""" Base Page for fitting """ import sys import os import wx import numpy import time import copy import math import string import json from collections import defaultdict from wx.lib.scrolledpanel import ScrolledPanel from sas.guiframe.panel_base import PanelBase from sas.guiframe.utils import format_number, check_float from sas.guiframe.events import PanelOnFocusEvent from sas.guiframe.events import StatusEvent from sas.guiframe.events import AppendBookmarkEvent from sas.guiframe.dataFitting import Data2D from sas.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D from sas.guiframe.dataFitting import check_data_validity from sas.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ID from sas.dataloader.data_info import Detector from sas.dataloader.data_info import Source from sas.perspectives.fitting.pagestate import PageState from sas.guiframe.CategoryInstaller import CategoryInstaller (PageInfoEvent, EVT_PAGE_INFO) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() (PreviousStateEvent, EVT_PREVIOUS_STATE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() (NextStateEvent, EVT_NEXT_STATE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() _BOX_WIDTH = 76 _QMIN_DEFAULT = 0.0005 _QMAX_DEFAULT = 0.5 _NPTS_DEFAULT = 50 #Control panel width if sys.platform.count("win32") > 0: PANEL_WIDTH = 450 FONT_VARIANT = 0 ON_MAC = False else: PANEL_WIDTH = 500 FONT_VARIANT = 1 ON_MAC = True class BasicPage(ScrolledPanel, PanelBase): """ This class provide general structure of fitpanel page """ ## Internal name for the AUI manager window_name = "Fit Page" ## Title to appear on top of the window window_caption = "Fit Page " def __init__(self, parent, color='blue', **kwargs): """ """ ScrolledPanel.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) PanelBase.__init__(self, parent) self.SetupScrolling() #Set window's font size self.SetWindowVariant(variant=FONT_VARIANT) self.SetBackgroundColour(color) ## parent of the page self.parent = parent ## manager is the fitting plugin ## owner of the page (fitting plugin) self.event_owner = None ## current model self.model = None self.m_name = None self.index_model = None self.panel = None ## data self.data = None #list of available data self.data_list = [] self.mask = None self.uid = wx.NewId() self.graph_id = None #Q range for data set self.qmin_data_set = numpy.inf self.qmax_data_set = None self.npts_data_set = 0 ## Q range self.qmin = None self.qmax = None self.qmax_x = _QMAX_DEFAULT self.qmin_x = _QMIN_DEFAULT self.npts_x = _NPTS_DEFAULT ## total number of point: float self.npts = None self.num_points = None ## default fitengine type self.engine_type = 'bumps' ## smear default self.current_smearer = None ## 2D smear accuracy default self.smear2d_accuracy = 'Low' ## slit smear: self.dxl = None self.dxw = None ## pinhole smear self.dx_min = None self.dx_max = None ##semar attrbs self.enable_smearer = None self.disable_smearer = None self.pinhole_smearer = None self.slit_smearer = None ##weigth attrbs self.dI_noweight = None self.dI_didata = None self.dI_sqrdata = None self.dI_idata = None ##other attrbs self.dq_l = None self.dq_r = None self.tcChi = None self.disp_box = None self.model_disp = None self.Npts_fit = None self.Npts_total = None self.theory_qmin = None self.theory_qmax = None self.theory_qmin_x = None self.theory_qmax_x = None self.cb1 = None self.btEditMask = None self.btFit = None self.sld_axes = None self.multi_factor = None self.disp_cb_dict = {} #self.state = PageState(parent=parent) ## dictionary containing list of models self.model_list_box = {} ## Data member to store the dispersion object created self._disp_obj_dict = {} ## selected parameters to apply dispersion self.disp_cb_dict = {} ## smearer object self.enable2D = False self._has_magnetic = False self.magnetic_on = False self.is_mac = ON_MAC self.formfactorbox = None self.structurebox = None self.categorybox = None ##list of model parameters. each item must have same length ## each item related to a given parameters ##[cb state, name, value, "+/-", error of fit, min, max , units] self.parameters = [] # non-fittable parameter whose value is astring self.str_parameters = [] ## list of parameters to fit , must be like self.parameters self.param_toFit = [] ## list of looking like parameters but with non fittable parameters info self.fixed_param = [] ## list of looking like parameters but with fittable parameters info self.fittable_param = [] ##list of dispersion parameters self.disp_list = [] self.disp_name = "" ## list of orientation parameters self.orientation_params = [] self.orientation_params_disp = [] # Self.model should ALWAYS be None here. It was set to none above in # this long init setting. no obvious function call in between setting # and this - commenting out on 4/8/2014 by PDB. Remove once clear # it is pointless. # if self.model != None: # self.disp_list = self.model.getDispParamList() self.temp_multi_functional = False ##enable model 2D draw self.enable2D = False ## check that the fit range is correct to plot the model again self.fitrange = True ## Create memento to save the current state self.state = PageState(parent=self.parent, model=self.model, data=self.data) ## flag to determine if state has change self.state_change = False ## save customized array self.values = [] self.weights = [] ## retrieve saved state self.number_saved_state = 0 ## dictionary of saved state self.saved_states = {} ## Create context menu for page self.popUpMenu = wx.Menu() id = wx.NewId() self._keep = wx.MenuItem(self.popUpMenu, id, "Add bookmark", " Keep the panel status to recall it later") self.popUpMenu.AppendItem(self._keep) self._keep.Enable(False) self._set_bookmark_flag(False) self._set_save_flag(False) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.on_bookmark) self.popUpMenu.AppendSeparator() ## Default locations self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() ## save initial state on context menu #self.onSave(event=None) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.onContextMenu) # bind key event self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_left_down) ## create the basic structure of the panel with empty sizer self.define_page_structure() ## drawing Initial dispersion parameters sizer self.set_dispers_sizer() ## layout self.set_layout() def set_index_model(self, index): """ Index related to this page """ self.index_model = index def create_default_data(self): """ Given the user selection, creates a 1D or 2D data Only when the page is on theory mode. """ if not hasattr(self, "model_view"): return toggle_mode_on = self.model_view.IsEnabled() if toggle_mode_on: if self.enable2D and not check_data_validity(self.data): self._create_default_2d_data() else: if self.pointsbox.GetValue(): self._create_log_1d_data() else: self._create_default_1d_data() if self.model != None: if not self.data.is_data: self._manager.page_finder[self.uid].set_fit_data(data=\ [self.data]) self.on_smear_helper(update=True) self.state.enable_smearer = self.enable_smearer.GetValue() self.state.disable_smearer = self.disable_smearer.GetValue() self.state.pinhole_smearer = self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue() self.state.slit_smearer = self.slit_smearer.GetValue() def _create_default_1d_data(self): """ Create default data for fitting perspective Only when the page is on theory mode. :warning: This data is never plotted. """ x = numpy.linspace(start=self.qmin_x, stop=self.qmax_x, num=self.npts_x, endpoint=True) self.data = Data1D(x=x) self.data.xaxis('\\rm{Q}', "A^{-1}") self.data.yaxis('\\rm{Intensity}', "cm^{-1}") self.data.is_data = False self.data.id = str(self.uid) + " data" self.data.group_id = str(self.uid) + " Model1D" def _create_log_1d_data(self): """ Create log-spaced data for fitting perspective Only when the page is on theory mode. :warning: This data is never plotted. """ if self.qmin_x >= 1.e-10: qmin = numpy.log10(self.qmin_x) else: qmin = -10. if self.qmax_x <= 1.e10: qmax = numpy.log10(self.qmax_x) else: qmax = 10. x = numpy.logspace(start=qmin, stop=qmax, num=self.npts_x, endpoint=True, base=10.0) self.data = Data1D(x=x) self.data.xaxis('\\rm{Q}', "A^{-1}") self.data.yaxis('\\rm{Intensity}', "cm^{-1}") self.data.is_data = False self.data.id = str(self.uid) + " data" self.data.group_id = str(self.uid) + " Model1D" def _create_default_2d_data(self): """ Create 2D data by default Only when the page is on theory mode. :warning: This data is never plotted. """ self.data = Data2D() qmax = self.qmax_x / math.sqrt(2) self.data.xaxis('\\rm{Q_{x}}', 'A^{-1}') self.data.yaxis('\\rm{Q_{y}}', 'A^{-1}') self.data.is_data = False self.data.id = str(self.uid) + " data" self.data.group_id = str(self.uid) + " Model2D" ## Default values self.data.detector.append(Detector()) index = len(self.data.detector) - 1 self.data.detector[index].distance = 8000 # mm self.data.source.wavelength = 6 # A self.data.detector[index].pixel_size.x = 5 # mm self.data.detector[index].pixel_size.y = 5 # mm self.data.detector[index].beam_center.x = qmax self.data.detector[index].beam_center.y = qmax ## create x_bins and y_bins of the model 2D #pixel_width_x = self.data.detector[index].pixel_size.x #pixel_width_y = self.data.detector[index].pixel_size.y #center_x = self.data.detector[index].beam_center.x/pixel_width_x #center_y = self.data.detector[index].beam_center.y/pixel_width_y # theory default: assume the beam #center is located at the center of sqr detector xmax = qmax xmin = -qmax ymax = qmax ymin = -qmax qstep = self.npts_x x = numpy.linspace(start=xmin, stop=xmax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) y = numpy.linspace(start=ymin, stop=ymax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) ## use data info instead new_x = numpy.tile(x, (len(y), 1)) new_y = numpy.tile(y, (len(x), 1)) new_y = new_y.swapaxes(0, 1) # all data reuire now in 1d array qx_data = new_x.flatten() qy_data = new_y.flatten() q_data = numpy.sqrt(qx_data * qx_data + qy_data * qy_data) # set all True (standing for unmasked) as default mask = numpy.ones(len(qx_data), dtype=bool) # calculate the range of qx and qy: this way, # it is a little more independent #x_size = xmax - xmin #y_size = ymax - ymin # store x and y bin centers in q space x_bins = x y_bins = y # bin size: x- & y-directions #xstep = x_size / len(x_bins - 1) #ystep = y_size / len(y_bins - 1) self.data.source = Source() self.data.data = numpy.ones(len(mask)) self.data.err_data = numpy.ones(len(mask)) self.data.qx_data = qx_data self.data.qy_data = qy_data self.data.q_data = q_data self.data.mask = mask self.data.x_bins = x_bins self.data.y_bins = y_bins # max and min taking account of the bin sizes self.data.xmin = xmin self.data.xmax = xmax self.data.ymin = ymin self.data.ymax = ymax def on_set_focus(self, event): """ On Set Focus, update guimanger and menu """ if self._manager is not None: wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, PanelOnFocusEvent(panel=self)) self.on_tap_focus() def on_tap_focus(self): """ Update menu1 on cliking the page tap """ if self._manager.menu1 != None: chain_menu = self._manager.menu1.FindItemById(\ self._manager.id_reset_flag) chain_menu.Enable(self.batch_on) sim_menu = self._manager.menu1.FindItemById(self._manager.id_simfit) flag = self.data.is_data\ and (self.model != None) sim_menu.Enable(not self.batch_on and flag) batch_menu = \ self._manager.menu1.FindItemById(self._manager.id_batchfit) batch_menu.Enable(self.batch_on and flag) class ModelTextCtrl(wx.TextCtrl): """ Text control for model and fit parameters. Binds the appropriate events for user interactions. Default callback methods can be overwritten on initialization :param kill_focus_callback: callback method for EVT_KILL_FOCUS event :param set_focus_callback: callback method for EVT_SET_FOCUS event :param mouse_up_callback: callback method for EVT_LEFT_UP event :param text_enter_callback: callback method for EVT_TEXT_ENTER event """ ## Set to True when the mouse is clicked while whole string is selected full_selection = False ## Call back for EVT_SET_FOCUS events _on_set_focus_callback = None def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, value=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=wx.TextCtrlNameStr, kill_focus_callback=None, set_focus_callback=None, mouse_up_callback=None, text_enter_callback=None): wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator, name) # Bind appropriate events self._on_set_focus_callback = parent.onSetFocus \ if set_focus_callback is None else set_focus_callback self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self._on_set_focus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self._silent_kill_focus \ if kill_focus_callback is None else kill_focus_callback) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, parent._onparamEnter \ if text_enter_callback is None else text_enter_callback) if not ON_MAC: self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self._highlight_text \ if mouse_up_callback is None else mouse_up_callback) def _on_set_focus(self, event): """ Catch when the text control is set in focus to highlight the whole text if necessary :param event: mouse event """ event.Skip() self.full_selection = True return self._on_set_focus_callback(event) def _highlight_text(self, event): """ Highlight text of a TextCtrl only of no text has be selected :param event: mouse event """ # Make sure the mouse event is available to other listeners event.Skip() control = event.GetEventObject() if self.full_selection: self.full_selection = False # Check that we have a TextCtrl if issubclass(control.__class__, wx.TextCtrl): # Check whether text has been selected, # if not, select the whole string (start, end) = control.GetSelection() if start == end: control.SetSelection(-1, -1) def _silent_kill_focus(self, event): """ Save the state of the page """ event.Skip() #pass def set_page_info(self, page_info): """ set some page important information at once """ # THIS METHOD/FUNCTION NO LONGE APPEARS TO BE CALLED. Started up program # and started new fit window and PR and Invariant and a fit in fitting # but never entered this routine which should be an initialization # routine. Leave for a while but probably something to clean up at # some point? # # PDB April 13 2014 # ##window_name self.window_name = page_info.window_name ##window_caption self.window_caption = page_info.window_caption ## manager is the fitting plugin self._manager = page_info.manager ## owner of the page (fitting plugin) self.event_owner = page_info.event_owner ## current model self.model = page_info.model ## data self.data = page_info.data ## dictionary containing list of models self.model_list_box = page_info.model_list_box ## Data member to store the dispersion object created self.populate_box(model_dict=self.model_list_box) def onContextMenu(self, event): """ Retrieve the state selected state """ # Skipping the save state functionality for release 0.9.0 #return pos = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos) self.PopupMenu(self.popUpMenu, pos) def onUndo(self, event): """ Cancel the previous action """ event = PreviousStateEvent(page=self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) def onRedo(self, event): """ Restore the previous action cancelled """ event = NextStateEvent(page=self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) def define_page_structure(self): """ Create empty sizer for a panel """ self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer0 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer5 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer6 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer0.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH, -1)) self.sizer1.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH, -1)) self.sizer2.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH, -1)) self.sizer3.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH, -1)) self.sizer4.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH, -1)) self.sizer5.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH, -1)) self.sizer6.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH, -1)) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer0) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer1) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer2) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer3) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer4) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer5) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer6) def set_layout(self): """ layout """ self.vbox.Layout() self.vbox.Fit(self) self.SetSizer(self.vbox) self.Centre() def set_owner(self, owner): """ set owner of fitpage :param owner: the class responsible of plotting """ self.event_owner = owner self.state.event_owner = owner def get_state(self): """ """ return self.state def get_data(self): """ return the current data """ return self.data def get_data_list(self): """ return the current data """ return self.data_list def set_manager(self, manager): """ set panel manager :param manager: instance of plugin fitting """ self._manager = manager self.state.manager = manager def populate_box(self, model_dict): """ Store list of model :param model_dict: dictionary containing list of models """ self.model_list_box = model_dict self.state.model_list_box = self.model_list_box self.initialize_combox() def set_model_dictionary(self, model_dict): """ Store a dictionary linking model name -> model object :param model_dict: dictionary containing list of models """ self.model_dict = model_dict def initialize_combox(self): """ put default value in the combobox """ ## fill combox box if self.model_list_box is None: return if len(self.model_list_box) > 0: ## This is obsolete code since form factor box is no longer static. ## It is now set dynamically through _show_combox and _show_combos_helper ## These are called for first time by formfactor_combo_init ## itself called from fitpanel only. If we find that I'm wrong and ## we DO need to initialize somehow here - do it by a call to ## formfactor_combo_init ## self.formfator_combo_init() ## BUT NOT HERE -- make it last line of this ## method so that structure box is populated before _show_comboox_helper ## is called. Otherwise wx will complain mightily:-) ## ## Also change the name to initiatlize_structurebox along with changes ## to other combobox methods (_populate_listbox --> _populate_categorybox ## etc ) ## ## PDB 4/26/2014 # self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, # self.model_list_box["Shapes"]) self._populate_box(self.structurebox, self.model_list_box["Structure Factors"]) self.structurebox.Insert("None", 0, None) self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.structurebox.Hide() self.text2.Hide() self.structurebox.Disable() self.text2.Disable() if self.model.__class__ in self.model_list_box["P(Q)*S(Q)"]: self.structurebox.Show() self.text2.Show() self.structurebox.Enable() self.text2.Enable() def set_dispers_sizer(self): """ fill sizer containing dispersity info """ self.sizer4.Clear(True) name = "Polydispersity and Orientational Distribution" box_description = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, name) box_description.SetForegroundColour(wx.BLUE) boxsizer1 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(box_description, wx.VERTICAL) #---------------------------------------------------- self.disable_disp = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Off', (10, 10), style=wx.RB_GROUP) self.enable_disp = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'On', (10, 30)) # best size for MAC and PC if ON_MAC: size_q = (30, 20) else: size_q = (20, 15) self.disp_help_bt = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), '?', style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT, size=size_q) self.disp_help_bt.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_pd_help_clicked, id=self.disp_help_bt.GetId()) self.disp_help_bt.SetToolTipString("Helps for Polydispersion.") self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._set_dipers_Param, id=self.disable_disp.GetId()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._set_dipers_Param, id=self.enable_disp.GetId()) #MAC needs SetValue self.disable_disp.SetValue(True) sizer_dispersion = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_dispersion.Add((20, 20)) name = "" # Polydispersity and \nOrientational Distribution " sizer_dispersion.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, name)) sizer_dispersion.Add(self.enable_disp) sizer_dispersion.Add((20, 20)) sizer_dispersion.Add(self.disable_disp) sizer_dispersion.Add((25, 20)) sizer_dispersion.Add(self.disp_help_bt) ## fill a sizer for dispersion boxsizer1.Add(sizer_dispersion, 0, wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, border=5) self.sizer4_4 = wx.GridBagSizer(6, 5) boxsizer1.Add(self.sizer4_4) #----------------------------------------------------- self.sizer4.Add(boxsizer1, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer4.Layout() self.Layout() self.Refresh() ## saving the state of enable dispersity button self.state.enable_disp = self.enable_disp.GetValue() self.state.disable_disp = self.disable_disp.GetValue() self.SetupScrolling() def onResetModel(self, event): """ Reset model state """ menu = event.GetEventObject() ## post help message for the selected model msg = menu.GetHelpString(event.GetId()) msg += " reloaded" wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) self.Show(False) name = menu.GetLabel(event.GetId()) self._on_select_model_helper() if self.model != None: self.m_name = self.model.name if name in self.saved_states.keys(): previous_state = self.saved_states[name] ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and regular parameters value self.reset_page(previous_state) self.state.m_name = self.m_name self.Show(True) def on_preview(self, event): """ Report the current fit results """ # Get plot image from plotpanel images, canvases = self.get_images() # get the report dialog self.state.report(images, canvases) def on_save(self, event): """ Save the current state into file """ self.save_current_state() new_state = self.state.clone() # Ask the user the location of the file to write to. path = None if self.parent != None: self._default_save_location = \ self._manager.parent._default_save_location dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self._default_save_location, self.window_caption, "*.fitv", wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) self._manager.parent._default_save_location =\ self._default_save_location else: return None # MAC always needs the extension for saving extens = ".fitv" # Make sure the ext included in the file name fName = os.path.splitext(path)[0] + extens #the manager write the state into file self._manager.save_fit_state(filepath=fName, fitstate=new_state) return new_state def on_copy(self, event): """ Copy Parameter values to the clipboad """ if event != None: event.Skip() # It seems MAC needs wxCallAfter if event.GetId() == GUIFRAME_ID.COPYEX_ID: print "copy excel" wx.CallAfter(self.get_copy_excel) elif event.GetId() == GUIFRAME_ID.COPYLAT_ID: print "copy latex" wx.CallAfter(self.get_copy_latex) else: wx.CallAfter(self.get_copy) def on_paste(self, event): """ Paste Parameter values to the panel if possible """ #if event != None: # event.Skip() # It seems MAC needs wxCallAfter for the setvalues # for multiple textctrl items, otherwise it tends to crash once a while wx.CallAfter(self.get_paste) # messages depending on the flag #self._copy_info(True) def _copy_info(self, flag): """ Send event dpemding on flag : Param flag: flag that distinguish event """ # messages depending on the flag if flag == None: msg = " Parameter values are copied to the clipboard..." infor = 'warning' elif flag: msg = " Parameter values are pasted from the clipboad..." infor = "warning" else: msg = "Error occured: " msg += "No valid parameter values to paste from the clipboard..." infor = "error" wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info=infor)) # inform msg to wx wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info=infor)) def _get_time_stamp(self): """ return time and date stings """ # date and time year, month, day, hour, minute, second, _, _, _ = time.localtime() current_time = str(hour) + ":" + str(minute) + ":" + str(second) current_date = str(month) + "/" + str(day) + "/" + str(year) return current_time, current_date def on_bookmark(self, event): """ save history of the data and model """ if self.model == None: msg = "Can not bookmark; Please select Data and Model first..." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') return self.save_current_state() new_state = self.state.clone() ##Add model state on context menu self.number_saved_state += 1 current_time, current_date = self._get_time_stamp() #name= self.model.name+"[%g]"%self.number_saved_state name = "Fitting: %g]" % self.number_saved_state name += self.model.__class__.__name__ name += "bookmarked at %s on %s" % (current_time, current_date) self.saved_states[name] = new_state ## Add item in the context menu msg = "Model saved at %s on %s" % (current_time, current_date) ## post help message for the selected model msg += " Saved! right click on this page to retrieve this model" wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) id = wx.NewId() self.popUpMenu.Append(id, name, str(msg)) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onResetModel) wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, AppendBookmarkEvent(title=name, hint=str(msg), handler=self._back_to_bookmark)) def _back_to_bookmark(self, event): """ Back to bookmark """ self._manager.on_perspective(event) self.onResetModel(event) self._draw_model() def onSetFocus(self, evt): """ highlight the current textcrtl and hide the error text control shown after fitting """ return def read_file(self, path): """ Read two columns file :param path: the path to the file to read """ try: if path == None: wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status= \ " Selected Distribution was not loaded: %s" % path)) return None, None input_f = open(path, 'r') buff = input_f.read() lines = buff.split('\n') input_f.close() angles = [] weights = [] for line in lines: toks = line.split() try: angle = float(toks[0]) weight = float(toks[1]) angles.append(angle) weights.append(weight) except: # Skip non-data lines pass return numpy.array(angles), numpy.array(weights) except: raise def createMemento(self): """ return the current state of the page """ return self.state.clone() def save_current_state(self): """ Store current state """ self.state.engine_type = copy.deepcopy(self.engine_type) ## save model option if self.model != None: self.disp_list = self.model.getDispParamList() self.state.disp_list = copy.deepcopy(self.disp_list) self.state.model = self.model.clone() #model combobox: complex code because of mac's silent error if self.structurebox != None: if self.structurebox.IsShown(): self.state.structurecombobox = 'None' s_select = self.structurebox.GetSelection() if s_select > 0: self.state.structurecombobox = self.structurebox.\ GetString(s_select) if self.formfactorbox != None: f_select = self.formfactorbox.GetSelection() if f_select > 0: self.state.formfactorcombobox = self.formfactorbox.\ GetString(f_select) if self.categorybox != None: cb_select = self.categorybox.GetSelection() if cb_select > 0: self.state.categorycombobox = self.categorybox.\ GetString(cb_select) self.state.enable2D = copy.deepcopy(self.enable2D) self.state.values = copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) ## save data self.state.data = copy.deepcopy(self.data) self.state.qmax_x = self.qmax_x self.state.qmin_x = self.qmin_x self.state.dI_noweight = copy.deepcopy(self.dI_noweight.GetValue()) self.state.dI_didata = copy.deepcopy(self.dI_didata.GetValue()) self.state.dI_sqrdata = copy.deepcopy(self.dI_sqrdata.GetValue()) self.state.dI_idata = copy.deepcopy(self.dI_idata.GetValue()) self.state.dq_l = self.dq_l self.state.dq_r = self.dq_r if hasattr(self, "enable_disp"): self.state.enable_disp = self.enable_disp.GetValue() self.state.disable_disp = self.disable_disp.GetValue() self.state.smearer = copy.deepcopy(self.current_smearer) if hasattr(self, "enable_smearer"): self.state.enable_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.enable_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.disable_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.disable_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.pinhole_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.dx_max = copy.deepcopy(self.dx_max) self.state.dx_min = copy.deepcopy(self.dx_min) self.state.dxl = copy.deepcopy(self.dxl) self.state.dxw = copy.deepcopy(self.dxw) self.state.slit_smearer = copy.deepcopy(self.slit_smearer.GetValue()) if len(self._disp_obj_dict) > 0: for k, v in self._disp_obj_dict.iteritems(): self.state._disp_obj_dict[k] = v self.state.values = copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) ## save plotting range self._save_plotting_range() self.state.orientation_params = [] self.state.orientation_params_disp = [] self.state.parameters = [] self.state.fittable_param = [] self.state.fixed_param = [] self.state.str_parameters = [] ## save checkbutton state and txtcrtl values self._copy_parameters_state(self.str_parameters, self.state.str_parameters) self._copy_parameters_state(self.orientation_params, self.state.orientation_params) self._copy_parameters_state(self.orientation_params_disp, self.state.orientation_params_disp) self._copy_parameters_state(self.parameters, self.state.parameters) self._copy_parameters_state(self.fittable_param, self.state.fittable_param) self._copy_parameters_state(self.fixed_param, self.state.fixed_param) #save chisqr self.state.tcChi = self.tcChi.GetValue() def save_current_state_fit(self): """ Store current state for fit_page """ ## save model option if self.model != None: self.disp_list = self.model.getDispParamList() self.state.disp_list = copy.deepcopy(self.disp_list) self.state.model = self.model.clone() if hasattr(self, "engine_type"): self.state.engine_type = copy.deepcopy(self.engine_type) self.state.enable2D = copy.deepcopy(self.enable2D) self.state.values = copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) ## save data self.state.data = copy.deepcopy(self.data) if hasattr(self, "enable_disp"): self.state.enable_disp = self.enable_disp.GetValue() self.state.disable_disp = self.disable_disp.GetValue() self.state.smearer = copy.deepcopy(self.current_smearer) if hasattr(self, "enable_smearer"): self.state.enable_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.enable_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.disable_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.disable_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.pinhole_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.slit_smearer = copy.deepcopy(self.slit_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.dI_noweight = copy.deepcopy(self.dI_noweight.GetValue()) self.state.dI_didata = copy.deepcopy(self.dI_didata.GetValue()) self.state.dI_sqrdata = copy.deepcopy(self.dI_sqrdata.GetValue()) self.state.dI_idata = copy.deepcopy(self.dI_idata.GetValue()) if hasattr(self, "disp_box") and self.disp_box != None: self.state.disp_box = self.disp_box.GetCurrentSelection() if len(self.disp_cb_dict) > 0: for k, v in self.disp_cb_dict.iteritems(): if v == None: self.state.disp_cb_dict[k] = v else: try: self.state.disp_cb_dict[k] = v.GetValue() except: self.state.disp_cb_dict[k] = None if len(self._disp_obj_dict) > 0: for k, v in self._disp_obj_dict.iteritems(): self.state._disp_obj_dict[k] = v self.state.values = copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) ## save plotting range self._save_plotting_range() ## save checkbutton state and txtcrtl values self._copy_parameters_state(self.orientation_params, self.state.orientation_params) self._copy_parameters_state(self.orientation_params_disp, self.state.orientation_params_disp) self._copy_parameters_state(self.parameters, self.state.parameters) self._copy_parameters_state(self.fittable_param, self.state.fittable_param) self._copy_parameters_state(self.fixed_param, self.state.fixed_param) def check_invalid_panel(self): """ check if the user can already perform some action with this panel """ if self.data is None: self.disable_smearer.SetValue(True) self.disable_disp.SetValue(True) msg = "Please load Data and select Model to start..." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') return True def set_model_state(self, state): """ reset page given a model state """ self.disp_cb_dict = state.disp_cb_dict self.disp_list = state.disp_list ## set the state of the radio box #self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(state.shape_rbutton) #self.shape_indep_rbutton.SetValue(state.shape_indep_rbutton) #self.struct_rbutton.SetValue(state.struct_rbutton) #self.plugin_rbutton.SetValue(state.plugin_rbutton) ## fill model combobox self._show_combox_helper() #select the current model try: # to support older version category_pos = int(state.categorycombobox) except: category_pos = 0 for ind_cat in range(self.categorybox.GetCount()): if self.categorycombobox.GetString(ind_form) == \ state.categorycombobox: category_pos = int(ind_cat) break self.categorybox.Select(category_pos) try: # to support older version formfactor_pos = int(state.formfactorcombobox) except: formfactor_pos = 0 for ind_form in range(self.formfactorbox.GetCount()): if self.formfactorbox.GetString(ind_form) == \ state.formfactorcombobox: formfactor_pos = int(ind_form) break self.formfactorbox.Select(formfactor_pos) try: # to support older version structfactor_pos = int(state.structurecombobox) except: structfactor_pos = 0 for ind_struct in range(self.structurebox.GetCount()): if self.structurebox.GetString(ind_struct) == \ state.structurecombobox: structfactor_pos = int(ind_struct) break self.structurebox.SetSelection(structfactor_pos) if state.multi_factor != None: self.multifactorbox.SetSelection(state.multi_factor) ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and regular parameters value self._reset_parameters_state(self.orientation_params_disp, state.orientation_params_disp) self._reset_parameters_state(self.orientation_params, state.orientation_params) self._reset_parameters_state(self.str_parameters, state.str_parameters) self._reset_parameters_state(self.parameters, state.parameters) ## display dispersion info layer self.enable_disp.SetValue(state.enable_disp) self.disable_disp.SetValue(state.disable_disp) if hasattr(self, "disp_box") and self.disp_box != None: self.disp_box.SetSelection(state.disp_box) n = self.disp_box.GetCurrentSelection() dispersity = self.disp_box.GetClientData(n) name = dispersity.__name__ self._set_dipers_Param(event=None) if name == "ArrayDispersion": for item in self.disp_cb_dict.keys(): if hasattr(self.disp_cb_dict[item], "SetValue"): self.disp_cb_dict[item].SetValue(\ state.disp_cb_dict[item]) # Create the dispersion objects from sas.models.dispersion_models import ArrayDispersion disp_model = ArrayDispersion() if hasattr(state, "values") and \ self.disp_cb_dict[item].GetValue() == True: if len(state.values) > 0: self.values = state.values self.weights = state.weights disp_model.set_weights(self.values, state.weights) else: self._reset_dispersity() self._disp_obj_dict[item] = disp_model # Set the new model as the dispersion object #for the selected parameter self.model.set_dispersion(item, disp_model) self.model._persistency_dict[item] = \ [state.values, state.weights] else: keys = self.model.getParamList() for item in keys: if item in self.disp_list and \ not item in self.model.details: self.model.details[item] = ["", None, None] self.disp_cb_dict = copy.deepcopy(state.disp_cb_dict) self.state.disp_cb_dict = copy.deepcopy(state.disp_cb_dict) ## smearing info restore if hasattr(self, "enable_smearer"): ## set smearing value whether or not the data #contain the smearing info self.enable_smearer.SetValue(state.enable_smearer) self.disable_smearer.SetValue(state.disable_smearer) self.onSmear(event=None) self.pinhole_smearer.SetValue(state.pinhole_smearer) self.slit_smearer.SetValue(state.slit_smearer) self.dI_noweight.SetValue(state.dI_noweight) self.dI_didata.SetValue(state.dI_didata) self.dI_sqrdata.SetValue(state.dI_sqrdata) self.dI_idata.SetValue(state.dI_idata) ## we have two more options for smearing if self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): self.onPinholeSmear(event=None) elif self.slit_smearer.GetValue(): self.onSlitSmear(event=None) ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and dispersity parameters value self._reset_parameters_state(self.fittable_param, state.fittable_param) self._reset_parameters_state(self.fixed_param, state.fixed_param) ## draw the model with previous parameters value self._onparamEnter_helper() self.select_param(event=None) #Save state_fit self.save_current_state_fit() self._lay_out() self.Refresh() def reset_page_helper(self, state): """ Use page_state and change the state of existing page :precondition: the page is already drawn or created :postcondition: the state of the underlying data change as well as the state of the graphic interface """ if state == None: return # set data, etc. from the state # reset page between theory and fitting from bookmarking #if state.data == None: # data = None #else: data = state.data if data == None: data_min = state.qmin data_max = state.qmax self.qmin_x = data_min self.qmax_x = data_max self.qmin.SetValue(str(data_min)) self.qmax.SetValue(str(data_max)) self.state.data = data self.state.qmin = self.qmin_x self.state.qmax = self.qmax_x else: self.set_data(data) self.enable2D = state.enable2D try: self.magnetic_on = state.magnetic_on except: # Backward compatibility (for older state files) self.magnetic_on = False self.engine_type = state.engine_type self.disp_cb_dict = state.disp_cb_dict self.disp_list = state.disp_list ## set the state of the radio box #self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(state.shape_rbutton) #self.shape_indep_rbutton.SetValue(state.shape_indep_rbutton) #self.struct_rbutton.SetValue(state.struct_rbutton) #self.plugin_rbutton.SetValue(state.plugin_rbutton) ## fill model combobox self._show_combox_helper() #select the current model try: # to support older version category_pos = int(state.categorycombobox) except: category_pos = 0 for ind_cat in range(self.categorybox.GetCount()): if self.categorybox.GetString(ind_cat) == \ state.categorycombobox: category_pos = int(ind_cat) break self.categorybox.Select(category_pos) self._show_combox(None) try: # to support older version formfactor_pos = int(state.formfactorcombobox) except: formfactor_pos = 0 for ind_form in range(self.formfactorbox.GetCount()): if self.formfactorbox.GetString(ind_form) == \ (state.formfactorcombobox): formfactor_pos = int(ind_form) break self.formfactorbox.Select(formfactor_pos) try: # to support older version structfactor_pos = int(state.structurecombobox) except: structfactor_pos = 0 for ind_struct in range(self.structurebox.GetCount()): if self.structurebox.GetString(ind_struct) == \ (state.structurecombobox): structfactor_pos = int(ind_struct) break self.structurebox.SetSelection(structfactor_pos) if state.multi_factor != None: self.multifactorbox.SetSelection(state.multi_factor) #reset the fitting engine type self.engine_type = state.engine_type #draw the pnael according to the new model parameter self._on_select_model(event=None) # take care of 2D button if data == None and self.model_view.IsEnabled(): if self.enable2D: self.model_view.SetLabel("2D Mode") else: self.model_view.SetLabel("1D Mode") # else: if self._manager != None and self.engine_type != None: self._manager._on_change_engine(engine=self.engine_type) ## set the select all check box to the a given state self.cb1.SetValue(state.cb1) ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and regular parameters value self._reset_parameters_state(self.orientation_params_disp, state.orientation_params_disp) self._reset_parameters_state(self.orientation_params, state.orientation_params) self._reset_parameters_state(self.str_parameters, state.str_parameters) self._reset_parameters_state(self.parameters, state.parameters) ## display dispersion info layer self.enable_disp.SetValue(state.enable_disp) self.disable_disp.SetValue(state.disable_disp) # If the polydispersion is ON if state.enable_disp: # reset dispersion according the state self._set_dipers_Param(event=None) self._reset_page_disp_helper(state) ##plotting range restore self._reset_plotting_range(state) ## smearing info restore if hasattr(self, "enable_smearer"): ## set smearing value whether or not the data #contain the smearing info self.enable_smearer.SetValue(state.enable_smearer) self.disable_smearer.SetValue(state.disable_smearer) self.onSmear(event=None) self.pinhole_smearer.SetValue(state.pinhole_smearer) self.slit_smearer.SetValue(state.slit_smearer) try: self.dI_noweight.SetValue(state.dI_noweight) self.dI_didata.SetValue(state.dI_didata) self.dI_sqrdata.SetValue(state.dI_sqrdata) self.dI_idata.SetValue(state.dI_idata) except: # to support older state file formats self.dI_noweight.SetValue(False) self.dI_didata.SetValue(True) self.dI_sqrdata.SetValue(False) self.dI_idata.SetValue(False) ## we have two more options for smearing if self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): self.dx_min = state.dx_min self.dx_max = state.dx_max if self.dx_min != None: self.smear_pinhole_min.SetValue(str(self.dx_min)) if self.dx_max != None: self.smear_pinhole_max.SetValue(str(self.dx_max)) self.onPinholeSmear(event=None) elif self.slit_smearer.GetValue(): self.dxl = state.dxl self.dxw = state.dxw if self.dxl != None: self.smear_slit_height.SetValue(str(self.dxl)) if self.dxw != None: self.smear_slit_width.SetValue(str(self.dxw)) else: self.smear_slit_width.SetValue('') self.onSlitSmear(event=None) ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and dispersity parameters value self._reset_parameters_state(self.fittable_param, state.fittable_param) self._reset_parameters_state(self.fixed_param, state.fixed_param) ## draw the model with previous parameters value self._onparamEnter_helper() #reset the value of chisqr when not consistent with the value computed self.tcChi.SetValue(str(self.state.tcChi)) ## reset context menu items self._reset_context_menu() ## set the value of the current state to the state given as parameter self.state = state.clone() self.state.m_name = self.m_name def _reset_page_disp_helper(self, state): """ Help to rest page for dispersions """ keys = self.model.getParamList() for item in keys: if item in self.disp_list and \ not item in self.model.details: self.model.details[item] = ["", None, None] #for k,v in self.state.disp_cb_dict.iteritems(): self.disp_cb_dict = copy.deepcopy(state.disp_cb_dict) self.state.disp_cb_dict = copy.deepcopy(state.disp_cb_dict) self.values = copy.deepcopy(state.values) self.weights = copy.deepcopy(state.weights) for key, disp in state._disp_obj_dict.iteritems(): # From saved file, disp_model can not be sent in model obj. # it will be sent as a string here, then converted to model object. if disp.__class__.__name__ == 'str': disp_model = None com_str = "from sas.models.dispersion_models " com_str += "import %s as disp_func \ndisp_model = disp_func()" exec com_str % disp else: disp_model = disp self._disp_obj_dict[key] = disp_model param_name = key.split('.')[0] # Try to set dispersion only when available # for eg., pass the orient. angles for 1D Cal try: self.model.set_dispersion(param_name, disp_model) self.model._persistency_dict[key] = \ [state.values, state.weights] except: pass selection = self._find_polyfunc_selection(disp_model) for list in self.fittable_param: if list[1] == key and list[7] != None: list[7].SetSelection(selection) # For the array disp_model, set the values and weights if selection == 1: disp_model.set_weights(self.values[key], self.weights[key]) try: # Diables all fittable params for array list[0].SetValue(False) list[0].Disable() list[2].Disable() list[5].Disable() list[6].Disable() except: pass # For array, disable all fixed params if selection == 1: for item in self.fixed_param: if item[1].split(".")[0] == key.split(".")[0]: # try it and pass it for the orientation for 1D try: item[2].Disable() except: pass # Make sure the check box updated when all checked if self.cb1.GetValue(): self.select_all_param(None) def _selectDlg(self): """ open a dialog file to selected the customized dispersity """ if self.parent != None: self._default_save_location = \ self._manager.parent.get_save_location() dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a weight file", self._default_save_location, "", "*.*", wx.OPEN) path = None if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() return path def _reset_context_menu(self): """ reset the context menu """ for name, _ in self.state.saved_states.iteritems(): self.number_saved_state += 1 ## Add item in the context menu id = wx.NewId() msg = 'Save model and state %g' % self.number_saved_state self.popUpMenu.Append(id, name, msg) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onResetModel) def _reset_plotting_range(self, state): """ Reset the plotting range to a given state """ self.qmin.SetValue(str(state.qmin)) self.qmax.SetValue(str(state.qmax)) def _save_typeOfmodel(self): """ save radiobutton containing the type model that can be selected """ #self.state.shape_rbutton = self.shape_rbutton.GetValue() #self.state.shape_indep_rbutton = self.shape_indep_rbutton.GetValue() #self.state.struct_rbutton = self.struct_rbutton.GetValue() #self.state.plugin_rbutton = self.plugin_rbutton.GetValue() self.state.structurecombobox = self.structurebox.GetLabel() self.state.formfactorcombobox = self.formfactorbox.GetLabel() self.state.categorycombobox = self.categorybox.GetLabel() ## post state to fit panel event = PageInfoEvent(page=self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) def _save_plotting_range(self): """ save the state of plotting range """ self.state.qmin = self.qmin_x self.state.qmax = self.qmax_x self.state.npts = self.npts_x def _onparamEnter_helper(self): """ check if values entered by the user are changed and valid to replot model """ # Flag to register when a parameter has changed. is_modified = False self.fitrange = True is_2Ddata = False #self._undo.Enable(True) # check if 2d data if self.data.__class__.__name__ == "Data2D": is_2Ddata = True if self.model != None: try: is_modified = self._check_value_enter(self.fittable_param, is_modified) is_modified = self._check_value_enter(self.fixed_param, is_modified) is_modified = self._check_value_enter(self.parameters, is_modified) except: pass # Here we should check whether the boundaries have been modified. # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax and # set the is_modified flag to True if self._validate_qrange(self.qmin, self.qmax): tempmin = float(self.qmin.GetValue()) if tempmin != self.qmin_x: self.qmin_x = tempmin is_modified = True tempmax = float(self.qmax.GetValue()) if tempmax != self.qmax_x: self.qmax_x = tempmax is_modified = True if is_2Ddata: # set mask is_modified = self._validate_Npts() else: self.fitrange = False if not self.data.is_data: is_modified = True ## if any value is modify draw model with new value if not self.fitrange: #self.btFit.Disable() if is_2Ddata: self.btEditMask.Disable() else: if is_2Ddata and self.data.is_data and not self.batch_on: self.btEditMask.Enable(True) if is_modified and self.fitrange: # Theory case: need to get npts value to draw self.npts_x = float(self.Npts_total.GetValue()) self.create_default_data() self.state_change = True self._draw_model() self.Refresh() return is_modified def _update_paramv_on_fit(self): """ make sure that update param values just before the fitting """ #flag for qmin qmax check values flag = True self.fitrange = True is_modified = False #wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=" \ #updating ... ",type="update")) ##So make sure that update param values on_Fit. #self._undo.Enable(True) if self.model != None: if self.Npts_total.GetValue() != self.Npts_fit.GetValue(): if not self.data.is_data: self._manager.page_finder[self.uid].set_fit_data(data=\ [self.data]) ##Check the values self._check_value_enter(self.fittable_param, is_modified) self._check_value_enter(self.fixed_param, is_modified) self._check_value_enter(self.parameters, is_modified) # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax and # Here we should check whether the boundaries have been modified. # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax and # set the is_modified flag to True self.fitrange = self._validate_qrange(self.qmin, self.qmax) if self.fitrange: tempmin = float(self.qmin.GetValue()) if tempmin != self.qmin_x: self.qmin_x = tempmin tempmax = float(self.qmax.GetValue()) if tempmax != self.qmax_x: self.qmax_x = tempmax if tempmax == tempmin: flag = False temp_smearer = None if not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(): temp_smearer = self.current_smearer if self.slit_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_slit_smear() elif self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_pinhole_smear() else: self._manager.set_smearer(smearer=temp_smearer, uid=self.uid, fid=self.data.id, qmin=float(self.qmin_x), qmax=float(self.qmax_x), enable_smearer=not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(), draw=False) elif not self._is_2D(): self._manager.set_smearer(smearer=temp_smearer, qmin=float(self.qmin_x), uid=self.uid, fid=self.data.id, qmax=float(self.qmax_x), enable_smearer=not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(), draw=False) if self.data != None: index_data = ((self.qmin_x <= self.data.x) & \ (self.data.x <= self.qmax_x)) val = str(len(self.data.x[index_data == True])) self.Npts_fit.SetValue(val) else: # No data in the panel try: self.npts_x = float(self.Npts_total.GetValue()) except: flag = False return flag flag = True if self._is_2D(): # only 2D case set mask flag = self._validate_Npts() if not flag: return flag else: flag = False else: flag = False #For invalid q range, disable the mask editor and fit button, vs. if not self.fitrange: if self._is_2D(): self.btEditMask.Disable() else: if self._is_2D() and self.data.is_data and not self.batch_on: self.btEditMask.Enable(True) if not flag: msg = "Cannot Plot or Fit :Must select a " msg += " model or Fitting range is not valid!!! " wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) try: self.save_current_state() except: pass return flag def _is_modified(self, is_modified): """ return to self._is_modified """ return is_modified def _reset_parameters_state(self, listtorestore, statelist): """ Reset the parameters at the given state """ if len(statelist) == 0 or len(listtorestore) == 0: return if len(statelist) != len(listtorestore): return for j in range(len(listtorestore)): item_page = listtorestore[j] item_page_info = statelist[j] ##change the state of the check box for simple parameters if item_page[0] != None: item_page[0].SetValue(item_page_info[0]) if item_page[2] != None: item_page[2].SetValue(item_page_info[2]) if item_page[2].__class__.__name__ == "ComboBox": if item_page_info[2] in self.model.fun_list: fun_val = self.model.fun_list[item_page_info[2]] self.model.setParam(item_page_info[1], fun_val) if item_page[3] != None: ## show or hide text +/- if item_page_info[2]: item_page[3].Show(True) else: item_page[3].Hide() if item_page[4] != None: ## show of hide the text crtl for fitting error if item_page_info[4][0]: item_page[4].Show(True) item_page[4].SetValue(item_page_info[4][1]) else: item_page[3].Hide() if item_page[5] != None: ## show of hide the text crtl for fitting error item_page[5].Show(item_page_info[5][0]) item_page[5].SetValue(item_page_info[5][1]) if item_page[6] != None: ## show of hide the text crtl for fitting error item_page[6].Show(item_page_info[6][0]) item_page[6].SetValue(item_page_info[6][1]) def _reset_strparam_state(self, listtorestore, statelist): """ Reset the string parameters at the given state """ if len(statelist) == 0: return listtorestore = copy.deepcopy(statelist) for j in range(len(listtorestore)): item_page = listtorestore[j] item_page_info = statelist[j] ##change the state of the check box for simple parameters if item_page[0] != None: item_page[0].SetValue(format_number(item_page_info[0], True)) if item_page[2] != None: param_name = item_page_info[1] value = item_page_info[2] selection = value if value in self.model.fun_list: selection = self.model.fun_list[value] item_page[2].SetValue(selection) self.model.setParam(param_name, selection) def _copy_parameters_state(self, listtocopy, statelist): """ copy the state of button :param listtocopy: the list of check button to copy :param statelist: list of state object to store the current state """ if len(listtocopy) == 0: return for item in listtocopy: checkbox_state = None if item[0] != None: checkbox_state = item[0].GetValue() parameter_name = item[1] parameter_value = None if item[2] != None: parameter_value = item[2].GetValue() static_text = None if item[3] != None: static_text = item[3].IsShown() error_value = None error_state = None if item[4] != None: error_value = item[4].GetValue() error_state = item[4].IsShown() min_value = None min_state = None if item[5] != None: min_value = item[5].GetValue() min_state = item[5].IsShown() max_value = None max_state = None if item[6] != None: max_value = item[6].GetValue() max_state = item[6].IsShown() unit = None if item[7] != None: unit = item[7].GetLabel() statelist.append([checkbox_state, parameter_name, parameter_value, static_text, [error_state, error_value], [min_state, min_value], [max_state, max_value], unit]) # The following funcion seems to be superseded with fillsizer and # init combo box. certainly it seems not to know about categories and uses # only shapes and shape independent -- tested after commenting out and does # not seem to cause problem. Leave commented out for now but delete in # a code cleanup once clear it really is no longer used. # PDB 8 April 2014 # def _set_model_sizer_selection(self, model): # """ # Display the sizer according to the type of the current model # """ # if model == None: # return # if hasattr(model, "s_model"): # # class_name = model.s_model.__class__ # name = model.s_model.name # flag = (name != "NoStructure") # if flag and \ # (class_name in self.model_list_box["Structure Factors"]): # self.structurebox.Show() # self.text2.Show() # self.structurebox.Enable() # self.text2.Enable() # items = self.structurebox.GetItems() # self.sizer1.Layout() # # for i in range(len(items)): # if items[i] == str(name): # self.structurebox.SetSelection(i) # break # # if hasattr(model, "p_model"): # class_name = model.p_model.__class__ # name = model.p_model.name # self.formfactorbox.Clear() # # for k, list in self.model_list_box.iteritems(): # if k in["P(Q)*S(Q)", "Shapes"] and \ # class_name in self.model_list_box["Shapes"]: # self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(True) # ## fill the form factor list with new model # self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, # self.model_list_box["Shapes"]) # items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() # ## set comboxbox to the selected item # for i in range(len(items)): # if items[i] == str(name): # self.formfactorbox.SetSelection(i) # break # return # elif k == "Shape-Independent": # self.shape_indep_rbutton.SetValue(True) # elif k == "Structure Factors": # self.struct_rbutton.SetValue(True) # elif k == "Multi-Functions": # continue # else: # self.plugin_rbutton.SetValue(True) # # if class_name in list: # ## fill the form factor list with new model # self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, list) # items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() # ## set comboxbox to the selected item # for i in range(len(items)): # if items[i] == str(name): # self.formfactorbox.SetSelection(i) # break # break # else: ## Select the model from the menu # class_name = model.__class__ # name = model.name # self.formfactorbox.Clear() # items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() # # for k, list in self.model_list_box.iteritems(): # if k in["P(Q)*S(Q)", "Shapes"] and \ # class_name in self.model_list_box["Shapes"]: # if class_name in self.model_list_box["P(Q)*S(Q)"]: # self.structurebox.Show() # self.text2.Show() # self.structurebox.Enable() # self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) # self.text2.Enable() # else: # self.structurebox.Hide() # self.text2.Hide() # self.structurebox.Disable() # self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) # self.text2.Disable() # # self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(True) ## fill the form factor list with new model # self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, # self.model_list_box["Shapes"]) # items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() # ## set comboxbox to the selected item # for i in range(len(items)): # if items[i] == str(name): # self.formfactorbox.SetSelection(i) # break # return # elif k == "Shape-Independent": # self.shape_indep_rbutton.SetValue(True) # elif k == "Structure Factors": # self.struct_rbutton.SetValue(True) # elif k == "Multi-Functions": # continue # else: # self.plugin_rbutton.SetValue(True) # if class_name in list: # self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) # self.structurebox.Disable() # self.text2.Disable() ## fill the form factor list with new model # self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, list) # items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() ## set comboxbox to the selected item # for i in range(len(items)): # if items[i] == str(name): # self.formfactorbox.SetSelection(i) # break # break def _draw_model(self, update_chisqr=True, source='model'): """ Method to draw or refresh a plotted model. The method will use the data member from the model page to build a call to the fitting perspective manager. :param chisqr: update chisqr value [bool] """ wx.CallAfter(self._draw_model_after, update_chisqr, source) def _draw_model_after(self, update_chisqr=True, source='model'): """ Method to draw or refresh a plotted model. The method will use the data member from the model page to build a call to the fitting perspective manager. :param chisqr: update chisqr value [bool] """ #if self.check_invalid_panel(): # return if self.model != None: temp_smear = None if hasattr(self, "enable_smearer"): if not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(): temp_smear = self.current_smearer # compute weight for the current data from sas import get_weight flag = self.get_weight_flag() weight = get_weight(data=self.data, is2d=self._is_2D(), flag=flag) toggle_mode_on = self.model_view.IsEnabled() is_2d = self._is_2D() self._manager.draw_model(self.model, data=self.data, smearer=temp_smear, qmin=float(self.qmin_x), qmax=float(self.qmax_x), page_id=self.uid, toggle_mode_on=toggle_mode_on, state=self.state, enable2D=is_2d, update_chisqr=update_chisqr, source='model', weight=weight) def _on_show_sld(self, event=None): """ Plot SLD profile """ # get profile data x, y = self.model.getProfile() from sas.plottools import Data1D as pf_data1d #from sas.perspectives.theory.profile_dialog import SLDPanel from sas.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting.profile_dialog \ import SLDPanel sld_data = pf_data1d(x, y) sld_data.name = 'SLD' sld_data.axes = self.sld_axes self.panel = SLDPanel(self, data=sld_data, axes=self.sld_axes, id=-1) self.panel.ShowModal() def _set_multfactor_combobox(self, multiplicity=10): """ Set comboBox for muitfactor of CoreMultiShellModel :param multiplicit: no. of multi-functionality """ # build content of the combobox for idx in range(0, multiplicity): self.multifactorbox.Append(str(idx), int(idx)) self._hide_multfactor_combobox() def _show_multfactor_combobox(self): """ Show the comboBox of muitfactor of CoreMultiShellModel """ if not self.mutifactor_text.IsShown(): self.mutifactor_text.Show(True) self.mutifactor_text1.Show(True) if not self.multifactorbox.IsShown(): self.multifactorbox.Show(True) def _hide_multfactor_combobox(self): """ Hide the comboBox of muitfactor of CoreMultiShellModel """ if self.mutifactor_text.IsShown(): self.mutifactor_text.Hide() self.mutifactor_text1.Hide() if self.multifactorbox.IsShown(): self.multifactorbox.Hide() def formfactor_combo_init(self): """ First time calls _show_combox_helper """ self._show_combox(None) def _show_combox_helper(self): """ Fill panel's combo box according to the type of model selected """ custom_model = 'Customized Models' mod_cat = self.categorybox.GetStringSelection() self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.structurebox.Disable() self.formfactorbox.Clear() if mod_cat == None: return m_list = [] try: if mod_cat == custom_model: for model in self.model_list_box[mod_cat]: str_m = str(model).split(".")[0] #self.model_box.Append(str_m) m_list.append(self.model_dict[str_m]) else: cat_dic = self.master_category_dict[mod_cat] for (model, enabled) in cat_dic: if enabled: m_list.append(self.model_dict[model]) #else: # msg = "This model is disabled by Category Manager." # wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, # StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) except: msg = "%s\n" % (sys.exc_value) wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, m_list) def _on_modify_cat(self, event=None): self._manager.parent.on_category_panel(event) def _show_combox(self, event=None): """ Show combox box associate with type of model selected """ self.Show(False) self._show_combox_helper() self._on_select_model(event=None) self.Show(True) self._save_typeOfmodel() self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer4.Layout() self.Layout() self.Refresh() def _populate_box(self, combobox, list): """ fill combox box with dict item :param list: contains item to fill the combox item must model class """ mlist = [] for models in list: model = models() name = model.__class__.__name__ if models.__name__ != "NoStructure": if hasattr(model, "name"): name = model.name mlist.append((name, models)) # Sort the models mlist_sorted = sorted(mlist) for item in mlist_sorted: combobox.Append(item[0], item[1]) return 0 def _onQrangeEnter(self, event): """ Check validity of value enter in the Q range field """ tcrtl = event.GetEventObject() #Clear msg if previously shown. msg = "" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) # Flag to register when a parameter has changed. #is_modified = False if tcrtl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() != "": try: float(tcrtl.GetValue()) tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax if self._validate_qrange(self.qmin, self.qmax): tempmin = float(self.qmin.GetValue()) if tempmin != self.qmin_x: self.qmin_x = tempmin tempmax = float(self.qmax.GetValue()) if tempmax != self.qmax_x: self.qmax_x = tempmax else: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error: wrong value entered: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) return except: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error: wrong value entered: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) return #Check if # of points for theory model are valid(>0). if self.npts != None: if check_float(self.npts): temp_npts = float(self.npts.GetValue()) if temp_npts != self.num_points: self.num_points = temp_npts #is_modified = True else: msg = "Cannot plot: No points in Q range!!! " wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) else: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error: wrong value entered!!!" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) self.save_current_state() event = PageInfoEvent(page=self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) self.state_change = False #Draw the model for a different range if not self.data.is_data: self.create_default_data() self._draw_model() def _theory_qrange_enter(self, event): """ Check validity of value enter in the Q range field """ tcrtl = event.GetEventObject() #Clear msg if previously shown. msg = "" wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) # Flag to register when a parameter has changed. is_modified = False if tcrtl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() != "": try: value = float(tcrtl.GetValue()) tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax if self._validate_qrange(self.theory_qmin, self.theory_qmax): tempmin = float(self.theory_qmin.GetValue()) if tempmin != self.theory_qmin_x: self.theory_qmin_x = tempmin tempmax = float(self.theory_qmax.GetValue()) if tempmax != self.qmax_x: self.theory_qmax_x = tempmax else: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error: wrong value entered: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) return except: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error: wrong value entered: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) return #Check if # of points for theory model are valid(>0). if self.Npts_total.IsEditable(): if check_float(self.Npts_total): temp_npts = float(self.Npts_total.GetValue()) if temp_npts != self.num_points: self.num_points = temp_npts is_modified = True else: msg = "Cannot Plot: No points in Q range!!! " wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) else: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error: wrong value entered!!!" wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) self.save_current_state() event = PageInfoEvent(page=self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) self.state_change = False #Draw the model for a different range self.create_default_data() self._draw_model() def _on_select_model_helper(self): """ call back for model selection """ ## reset dictionary containing reference to dispersion self._disp_obj_dict = {} self.disp_cb_dict = {} self.temp_multi_functional = False f_id = self.formfactorbox.GetCurrentSelection() #For MAC form_factor = None if f_id >= 0: form_factor = self.formfactorbox.GetClientData(f_id) if not form_factor in self.model_list_box["multiplication"]: self.structurebox.Hide() self.text2.Hide() self.structurebox.Disable() self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.text2.Disable() else: self.structurebox.Show() self.text2.Show() self.structurebox.Enable() self.text2.Enable() if form_factor != None: # set multifactor for Mutifunctional models if form_factor().__class__ in \ self.model_list_box["Multi-Functions"]: m_id = self.multifactorbox.GetCurrentSelection() multiplicity = form_factor().multiplicity_info[0] self.multifactorbox.Clear() self._set_multfactor_combobox(multiplicity) self._show_multfactor_combobox() #ToDo: this info should be called directly from the model text = form_factor().multiplicity_info[1] # 'No. of Shells: ' self.mutifactor_text.SetLabel(text) if m_id > multiplicity - 1: # default value m_id = 1 self.multi_factor = self.multifactorbox.GetClientData(m_id) if self.multi_factor == None: self.multi_factor = 0 form_factor = form_factor(int(self.multi_factor)) self.multifactorbox.SetSelection(m_id) # Check len of the text1 and max_multiplicity text = '' if form_factor.multiplicity_info[0] == \ len(form_factor.multiplicity_info[2]): text = form_factor.multiplicity_info[2][self.multi_factor] self.mutifactor_text1.SetLabel(text) # Check if model has get sld profile. if len(form_factor.multiplicity_info[3]) > 0: self.sld_axes = form_factor.multiplicity_info[3] self.show_sld_button.Show(True) else: self.sld_axes = "" else: self._hide_multfactor_combobox() self.show_sld_button.Hide() form_factor = form_factor() self.multi_factor = None else: self._hide_multfactor_combobox() self.show_sld_button.Hide() self.multi_factor = None s_id = self.structurebox.GetCurrentSelection() struct_factor = self.structurebox.GetClientData(s_id) if struct_factor != None: from sas.models.MultiplicationModel import MultiplicationModel self.model = MultiplicationModel(form_factor, struct_factor()) # multifunctional form factor if len(form_factor.non_fittable) > 0: self.temp_multi_functional = True else: if form_factor != None: self.model = form_factor else: self.model = None return self.model # check if model has magnetic parameters if len(self.model.magnetic_params) > 0: self._has_magnetic = True else: self._has_magnetic = False ## post state to fit panel self.state.parameters = [] self.state.model = self.model self.state.qmin = self.qmin_x self.state.multi_factor = self.multi_factor self.disp_list = self.model.getDispParamList() self.state.disp_list = self.disp_list self.on_set_focus(None) self.Layout() def _validate_qrange(self, qmin_ctrl, qmax_ctrl): """ Verify that the Q range controls have valid values and that Qmin < Qmax. :param qmin_ctrl: text control for Qmin :param qmax_ctrl: text control for Qmax :return: True is the Q range is value, False otherwise """ qmin_validity = check_float(qmin_ctrl) qmax_validity = check_float(qmax_ctrl) if not (qmin_validity and qmax_validity): return False else: qmin = float(qmin_ctrl.GetValue()) qmax = float(qmax_ctrl.GetValue()) if qmin < qmax: #Make sure to set both colours white. qmin_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) qmin_ctrl.Refresh() qmax_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) qmax_ctrl.Refresh() else: qmin_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") qmin_ctrl.Refresh() qmax_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") qmax_ctrl.Refresh() msg = "Invalid Q range: Q min must be smaller than Q max" wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) return False return True def _validate_Npts(self): """ Validate the number of points for fitting is more than 10 points. If valid, setvalues Npts_fit otherwise post msg. """ #default flag flag = True # Theory if self.data == None and self.enable2D: return flag for data in self.data_list: # q value from qx and qy radius = numpy.sqrt(data.qx_data * data.qx_data + data.qy_data * data.qy_data) #get unmasked index index_data = (float(self.qmin.GetValue()) <= radius) & \ (radius <= float(self.qmax.GetValue())) index_data = (index_data) & (data.mask) index_data = (index_data) & (numpy.isfinite(data.data)) if len(index_data[index_data]) < 10: # change the color pink. self.qmin.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.qmin.Refresh() self.qmax.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.qmax.Refresh() msg = "Data Error: " msg += "Too few points in %s." % data.name wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) self.fitrange = False flag = False else: self.Npts_fit.SetValue(str(len(index_data[index_data == True]))) self.fitrange = True return flag def _validate_Npts_1D(self): """ Validate the number of points for fitting is more than 5 points. If valid, setvalues Npts_fit otherwise post msg. """ #default flag flag = True # Theory if self.data == None: return flag for data in self.data_list: # q value from qx and qy radius = data.x #get unmasked index index_data = (float(self.qmin.GetValue()) <= radius) & \ (radius <= float(self.qmax.GetValue())) index_data = (index_data) & (numpy.isfinite(data.y)) if len(index_data[index_data]) < 5: # change the color pink. self.qmin.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.qmin.Refresh() self.qmax.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.qmax.Refresh() msg = "Data Error: " msg += "Too few points in %s." % data.name wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) self.fitrange = False flag = False else: self.Npts_fit.SetValue(str(len(index_data[index_data == True]))) self.fitrange = True return flag def _check_value_enter(self, list, modified): """ :param list: model parameter and panel info :Note: each item of the list should be as follow: item=[check button state, parameter's name, paramater's value, string="+/-", parameter's error of fit, parameter's minimum value, parrameter's maximum value , parameter's units] """ is_modified = modified if len(list) == 0: return is_modified for item in list: #skip angle parameters for 1D if not self.enable2D: if item in self.orientation_params: continue #try: name = str(item[1]) if string.find(name, ".npts") == -1 and \ string.find(name, ".nsigmas") == -1: ## check model parameters range param_min = None param_max = None ## check minimun value if item[5] != None and item[5] != "": if item[5].GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() != "": try: param_min = float(item[5].GetValue()) if not self._validate_qrange(item[5], item[2]): if numpy.isfinite(param_min): item[2].SetValue(format_number(param_min)) item[5].SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) item[2].SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) except: msg = "Wrong fit parameter range entered" wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) raise ValueError, msg is_modified = True ## check maximum value if item[6] != None and item[6] != "": if item[6].GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() != "": try: param_max = float(item[6].GetValue()) if not self._validate_qrange(item[2], item[6]): if numpy.isfinite(param_max): item[2].SetValue(format_number(param_max)) item[6].SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) item[2].SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) except: msg = "Wrong Fit parameter range entered " wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) raise ValueError, msg is_modified = True if param_min != None and param_max != None: if not self._validate_qrange(item[5], item[6]): msg = "Wrong Fit range entered for parameter " msg += "name %s of model %s " % (name, self.model.name) wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) if name in self.model.details.keys(): self.model.details[name][1:3] = param_min, param_max is_modified = True else: self.model.details[name] = ["", param_min, param_max] is_modified = True try: # Check if the textctr is enabled if item[2].IsEnabled(): value = float(item[2].GetValue()) item[2].SetBackgroundColour("white") # If the value of the parameter has changed, # +update the model and set the is_modified flag if value != self.model.getParam(name) and \ numpy.isfinite(value): self.model.setParam(name, value) except: item[2].SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Wrong Fit parameter value entered " wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) return is_modified def _set_dipers_Param(self, event): """ respond to self.enable_disp and self.disable_disp radio box. The dispersity object is reset inside the model into Gaussian. When the user select yes , this method display a combo box for more selection when the user selects No,the combo box disappears. Redraw the model with the default dispersity (Gaussian) """ ## On selction if no model exists. if self.model == None: self.disable_disp.SetValue(True) msg = "Please select a Model first..." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status="Polydispersion: %s" % msg)) return self._reset_dispersity() if self.model == None: self.model_disp.Hide() self.sizer4_4.Clear(True) return if self.enable_disp.GetValue(): ## layout for model containing no dispersity parameters self.disp_list = self.model.getDispParamList() if len(self.disp_list) == 0 and len(self.disp_cb_dict) == 0: self._layout_sizer_noDipers() else: ## set gaussian sizer self._on_select_Disp(event=None) else: self.sizer4_4.Clear(True) ## post state to fit panel self.save_current_state() if event != None: event = PageInfoEvent(page=self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) #draw the model with the current dispersity self._draw_model() self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer5.Layout() self.Layout() self.Refresh() def _layout_sizer_noDipers(self): """ Draw a sizer with no dispersity info """ ix = 0 iy = 1 self.fittable_param = [] self.fixed_param = [] self.orientation_params_disp = [] self.sizer4_4.Clear(True) text = "No polydispersity available for this model" model_disp = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) self.sizer4_4.Add(model_disp, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer4.Layout() def _reset_dispersity(self): """ put gaussian dispersity into current model """ if len(self.param_toFit) > 0: for item in self.fittable_param: if item in self.param_toFit: self.param_toFit.remove(item) for item in self.orientation_params_disp: if item in self.param_toFit: self.param_toFit.remove(item) self.fittable_param = [] self.fixed_param = [] self.orientation_params_disp = [] self.values = {} self.weights = {} from sas.models.dispersion_models import GaussianDispersion if len(self.disp_cb_dict) == 0: self.save_current_state() self.sizer4_4.Clear(True) self.Layout() return if (len(self.disp_cb_dict) > 0): for p in self.disp_cb_dict: # The parameter was un-selected. # Go back to Gaussian model (with 0 pts) disp_model = GaussianDispersion() self._disp_obj_dict[p] = disp_model # Set the new model as the dispersion object # for the selected parameter try: self.model.set_dispersion(p, disp_model) except: pass ## save state into self.save_current_state() self.Layout() self.Refresh() def _on_select_Disp(self, event): """ allow selecting different dispersion self.disp_list should change type later .now only gaussian """ self._set_sizer_dispersion() ## Redraw the model self._draw_model() #self._undo.Enable(True) event = PageInfoEvent(page=self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer4.Layout() self.SetupScrolling() def _on_disp_func(self, event=None): """ Select a distribution function for the polydispersion :Param event: ComboBox event """ # get ready for new event if event != None: event.Skip() # Get event object disp_box = event.GetEventObject() # Try to select a Distr. function try: disp_box.SetBackgroundColour("white") selection = disp_box.GetCurrentSelection() param_name = disp_box.Name.split('.')[0] disp_name = disp_box.GetValue() dispersity = disp_box.GetClientData(selection) #disp_model = GaussianDispersion() disp_model = dispersity() # Get param names to reset the values of the param name1 = param_name + ".width" name2 = param_name + ".npts" name3 = param_name + ".nsigmas" # Check Disp. function whether or not it is 'array' if disp_name.lower() == "array": value2 = "" value3 = "" value1 = self._set_array_disp(name=name1, disp=disp_model) else: self._del_array_values(name1) #self._reset_array_disp(param_name) self._disp_obj_dict[name1] = disp_model self.model.set_dispersion(param_name, disp_model) self.state._disp_obj_dict[name1] = disp_model value1 = str(format_number(self.model.getParam(name1), True)) value2 = str(format_number(self.model.getParam(name2))) value3 = str(format_number(self.model.getParam(name3))) # Reset fittable polydispersin parameter value for item in self.fittable_param: if item[1] == name1: item[2].SetValue(value1) item[5].SetValue("") item[6].SetValue("") # Disable for array if disp_name.lower() == "array": item[0].SetValue(False) item[0].Disable() item[2].Disable() item[3].Show(False) item[4].Show(False) item[5].Disable() item[6].Disable() else: item[0].Enable() item[2].Enable() item[5].Enable() item[6].Enable() break # Reset fixed polydispersion params for item in self.fixed_param: if item[1] == name2: item[2].SetValue(value2) # Disable Npts for array if disp_name.lower() == "array": item[2].Disable() else: item[2].Enable() if item[1] == name3: item[2].SetValue(value3) # Disable Nsigs for array if disp_name.lower() == "array": item[2].Disable() else: item[2].Enable() # Make sure the check box updated when all checked if self.cb1.GetValue(): #self.select_all_param(None) self.get_all_checked_params() # update params self._update_paramv_on_fit() # draw self._draw_model() self.Refresh() except: # Error msg msg = "Error occurred:" msg += " Could not select the distribution function..." msg += " Please select another distribution function." disp_box.SetBackgroundColour("pink") # Focus on Fit button so that users can see the pinky box self.btFit.SetFocus() wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) def _set_array_disp(self, name=None, disp=None): """ Set array dispersion :param name: name of the parameter for the dispersion to be set :param disp: the polydisperion object """ # The user wants this parameter to be averaged. # Pop up the file selection dialog. path = self._selectDlg() # Array data values = [] weights = [] # If nothing was selected, just return if path is None: self.disp_cb_dict[name].SetValue(False) #self.noDisper_rbox.SetValue(True) return self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) if self._manager != None: self._manager.parent._default_save_location =\ self._default_save_location basename = os.path.basename(path) values, weights = self.read_file(path) # If any of the two arrays is empty, notify the user that we won't # proceed if len(self.param_toFit) > 0: if name in self.param_toFit: self.param_toFit.remove(name) # Tell the user that we are about to apply the distribution msg = "Applying loaded %s distribution: %s" % (name, path) wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) self._set_array_disp_model(name=name, disp=disp, values=values, weights=weights) return basename def _set_array_disp_model(self, name=None, disp=None, values=[], weights=[]): """ Set array dispersion model :param name: name of the parameter for the dispersion to be set :param disp: the polydisperion object """ disp.set_weights(values, weights) self._disp_obj_dict[name] = disp self.model.set_dispersion(name.split('.')[0], disp) self.state._disp_obj_dict[name] = disp self.values[name] = values self.weights[name] = weights # Store the object to make it persist outside the # scope of this method #TODO: refactor model to clean this up? self.state.values = {} self.state.weights = {} self.state.values = copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) # Set the new model as the dispersion object for the #selected parameter #self.model.set_dispersion(p, disp_model) # Store a reference to the weights in the model object #so that # it's not lost when we use the model within another thread. self.state.model = self.model.clone() self.model._persistency_dict[name.split('.')[0]] = \ [values, weights] self.state.model._persistency_dict[name.split('.')[0]] = \ [values, weights] def _del_array_values(self, name=None): """ Reset array dispersion :param name: name of the parameter for the dispersion to be set """ # Try to delete values and weight of the names array dic if exists try: del self.values[name] del self.weights[name] # delete all other dic del self.state.values[name] del self.state.weights[name] del self.model._persistency_dict[name.split('.')[0]] del self.state.model._persistency_dict[name.split('.')[0]] except: pass def _lay_out(self): """ returns self.Layout :Note: Mac seems to like this better when self. Layout is called after fitting. """ self._sleep4sec() self.Layout() return def _sleep4sec(self): """ sleep for 1 sec only applied on Mac Note: This 1sec helps for Mac not to crash on self. Layout after self._draw_model """ if ON_MAC == True: time.sleep(1) def _find_polyfunc_selection(self, disp_func=None): """ FInd Comboox selection from disp_func :param disp_function: dispersion distr. function """ # List of the poly_model name in the combobox list = ["RectangleDispersion", "ArrayDispersion", "LogNormalDispersion", "GaussianDispersion", "SchulzDispersion"] # Find the selection try: selection = list.index(disp_func.__class__.__name__) return selection except: return 3 def on_reset_clicked(self, event): """ On 'Reset' button for Q range clicked """ flag = True ##For 3 different cases: Data2D, Data1D, and theory if self.model == None: msg = "Please select a model first..." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') flag = False return elif self.data.__class__.__name__ == "Data2D": data_min = 0 x = max(math.fabs(self.data.xmin), math.fabs(self.data.xmax)) y = max(math.fabs(self.data.ymin), math.fabs(self.data.ymax)) self.qmin_x = data_min self.qmax_x = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) #self.data.mask = numpy.ones(len(self.data.data),dtype=bool) # check smearing if not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(): ## set smearing value whether or # not the data contain the smearing info if self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_pinhole_smear() else: flag = True elif self.data == None: self.qmin_x = _QMIN_DEFAULT self.qmax_x = _QMAX_DEFAULT self.num_points = _NPTS_DEFAULT self.state.npts = self.num_points elif self.data.__class__.__name__ != "Data2D": self.qmin_x = min(self.data.x) self.qmax_x = max(self.data.x) # check smearing if not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(): ## set smearing value whether or # not the data contain the smearing info if self.slit_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_slit_smear() elif self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_pinhole_smear() else: flag = True else: flag = False if flag == False: msg = "Cannot Plot :Must enter a number!!! " wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) else: # set relative text ctrs. self.qmin.SetValue(str(self.qmin_x)) self.qmax.SetValue(str(self.qmax_x)) self.show_npts2fit() # At this point, some button and variables satatus (disabled?) # should be checked such as color that should be reset to # white in case that it was pink. self._onparamEnter_helper() self.save_current_state() self.state.qmin = self.qmin_x self.state.qmax = self.qmax_x #reset the q range values self._reset_plotting_range(self.state) self._draw_model() def select_log(self, event): """ Log checked to generate log spaced points for theory model """ def get_images(self): """ Get the images of the plots corresponding this panel for report : return graphs: list of figures : Need Move to guiframe """ # set list of graphs graphs = [] canvases = [] res_item = None # call gui_manager gui_manager = self._manager.parent # loops through the panels [dic] for _, item2 in gui_manager.plot_panels.iteritems(): data_title = self.data.group_id # try to get all plots belonging to this control panel try: g_id = item2.group_id if g_id == data_title or \ str(g_id).count("res" + str(self.graph_id)) or \ str(g_id).count(str(self.uid)) > 0: if str(g_id).count("res" + str(self.graph_id)) > 0: res_item = [item2.figure, item2.canvas] else: # append to the list graphs.append(item2.figure) canvases.append(item2.canvas) except: # Not for control panels pass # Make sure the resduals plot goes to the last if res_item != None: graphs.append(res_item[0]) canvases.append(res_item[1]) # return the list of graphs return graphs, canvases def on_model_help_clicked(self, event): """ on 'More details' button """ from sas.perspectives.fitting.help_panel import HelpWindow from sas.models import get_data_path # Get models help model_function path path = get_data_path(media='media') model_path = os.path.join(path, "model_functions.html") if self.model == None: name = 'FuncHelp' else: name = self.formfactorbox.GetValue() frame = HelpWindow(None, -1, pageToOpen=model_path) # If model name exists and model is not a custom model #mod_cat = self.categorybox.GetStringSelection() if frame.rhelp.HasAnchor(name): frame.Show(True) frame.rhelp.ScrollToAnchor(name) else: if self.model != None: frame.Destroy() msg = 'Model description:\n' if str(self.model.description).rstrip().lstrip() == '': msg += "Sorry, no information is available for this model." else: msg += self.model.description + '\n' info = "Info" wx.MessageBox(msg, info) else: frame.Show(True) def _on_mag_help(self, event): """ Magnetic angles help panel """ from sas.perspectives.fitting.help_panel import HelpWindow # Get models help model_function path #import sas.perspectives.fitting as fitmedia from sas.models import get_data_path media = get_data_path(media='media') path = os.path.join(media, "mag_pic.html") name = "Polar/Magnetic Angles" frame = HelpWindow(None, -1, title=' Help: Polarization/Magnetization Angles', pageToOpen=path, size=(865, 450)) try: frame.splitter.DetachWindow(frame.lpanel) # Display only the right side one frame.lpanel.Hide() frame.Show(True) except: frame.Destroy() msg = 'Display Error\n' info = "Info" wx.MessageBox(msg, info) def _on_mag_on(self, event): """ Magnetic Parameters ON/OFF """ button = event.GetEventObject() if button.GetLabel().count('ON') > 0: self.magnetic_on = True button.SetLabel("Magnetic OFF") m_value = 1.0e-06 for key in self.model.magnetic_params: if key.count('M0') > 0: self.model.setParam(key, m_value) m_value += 0.5e-06 else: self.magnetic_on = False button.SetLabel("Magnetic ON") for key in self.model.magnetic_params: if key.count('M0') > 0: #reset mag value to zero fo safety self.model.setParam(key, 0.0) self.Show(False) self.set_model_param_sizer(self.model) #self._set_sizer_dispersion() self.state.magnetic_on = self.magnetic_on self.SetupScrolling() self.Show(True) def on_pd_help_clicked(self, event): """ Button event for PD help """ from help_panel import HelpWindow import sas.models as models # Get models help model_function path path = models.get_data_path(media='media') pd_path = os.path.join(path, "pd_help.html") frame = HelpWindow(None, -1, pageToOpen=pd_path) frame.Show(True) def on_left_down(self, event): """ Get key stroke event """ # Figuring out key combo: Cmd for copy, Alt for paste if event.CmdDown() and event.ShiftDown(): self.get_paste() elif event.CmdDown(): self.get_copy() else: event.Skip() return # make event free event.Skip() def get_copy(self): """ Get copy params to clipboard """ content = self.get_copy_params() flag = self.set_clipboard(content) self._copy_info(flag) return flag def get_copy_params(self): """ Get the string copies of the param names and values in the tap """ content = 'sansview_parameter_values:' # Do it if params exist if self.parameters != []: # go through the parameters strings = self._get_copy_helper(self.parameters, self.orientation_params) content += strings # go through the fittables strings = self._get_copy_helper(self.fittable_param, self.orientation_params_disp) content += strings # go through the fixed params strings = self._get_copy_helper(self.fixed_param, self.orientation_params_disp) content += strings # go through the str params strings = self._get_copy_helper(self.str_parameters, self.orientation_params) content += strings return content else: return False def get_copy_excel(self): """ Get copy params to clipboard """ content = self.get_copy_params_excel() flag = self.set_clipboard(content) self._copy_info(flag) return flag def get_copy_params_excel(self): """ Get the string copies of the param names and values in the tap """ content = '' crlf = chr(13) + chr(10) tab = chr(9) # Do it if params exist if self.parameters != []: for param in self.parameters: content += param[1] #parameter name content += tab content += param[1]+"_err" content += tab content += crlf #row of values and errors... for param in self.parameters: content += param[2].GetValue() #value content +=tab content += param[4].GetValue() #error content +=tab return content else: return False def get_copy_latex(self): """ Get copy params to clipboard """ content = self.get_copy_params_latex() flag = self.set_clipboard(content) self._copy_info(flag) return flag def get_copy_params_latex(self): """ Get the string copies of the param names and values in the tap """ content = '\\begin{table}' content += '\\begin{tabular}[h]' crlf = chr(13) + chr(10) tab = chr(9) # Do it if params exist if self.parameters != []: content += '{|' for param in self.parameters: content += 'l|l|' content += '}\hline' content += crlf for index, param in enumerate(self.parameters): content += param[1].replace('_','\_') #parameter name content += ' & ' content += param[1].replace('_','\_')+"\_err" if index < len(self.parameters)-1: content += ' & ' content += '\\\\ \\hline' content += crlf #row of values and errors... for index, param in enumerate(self.parameters): content += param[2].GetValue() #parameter value content += ' & ' content += param[4].GetValue() #parameter error if index < len(self.parameters)-1: content += ' & ' content += '\\\\ \\hline' content += crlf content += '\\end{tabular}' content += '\\end{table}' return content else: return False def set_clipboard(self, content=None): """ Put the string to the clipboard """ if not content: return False if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(wx.TextDataObject(str(content))) wx.TheClipboard.Close() return True return None def _get_copy_helper(self, param, orient_param): """ Helping get value and name of the params : param param: parameters : param orient_param = oritational params : return content: strings [list] [name,value:....] """ content = '' # go through the str params for item in param: # copy only the params shown if not item[2].IsShown(): continue disfunc = '' try: if item[7].__class__.__name__ == 'ComboBox': disfunc = str(item[7].GetValue()) except: pass # 2D if self.data.__class__.__name__ == "Data2D": try: check = item[0].GetValue() except: check = None name = item[1] value = item[2].GetValue() # 1D else: ## for 1D all parameters except orientation if not item[1] in orient_param: try: check = item[0].GetValue() except: check = None name = item[1] value = item[2].GetValue() # add to the content if disfunc != '': disfunc = ',' + disfunc # Need to support array func for copy/paste try: if disfunc.count('array') > 0: disfunc += ',' for val in self.values[name]: disfunc += ' ' + str(val) disfunc += ',' for weight in self.weights[name]: disfunc += ' ' + str(weight) except: pass content += name + ',' + str(check) + ',' + value + disfunc + ':' return content def get_clipboard(self): """ Get strings in the clipboard """ text = "" # Get text from the clip board if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): if wx.TheClipboard.IsSupported(wx.DataFormat(wx.DF_TEXT)): data = wx.TextDataObject() # get wx dataobject success = wx.TheClipboard.GetData(data) # get text if success: text = data.GetText() else: text = '' # close clipboard wx.TheClipboard.Close() return text def get_paste(self): """ Paste params from the clipboard """ text = self.get_clipboard() flag = self.get_paste_params(text) self._copy_info(flag) return flag def get_paste_params(self, text=''): """ Get the string copies of the param names and values in the tap """ context = {} # put the text into dictionary lines = text.split(':') if lines[0] != 'sansview_parameter_values': self._copy_info(False) return False for line in lines[1:-1]: if len(line) != 0: item = line.split(',') check = item[1] name = item[0] value = item[2] # Transfer the text to content[dictionary] context[name] = [check, value] # ToDo: PlugIn this poly disp function for pasting try: poly_func = item[3] context[name].append(poly_func) try: # take the vals and weights for array array_values = item[4].split(' ') array_weights = item[5].split(' ') val = [float(a_val) for a_val in array_values[1:]] weit = [float(a_weit) for a_weit in array_weights[1:]] context[name].append(val) context[name].append(weit) except: raise except: poly_func = '' context[name].append(poly_func) # Do it if params exist if self.parameters != []: # go through the parameters self._get_paste_helper(self.parameters, self.orientation_params, context) # go through the fittables self._get_paste_helper(self.fittable_param, self.orientation_params_disp, context) # go through the fixed params self._get_paste_helper(self.fixed_param, self.orientation_params_disp, context) # go through the str params self._get_paste_helper(self.str_parameters, self.orientation_params, context) return True return None def _get_paste_helper(self, param, orient_param, content): """ Helping set values of the params : param param: parameters : param orient_param: oritational params : param content: dictionary [ name, value: name1.value1,...] """ # go through the str params for item in param: # 2D if self.data.__class__.__name__ == "Data2D": name = item[1] if name in content.keys(): check = content[name][0] pd = content[name][1] if name.count('.') > 0: try: float(pd) except: #continue if not pd and pd != '': continue item[2].SetValue(str(pd)) if item in self.fixed_param and pd == '': # Only array func has pd == '' case. item[2].Enable(False) if item[2].__class__.__name__ == "ComboBox": if content[name][1] in self.model.fun_list: fun_val = self.model.fun_list[content[name][1]] self.model.setParam(name, fun_val) value = content[name][1:] self._paste_poly_help(item, value) if check == 'True': is_true = True elif check == 'False': is_true = False else: is_true = None if is_true != None: item[0].SetValue(is_true) # 1D else: ## for 1D all parameters except orientation if not item[1] in orient_param: name = item[1] if name in content.keys(): check = content[name][0] # Avoid changing combox content value = content[name][1:] pd = value[0] if name.count('.') > 0: try: pd = float(pd) except: #continue if not pd and pd != '': continue item[2].SetValue(str(pd)) if item in self.fixed_param and pd == '': # Only array func has pd == '' case. item[2].Enable(False) if item[2].__class__.__name__ == "ComboBox": if value[0] in self.model.fun_list: fun_val = self.model.fun_list[value[0]] self.model.setParam(name, fun_val) # save state self._paste_poly_help(item, value) if check == 'True': is_true = True elif check == 'False': is_true = False else: is_true = None if is_true != None: item[0].SetValue(is_true) def _paste_poly_help(self, item, value): """ Helps get paste for poly function :param item: Gui param items :param value: the values for parameter ctrols """ is_array = False if len(value[1]) > 0: # Only for dispersion func.s try: item[7].SetValue(value[1]) selection = item[7].GetCurrentSelection() name = item[7].Name param_name = name.split('.')[0] dispersity = item[7].GetClientData(selection) disp_model = dispersity() # Only for array disp try: pd_vals = numpy.array(value[2]) pd_weights = numpy.array(value[3]) if len(pd_vals) > 0 and len(pd_vals) > 0: if len(pd_vals) == len(pd_weights): self._set_disp_array_cb(item=item) self._set_array_disp_model(name=name, disp=disp_model, values=pd_vals, weights=pd_weights) is_array = True except: pass if not is_array: self._disp_obj_dict[name] = disp_model self.model.set_dispersion(name, disp_model) self.state._disp_obj_dict[name] = \ disp_model self.model.set_dispersion(param_name, disp_model) self.state.values = self.values self.state.weights = self.weights self.model._persistency_dict[param_name] = \ [self.state.values, self.state.weights] except: print "Error in BasePage._paste_poly_help: %s" % sys.exc_value def _set_disp_array_cb(self, item): """ Set cb for array disp """ item[0].SetValue(False) item[0].Enable(False) item[2].Enable(False) item[3].Show(False) item[4].Show(False) item[5].SetValue('') item[5].Enable(False) item[6].SetValue('') item[6].Enable(False) def update_pinhole_smear(self): """ Method to be called by sub-classes Moveit; This method doesn't belong here """ print "BasicPage.update_pinhole_smear was called: skipping" return def _read_category_info(self): """ Reads the categories in from file """ # # ILL mod starts here - July 2012 kieranrcampbell@gmail.com self.master_category_dict = defaultdict(list) self.by_model_dict = defaultdict(list) self.model_enabled_dict = defaultdict(bool) try: categorization_file = CategoryInstaller.get_user_file() if not os.path.isfile(categorization_file): categorization_file = CategoryInstaller.get_default_file() cat_file = open(categorization_file, 'rb') self.master_category_dict = json.load(cat_file) self._regenerate_model_dict() cat_file.close() except IOError: raise print 'Problem reading in category file.' print 'We even looked for it, made sure it was there.' print 'An existential crisis if there ever was one.' def _regenerate_model_dict(self): """ regenerates self.by_model_dict which has each model name as the key and the list of categories belonging to that model along with the enabled mapping """ self.by_model_dict = defaultdict(list) for category in self.master_category_dict: for (model, enabled) in self.master_category_dict[category]: self.by_model_dict[model].append(category) self.model_enabled_dict[model] = enabled def _populate_listbox(self): """ fills out the category list box """ uncat_str = 'Customized Models' self._read_category_info() self.categorybox.Clear() cat_list = sorted(self.master_category_dict.keys()) if not uncat_str in cat_list: cat_list.append(uncat_str) for category in cat_list: if category != '': self.categorybox.Append(category) if self.categorybox.GetSelection() == wx.NOT_FOUND: self.categorybox.SetSelection(0) else: self.categorybox.SetSelection( \ self.categorybox.GetSelection()) #self._on_change_cat(None) def _on_change_cat(self, event): """ Callback for category change action """ self.model_name = None category = self.categorybox.GetStringSelection() if category == None: return self.model_box.Clear() if category == 'Customized Models': for model in self.model_list_box[category]: str_m = str(model).split(".")[0] self.model_box.Append(str_m) else: for (model,enabled) in sorted(self.master_category_dict[category], key = lambda name: name[0]): if(enabled): self.model_box.Append(model) def _fill_model_sizer(self, sizer): """ fill sizer containing model info """ ##Add model function Details button in fitpanel. ##The following 3 lines are for Mac. Let JHC know before modifying... title = "Model" self.formfactorbox = None self.multifactorbox = None self.mbox_description = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, str(title)) boxsizer1 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.mbox_description, wx.VERTICAL) sizer_cat = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.mbox_description.SetForegroundColour(wx.RED) id = wx.NewId() self.model_help = wx.Button(self, id, 'Details', size=(80, 23)) self.model_help.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_model_help_clicked, id=id) self.model_help.SetToolTipString("Model Function Help") id = wx.NewId() self.model_view = wx.Button(self, id, "Show 2D", size=(80, 23)) self.model_view.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._onModel2D, id=id) hint = "toggle view of model from 1D to 2D or 2D to 1D" self.model_view.SetToolTipString(hint) cat_set_box = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'Category') sizer_cat_box = wx.StaticBoxSizer(cat_set_box, wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_cat_box.SetMinSize((200, 50)) self.categorybox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.categorybox.SetToolTip( wx.ToolTip("Select a Category/Type") ) self._populate_listbox() wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.categorybox, -1, self._show_combox) #self.shape_rbutton = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Shapes', # style=wx.RB_GROUP) #self.shape_indep_rbutton = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, # "Shape-Independent") #self.struct_rbutton = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, "Structure Factor ") #self.plugin_rbutton = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, "Uncategorized") #self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._show_combox, # id=self.shape_rbutton.GetId()) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._show_combox, # id=self.shape_indep_rbutton.GetId()) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._show_combox, # id=self.struct_rbutton.GetId()) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._show_combox, # id=self.plugin_rbutton.GetId()) #MAC needs SetValue show_cat_button = wx.Button(self, -1, "Modify") cat_tip = "Modify model categories \n" cat_tip += "(also accessible from the menu bar)." show_cat_button.SetToolTip( wx.ToolTip(cat_tip) ) show_cat_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._on_modify_cat) sizer_cat_box.Add(self.categorybox, 1, wx.RIGHT, 3) sizer_cat_box.Add((10,10)) sizer_cat_box.Add(show_cat_button) #self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(True) sizer_radiobutton = wx.GridSizer(2, 2, 5, 5) #sizer_radiobutton.Add(self.shape_rbutton) #sizer_radiobutton.Add(self.shape_indep_rbutton) sizer_radiobutton.Add((5,5)) sizer_radiobutton.Add(self.model_view, 1, wx.RIGHT, 15) #sizer_radiobutton.Add(self.plugin_rbutton) #sizer_radiobutton.Add(self.struct_rbutton) sizer_radiobutton.Add((5,5)) sizer_radiobutton.Add(self.model_help, 1, wx.RIGHT, 15) sizer_cat.Add(sizer_cat_box, 1, wx.LEFT, 2.5) sizer_cat.Add(sizer_radiobutton) sizer_selection = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) mutifactor_selection = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.text1 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "") self.text2 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "P(Q)*S(Q)") self.mutifactor_text = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "No. of Shells: ") self.mutifactor_text1 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "") self.show_sld_button = wx.Button(self, -1, "Show SLD Profile") self.show_sld_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._on_show_sld) self.formfactorbox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.formfactorbox.SetToolTip( wx.ToolTip("Select a Model") ) if self.model != None: self.formfactorbox.SetValue(self.model.name) self.structurebox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.multifactorbox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.initialize_combox() wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.formfactorbox, -1, self._on_select_model) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.structurebox, -1, self._on_select_model) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.multifactorbox, -1, self._on_select_model) ## check model type to show sizer if self.model != None: print "_set_model_sizer_selection: disabled." #self._set_model_sizer_selection(self.model) sizer_selection.Add(self.text1) sizer_selection.Add((10, 5)) sizer_selection.Add(self.formfactorbox) sizer_selection.Add((5, 5)) sizer_selection.Add(self.text2) sizer_selection.Add((5, 5)) sizer_selection.Add(self.structurebox) mutifactor_selection.Add((13, 5)) mutifactor_selection.Add(self.mutifactor_text) mutifactor_selection.Add(self.multifactorbox) mutifactor_selection.Add((5, 5)) mutifactor_selection.Add(self.mutifactor_text1) mutifactor_selection.Add((10, 5)) mutifactor_selection.Add(self.show_sld_button) boxsizer1.Add(sizer_cat) boxsizer1.Add((10, 10)) boxsizer1.Add(sizer_selection) boxsizer1.Add((10, 10)) boxsizer1.Add(mutifactor_selection) self._set_multfactor_combobox() self.multifactorbox.SetSelection(1) self.show_sld_button.Hide() sizer.Add(boxsizer1, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) sizer.Layout() def on_smear_helper(self, update=False): """ Help for onSmear if implemented :param update: force or not to update """ def reset_page(self, state, first=False): """ reset the state if implemented """ def onSmear(self, event): """ Create a smear object if implemented """ def onPinholeSmear(self, event): """ Create a custom pinhole smear object if implemented """ def onSlitSmear(self, event): """ Create a custom slit smear object if implemented """ def update_slit_smear(self): """ called by kill_focus on pinhole TextCntrl to update the changes if implemented """ def select_param(self, event): """ Select TextCtrl checked if implemented """ def set_data(self, data=None): """ Sets data if implemented """ def _is_2D(self): """ Check if data_name is Data2D if implemented """ def _on_select_model(self, event=None): """ call back for model selection if implemented """ def select_all_param(self, event): """ set to true or false all checkBox if implemented """ def get_weight_flag(self): """ Get flag corresponding to a given weighting dI data if implemented """ def _set_sizer_dispersion(self): """ draw sizer for dispersity if implemented """ def get_all_checked_params(self): """ Found all parameters current check and add them to list of parameters to fit if implemented """ def show_npts2fit(self): """ setValue Npts for fitting if implemented """ def _onModel2D(self, event): """ toggle view of model from 1D to 2D or 2D from 1D if implemented """