""" Test application that uses plottools An application required by the REFL group and mainly test the Chisq class. The following is a checklist of functionality to look for while testing: 1- Start the application: the graph should have theory curve, experimental data, chisq with a white background. 2- Hovering over any plotted data will highlight the whole data set or line in yellow. 3- Left-clicking on the graph and dragging will drag the graph. 4- Using the mouse wheel will zoom in and out of the graph. 5- Right-clicking on the graph when no curve is highlighted will pop up the context menu: - 'Save image' will pop up a save dialog to save an image. - 'Reset graph' will reset the graph to its original appearance after it has been dragged around or zoomed in or out. - 'Change scale' will pop up a scale dialog with which the axes can be transformed. Each transformation choice should work. """ import wx from sans.plottools.PlotPanel import PlotPanel from sans.plottools.plottables import Text, Graph class TestPlotPanel(PlotPanel): def __init__(self, parent, id = -1, color = None, dpi = None, **kwargs): PlotPanel.__init__(self, parent, id=id, color=color, dpi=dpi, **kwargs) # Keep track of the parent Frame self.parent = parent # Internal list of plottable names (because graph # doesn't have a dictionary of handles for the plottables) self.plots = {} def onContextMenu(self, event): """ Default context menu for a plot panel """ # Slicer plot popup menu id = wx.NewId() _menu = wx.Menu() _menu.Append(id,'&Save image', 'Save image as PNG') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onSaveImage) _menu.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() _menu.Append(id, '&Change scale') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onProperties) id = wx.NewId() _menu.Append(id, '&Reset Graph') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onResetGraph) pos = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos) self.PopupMenu(slicerpop, pos) # --------------------------------------------------------------- def sample_graph(): # Construct a simple graph T1 = Text(text='text example 1', xpos=0.2, ypos=0.2) T2 = Text(text='text example 2', xpos=0.5, ypos=0.5) T3 = Text(text=r'$\chi^2=1.2$', xpos=0.8, ypos=0.8) graph = Graph() graph.title( 'Test Text Class' ) graph.add( T1 ) graph.add( T2 ) graph.add( T3 ) return graph def demo_plotter(graph): # Make a frame to show it app = wx.PySimpleApp() frame = wx.Frame(None,-1,'Plottables') plotter = TestPlotPanel(frame) frame.Show() # render the graph to the pylab plotter graph.render(plotter) app.MainLoop() if __name__ == "__main__": demo_plotter(sample_graph())