""" BumpsFitting module runs the bumps optimizer. """ import time import numpy from bumps import fitters from bumps.mapper import SerialMapper from sans.fit.AbstractFitEngine import FitEngine from sans.fit.AbstractFitEngine import FResult class BumpsMonitor(object): def __init__(self, handler, max_step=0): self.handler = handler self.max_step = max_step def config_history(self, history): history.requires(time=1, value=2, point=1, step=1) def __call__(self, history): self.handler.progress(history.step[0], self.max_step) if len(history.step)>1 and history.step[1] > history.step[0]: self.handler.improvement() self.handler.update_fit() class SasProblem(object): """ Wrap the SAS model in a form that can be understood by bumps. """ def __init__(self, param_list, model=None, data=None, fitresult=None, handler=None, curr_thread=None, msg_q=None): """ :param Model: the model wrapper fro sans -model :param Data: the data wrapper for sans data """ self.model = model self.data = data self.param_list = param_list self.res = None self.theory = None @property def name(self): return self.model.name @property def dof(self): return self.data.num_points - len(self.param_list) def summarize(self): """ Return a stylized list of parameter names and values with range bars suitable for printing. """ output = [] bounds = self.bounds() for i,p in enumerate(self.getp()): name = self.param_list[i] low,high = bounds[:,i] range = ",".join((("[%g"%low if numpy.isfinite(low) else "(-inf"), ("%g]"%high if numpy.isfinite(high) else "inf)"))) if not numpy.isfinite(p): bar = "*invalid* " else: bar = ['.']*10 if numpy.isfinite(high-low): position = int(9.999999999 * float(p-low)/float(high-low)) if position < 0: bar[0] = '<' elif position > 9: bar[9] = '>' else: bar[position] = '|' bar = "".join(bar) output.append("%40s %s %10g in %s"%(name,bar,p,range)) return "\n".join(output) def nllf(self, p=None): residuals = self.residuals(p) return 0.5*numpy.sum(residuals**2) def setp(self, p): for k,v in zip(self.param_list, p): self.model.setParam(k,v) #self.model.set_params(self.param_list, params) def getp(self): return numpy.array([self.model.getParam(k) for k in self.param_list]) #return numpy.asarray(self.model.get_params(self.param_list)) def bounds(self): return numpy.array([self._getrange(p) for p in self.param_list]).T def labels(self): return self.param_list def _getrange(self, p): """ Override _getrange of park parameter return the range of parameter """ lo, hi = self.model.details[p][1:3] if lo is None: lo = -numpy.inf if hi is None: hi = numpy.inf return lo, hi def randomize(self, n): p = self.getp() # since randn is symmetric and random, doesn't matter # point value is negative. # TODO: throw in bounds checking! return numpy.random.randn(n, len(self.param_list))*p + p def chisq(self): """ Calculates chi^2 :param params: list of parameter values :return: chi^2 """ return numpy.sum(self.res**2)/self.dof def residuals(self, params=None): """ Compute residuals :param params: value of parameters to fit """ if params is not None: self.setp(params) #import thread #print "params", params self.res, self.theory = self.data.residuals(self.model.evalDistribution) return self.res BOUNDS_PENALTY = 1e6 # cost for going out of bounds on unbounded fitters class MonitoredSasProblem(SasProblem): """ SAS problem definition for optimizers which do not have monitoring or bounds. """ def __init__(self, param_list, model=None, data=None, fitresult=None, handler=None, curr_thread=None, msg_q=None, update_rate=1): """ :param Model: the model wrapper fro sans -model :param Data: the data wrapper for sans data """ SasProblem.__init__(self, param_list, model, data) self.msg_q = msg_q self.curr_thread = curr_thread self.handler = handler self.fitresult = fitresult #self.last_update = time.time() #self.func_name = "Functor" #self.name = "Fill in proper name!" def residuals(self, p): """ Cost function for scipy.optimize.leastsq, which does not have a monitor built into the algorithm, and instead relies on a monitor built into the cost function. """ # Note: technically, unbounded fitters and unmonitored fitters are self.setp(x) # Compute penalty for being out of bounds which increases the farther # you get out of bounds. This allows derivative following algorithms # to point back toward the feasible region. penalty = self.bounds_penalty() if penalty > 0: self.theory = numpy.ones(self.data.num_points) self.res = self.theory*(penalty/self.data.num_points) + BOUNDS_PENALTY return self.res # If no penalty, then we are not out of bounds and we can use the # normal residual calculation SasProblem.residuals(self, p) # send update to the application if True: #self.fitresult.set_model(model=self.model) # copy residuals into fit results self.fitresult.residuals = self.res+0 self.fitresult.iterations += 1 self.fitresult.theory = self.theory+0 self.fitresult.p = numpy.array(p) # force copy, and coversion to array self.fitresult.set_fitness(fitness=self.chisq()) if self.msg_q is not None: self.msg_q.put(self.fitresult) if self.handler is not None: self.handler.set_result(result=self.fitresult) self.handler.update_fit() if self.curr_thread != None: try: self.curr_thread.isquit() except: #msg = "Fitting: Terminated... Note: Forcing to stop " #msg += "fitting may cause a 'Functor error message' " #msg += "being recorded in the log file....." #self.handler.stop(msg) raise return self.res def bounds_penalty(self): from numpy import sum, where p, bounds = self.getp(), self.bounds() return (sum(where(pbounds[:,1], bounds[:,1]-p, 0)**2) ) class BumpsFit(FitEngine): """ Fit a model using bumps. """ def __init__(self): """ Creates a dictionary (self.fit_arrange_dict={})of FitArrange elements with Uid as keys """ FitEngine.__init__(self) self.curr_thread = None def fit(self, msg_q=None, q=None, handler=None, curr_thread=None, ftol=1.49012e-8, reset_flag=False): """ """ fitproblem = [] for fproblem in self.fit_arrange_dict.itervalues(): if fproblem.get_to_fit() == 1: fitproblem.append(fproblem) if len(fitproblem) > 1 : msg = "Bumps can't fit more than a single fit problem at a time." raise RuntimeError, msg elif len(fitproblem) == 0 : raise RuntimeError, "No problem scheduled for fitting." model = fitproblem[0].get_model() if reset_flag: # reset the initial value; useful for batch for name in fitproblem[0].pars: ind = fitproblem[0].pars.index(name) model.setParam(name, fitproblem[0].vals[ind]) data = fitproblem[0].get_data() self.curr_thread = curr_thread result = FResult(model=model, data=data, param_list=self.param_list) result.pars = fitproblem[0].pars result.fitter_id = self.fitter_id result.index = data.idx if handler is not None: handler.set_result(result=result) if True: # bumps problem = SasProblem(param_list=self.param_list, model=model.model, data=data) run_bumps(problem, result, ftol, handler, curr_thread, msg_q) else: problem = SasProblem(param_list=self.param_list, model=model.model, data=data, handler=handler, fitresult=result, curr_thread=curr_thread, msg_q=msg_q) run_levenburg_marquardt(problem, result, ftol) if handler is not None: handler.update_fit(last=True) if q is not None: q.put(result) return q #if success < 1 or success > 5: # result.fitness = None return [result] def run_bumps(problem, result, ftol, handler, curr_thread, msg_q): def abort_test(): if curr_thread is None: return False try: curr_thread.isquit() except KeyboardInterrupt: if handler is not None: handler.stop("Fitting: Terminated!!!") return True return False fitopts = fitters.FIT_OPTIONS[fitters.FIT_DEFAULT] fitclass = fitopts.fitclass options = fitopts.options.copy() max_steps = fitopts.options.get('steps', 0) + fitopts.options.get('burn', 0) if 'monitors' not in options: options['monitors'] = [BumpsMonitor(handler, max_steps)] options['ftol'] = ftol fitdriver = fitters.FitDriver(fitclass, problem=problem, abort_test=abort_test, **options) mapper = SerialMapper fitdriver.mapper = mapper.start_mapper(problem, None) try: best, fbest = fitdriver.fit() except: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() raise finally: mapper.stop_mapper(fitdriver.mapper) #print "best,fbest",best,fbest,problem.dof result.fitness = 2*fbest/problem.dof #print "fitness",result.fitness result.stderr = fitdriver.stderr() result.pvec = best # TODO: track success better result.success = True result.theory = problem.theory def run_levenburg_marquardt(problem, result, ftol): # This import must be here; otherwise it will be confused when more # than one thread exist. from scipy import optimize out, cov_x, _, mesg, success = optimize.leastsq(problem.residuals, problem.getp(), ftol=ftol, full_output=1) if cov_x is not None and numpy.isfinite(cov_x).all(): stderr = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(cov_x)) else: stderr = [] result.fitness = problem.chisq() result.stderr = stderr result.pvec = out result.success = success result.theory = problem.theory