mz)) max_m = max(max_mx, max_my, max_mz) try: max_step = max(data.xstepsize, data.ystepsize, data.zstepsize) except: max_step = 0 if max_step <= 0: max_step = 5 try: if max_m != 0: unit_x2 = sld_mx / max_m unit_y2 = sld_my / max_m unit_z2 = sld_mz / max_m # 0.8 is for avoiding the color becomes white=(1,1,1)) color_x = numpy.fabs(unit_x2 * 0.8) color_y = numpy.fabs(unit_y2 * 0.8) color_z = numpy.fabs(unit_z2 * 0.8) x2 = pos_x + unit_x2 * max_step y2 = pos_y + unit_y2 * max_step z2 = pos_z + unit_z2 * max_step x_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_x, x2)) y_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_y, y2)) z_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_z, z2)) colors = numpy.column_stack((color_x, color_y, color_z)) arrows = Arrow3D(self.figure, x_arrow, z_arrow, y_arrow, colors, mutation_scale=10, lw=1, arrowstyle="->", alpha=0.5) ax.add_artist(arrows) except: pass log_msg = "Arrow Drawing completed.\n" log_msg = "Arrow Drawing is in progress..." # Defer the drawing of arrows to another thread d = threads.deferToThread(_draw_arrow, ax) self.figure.canvas.resizing = False self.figure.canvas.draw() class Plotter3D(QtGui.QDialog, Plotter3DWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, graph_title=''): self.graph_title = graph_title QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) Plotter3DWidget.__init__(self, manager=parent) self.setWindowTitle(self.graph_title)