import wx import wx.lib.newevent import imp import os,sys,math import os.path (ModelEvent, EVT_MODEL) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() from import StatusEvent # Time is needed by the log method import time # Explicitly import from the pluginmodel module so that py2exe # places it in the distribution. The Model1DPlugin class is used # as the base class of plug-in models. from sans.models.pluginmodel import Model1DPlugin def log(message): """ """ out = open("plugins.log", 'a') out.write("%10g: %s\n" % (time.clock(), message)) out.close() def findModels(): """ """ log("looking for models in: %s/plugins" % os.getcwd()) if os.path.isdir('plugins'): return _findModels('plugins') return [] def _check_plugin(model, name): """ Do some checking before model adding plugins in the list :param model: class model to add into the plugin list :param name:name of the module plugin :return model: model if valid model or None if not valid """ #Check is the plugin is of type Model1DPlugin if not issubclass(model, Model1DPlugin): msg= "Plugin %s must be of type Model1DPlugin \n"%str(name) log(msg) return None if model.__name__!="Model": msg= "Plugin %s class name must be Model \n"%str(name) log(msg) return None try: new_instance= model() except: msg="Plugin %s error in __init__ \n\t: %s %s\n"%(str(name), str(sys.exc_type),sys.exc_value) log(msg) return None new_instance= model() if hasattr(new_instance,"function"): try: value=new_instance.function() except: msg="Plugin %s: error writing function \n\t :%s %s\n "%(str(name), str(sys.exc_type),sys.exc_value) log(msg) return None else: msg="Plugin %s needs a method called function \n"%str(name) log(msg) return None return model def _findModels(dir): """ """ # List of plugin objects plugins = [] # Go through files in plug-in directory try: list = os.listdir(dir) for item in list: toks = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item)) if toks[1]=='.py' and not toks[0]=='__init__': name = toks[0] path = [os.path.abspath(dir)] file = None try: (file, path, info) = imp.find_module(name, path) module = imp.load_module( name, file, item, info ) if hasattr(module, "Model"): try: if _check_plugin(module.Model, name)!=None: plugins.append(module.Model) except: msg="Error accessing Model" msg+="in %s\n %s %s\n" % (name, str(sys.exc_type), sys.exc_value) log(msg) except: msg="Error accessing Model" msg +=" in %s\n %s %s \n" %(name, str(sys.exc_type), sys.exc_value) log(msg) finally: if not file==None: file.close() except: # Don't deal with bad plug-in imports. Just skip. pass return plugins class ModelList(object): """ Contains dictionary of model and their type """ def __init__(self): """ """ self.mydict = {} def set_list(self, name, mylist): """ :param name: the type of the list :param mylist: the list to add """ if name not in self.mydict.keys(): self.mydict[name] = mylist def get_list(self): """ return all the list stored in a dictionary object """ return self.mydict class ModelManager: """ """ ## external dict for models model_combobox = ModelList() ## Dictionary of form models form_factor_dict = {} ## dictionary of other struct_factor_dict = {} ##list of form factors shape_list =[] ## independent shape model list shape_indep_list = [] ##list of structure factors struct_list= [] ##list of model allowing multiplication multiplication_factor=[] ## list of added models plugins=[] ## Event owner (guiframe) event_owner = None def _getModelList(self): """ List of models we want to make available by default for this application :return: the next free event ID following the new menu events """ ## form factor from sans.models.SphereModel import SphereModel self.shape_list.append(SphereModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(SphereModel) from sans.models.FuzzySphereModel import FuzzySphereModel self.shape_list.append(FuzzySphereModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(FuzzySphereModel) from sans.models.CoreShellModel import CoreShellModel self.shape_list.append(CoreShellModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(CoreShellModel) from sans.models.CoreFourShellModel import CoreFourShellModel self.shape_list.append(CoreFourShellModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(CoreFourShellModel) from sans.models.VesicleModel import VesicleModel self.shape_list.append(VesicleModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(VesicleModel) from sans.models.MultiShellModel import MultiShellModel self.shape_list.append(MultiShellModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(MultiShellModel) from sans.models.BinaryHSModel import BinaryHSModel self.shape_list.append(BinaryHSModel) from sans.models.CylinderModel import CylinderModel self.shape_list.append(CylinderModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(CylinderModel) from sans.models.CoreShellCylinderModel import CoreShellCylinderModel self.shape_list.append(CoreShellCylinderModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(CoreShellCylinderModel) from sans.models.HollowCylinderModel import HollowCylinderModel self.shape_list.append(HollowCylinderModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(HollowCylinderModel) from sans.models.FlexibleCylinderModel import FlexibleCylinderModel self.shape_list.append(FlexibleCylinderModel) from sans.models.FlexCylEllipXModel import FlexCylEllipXModel self.shape_list.append(FlexCylEllipXModel) from sans.models.StackedDisksModel import StackedDisksModel self.shape_list.append(StackedDisksModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(StackedDisksModel) from sans.models.ParallelepipedModel import ParallelepipedModel self.shape_list.append(ParallelepipedModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(ParallelepipedModel) from sans.models.EllipticalCylinderModel import EllipticalCylinderModel self.shape_list.append(EllipticalCylinderModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(EllipticalCylinderModel) from sans.models.EllipsoidModel import EllipsoidModel self.shape_list.append(EllipsoidModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(EllipsoidModel) from sans.models.CoreShellEllipsoidModel import CoreShellEllipsoidModel self.shape_list.append(CoreShellEllipsoidModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(CoreShellEllipsoidModel) from sans.models.TriaxialEllipsoidModel import TriaxialEllipsoidModel self.shape_list.append(TriaxialEllipsoidModel) self.multiplication_factor.append(TriaxialEllipsoidModel) from sans.models.LamellarModel import LamellarModel self.shape_list.append(LamellarModel) from sans.models.LamellarFFHGModel import LamellarFFHGModel self.shape_list.append(LamellarFFHGModel) from sans.models.LamellarPSModel import LamellarPSModel self.shape_list.append(LamellarPSModel) from sans.models.LamellarPSHGModel import LamellarPSHGModel self.shape_list.append(LamellarPSHGModel) ## Structure factor from sans.models.SquareWellStructure import SquareWellStructure self.struct_list.append(SquareWellStructure) from sans.models.HardsphereStructure import HardsphereStructure self.struct_list.append(HardsphereStructure) from sans.models.StickyHSStructure import StickyHSStructure self.struct_list.append(StickyHSStructure) from sans.models.HayterMSAStructure import HayterMSAStructure self.struct_list.append(HayterMSAStructure) ##shape-independent models from sans.models.PowerLawAbsModel import PowerLawAbsModel self.shape_indep_list.append( PowerLawAbsModel ) from sans.models.BEPolyelectrolyte import BEPolyelectrolyte self.shape_indep_list.append(BEPolyelectrolyte ) self.form_factor_dict[str(wx.NewId())] = [SphereModel] from sans.models.DABModel import DABModel self.shape_indep_list.append(DABModel ) from sans.models.DebyeModel import DebyeModel self.shape_indep_list.append(DebyeModel ) from sans.models.GuinierModel import GuinierModel self.shape_indep_list.append(GuinierModel ) from sans.models.FractalModel import FractalModel self.shape_indep_list.append(FractalModel ) from sans.models.LorentzModel import LorentzModel self.shape_indep_list.append( LorentzModel) from sans.models.PeakGaussModel import PeakGaussModel self.shape_indep_list.append(PeakGaussModel) from sans.models.PeakLorentzModel import PeakLorentzModel self.shape_indep_list.append(PeakLorentzModel) from sans.models.Poly_GaussCoil import Poly_GaussCoil self.shape_indep_list.append(Poly_GaussCoil) from sans.models.PorodModel import PorodModel self.shape_indep_list.append(PorodModel ) #FractalModel (a c-model)will be used. #from sans.models.FractalAbsModel import FractalAbsModel #self.shape_indep_list.append(FractalAbsModel) from sans.models.TeubnerStreyModel import TeubnerStreyModel self.shape_indep_list.append(TeubnerStreyModel ) from sans.models.LineModel import LineModel self.shape_indep_list.append(LineModel) #Looking for plugins self.plugins = findModels() return 0 def populate_menu(self, modelmenu, event_owner): """ Populate a menu with our models :param id: first menu event ID to use when binding the menu events :param modelmenu: wx.Menu object to populate :param event_owner: wx object to bind the menu events to :return: the next free event ID following the new menu events """ ## Fill model lists self._getModelList() ## store reference to model menu of guiframe self.modelmenu = modelmenu ## guiframe reference self.event_owner = event_owner shape_submenu = wx.Menu() shape_indep_submenu = wx.Menu() structure_factor = wx.Menu() added_models = wx.Menu() multip_models = wx.Menu() ## create menu with shape self._fill_simple_menu(menuinfo=["Shapes",shape_submenu," simple shape"], list1=self.shape_list) self._fill_simple_menu(menuinfo=["Shape-Independent",shape_indep_submenu, "List of shape-independent models"], list1=self.shape_indep_list ) self._fill_simple_menu(menuinfo=["Structure Factors",structure_factor, "List of Structure factors models" ], list1=self.struct_list) self._fill_plugin_menu(menuinfo=["Customized Models", added_models, "List of additional models"], list1=self.plugins) self._fill_menu(menuinfo=["P(Q)*S(Q)",multip_models, "mulplication of 2 models"], list1=self.multiplication_factor , list2= self.struct_list) return 0 def _fill_plugin_menu(self, menuinfo, list1): """ fill the plugin menu with costumized models """ if len(list1)==0: id = wx.NewId() msg= "No model available check plugins.log for errors to fix problem" menuinfo[1].Append(int(id),"Empty",msg) self._fill_simple_menu( menuinfo,list1) def _fill_simple_menu(self, menuinfo, list1): """ Fill the menu with list item :param modelmenu: the menu to fill :param menuinfo: submenu item for the first column of this modelmenu with info.Should be a list : [name(string) , menu(, help(string)] :param list1: contains item (form factor )to fill modelmenu second column """ if len(list1)>0: self.model_combobox.set_list(menuinfo[0],list1) for item in list1: try: id = wx.NewId() struct_factor=item() struct_name = struct_factor.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(struct_factor, "name"): struct_name = menuinfo[1].Append(int(id),struct_name,struct_name) if not item in self.struct_factor_dict.itervalues(): self.struct_factor_dict[str(id)]= item wx.EVT_MENU(self.event_owner, int(id), self._on_model) except: msg= "Error Occured: %s"%sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.event_owner, StatusEvent(status=msg)) id = wx.NewId() self.modelmenu.AppendMenu(id, menuinfo[0],menuinfo[1],menuinfo[2]) def _fill_menu(self, menuinfo, list1, list2): """ Fill the menu with list item :param menuinfo: submenu item for the first column of this modelmenu with info.Should be a list : [name(string) , menu(, help(string)] :param list1: contains item (form factor )to fill modelmenu second column :param list2: contains item (Structure factor )to fill modelmenu third column """ if len(list1)>0: self.model_combobox.set_list(menuinfo[0],list1) for item in list1: form_factor= item() form_name = form_factor.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(form_factor, "name"): form_name = ### store form factor to return to other users newmenu= wx.Menu() if len(list2)>0: for model in list2: id = wx.NewId() struct_factor = model() name = struct_factor.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(struct_factor, "name"): name = newmenu.Append(id,name, name) wx.EVT_MENU(self.event_owner, int(id), self._on_model) ## save form_fact and struct_fact self.form_factor_dict[int(id)] = [form_factor,struct_factor] form_id= wx.NewId() menuinfo[1].AppendMenu(int(form_id), form_name,newmenu,menuinfo[2]) id=wx.NewId() self.modelmenu.AppendMenu(id,menuinfo[0],menuinfo[1], menuinfo[2]) def _on_model(self, evt): """ React to a model menu event :param event: wx menu event """ if int(evt.GetId()) in self.form_factor_dict.keys(): from sans.models.MultiplicationModel import MultiplicationModel model1, model2 = self.form_factor_dict[int(evt.GetId())] model = MultiplicationModel(model1, model2) else: model= self.struct_factor_dict[str(evt.GetId())]() evt = ModelEvent( model= model ) wx.PostEvent(self.event_owner, evt) def get_model_list(self): """ return dictionary of models for fitpanel use """ self.model_combobox.set_list("multiplication", self.multiplication_factor) return self.model_combobox