""" This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) project funded by the US National Science Foundation. See the license text in license.txt copyright 2009, University of Tennessee """ import wx from sans.guiframe import gui_manager from welcome_panel import WelcomePanel # For py2exe, import config here import local_config import logging # Application dimensions APP_HEIGHT = 800 APP_WIDTH = 1000 class SansViewApp(gui_manager.ViewApp): def OnInit(self): #from gui_manager import ViewerFrame self.frame = gui_manager.ViewerFrame(None, -1, local_config.__appname__, window_height=APP_HEIGHT, window_width=APP_WIDTH) self.frame.Show(True) if hasattr(self.frame, 'special'): self.frame.special.SetCurrent() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True class SansView(): def __init__(self): """ """ #from gui_manager import ViewApp self.gui = SansViewApp(0) # Add perspectives to the basic application # Additional perspectives can still be loaded # dynamically # Note: py2exe can't find dynamically loaded # modules. We load the fitting module here # to ensure a complete Windows executable build. # P(r) perspective try: import sans.perspectives.pr as module fitting_plug = module.Plugin(standalone=False) self.gui.add_perspective(fitting_plug) except: logging.error("SansView: could not find P(r) plug-in module") # Fitting perspective import perspectives.fitting as module fitting_plug = module.Plugin() self.gui.add_perspective(fitting_plug) # Add welcome page self.gui.set_welcome_panel(WelcomePanel) # Build the GUI self.gui.build_gui() # Set the application manager for the GUI self.gui.set_manager(self) # Start the main loop self.gui.MainLoop() if __name__ == "__main__": sansview = SansView()