""" This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) project funded by the US National Science Foundation. See the license text in license.txt copyright 2009, University of Tennessee """ import sas.realspace.VolumeCanvas as VolumeCanvas class ShapeVisitor: """ The shape visitor process a GUI object representing a shape and returns a shape description that can be processed by the VolumeCanvas. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize visitor """ ## Place holder for the simulation canvas self.sim_canvas = None def fromCylinder(self, cyl): """ Create a simulation cylinder descriptor (computation) from the information produced by the GUI @param cyl: Cylinder object from the GUI canvas @return: VolumeCanvas.CylinderDescriptor object """ from sas.realspace.VolumeCanvas import CylinderDescriptor desc = CylinderDescriptor() desc.params["center"] = [cyl.x, cyl.y, cyl.z] # Orientation are angular offsets in degrees with respect to X, Y, Z desc.params["orientation"] = [cyl.theta_x, cyl.theta_y, cyl.theta_z] desc.params["order"] = cyl.params["order"] # Length of the cylinder desc.params["length"] = cyl.params["length"] # Radius of the cylinder desc.params["radius"] = cyl.params["radius"] # Constrast parameter desc.params["contrast"] = cyl.params["contrast"] return desc def fromSphere(self, sph): """ Create a simulation sphere descriptor (computation) from the information produced by the GUI @param sph: Sphere object from the GUI canvas @return: VolumeCanvas.SphereDescriptor object """ from sas.realspace.VolumeCanvas import SphereDescriptor desc = SphereDescriptor() desc.params["center"] = [sph.x, sph.y, sph.z] desc.params["order"] = sph.params["order"] # Radius of the sphere desc.params["radius"] = sph.params["radius"] # Constrast parameter desc.params["contrast"] = sph.params["contrast"] return desc def update_sphere(self, sph): """ Update a shape description in the simulation canvas (computation) according to the new parameters of the GUI canvas. @param sph: Sphere object from the GUI canvas """ # Check class if self.sim_canvas.shapes[sph.name].__class__.__name__=="SphereDescriptor": desc = self.sim_canvas.shapes[sph.name] desc.params["center"] = [sph.x, sph.y, sph.z] desc.params["order"] = sph.params["order"] # Radius of the sphere desc.params["radius"] = sph.params["radius"] # Constrast parameter desc.params["contrast"] = sph.params["contrast"] self.sim_canvas._model_changed() else: raise ValueError, "SimShapeVisitor: Wrong class for visited object" def update_cylinder(self, cyl): """ Update a shape description in the simulation canvas (computation) according to the new parameters of the GUI canvas. @param cyl: Cylinder object from the GUI canvas """ # Check class if self.sim_canvas.shapes[cyl.name].__class__.__name__=="CylinderDescriptor": desc = self.sim_canvas.shapes[cyl.name] desc.params["center"] = [cyl.x, cyl.y, cyl.z] # Orientation are angular offsets in degrees with respect to X, Y, Z desc.params["orientation"] = [cyl.theta_x, cyl.theta_y, cyl.theta_z] desc.params["order"] = cyl.params["order"] # Length of the cylinder desc.params["length"] = cyl.params["length"] # Radius of the cylinder desc.params["radius"] = cyl.params["radius"] # Constrast parameter desc.params["contrast"] = cyl.params["contrast"] self.sim_canvas._model_changed() else: raise ValueError, "SimShapeVisitor: Wrong class for visited object" def update(self, volCanvas, shape): """ Update the shape descriptor in the VolumeCanvas corresponding to the given 'shape' parameter @param volCanvas: VolumeCanvas object @param shape: SimCanvas.BaseShape object """ if shape.name in volCanvas.getShapeList(): self.sim_canvas = volCanvas shape.accept_update(self) else: raise ValueError, "ShapeAdapter: Shape [%s] not in list" % shape.name