################################################################################ #This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the #Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) #project funded by the US National Science Foundation. # #See the license text in license.txt # #copyright 2008, University of Tennessee ################################################################################ import wx import sys import os import math import numpy import pylab import danse.common.plottools from danse.common.plottools.PlotPanel import PlotPanel from danse.common.plottools.plottables import Graph from danse.common.plottools.TextDialog import TextDialog from sans.guiframe.events import EVT_NEW_PLOT from sans.guiframe.events import EVT_SLICER_PARS from sans.guiframe.events import StatusEvent from sans.guiframe.events import NewPlotEvent from sans.guiframe.events import PanelOnFocusEvent from sans.guiframe.events import SlicerEvent from sans.guiframe.utils import PanelMenu from sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting.binder import BindArtist from Plotter1D import ModelPanel1D from danse.common.plottools.toolbar import NavigationToolBar from sans.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from graphAppearance import graphAppearance (InternalEvent, EVT_INTERNAL) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() DEFAULT_QMAX = 0.05 DEFAULT_QSTEP = 0.001 DEFAULT_BEAM = 0.005 BIN_WIDTH = 1.0 def find_key(dic, val): """return the key of dictionary dic given the value""" return [k for k, v in dic.iteritems() if v == val][0] class NavigationToolBar2D(NavigationToolBar): """ """ def __init__(self, canvas, parent=None): NavigationToolBar.__init__(self, canvas=canvas, parent=parent) def delete_option(self): """ remove default toolbar item """ #delete reset button self.DeleteToolByPos(0) #delete dragging self.DeleteToolByPos(2) #delete unwanted button that configures subplot parameters self.DeleteToolByPos(4) def add_option(self): """ add item to the toolbar """ #add button id_context = wx.NewId() context_tip = 'Graph Menu' context = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_LIST_VIEW, wx.ART_TOOLBAR) self.InsertSimpleTool(0, id_context, context, context_tip, context_tip) wx.EVT_TOOL(self, id_context, self.parent.onToolContextMenu) self.InsertSeparator(1) #add print button id_print = wx.NewId() print_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_PRINT, wx.ART_TOOLBAR) self.AddSimpleTool(id_print, print_bmp, 'Print', 'Activate printing') wx.EVT_TOOL(self, id_print, self.on_print) class ModelPanel2D(ModelPanel1D): """ Plot panel for use with the GUI manager """ ## Internal name for the AUI manager window_name = "plotpanel" ## Title to appear on top of the window window_caption = "Plot Panel" ## Flag to tell the GUI manager that this panel is not # tied to any perspective ALWAYS_ON = True ## Group ID group_id = None def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, data2d=None, color = None, dpi=None, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, **kwargs): """ Initialize the panel """ ModelPanel1D.__init__(self, parent, id=id, style=style, **kwargs) self.parent = parent ## Reference to the parent window if hasattr(parent, "parent"): self.parent = self.parent.parent ## Dictionary containing Plottables self.plots = {} ## Save reference of the current plotted self.data2D = data2d ## Unique ID (from gui_manager) self.uid = None ## Action IDs for internal call-backs self.action_ids = {} ## Create Artist and bind it self.connect = BindArtist(self.subplot.figure) ## Beam stop self.beamstop_radius = DEFAULT_BEAM ## to set the order of lines drawn first. self.slicer_z = 5 ## Reference to the current slicer self.slicer = None ## event to send slicer info self.Bind(EVT_INTERNAL, self._onEVT_INTERNAL) self.axes_frozen = False ## panel that contains result from slicer motion (ex: Boxsum info) self.panel_slicer = None self.title_label = None self.title_font = None self.title_color = 'black' ## Graph self.graph = Graph() self.graph.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') self.graph.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ", "cm^{-1}") self.graph.render(self) ## store default value of zmin and zmax self.default_zmin_ctl = self.zmin_2D self.default_zmax_ctl = self.zmax_2D def on_plot_qrange(self, event=None): """ On Qmin Qmax vertical line event """ # Not implemented if event == None: return event.Skip() def onLeftDown(self, event): """ left button down and ready to drag """ # Check that the LEFT button was pressed PlotPanel.onLeftDown(self, event) ax = event.inaxes if ax != None: # data coordinate position pos_x = "%8.3g"% event.xdata pos_y = "%8.3g"% event.ydata position = "x: %s y: %s" % (pos_x, pos_y) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=position)) self.plottable_selected(self.data2D.id) self._manager.set_panel_on_focus(self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, PanelOnFocusEvent(panel=self)) def add_toolbar(self): """ add toolbar """ self.enable_toolbar = True self.toolbar = NavigationToolBar2D(parent=self, canvas=self.canvas) self.toolbar.Realize() # On Windows platform, default window size is incorrect, so set # toolbar width to figure width. tw, th = self.toolbar.GetSizeTuple() fw, fh = self.canvas.GetSizeTuple() self.toolbar.SetSize(wx.Size(fw, th)) self.sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND) # update the axes menu on the toolbar self.toolbar.update() def plot_data(self, data): """ Data is ready to be displayed :TODO: this name should be changed to something more appropriate Don't forget that changing this name will mean changing code in plotting.py :param event: data event """ xlo = None xhi = None ylo = None yhi = None if data.__class__.__name__ == 'Data1D': return ## Update self.data2d with the current plot self.data2D = data if data.id in self.plots.keys(): #replace xlo, xhi = self.subplot.get_xlim() ylo, yhi = self.subplot.get_ylim() self.graph.replace(data) self.plots[data.id] = data else: self.plots[data.id] = data self.graph.add(self.plots[data.id]) # update qmax with the new xmax of data plotted self.qmax = data.xmax self.slicer = None # Check axis labels #TODO: Should re-factor this ## render the graph with its new content #data2D: put 'Pixel (Number)' for axis title and unit in case of having no detector info and none in _units if len(data.detector) < 1: if len(data._xunit) < 1 and len(data._yunit) < 1: data._xaxis = '\\rm{x}' data._yaxis = '\\rm{y}' data._xunit = 'pixel' data._yunit = 'pixel' # graph properties self.graph.xaxis(data._xaxis, data._xunit) self.graph.yaxis(data._yaxis, data._yunit) if self._is_changed_legend_label: data.label = self.title_label if data.label == None: data.label = data.name if not self.title_font: self.graph.title(data.label) self.graph.render(self) # Set the axis labels on subplot self._set_axis_labels() self.draw_plot() else: self.graph.render(self) self.draw_plot() self.subplot.set_title(label=data.label, fontproperties=self.title_font, color=self.title_color) self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle() # Update Graph menu and help string #pos = self.parent._window_menu.FindItem(self.window_caption) helpString = 'Show/Hide Graph: ' helpString += (' ' + str(data.label) +';') #self.parent._window_menu.SetHelpString(pos, helpString) ## store default value of zmin and zmax self.default_zmin_ctl = self.zmin_2D self.default_zmax_ctl = self.zmax_2D # Check if zoomed toolbar_zoomed = self.toolbar.GetToolEnabled(self.toolbar._NTB2_BACK) if not self.is_zoomed and not toolbar_zoomed: return # Recover the x,y limits if (xlo and xhi and ylo and yhi) != None: if (xlo > data.xmin and xhi < data.xmax and\ ylo > data.ymin and yhi < data.ymax): self.subplot.set_xlim((xlo, xhi)) self.subplot.set_ylim((ylo, yhi)) else: self.toolbar.update() self._is_zoomed = False def _set_axis_labels(self): """ Set axis labels """ data = self.data2D # control axis labels from the panel itself yname, yunits = data.get_yaxis() if self.yaxis_label != None: yname = self.yaxis_label yunits = self.yaxis_unit else: self.yaxis_label = yname self.yaxis_unit = yunits xname, xunits = data.get_xaxis() if self.xaxis_label != None: xname = self.xaxis_label xunits = self.xaxis_unit else: self.xaxis_label = xname self.xaxis_unit = xunits self.xaxis(xname, xunits, self.xaxis_font, self.xaxis_color, self.xaxis_tick) self.yaxis(yname, yunits, self.yaxis_font, self.yaxis_color, self.yaxis_tick) def onContextMenu(self, event): """ 2D plot context menu :param event: wx context event """ slicerpop = PanelMenu() slicerpop.set_plots(self.plots) slicerpop.set_graph(self.graph) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Save Image') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onSaveImage) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id,'&Print Image', 'Print image') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onPrint) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id,'&Print Preview', 'Print preview') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onPrinterPreview) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Copy to Clipboard', 'Copy to the clipboard') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.OnCopyFigureMenu) slicerpop.AppendSeparator() # saving data plot = self.data2D id = wx.NewId() name = plot.name slicerpop.Append(id, "&Data Info" ) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onDataShow) id = wx.NewId() name = plot.name slicerpop.Append(id, "&Save as a File (DAT)" ) self.action_ids[str(id)] = plot wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onSave) slicerpop.AppendSeparator() if len(self.data2D.detector) == 1: item_list = self.parent.get_current_context_menu(self) if (not item_list == None) and (not len(item_list) == 0) and\ self.data2D.name.split(" ")[0] != 'Residuals': # The line above; Not for trunk for item in item_list: try: id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, item[0], item[1]) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, item[2]) except: msg = "ModelPanel1D.onContextMenu: " msg += "bad menu item %s"%sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) pass slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Perform Circular Average') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onCircular) \ # For Masked Data if not plot.mask.all(): id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Masked Circular Average') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onMaskedCircular) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Sector [Q View]') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onSectorQ) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Annulus [Phi View ]') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onSectorPhi) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Box Sum') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onBoxSum) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Box Averaging in Qx') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onBoxavgX) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Box Averaging in Qy') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onBoxavgY) if self.slicer != None: id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Clear Slicer') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onClearSlicer) if self.slicer.__class__.__name__ != "BoxSum": id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Edit Slicer Parameters') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onEditSlicer) slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Edit Graph Label', 'Edit Graph Label') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onEditLabels) slicerpop.AppendSeparator() # ILL mod here id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Modify graph appearance','Modify graph appearance') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.modifyGraphAppearance) slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&2D Color Map') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onEditDetector) slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Toggle Linear/Log Scale') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onToggleScale) slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Window Title') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onChangeCaption) try: pos_evt = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos_evt) except: pos_x, pos_y = self.toolbar.GetPositionTuple() pos = (pos_x, pos_y + 5) self.PopupMenu(slicerpop, pos) def onEditLabels(self, event): """ Edit legend label """ try: selected_plot = self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable] except: selected_plot = self.plots[self.data2D.id] label = selected_plot.label dial = TextDialog(None, -1, 'Change Label', label) if dial.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: try: FONT = FontProperties() newlabel = dial.getText() font = FONT.copy() font.set_size(dial.getSize()) font.set_family(dial.getFamily()) font.set_style(dial.getStyle()) font.set_weight(dial.getWeight()) colour = dial.getColor() if len(newlabel) > 0: # update Label selected_plot.label = newlabel self.graph.title(newlabel) self.title_label = selected_plot.label self.title_font = font self.title_color = colour ## render the graph self.subplot.set_title(label=self.title_label, fontproperties=self.title_font, color=self.title_color) self._is_changed_legend_label = True self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle() except: if self.parent != None: from sans.guiframe.events import StatusEvent msg= "Add Text: Error. Check your property values..." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) else: raise dial.Destroy() # Update Graph menu and help string if self.title_label != None: #pos = self.parent._window_menu.FindItem(self.window_caption) helpString = 'Show/Hide Graph: ' helpString += (' ' + str(self.title_label) +';') #self.parent._window_menu.SetHelpString(pos, helpString) def _onEditDetector(self, event): """ Allow to view and edits detector parameters :param event: wx.menu event """ import detector_dialog dialog = detector_dialog.DetectorDialog(self, -1,base=self.parent, reset_zmin_ctl =self.default_zmin_ctl, reset_zmax_ctl = self.default_zmax_ctl,cmap=self.cmap) ## info of current detector and data2D xnpts = len(self.data2D.x_bins) ynpts = len(self.data2D.y_bins) xmax = max(self.data2D.xmin, self.data2D.xmax) ymax = max(self.data2D.ymin, self.data2D.ymax) qmax = math.sqrt(math.pow(xmax, 2) + math.pow(ymax, 2)) beam = self.data2D.xmin ## set dialog window content dialog.setContent(xnpts=xnpts,ynpts=ynpts,qmax=qmax, beam=self.data2D.xmin, zmin = self.zmin_2D, zmax = self.zmax_2D) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: evt = dialog.getContent() self.zmin_2D = evt.zmin self.zmax_2D = evt.zmax self.cmap = evt.cmap dialog.Destroy() ## Redraw the current image self.image(data=self.data2D.data, qx_data=self.data2D.qx_data, qy_data=self.data2D.qy_data, xmin= self.data2D.xmin, xmax= self.data2D.xmax, ymin= self.data2D.ymin, ymax= self.data2D.ymax, zmin= self.zmin_2D, zmax= self.zmax_2D, cmap= self.cmap, color=0, symbol=0, label=self.data2D.name) self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle() def freeze_axes(self): """ """ self.axes_frozen = True def thaw_axes(self): """ """ self.axes_frozen = False def onMouseMotion(self,event): """ """ pass def onWheel(self, event): """ """ pass def update(self, draw=True): """ Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets. """ self.draw_plot() def _getEmptySlicerEvent(self): """ create an empty slicervent """ return SlicerEvent(type=None, params=None, obj_class=None) def _onEVT_INTERNAL(self, event): """ Draw the slicer :param event: wx.lib.newevent (SlicerEvent) containing slicer parameter """ self._setSlicer(event.slicer) def _setSlicer(self, slicer): """ Clear the previous slicer and create a new one.Post an internal event. :param slicer: slicer class to create """ ## Clear current slicer if not self.slicer == None: self.slicer.clear() ## Create a new slicer self.slicer_z += 1 self.slicer = slicer(self, self.subplot, zorder=self.slicer_z) self.subplot.set_ylim(self.data2D.ymin, self.data2D.ymax) self.subplot.set_xlim(self.data2D.xmin, self.data2D.xmax) ## Draw slicer self.update() self.slicer.update() msg = "Plotter2D._setSlicer %s"%self.slicer.__class__.__name__ wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) # Post slicer event event = self._getEmptySlicerEvent() event.type = self.slicer.__class__.__name__ event.obj_class = self.slicer.__class__ event.params = self.slicer.get_params() wx.PostEvent(self, event) def onMaskedCircular(self, event): """ perform circular averaging on Data2D with mask if it exists :param event: wx.menu event """ self.onCircular(event, True) def onCircular(self, event, ismask=False): """ perform circular averaging on Data2D :param event: wx.menu event """ # Find the best number of bins npt = math.sqrt(len(self.data2D.data[numpy.isfinite(self.data2D.data)])) npt = math.floor(npt) from sans.dataloader.manipulations import CircularAverage ## compute the maximum radius of data2D self.qmax = max(math.fabs(self.data2D.xmax), math.fabs(self.data2D.xmin)) self.ymax = max(math.fabs(self.data2D.ymax), math.fabs(self.data2D.ymin)) self.radius = math.sqrt(math.pow(self.qmax, 2)+ math.pow(self.ymax, 2)) ##Compute beam width bin_width = (self.qmax + self.qmax)/npt ## Create data1D circular average of data2D Circle = CircularAverage(r_min=0, r_max=self.radius, bin_width=bin_width) circ = Circle(self.data2D, ismask=ismask) from sans.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D if hasattr(circ, "dxl"): dxl = circ.dxl else: dxl = None if hasattr(circ, "dxw"): dxw = circ.dxw else: dxw = None new_plot = Data1D(x=circ.x, y=circ.y, dy=circ.dy, dx=circ.dx) new_plot.dxl = dxl new_plot.dxw = dxw new_plot.name = "Circ avg " + self.data2D.name new_plot.source = self.data2D.source #new_plot.info = self.data2D.info new_plot.interactive = True new_plot.detector = self.data2D.detector ## If the data file does not tell us what the axes are, just assume... new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", "A^{-1}") if hasattr(self.data2D, "scale") and \ self.data2D.scale == 'linear': new_plot.ytransform = 'y' new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Residuals} ", "normalized") else: new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ", "cm^{-1}") new_plot.group_id = "2daverage" + self.data2D.name new_plot.id = "Circ avg " + self.data2D.name new_plot.is_data = True self.parent.update_theory(data_id=self.data2D.id, \ theory=new_plot) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=new_plot.name)) def _onEditSlicer(self, event): """ Is available only when a slicer is drawn.Create a dialog window where the user can enter value to reset slicer parameters. :param event: wx.menu event """ if self.slicer != None: from SlicerParameters import SlicerParameterPanel dialog = SlicerParameterPanel(self, -1, "Slicer Parameters") dialog.set_slicer(self.slicer.__class__.__name__, self.slicer.get_params()) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dialog.Destroy() def onSectorQ(self, event): """ Perform sector averaging on Q and draw sector slicer """ from SectorSlicer import SectorInteractor self.onClearSlicer(event) wx.PostEvent(self, InternalEvent(slicer=SectorInteractor)) def onSectorPhi(self, event): """ Perform sector averaging on Phi and draw annulus slicer """ from AnnulusSlicer import AnnulusInteractor self.onClearSlicer(event) wx.PostEvent(self, InternalEvent(slicer=AnnulusInteractor)) def onBoxSum(self, event): """ """ from sans.guiframe.gui_manager import MDIFrame from boxSum import BoxSum self.onClearSlicer(event) self.slicer_z += 1 self.slicer = BoxSum(self, self.subplot, zorder=self.slicer_z) self.subplot.set_ylim(self.data2D.ymin, self.data2D.ymax) self.subplot.set_xlim(self.data2D.xmin, self.data2D.xmax) self.update() self.slicer.update() ## Value used to initially set the slicer panel type = self.slicer.__class__.__name__ params = self.slicer.get_params() ## Create a new panel to display results of summation of Data2D from slicerpanel import SlicerPanel win = MDIFrame(self.parent, None, 'None', (100, 200)) new_panel = SlicerPanel(parent=win, id=-1, base=self, type=type, params=params, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) new_panel.window_caption = self.slicer.__class__.__name__ + " " + \ str(self.data2D.name) new_panel.window_name = self.slicer.__class__.__name__+ " " + \ str(self.data2D.name) ## Store a reference of the new created panel ## save the window_caption of the new panel in the current slicer self.slicer.set_panel_name(name=new_panel.window_caption) ## post slicer panel to guiframe to display it from sans.guiframe.events import SlicerPanelEvent win.set_panel(new_panel) new_panel.frame = win wx.PostEvent(self.parent, SlicerPanelEvent(panel=new_panel, main_panel=self)) wx.CallAfter(new_panel.frame.Show) self.panel_slicer = new_panel def onBoxavgX(self,event): """ Perform 2D data averaging on Qx Create a new slicer . :param event: wx.menu event """ from boxSlicer import BoxInteractorX self.onClearSlicer(event) wx.PostEvent(self, InternalEvent(slicer=BoxInteractorX)) def onBoxavgY(self,event): """ Perform 2D data averaging on Qy Create a new slicer . :param event: wx.menu event """ from boxSlicer import BoxInteractorY self.onClearSlicer(event) wx.PostEvent(self, InternalEvent(slicer=BoxInteractorY)) def onClearSlicer(self, event): """ Clear the slicer on the plot """ if not self.slicer == None: self.slicer.clear() self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw() self.slicer = None # Post slicer None event event = self._getEmptySlicerEvent() wx.PostEvent(self, event) def _onSave(self, evt): """ Save a data set to a dat(text) file :param evt: Menu event """ id = str(evt.GetId()) if self.parent != None: self._default_save_location = self.parent._default_save_location default_name = self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable].label if default_name.count('.') > 0: default_name = default_name.split('.')[0] default_name += "_out" if id in self.action_ids: path = None self.parent.save_data2d(self.data2D, default_name) def _onDataShow(self, evt): """ Show the data set in text :param evt: Menu event """ menu = evt.GetEventObject() id = evt.GetId() self.set_selected_from_menu(menu, id) data = self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable] default_name = data.label if default_name.count('.') > 0: default_name = default_name.split('.')[0] #default_name += "_out" if self.parent != None: self.parent.show_data2d(data, default_name) def modifyGraphAppearance(self,e): self.graphApp = graphAppearance(self,'Modify graph appearance', legend=False) self.graphApp.setDefaults(self.grid_on,self.legend_on, self.xaxis_label,self.yaxis_label, self.xaxis_unit,self.yaxis_unit, self.xaxis_font,self.yaxis_font, find_key(self.get_loc_label(),self.legendLoc), self.xcolor,self.ycolor, self.is_xtick, self.is_ytick) self.graphApp.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_graphApp_close) def on_graphApp_close(self,e): # gets values from graph appearance dialog and sends them off # to modify the plot self.onGridOnOff(self.graphApp.get_togglegrid()) self.xaxis_label = self.graphApp.get_xlab() self.yaxis_label = self.graphApp.get_ylab() self.xaxis_unit = self.graphApp.get_xunit() self.yaxis_unit = self.graphApp.get_yunit() self.xaxis_font = self.graphApp.get_xfont() self.yaxis_font = self.graphApp.get_yfont() self.is_xtick = self.graphApp.get_xtick_check() self.is_ytick = self.graphApp.get_ytick_check() if self.is_xtick: self.xaxis_tick = self.xaxis_font if self.is_ytick: self.yaxis_tick = self.yaxis_font self.xaxis(self.xaxis_label, self.xaxis_unit, self.graphApp.get_xfont(), self.graphApp.get_xcolor(), self.xaxis_tick) self.yaxis(self.yaxis_label, self.yaxis_unit, self.graphApp.get_yfont(), self.graphApp.get_ycolor(), self.yaxis_tick) self.graphApp.Destroy()