import os,os.path, re import sys, wx, logging import string, numpy, pylab, math from sans.guitools.plottables import Data1D, Theory1D from sans.guitools.PlotPanel import PlotPanel from import NewPlotEvent, StatusEvent from copy import deepcopy from import Model from import Data from fitproblem import FitProblem from fitpanel import FitPanel import models import fitpage class PlottableData(Data,Data1D): """ class plottable data""" def __init__(self,data,data1d): self.x = data1d.x self.y = data1d.y self.dx= data1d.dx self.dy= data1d.dy self.group_id= data1d.group_id x_name, x_units = data1d.get_xaxis() y_name, y_units = data1d.get_yaxis() self.xaxis( x_name, x_units) self.yaxis( y_name, y_units ) self.qmin=data.qmin self.qmax=data.qmax class Plugin: """ """ def __init__(self): ## Plug-in name self.sub_menu = "Fitting" ## Reference to the parent window self.parent = None self.menu_mng = models.ModelManager() ## List of panels for the simulation perspective (names) self.perspective = [] # Start with a good default self.elapsed = 0.022 self.fitter = None #Flag to let the plug-in know that it is running standalone self.standalone=True ## Fit engine self._fit_engine = 'park' # Log startup"Fitting plug-in started") def populate_menu(self, id, owner): """ Create a menu for the Fitting plug-in @param id: id to create a menu @param owner: owner of menu @ return : list of information to populate the main menu """ #Menu for fitting self.menu1 = wx.Menu() id1 = wx.NewId() self.menu1.Append(id1, '&Show fit panel') wx.EVT_MENU(owner, id1, self.on_perspective) #menu for model menu2 = wx.Menu() self.menu_mng.populate_menu(menu2, owner) id2 = wx.NewId() owner.Bind(models.EVT_MODEL,self._on_model_menu) self.fit_panel.set_owner(owner) self.fit_panel.set_model_list(self.menu_mng.get_model_list()) owner.Bind(fitpage.EVT_MODEL_BOX,self._on_model_panel) #owner.Bind(modelpage.EVT_MODEL_DRAW,self.draw_model) return [(id, self.menu1, "Fitting"),(id2, menu2, "Model")] def help(self, evt): """ Show a general help dialog. TODO: replace the text with a nice image """ pass def get_context_menu(self, graph=None): """ Get the context menu items available for P(r) @param graph: the Graph object to which we attach the context menu @return: a list of menu items with call-back function """ self.graph=graph for item in graph.plottables: if and item.__class__.__name__ is not "Theory1D": return [["Select Data", "Dialog with fitting parameters ", self._onSelect]] return [] def get_panels(self, parent): """ Create and return a list of panel objects """ self.parent = parent # Creation of the fit panel self.fit_panel = FitPanel(self.parent, -1) #Set the manager forthe main panel self.fit_panel.set_manager(self) # List of windows used for the perspective self.perspective = [] self.perspective.append(self.fit_panel.window_name) # take care of saving data, model and page associated with each other self.page_finder={} self.index_model=0 return [self.fit_panel] def get_perspective(self): """ Get the list of panel names for this perspective """ return self.perspective def on_perspective(self, event): """ Call back function for the perspective menu item. We notify the parent window that the perspective has changed. """ self.parent.set_perspective(self.perspective) def post_init(self): """ Post initialization call back to close the loose ends [Somehow openGL needs this call] """ self.parent.set_perspective(self.perspective) def _onSelect(self,event): """ when Select data to fit a new page is created .Its reference is added to self.page_finder """ self.panel = event.GetEventObject() for item in self.panel.graph.plottables: if == self.panel.graph.selected_plottable: try: name = item.group_id # item in Data1D except: name = 'Fit' try: page = self.fit_panel.add_fit_page(name) page.set_data_name(item) self.page_finder[page]= FitProblem() #creating Data type data1= Data(sans_data=item) datas=PlottableData(data=data1,data1d=item) self.page_finder[page].add_data(datas) except: raise wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Fitting error: \ data already Selected ")) def get_page_finder(self): """ @return self.page_finder used also by""" return self.page_finder def set_page_finder(self,modelname,param,values): """ Used by to reset a parameter given the string constrainst. @param modelname: the name ot the model for with the parameter has to reset @param value: can be a string in this case. @note: expecting park used for fit. """ sim_page=self.fit_panel.get_page(0) for page, value in self.page_finder.iteritems(): if page != sim_page: list=value.get_model() model=list[0] if modelname: value.set_model_param(param,values) break def split_string(self,item): """ recieve a word containing "" """ #print "fitting: split :went here" if string.find(item,".")!=-1: param_names= re.split("\.",item) model_name=param_names[0] param_name=param_names[1] return model_name,param_name def _single_fit_completed(self,result,pars,current_pg,qmin,qmax): """ """ try: for page, value in self.page_finder.iteritems(): if page== current_pg: data = value.get_data() list = value.get_model() model= list[0] break #print "fitting : result",result,result.pvec,result.cov, i = 0 for name in pars: if result.pvec.__class__==numpy.float64: model.setParam(name,result.pvec) else: model.setParam(name,result.pvec[i]) #print "fitting: i name out[i]", i,name,float(result.pvec[i]) i += 1 new_cov=[] if result.cov !=None: for j in range(len(result.cov)): new_cov.append(result.cov[j][j]) else: new_cov=None current_pg.onsetValues(, result.pvec,new_cov) self.plot_helper(currpage=current_pg,qmin=qmin,qmax=qmax) except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Fitting error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) def _simul_fit_completed(self,result,qmin,qmax): """ Parameter estimation completed, display the results to the user @param alpha: estimated best alpha @param elapsed: computation time """ try: for page, value in self.page_finder.iteritems(): data = value.get_data() list = value.get_model() model= list[0] small_out = [] small_cov = [] i = 0 for p in result.parameters: print "fitting: fit in park fitting",, p.value,p.stderr model_name,param_name = self.split_string( print "fitting: simultfit",,model_name,param_name ,,param_name,p.value if == model_name: print "fitting: hello",,param_name,p.value small_out.append(p.value ) small_cov.append(p.stderr) model.setParam(param_name,p.value) #print "fitting: out of each page",page,small_out,small_cov,data.group_id page.onsetValues(, small_out,small_cov) self.plot_helper(currpage= page,qmin= qmin,qmax= qmax) except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Fitting error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) def _completed(self,result,pars,current_pg, elapsed): """ Method called with the results when the inversion is done @param out: output coefficient for the base functions @param cov: covariance matrix @param pr: Invertor instance @param elapsed: time spent computing """ # Save useful info self.elapsed = elapsed # Keep a copy of the last result self._last_out = result.pvec self._last_cov = result.cov #print "fitting: initial parameter ",pars,qmax) #print "fitting : result",result,result.pvec,result.cov, i = 0 for name in pars: if result.pvec.__class__==numpy.float64: model.model.setParam(name,result.pvec) else: model.model.setParam(name,result.pvec[i]) #print "fitting: i name out[i]", i,name,float(result.pvec[i]) i += 1 new_cov=[] if result.cov !=None: for j in range(len(result.cov)): new_cov.append(result.cov[j][j]) else: new_cov=None current_pg.onsetValues(, result.pvec,new_cov) self.plot_helper(currpage=current_pg,qmin=qmin,qmax=qmax) def _on_single_fit(self,id=None,qmin=None,qmax=None): """ perform fit for the current page and return chisqr,out and cov @param engineName: type of fit to be performed @param id: unique id corresponding to a fit problem(model, set of data) @param model: model to fit """ #set an engine to perform fit from import Fit self.fitter= Fit(self._fit_engine) #Setting an id to store model and data if id==None: id=0 current_pg=self.fit_panel.get_current_page() for page, value in self.page_finder.iteritems(): if page ==current_pg : #print "fitting: self.page_finder",self.page_finder data = value.get_data() list=value.get_model() model=list[0] #Create dictionary of parameters for fitting used pars=[] templist=[] try: templist=current_pg.get_param_list() except: raise wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Fitting error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) return #for element in templist: # print "fitting: templist",str(element[0].GetLabelText()) #print "fitting: model list",model.getParamList() for element in templist: try: pars.append(str(element[0].GetLabelText())) except: raise wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Fitting error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) return #print "fitting: pars",pars pars.sort() self.fitter.set_model(model,,, pars) self.fitter.set_data(data,,qmin,qmax) #Do the fit SCIPY try: self._single_fit_completed(result,pars,current_pg,qmin,qmax) except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Single Fit error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) return def _on_simul_fit(self, id=None,qmin=None,qmax=None): """ perform fit for all the pages selected on simpage and return chisqr,out and cov @param engineName: type of fit to be performed @param id: unique id corresponding to a fit problem(model, set of data) in park_integration @param model: model to fit """ #print "fitting: probabily breaking on fit call" #set an engine to perform fit from import Fit self.fitter= Fit(self._fit_engine) #Setting an id to store model and data if id==None: id = 0 = id for page, value in self.page_finder.iteritems(): try: #print "fitting: self.page_finder",value data = value.get_data() #print "fitting: data",data list = value.get_model() model= list[0] if data != None : #Create dictionary of parameters for fitting used pars = [] templist = [] try: templist = page.get_param_list() except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Fitting error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) return for element in templist: try: name = str(element[0].GetLabelText()) pars.append(name) except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Fitting error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) return print "fitting: pars",pars, #print "fitter",self.fitter #print "fitting: model name", self.fitter.set_model(Model(model),,, pars) self.fitter.set_data(data,,qmin,qmax) else: raise ValueError," Fitting: cannot set model with empty parameter" += 1 except: raise wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Fitting error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) return #Do the fit SCIPY try: self._simul_fit_completed(result,qmin,qmax) except: raise wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="Simultaneous Fitting error: %s" % sys.exc_value)) return def _on_change_engine(self, engine='park'): """ Allow to select the type of engine to perform fit @param engine: the key work of the engine """ self._fit_engine = engine def _on_model_panel(self, evt): """ react to model selection on any combo box or model menu.plot the model """ model = evt.model name = sim_page=self.fit_panel.get_page(0) current_pg = self.fit_panel.get_current_page() if current_pg != sim_page: current_pg.set_model_name(name) current_pg.set_panel(model) try: data=self.page_finder[current_pg].get_data() M_name="M"+str(self.index_model)+"= "+name+"("+data.group_id+")" except: raise M_name="M"+str(self.index_model)+"= "+name"M"+str(self.index_model) self.index_model += 1 self.page_finder[current_pg].set_theory("Fitness") #print "on model", self.page_finder[current_pg].set_model(model,M_name) self.plot_helper(currpage= current_pg,qmin= None,qmax= None) sim_page.add_model(self.page_finder) def redraw_model(self,qmin= None,qmax= None): """ Draw a theory according to model changes or data range. @param qmin: the minimum value plotted for theory @param qmax: the maximum value plotted for theory """ current_pg=self.fit_panel.get_current_page() for page, value in self.page_finder.iteritems(): if page ==current_pg : break self.plot_helper(currpage=page,qmin= qmin,qmax= qmax) def plot_helper(self,currpage,qmin=None,qmax=None): """ Plot a theory given a model and data @param model: the model from where the theory is derived @param currpage: page in a dictionary referring to some data """ #print "fitting: plot helper" if self.fit_panel.get_page_count() >1: for page in self.page_finder.iterkeys(): if page==currpage : break data=self.page_finder[page].get_data() list=self.page_finder[page].get_model() model=list[0] if data!=None: theory = Theory1D(x=[], y=[]) = self.page_finder[page].get_theory() theory.group_id = data.group_id x_name, x_units = data.get_xaxis() y_name, y_units = data.get_yaxis() theory.xaxis(x_name, x_units) theory.yaxis(y_name, y_units) if qmin == None : qmin = min(data.x) if qmax == None : qmax = max(data.x) try: tempx = qmin tempy = theory.x.append(tempx) theory.y.append(tempy) except : wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="fitting \ skipping point x %g %s" %(qmin, sys.exc_value))) for i in range(len(data.x)): try: if data.x[i]> qmin and data.x[i]< qmax: tempx = data.x[i] tempy = theory.x.append(tempx) theory.y.append(tempy) except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="fitting \ skipping point x %g %s" %(data.x[i], sys.exc_value))) try: tempx = qmax tempy = theory.x.append(tempx) theory.y.append(tempy) except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status="fitting \ skipping point x %g %s" %(qmax, sys.exc_value))) try: from import NewPlotEvent #print"fitting: theory",theory wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=theory, title="Analytical model")) except: raise print "SimView.complete1D: could not import" def _on_model_menu(self, evt): """ Plot a theory from a model selected from the menu """ #name = evt.model.__class__.__name__ name="Model View" self.fit_panel.add_model_page(evt.model,name) self.draw_model(evt.model) def draw_model(self,model): x = pylab.arange(0.001, 0.1, 0.001) xlen = len(x) dy = numpy.zeros(xlen) y = numpy.zeros(xlen) for i in range(xlen): y[i] =[i]) dy[i] = math.sqrt(math.fabs(y[i])) try: new_plot = Theory1D(x, y) = evt.model.__class__.__name__ ="Fitness" new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ","cm^{-1}") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title="Analytical model")) except: print "SimView.complete1D: could not import" if __name__ == "__main__": i = Plugin()