import time import logging import re import copy from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter import PlotterWidget from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D import Plotter2DWidget import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils from .UI.DataOperationUtilityUI import Ui_DataOperationUtility BG_WHITE = "background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" BG_RED = "background-color: rgb(244, 170, 164);" class DataOperationUtilityPanel(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_DataOperationUtility): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(DataOperationUtilityPanel, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.manager = parent self.communicator = self.manager.communicator() # To store input datafiles self.filenames = None self.list_data_items = [] self.data1 = None self.data2 = None # To store the result self.output = None # To update content of comboboxes with files loaded in DataExplorer self.communicator.sendDataToPanelSignal.connect(self.updateCombobox) # change index of comboboxes self.cbData1.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onSelectData1) self.cbData2.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onSelectData2) self.cbOperator.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onSelectOperator) # edit Coefficient text edit self.txtNumber.textChanged.connect(self.onInputCoefficient) self.txtOutputData.textChanged.connect(self.onCheckOutputName) # push buttons self.cmdClose.clicked.connect(self.onClose) self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.onHelp) self.cmdCompute.clicked.connect(self.onCompute) self.cmdReset.clicked.connect(self.onReset) self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) # validator for coefficient self.txtNumber.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.layoutOutput = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layoutData1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layoutData2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # Create default layout for initial graphs (when they are still empty) self.newPlot(self.graphOutput, self.layoutOutput) self.newPlot(self.graphData1, self.layoutData1) self.newPlot(self.graphData2, self.layoutData2) # Flag to enable Compute pushbutton self.data2OK = False self.data1OK = False def updateCombobox(self, filenames): """ Function to fill comboboxes with names of datafiles loaded in DataExplorer. For Data2, there is the additional option of choosing a number to apply to data1 """ self.filenames = filenames if list(filenames.keys()): # clear contents of comboboxes self.cbData1.clear() self.cbData1.addItems(['Select Data']) self.cbData2.clear() self.cbData2.addItems(['Select Data', 'Number']) list_datafiles = [] for key_id in list(filenames.keys()): if filenames[key_id].get_data().title: # filenames with titles new_title = filenames[key_id].get_data().title list_datafiles.append(new_title) self.list_data_items.append(new_title) else: # filenames without titles by removing time.time() new_title = re.sub('\d{10}\.\d{2}', '', str(key_id)) self.list_data_items.append(new_title) list_datafiles.append(new_title) # update contents of comboboxes self.cbData1.addItems(list_datafiles) self.cbData2.addItems(list_datafiles) def onHelp(self): """ Bring up the Data Operation Utility Documentation whenever the HELP button is clicked. Calls Documentation Window with the path of the location within the documentation tree (after /doc/ ....". """ try: location = GuiUtils.HELP_DIRECTORY_LOCATION + \ "/user/sasgui/perspectives/calculator/data_operator_help.html" self.manager._helpView.load(QtCore.QUrl(location)) except AttributeError: # No manager defined - testing and standalone runs pass def onClose(self): """ Close dialog """ self.onReset() self.cbData1.clear() self.cbData1.addItems(['No Data Available']) self.cbData2.clear() self.cbData2.addItems(['No Data Available']) self.close() def onCompute(self): """ perform calculation """ # set operator to be applied operator = self.cbOperator.currentText() # calculate and send data to DataExplorer output = None try: data1 = self.data1 data2 = self.data2 exec("output = data1 %s data2" % operator) except: raise self.output = output # if outputname was unused, write output result to it # and display plot if self.onCheckOutputName(): # add outputname to self.filenames self.list_data_items.append(str(self.txtOutputData.text())) # send result to DataExplorer self.onPrepareOutputData() # plot result self.updatePlot(self.graphOutput, self.layoutOutput, self.output) def onPrepareOutputData(self): """ Prepare datasets to be added to DataExplorer and DataManager """ new_item = GuiUtils.createModelItemWithPlot( self.output, name=self.txtOutputData.text()) new_datalist_item = {str(self.txtOutputData.text()) + str(time.time()): self.output} self.communicator. \ updateModelFromDataOperationPanelSignal.emit(new_item, new_datalist_item) def onSelectOperator(self): """ Change GUI when operator changed """ self.lblOperatorApplied.setText(self.cbOperator.currentText()) self.newPlot(self.graphOutput, self.layoutOutput) def onReset(self): """ Reset Panel to its initial state (default values) keeping the names of loaded data """ self.txtNumber.setText('1.0') self.txtOutputData.setText('MyNewDataName') self.txtNumber.setEnabled(False) self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) self.cbData1.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cbData2.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cbOperator.setCurrentIndex(0) self.output = None self.data1 = None self.data2 = None self.filenames = None self.list_data_items = [] self.data1OK = False self.data2OK = False # Empty graphs self.newPlot(self.graphOutput, self.layoutOutput) self.newPlot(self.graphData1, self.layoutData1) self.newPlot(self.graphData2, self.layoutData2) def onSelectData1(self): """ Plot for selection of Data1 """ choice_data1 = str(self.cbData1.currentText()) wrong_choices = ['No Data Available', 'Select Data', ''] if choice_data1 in wrong_choices: # check validity of choice: input = filename self.newPlot(self.graphData1, self.layoutData1) self.data1 = None self.data1OK = False self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) # self.onCheckChosenData()) return else: self.data1OK = True # get Data1 key_id1 = self._findId(choice_data1) self.data1 = self._extractData(key_id1) # plot Data1 self.updatePlot(self.graphData1, self.layoutData1, self.data1) # plot default for output graph self.newPlot(self.graphOutput, self.layoutOutput) # Enable Compute button only if Data2 is defined and data compatible self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(self.onCheckChosenData()) def onSelectData2(self): """ Plot for selection of Data2 """ choice_data2 = str(self.cbData2.currentText()) wrong_choices = ['No Data Available', 'Select Data', ''] if choice_data2 in wrong_choices: self.newPlot(self.graphData2, self.layoutData2) self.txtNumber.setEnabled(False) self.data2OK = False self.onCheckChosenData() self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) return elif choice_data2 == 'Number': self.data2OK = True self.txtNumber.setEnabled(True) self.data2 = float(self.txtNumber.text()) # Enable Compute button only if Data1 defined and compatible data self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(self.onCheckChosenData()) # Display value of coefficient in graphData2 self.updatePlot(self.graphData2, self.layoutData2, self.data2) # plot default for output graph self.newPlot(self.graphOutput, self.layoutOutput) self.onCheckChosenData() else: self.txtNumber.setEnabled(False) self.data2OK = True key_id2 = self._findId(choice_data2) self.data2 = self._extractData(key_id2) self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(self.onCheckChosenData()) # plot Data2 self.updatePlot(self.graphData2, self.layoutData2, self.data2) # plot default for output graph self.newPlot(self.graphOutput, self.layoutOutput) def onInputCoefficient(self): """ Check input of number when a coefficient is required for operation """ if self.txtNumber.isModified(): input_to_check = str(self.txtNumber.text()) if input_to_check is None or input_to_check is '': msg = 'DataOperation: Number requires a float number' logging.warning(msg) self.txtNumber.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) elif float(self.txtNumber.text()) == 0.: # should be check that 0 is not chosen msg = 'DataOperation: Number requires a non zero number' logging.warning(msg) self.txtNumber.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) else: self.txtNumber.setStyleSheet(BG_WHITE) self.data2 = float(self.txtNumber.text()) self.updatePlot(self.graphData2, self.layoutData2, self.data2) def onCheckChosenData(self): """ check that data1 and data2 are compatible """ if not all([self.data1OK, self.data2OK]): return False else: if self.cbData2.currentText() == 'Number': self.cbData1.setStyleSheet(BG_WHITE) self.cbData2.setStyleSheet(BG_WHITE) return True elif self.data1.__class__.__name__ != self.data2.__class__.__name__: self.cbData1.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) self.cbData2.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) print(self.data1.__class__.__name__ != self.data2.__class__.__name__) logging.warning('Cannot compute data of different dimensions') return False elif self.data1.__class__.__name__ == 'Data1D'\ and (len(self.data2.x) != len(self.data1.x) or not all(i == j for i, j in zip(self.data1.x, self.data2.x))): logging.warning('Cannot compute 1D data of different lengths') self.cbData1.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) self.cbData2.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) return False elif self.data1.__class__.__name__ == 'Data2D' \ and (len(self.data2.qx_data) != len(self.data1.qx_data) \ or len(self.data2.qy_data) != len(self.data1.qy_data) or not all(i == j for i, j in zip(self.data1.qx_data, self.data2.qx_data)) or not all(i == j for i, j in zip(self.data1.qy_data, self.data2.qy_data)) ): self.cbData1.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) self.cbData2.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) logging.warning('Cannot compute 2D data of different lengths') return False else: self.cbData1.setStyleSheet(BG_WHITE) self.cbData2.setStyleSheet(BG_WHITE) return True def onCheckOutputName(self): """ Check that name of output does not already exist """ name_to_check = str(self.txtOutputData.text()) self.txtOutputData.setStyleSheet(BG_WHITE) if name_to_check is None or name_to_check == '': self.txtOutputData.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) logging.warning('No output name') return False elif name_to_check in self.list_data_items: self.txtOutputData.setStyleSheet(BG_RED) logging.warning('The Output data name already exists') return False else: self.txtOutputData.setStyleSheet(BG_WHITE) return True # ######## # Modification of inputs # ######## def _findId(self, name): """ find id of name in list of filenames """ isinstance(name, str) for key_id in list(self.filenames.keys()): # data with title if self.filenames[key_id].get_data().title: input = self.filenames[key_id].get_data().title # data without title else: input = str(key_id) if name in input: return key_id def _extractData(self, key_id): """ Extract data from file with id contained in list of filenames """ data_complete = self.filenames[key_id].get_data() dimension = data_complete.__class__.__name__ if dimension in ('Data1D', 'Data2D'): return copy.deepcopy(data_complete) else: logging.warning('Error with data format') return # ######## # PLOTS # ######## def newPlot(self, graph, layout): """ Create template for graphs with default '?' layout""" assert isinstance(graph, QtWidgets.QGraphicsView) assert isinstance(layout, QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout) # clear layout if layout.count() > 0: item = layout.takeAt(0) layout.removeItem(item) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.prepareSubgraphWithData("?")) graph.setLayout(layout) def updatePlot(self, graph, layout, data): """ plot data in graph after clearing its layout """ assert isinstance(graph, QtWidgets.QGraphicsView) assert isinstance(layout, QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout) # clear layout if layout.count() > 0: item = layout.takeAt(0) layout.removeItem(item) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) if isinstance(data, Data2D): # plot 2D data plotter2D = Plotter2DWidget(self, quickplot=True) = data plotter2D.scale = 'linear''x', labelsize=8)'y', labelsize=8) # Draw zero axis lines. graph.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(plotter2D) # remove x- and ylabels plotter2D.y_label = '' plotter2D.x_label = '' plotter2D.plot(show_colorbar=False) elif isinstance(data, Data1D): # plot 1D data plotter = PlotterWidget(self, quickplot=True) = data graph.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(plotter)'x', labelsize=8)'y', labelsize=8) plotter.plot(hide_error=True, marker='.') # plotter.legend = None elif float(data) and self.cbData2.currentText() == 'Number': # display value of coefficient (to be applied to Data1) # in graphData2 layout.addWidget(self.prepareSubgraphWithData(data)) graph.setLayout(layout) def prepareSubgraphWithData(self, data): """ Create graphics view containing scene with string """ scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene() scene.addText(str(data)) subgraph = QtWidgets.QGraphicsView() subgraph.setScene(scene) return subgraph