################################################################################ #This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the #Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) #project funded by the US National Science Foundation. # #See the license text in license.txt # #copyright 2008, University of Tennessee ################################################################################ import wx import sys import math import numpy from sans.plottools.PlotPanel import PlotPanel from sans.guiframe.events import StatusEvent from sans.guiframe.events import PanelOnFocusEvent from sans.guiframe.utils import PanelMenu from sans.guiframe.panel_base import PanelBase from sans.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ICON from appearanceDialog import appearanceDialog from graphAppearance import graphAppearance DEFAULT_QMAX = 0.05 DEFAULT_QSTEP = 0.001 DEFAULT_BEAM = 0.005 BIN_WIDTH = 1 IS_MAC = (sys.platform == 'darwin') def find_key(dic, val): """return the key of dictionary dic given the value""" return [k for k, v in dic.iteritems() if v == val][0] class ModelPanel1D(PlotPanel, PanelBase): """ Plot panel for use with the GUI manager """ ## Internal name for the AUI manager window_name = "plotpanel" ## Title to appear on top of the window window_caption = "Graph" ## Flag to tell the GUI manager that this panel is not # tied to any perspective ALWAYS_ON = True ## Group ID group_id = None def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, color = None, dpi=None, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, **kwargs): PlotPanel.__init__(self, parent, id=id, style=style, **kwargs) PanelBase.__init__(self, parent) ## Reference to the parent window self.parent = parent if hasattr(parent, "parent"): self.parent = self.parent.parent ## Plottables self.plots = {} self.frame = None #context menu self._slicerpop = None self._available_data = [] self._menu_add_ids = [] self._symbol_labels = self.get_symbol_label() self._color_labels = self.get_color_label() self.currColorIndex = "" self._is_changed_legend_label = False self.is_xtick = False self.is_ytick = False self.hide_menu = None ## Unique ID (from gui_manager) self.uid = None self.x_size = None ## Default locations #self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() self.size = None self.vl_ind = 0 ## Graph #self.graph = Graph() self.graph.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') self.graph.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ", "cm^{-1}") self.graph.render(self) self.cursor_id = None # In resizing event self.resizing = False self.canvas.set_resizing(self.resizing) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self._OnReSize) self._add_more_tool() self.parent.SetFocus() def get_symbol_label(self): """ Associates label to symbol """ _labels = {} i = 0 _labels['Circle'] = i i += 1 _labels['Cross X '] = i i += 1 _labels['Triangle Down'] = i i += 1 _labels['Triangle Up'] = i i += 1 _labels['Triangle Left'] = i i += 1 _labels['Triangle Right'] = i i += 1 _labels['Cross +'] = i i += 1 _labels['Square'] = i i += 1 _labels['diamond'] = i i += 1 _labels['Diamond'] = i i += 1 _labels['Hexagon1'] = i i += 1 _labels['Hexagon2'] = i i += 1 _labels['Pentagon'] = i i += 1 _labels['Line'] = i i += 1 _labels['Dash'] = i i += 1 _labels['Vline'] = i i += 1 _labels['Step'] = i return _labels def get_color_label(self): """ Associates label to a specific color """ _labels = {} i = 0 _labels['Blue'] = i i += 1 _labels['Green'] = i i += 1 _labels['Red'] = i i += 1 _labels['Cyan'] = i i += 1 _labels['Magenta'] = i i += 1 _labels['Yellow'] = i i += 1 _labels['Black'] = i return _labels def set_data(self, list=None): """ """ pass def _reset(self): """ Resets internal data and graph """ self.graph.reset() self.plots = {} if self.is_zoomed: self.is_zoomed = False def _OnReSize(self, event): """ On response of the resize of a panel, set axes_visiable False """ # It was found that wx >= 2.9.3 sends an event even if no size changed. # So manually recode the size (=x_size) and compare here. # Massy code to work around:< if self.parent._mgr != None: max_panel = self.parent._mgr.GetPane(self) if max_panel.IsMaximized(): self.parent._mgr.RestorePane(max_panel) max_panel.Maximize() if self.x_size != None: if self.x_size == self.GetSize(): self.resizing = False self.canvas.set_resizing(self.resizing) return self.x_size = self.GetSize() # Ready for another event # Do not remove this Skip. Otherwise it will get runtime error on wx>=2.9. event.Skip() # set the resizing flag self.resizing = True self.canvas.set_resizing(self.resizing) self.parent.set_schedule(True) pos_x, pos_y = self.GetPositionTuple() if pos_x != 0 and pos_y != 0: self.size, _ = self.GetClientSizeTuple() self.SetSizer(self.sizer) wx.CallAfter(self.parent.disable_app_menu,self) def on_plot_qrange(self, event=None): """ On Qmin Qmax vertical line event """ if event == None: return event.Skip() active_ctrl = event.active if active_ctrl == None: return if event.id in self.plots.keys(): # Set line position and color colors = ['red', 'purple'] self.cursor_id = event.id ctrl = event.ctrl if self.ly == None: self.ly = [] for ind_ly in range(len(colors)): self.ly.append(self.subplot.axvline(color=colors[ind_ly], lw=2.5, alpha=0.7)) self.ly[ind_ly].set_rasterized(True) try: # Display x,y in the status bar if possible xval = float(active_ctrl.GetValue()) position = self.get_data_xy_vals(xval) if position != None: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=position)) except: pass if not event.leftdown: # text event try: is_moved = False for idx in range(len(self.ly)): val = float(ctrl[idx].GetValue()) # check if vline moved if self.ly[idx].get_xdata() != val: self.ly[idx].set_xdata(val) is_moved = True if is_moved: self.canvas.draw() except: pass event.Skip() return self.q_ctrl = ctrl try: pos_x_min = float(self.q_ctrl[0].GetValue()) except: pos_x_min = xmin try: pos_x_max = float(self.q_ctrl[1].GetValue()) except: pos_x_max = xmax pos_x = [pos_x_min, pos_x_max] for ind_ly in range(len(colors)): self.ly[ind_ly].set_color(colors[ind_ly]) self.ly[ind_ly].set_xdata(pos_x[ind_ly]) self.canvas.draw() else: self.q_ctrl = None def get_data_xy_vals(self, xval): """ Get x, y data values near x = x_val """ try: x_data = self.plots[self.cursor_id].x y_data = self.plots[self.cursor_id].y indx = self._find_nearest(x_data, xval) pos_x = x_data[indx] pos_y = y_data[indx] position = str(pos_x), str(pos_y) return position except: return None def _find_nearest(self, array, value): """ Find and return the nearest value in array to the value. Used in cusor_line() :Param array: numpy array :Param value: float """ idx = (numpy.abs(array - value)).argmin() return int(idx)#array.flat[idx] def _check_line_positions(self, pos_x=None, nop=None): """ Check vertical line positions :Param pos_x: position of the current line [float] :Param nop: number of plots [int] """ ly = self.ly ly0x = ly[0].get_xdata() ly1x = ly[1].get_xdata() self.q_ctrl[0].SetBackgroundColour('white') self.q_ctrl[1].SetBackgroundColour('white') if ly0x >= ly1x: if self.vl_ind == 0: ly[1].set_xdata(pos_x) ly[1].set_zorder(nop) self.q_ctrl[1].SetValue(str(pos_x)) self.q_ctrl[0].SetBackgroundColour('pink') elif self.vl_ind == 1: ly[0].set_xdata(pos_x) ly[0].set_zorder(nop) self.q_ctrl[0].SetValue(str(pos_x)) self.q_ctrl[1].SetBackgroundColour('pink') def _get_cusor_lines(self, event): """ Revmove or switch cursor line if drawn :Param event: LeftClick mouse event """ ax = event.inaxes if hasattr(event, "action"): dclick = event.action == 'dclick' if ax == None or dclick: # remove the vline self._check_zoom_plot() self.canvas.draw() self.q_ctrl = None return if self.ly != None and event.xdata != None: # Selecting a new line if cursor lines are displayed already dqmin = math.fabs(event.xdata - self.ly[0].get_xdata()) dqmax = math.fabs(event.xdata - self.ly[1].get_xdata()) is_qmax = dqmin > dqmax if is_qmax: self.vl_ind = 1 else: self.vl_ind = 0 def cusor_line(self, event): """ Move the cursor line to write Q range """ if self.q_ctrl == None: return #release a q range vline if self.ly != None and not self.leftdown: for ly in self.ly: ly.set_alpha(0.7) self.canvas.draw() return ax = event.inaxes if ax == None or not hasattr(event, 'action'): return end_drag = event.action != 'drag' and event.xdata != None nop = len(self.plots) pos_x, pos_y = float(event.xdata), float(event.ydata) try: ly = self.ly ly0x = ly[0].get_xdata() ly1x = ly[1].get_xdata() if ly0x == ly1x: if ly[0].get_zorder() > ly[1].get_zorder(): self.vl_ind = 0 else: self.vl_ind = 1 vl_ind = self.vl_ind x_data = self.plots[self.cursor_id].x y_data = self.plots[self.cursor_id].y xmin = x_data.min() xmax = x_data.max() indx = self._find_nearest(x_data, pos_x) #pos_x = self._find_nearest(x_data, pos_x) #indx = int(numpy.searchsorted(x_data, [pos_x])[0]) # Need to hold LeftButton to drag if end_drag: if event.button: self._check_line_positions(pos_x, nop) return if indx >= len(x_data): indx = len(x_data) - 1 pos_x = x_data[indx] pos_y = y_data[indx] if xmin == ly1x: vl_ind = 1 elif xmax == ly0x: vl_ind = 0 else: ly[vl_ind].set_xdata(pos_x) ly[vl_ind].set_zorder(nop + 1) self._check_line_positions(pos_x, nop) ly[vl_ind].set_xdata(pos_x) ly[vl_ind].set_alpha(1.0) ly[vl_ind].set_zorder(nop + 1) self.canvas.draw() self.q_ctrl[vl_ind].SetValue(str(pos_x)) except: pass def set_resizing(self, resizing=False): """ Set the resizing (True/False) """ self.resizing = resizing #self.canvas.set_resizing(resizing) def schedule_full_draw(self, func='append'): """ Put self in schedule to full redraw list """ # append/del this panel in the schedule list self.parent.set_schedule_full_draw(self, func) def remove_data_by_id(self, id): """' remove data from plot """ if id in self.plots.keys(): data = self.plots[id] self.graph.delete(data) data_manager = self._manager.parent.get_data_manager() data_list, theory_list = data_manager.get_by_id(id_list=[id]) if id in data_list.keys(): data = data_list[id] if id in theory_list.keys(): data = theory_list[id] # Update Graph menu and help string #h_id = self.parent._window_menu.FindItem(self.window_caption) if data != None: if data.__class__.__name__ == 'list': label = data[0].label else: label = data.label else: label = '???' #helpString = self.parent._window_menu.GetHelpString(h_id) d_string = (' ' + str(label) +';') #new_tip = helpString.replace(d_string, '') #self.parent._window_menu.SetHelpString(h_id, new_tip) del self.plots[id] self.graph.render(self) self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle() if len(self.graph.plottables) == 0: #onRemove: graph is empty must be the panel must be destroyed self.parent.delete_panel(self.uid) def plot_data(self, data): """ Data is ready to be displayed :param event: data event """ if data.__class__.__name__ == 'Data2D': return plot_keys = self.plots.keys() if data.id in plot_keys: #Recover panel prop.s xlo, xhi = self.subplot.get_xlim() ylo, yhi = self.subplot.get_ylim() old_data = self.plots[data.id] if self._is_changed_legend_label: data.label = old_data.label if old_data.__class__.__name__ == 'Data1D': data.custom_color = old_data.custom_color data.symbol = old_data.symbol data.markersize = old_data.markersize data.zorder = len(plot_keys) # Replace data self.graph.replace(data) self.plots[data.id] = data ## Set the view scale for all plots try: self._onEVT_FUNC_PROPERTY() except: msg=" Encountered singular points..." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=\ "Plotting Error: %s"% msg, info="error")) # Check if zoomed toolbar_zoomed = self.toolbar.GetToolEnabled(self.toolbar._NTB2_BACK) if self.is_zoomed or toolbar_zoomed: # Recover the x,y limits self.subplot.set_xlim((xlo, xhi)) self.subplot.set_ylim((ylo, yhi)) else: self.plots[data.id] = data self.graph.add(self.plots[data.id]) data.zorder = len(plot_keys) ## Set the view scale for all plots try: self._onEVT_FUNC_PROPERTY() if IS_MAC: # MAC: forcing to plot 2D avg self.canvas._onDrawIdle() except: msg=" Encountered singular points..." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=\ "Plotting Error: %s"% msg, info="error")) self.toolbar.update() if self.is_zoomed: self.is_zoomed = False # Update Graph menu and help string #pos = self.parent._window_menu.FindItem(self.window_caption) helpString = 'Show/Hide Graph: ' for plot in self.plots.itervalues(): helpString += (' ' + str(plot.label) +';') #self.parent._window_menu.SetHelpString(pos, helpString) def draw_plot(self): """ Draw plot """ self.draw() def onLeftDown(self,event): """ left button down and ready to drag Display the position of the mouse on the statusbar """ #self.parent.set_plot_unfocus() self._get_cusor_lines(event) ax = event.inaxes PlotPanel.onLeftDown(self, event) if ax != None: try: pos_x = float(event.xdata)# / size_x pos_y = float(event.ydata)# / size_y pos_x = "%8.3g"% pos_x pos_y = "%8.3g"% pos_y self.position = str(pos_x), str(pos_y) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=self.position)) except: self.position = None # unfocus all self.parent.set_plot_unfocus() #post nd event to notify guiframe that this panel is on focus wx.PostEvent(self.parent, PanelOnFocusEvent(panel=self)) def _ontoggle_hide_error(self, event): """ Toggle error display to hide or show """ menu = event.GetEventObject() id = event.GetId() self.set_selected_from_menu(menu, id) # Check zoom xlo, xhi = self.subplot.get_xlim() ylo, yhi = self.subplot.get_ylim() selected_plot = self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable] if self.hide_menu.GetText() == "Hide Error Bar": selected_plot.hide_error = True else: selected_plot.hide_error = False ## increment graph color self.graph.render(self) self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle() # Check if zoomed toolbar_zoomed = self.toolbar.GetToolEnabled(self.toolbar._NTB2_BACK) if self.is_zoomed or toolbar_zoomed: # Recover the x,y limits self.subplot.set_xlim((xlo, xhi)) self.subplot.set_ylim((ylo, yhi)) def _onRemove(self, event): """ Remove a plottable from the graph and render the graph :param event: Menu event """ menu = event.GetEventObject() id = event.GetId() self.set_selected_from_menu(menu, id) ## Check if there is a selected graph to remove if self.graph.selected_plottable in self.plots.keys(): selected_plot = self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable] id = self.graph.selected_plottable self.remove_data_by_id(id) def onContextMenu(self, event): """ 1D plot context menu :param event: wx context event """ self._slicerpop = PanelMenu() self._slicerpop.set_plots(self.plots) self._slicerpop.set_graph(self.graph) if not self.graph.selected_plottable in self.plots: # Various plot options id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Save Image', 'Save image as PNG') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onSaveImage) id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Print Image', 'Print image ') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onPrint) id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Print Preview', 'Print preview') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onPrinterPreview) id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Copy to Clipboard', 'Copy to the clipboard') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.OnCopyFigureMenu) self._slicerpop.AppendSeparator() for plot in self.plots.values(): #title = plot.title name = plot.name plot_menu = wx.Menu() if self.graph.selected_plottable: if not self.graph.selected_plottable in self.plots.keys(): continue if plot != self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable]: continue id = wx.NewId() plot_menu.Append(id, "&DataInfo", name) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self. _onDataShow) id = wx.NewId() plot_menu.Append(id, "&Save Points as a File", name) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onSave) plot_menu.AppendSeparator() #add menu of other plugins item_list = self.parent.get_current_context_menu(self) if (not item_list == None) and (not len(item_list) == 0): for item in item_list: try: id = wx.NewId() plot_menu.Append(id, item[0], name) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, item[2]) except: msg = "ModelPanel1D.onContextMenu: " msg += "bad menu item %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) pass plot_menu.AppendSeparator() if self.parent.ClassName.count('wxDialog') == 0: id = wx.NewId() plot_menu.Append(id, '&Linear Fit', name) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onFitting) plot_menu.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() plot_menu.Append(id, "Remove", name) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onRemove) if not plot.is_data: id = wx.NewId() plot_menu.Append(id, '&Freeze', name) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onFreeze) plot_menu.AppendSeparator() symbol_menu = wx.Menu() if plot.is_data: id = wx.NewId() self.hide_menu = plot_menu.Append(id, "Hide Error Bar", name) if plot.dy is not None and plot.dy != []: if plot.hide_error : self.hide_menu.SetText('Show Error Bar') else: self.hide_menu.SetText('Hide Error Bar') else: self.hide_menu.Enable(False) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._ontoggle_hide_error) plot_menu.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() plot_menu.Append(id, '&Modify Plot Property', name) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.createAppDialog) id = wx.NewId() #plot_menu.SetTitle(name) self._slicerpop.AppendMenu(id, '&%s'% name, plot_menu) # Option to hide #TODO: implement functionality to hide a plottable (legend click) if not self.graph.selected_plottable in self.plots: self._slicerpop.AppendSeparator() loc_menu = wx.Menu() for label in self._loc_labels: id = wx.NewId() loc_menu.Append(id, str(label), str(label)) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onChangeLegendLoc) id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Modify Graph Appearance', 'Modify graph appearance') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.modifyGraphAppearance) self._slicerpop.AppendSeparator() if self.position != None: id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Add Text') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._on_addtext) id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Remove Text') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._on_removetext) self._slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Change Scale') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onProperties) self._slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Reset Graph Range') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onResetGraph) if self.parent.ClassName.count('wxDialog') == 0: self._slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() self._slicerpop.Append(id, '&Window Title') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onChangeCaption) try: pos_evt = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos_evt) except: pos_x, pos_y = self.toolbar.GetPositionTuple() pos = (pos_x, pos_y + 5) self.PopupMenu(self._slicerpop, pos) def onFreeze(self, event): """ on Freeze data """ menu = event.GetEventObject() id = event.GetId() self.set_selected_from_menu(menu, id) plot = self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable] self.parent.onfreeze([plot.id]) def _onSave(self, evt): """ Save a data set to a text file :param evt: Menu event """ menu = evt.GetEventObject() id = evt.GetId() self.set_selected_from_menu(menu, id) data = self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable] default_name = data.label if default_name.count('.') > 0: default_name = default_name.split('.')[0] default_name += "_out" if self.parent != None: self.parent.save_data1d(data, default_name) def _onDataShow(self, evt): """ Show the data set in text :param evt: Menu event """ menu = evt.GetEventObject() id = evt.GetId() self.set_selected_from_menu(menu, id) data = self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable] default_name = data.label if default_name.count('.') > 0: default_name = default_name.split('.')[0] #default_name += "_out" if self.parent != None: self.parent.show_data1d(data, default_name) def _add_more_tool(self): """ Add refresh, add/hide button in the tool bar """ return if self.parent.__class__.__name__ != 'ViewerFrame': return self.toolbar.AddSeparator() id_hide = wx.NewId() hide = wx.Bitmap(GUIFRAME_ICON.HIDE_ID_PATH, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) self.toolbar.AddSimpleTool(id_hide, hide, 'Hide', 'Hide') self.toolbar.Realize() wx.EVT_TOOL(self, id_hide, self._on_hide) def _on_hide(self, event): """ Hides the plot when button is pressed """ if self.parent is not None: self.parent.hide_panel(self.uid) def on_close(self, event): """ On Close Event """ ID = self.uid self.parent.delete_panel(ID) def createAppDialog(self, event): """ Create the custom dialog for fit appearance modification """ menu = event.GetEventObject() id = event.GetId() self.set_selected_from_menu(menu, id) self.appearance_selected_plot = \ self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable] # find current properties curr_color = self.appearance_selected_plot.custom_color curr_symbol = self.appearance_selected_plot.symbol curr_size = self.appearance_selected_plot.markersize curr_label = self.appearance_selected_plot.label if curr_color == None: curr_color = self._color_labels['Blue'] curr_symbol = 13 self.appD = appearanceDialog(self, 'Modify Plot Property') icon = self.parent.GetIcon() self.appD.SetIcon(icon) self.appD.set_defaults(float(curr_size), int(curr_color), str(appearanceDialog.find_key(self.get_symbol_label(), int(curr_symbol))), curr_label) self.appD.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_AppDialog_close) def on_AppDialog_close(self, event): """ on_Modify Plot Property_close """ if(self.appD.okay_clicked == True): # returns (size,color,symbol,datalabel) info = self.appD.get_current_values() self.appearance_selected_plot.custom_color = \ self._color_labels[info[1].encode('ascii', 'ignore')] self.appearance_selected_plot.markersize = float(info[0]) self.appearance_selected_plot.symbol = \ self.get_symbol_label()[info[2]] self.appearance_selected_plot.label = str(info[3]) #pos = self.parent._window_menu.FindItem(self.window_caption) #helpString = 'Show/Hide Graph: ' #for plot in self.plots.itervalues(): # helpString += (' ' + str(plot.label) + ';') # self.parent._window_menu.SetHelpString(pos, helpString) # self._is_changed_legend_label = True self.appD.Destroy() self._check_zoom_plot() def modifyGraphAppearance(self, event): """ On Modify Graph Appearance """ self.graphApp = graphAppearance(self, 'Modify Graph Appearance') icon = self.parent.GetIcon() self.graphApp.SetIcon(icon) self.graphApp.setDefaults(self.grid_on, self.legend_on, self.xaxis_label, self.yaxis_label, self.xaxis_unit, self.yaxis_unit, self.xaxis_font, self.yaxis_font, find_key(self.get_loc_label(), self.legendLoc), self.xcolor, self.ycolor, self.is_xtick, self.is_ytick) self.graphApp.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_graphApp_close) def on_graphApp_close(self, event): """ Gets values from graph appearance dialog and sends them off to modify the plot """ graph_app = self.graphApp toggle_grid = graph_app.get_togglegrid() legend_loc = graph_app.get_legend_loc() toggle_legend = graph_app.get_togglelegend() self.onGridOnOff(toggle_grid ) self.ChangeLegendLoc(legend_loc) self.onLegend(toggle_legend) self.xaxis_label = graph_app.get_xlab() self.yaxis_label = graph_app.get_ylab() self.xaxis_unit = graph_app.get_xunit() self.yaxis_unit = graph_app.get_yunit() self.xaxis_font = graph_app.get_xfont() self.yaxis_font = graph_app.get_yfont() self.is_xtick = graph_app.get_xtick_check() self.is_ytick = graph_app.get_ytick_check() if self.is_xtick: self.xaxis_tick = self.xaxis_font if self.is_ytick: self.yaxis_tick = self.yaxis_font self.xaxis(self.xaxis_label, self.xaxis_unit, graph_app.get_xfont(), graph_app.get_xcolor(), self.xaxis_tick) self.yaxis(self.yaxis_label, self.yaxis_unit, graph_app.get_yfont(), graph_app.get_ycolor(), self.yaxis_tick) graph_app.Destroy()