import sys import os import wx import numpy import time import copy import math import string from sans.guiframe.panel_base import PanelBase from wx.lib.scrolledpanel import ScrolledPanel from sans.guiframe.utils import format_number,check_float from import PanelOnFocusEvent from import StatusEvent from import AppendBookmarkEvent import pagestate from pagestate import PageState (PageInfoEvent, EVT_PAGE_INFO) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() (PreviousStateEvent, EVT_PREVIOUS_STATE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() (NextStateEvent, EVT_NEXT_STATE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() _BOX_WIDTH = 76 _QMIN_DEFAULT = 0.0005 _QMAX_DEFAULT = 0.5 _NPTS_DEFAULT = 50 #Control panel width if sys.platform.count("darwin")==0: PANEL_WIDTH = 450 FONT_VARIANT = 0 ON_MAC = False else: PANEL_WIDTH = 500 FONT_VARIANT = 1 ON_MAC = True class BasicPage(ScrolledPanel, PanelBase): """ This class provide general structure of fitpanel page """ ## Internal name for the AUI manager window_name = "Fit Page" ## Title to appear on top of the window window_caption = "Fit Page " def __init__(self, parent,color='blue', **kwargs): """ """ ScrolledPanel.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) PanelBase.__init__(self, parent) self.SetupScrolling() #Set window's font size self.SetWindowVariant(variant=FONT_VARIANT) self.SetBackgroundColour(color) ## parent of the page self.parent = parent ## manager is the fitting plugin ## owner of the page (fitting plugin) self.event_owner = None ## current model self.model = None ## data = None self.mask = None self.uid = None ## Q range self.qmin = None self.qmax = None self.qmax_x = _QMAX_DEFAULT self.qmin_x = _QMIN_DEFAULT self.npts_x = _NPTS_DEFAULT ## total number of point: float self.npts = None ## default fitengine type self.engine_type = 'scipy' ## smear default self.smearer = None self.current_smearer = None ## 2D smear accuracy default self.smear2d_accuracy = 'Low' ## slit smear: self.dxl = None self.dxw = None ## pinhole smear self.dx_min = None self.dx_max = None self.disp_cb_dict = {} self.state = PageState(parent=parent) ## dictionary containing list of models self.model_list_box = {} ## Data member to store the dispersion object created self._disp_obj_dict = {} ## selected parameters to apply dispersion self.disp_cb_dict ={} ## smearer object self.smearer = None ##list of model parameters. each item must have same length ## each item related to a given parameters ##[cb state, name, value, "+/-", error of fit, min, max , units] self.parameters = [] # non-fittable parameter whose value is astring self.str_parameters = [] ## list of parameters to fit , must be like self.parameters self.param_toFit = [] ## list of looking like parameters but with non fittable parameters info self.fixed_param = [] ## list of looking like parameters but with fittable parameters info self.fittable_param = [] ##list of dispersion parameters self.disp_list = [] self.disp_name = "" ## list of orientation parameters self.orientation_params = [] self.orientation_params_disp = [] if self.model != None: self.disp_list = self.model.getDispParamList() ##enable model 2D draw self.enable2D = False ## check that the fit range is correct to plot the model again self.fitrange = True ## Create memento to save the current state self.state = PageState(parent=self.parent, model=self.model, ## flag to determine if state has change self.state_change = False ## save customized array self.values = [] self.weights = [] ## retrieve saved state self.number_saved_state = 0 ## dictionary of saved state self.saved_states = {} ## Create context menu for page self.popUpMenu = wx.Menu() id = wx.NewId() self._keep = wx.MenuItem(self.popUpMenu,id,"BookMark", " Keep the panel status to recall it later") self.popUpMenu.AppendItem(self._keep) self._keep.Enable(True) self._set_bookmark_flag(False) self._set_save_flag(False) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.on_bookmark) self.popUpMenu.AppendSeparator() ## Default locations self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() ## save initial state on context menu #self.onSave(event=None) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.onContextMenu) # bind key event self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_left_down) ## create the basic structure of the panel with empty sizer self.define_page_structure() ## drawing Initial dispersion parameters sizer self.set_dispers_sizer() ## layout self.set_layout() def on_set_focus(self, event): """ """ if self._manager is not None: wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, PanelOnFocusEvent(panel=self)) class ModelTextCtrl(wx.TextCtrl): """ Text control for model and fit parameters. Binds the appropriate events for user interactions. Default callback methods can be overwritten on initialization :param kill_focus_callback: callback method for EVT_KILL_FOCUS event :param set_focus_callback: callback method for EVT_SET_FOCUS event :param mouse_up_callback: callback method for EVT_LEFT_UP event :param text_enter_callback: callback method for EVT_TEXT_ENTER event """ ## Set to True when the mouse is clicked while the whole string is selected full_selection = False ## Call back for EVT_SET_FOCUS events _on_set_focus_callback = None def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, value=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=wx.TextCtrlNameStr, kill_focus_callback=None, set_focus_callback=None, mouse_up_callback=None, text_enter_callback = None): wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator, name) # Bind appropriate events self._on_set_focus_callback = parent.onSetFocus \ if set_focus_callback is None else set_focus_callback self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self._on_set_focus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self._silent_kill_focus \ if kill_focus_callback is None else kill_focus_callback) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, parent._onparamEnter \ if text_enter_callback is None else text_enter_callback) if not ON_MAC : self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self._highlight_text \ if mouse_up_callback is None else mouse_up_callback) def _on_set_focus(self, event): """ Catch when the text control is set in focus to highlight the whole text if necessary :param event: mouse event """ event.Skip() self.full_selection = True return self._on_set_focus_callback(event) def _highlight_text(self, event): """ Highlight text of a TextCtrl only of no text has be selected :param event: mouse event """ # Make sure the mouse event is available to other listeners event.Skip() control = event.GetEventObject() if self.full_selection: self.full_selection = False # Check that we have a TextCtrl if issubclass(control.__class__, wx.TextCtrl): # Check whether text has been selected, # if not, select the whole string (start, end) = control.GetSelection() if start==end: control.SetSelection(-1,-1) def _silent_kill_focus(self,event): """ Save the state of the page """ event.Skip() pass def set_page_info(self, page_info): """ set some page important information at once """ ##window_name self.window_name = page_info.window_name ##window_caption self.window_caption = page_info.window_caption ## manager is the fitting plugin self._manager= page_info.manager ## owner of the page (fitting plugin) self.event_owner= page_info.event_owner ## current model self.model = page_info.model ## data = ## dictionary containing list of models self.model_list_box = page_info.model_list_box ## Data member to store the dispersion object created self.populate_box(dict=self.model_list_box) def onContextMenu(self, event): """ Retrieve the state selected state """ # Skipping the save state functionality for release 0.9.0 #return pos = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos) self.PopupMenu(self.popUpMenu, pos) def onUndo(self, event): """ Cancel the previous action """ event = PreviousStateEvent(page = self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) def onRedo(self, event): """ Restore the previous action cancelled """ event = NextStateEvent(page= self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) def define_page_structure(self): """ Create empty sizer for a panel """ self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer0 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer5 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer6 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer0.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH,-1)) self.sizer1.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH,-1)) self.sizer2.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH,-1)) self.sizer3.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH,-1)) self.sizer4.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH,-1)) self.sizer5.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH,-1)) self.sizer6.SetMinSize((PANEL_WIDTH,-1)) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer0) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer1) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer2) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer3) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer4) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer5) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer6) def set_layout(self): """ layout """ self.vbox.Layout() self.vbox.Fit(self) self.SetSizer(self.vbox) self.Centre() def set_owner(self,owner): """ set owner of fitpage :param owner: the class responsible of plotting """ self.event_owner = owner self.state.event_owner = owner def get_state(self): """ """ return self.state def get_data(self): """ return the current data """ return def set_manager(self, manager): """ set panel manager :param manager: instance of plugin fitting """ self._manager = manager self.state.manager = manager def populate_box(self, dict): """ Store list of model :param dict: dictionary containing list of models """ self.model_list_box = dict self.state.model_list_box = self.model_list_box self.initialize_combox() def initialize_combox(self): """ put default value in the combobox """ ## fill combox box if self.model_list_box is None: return if len(self.model_list_box) > 0: self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, self.model_list_box["Shapes"]) if len(self.model_list_box) > 0: self._populate_box(self.structurebox, self.model_list_box["Structure Factors"]) self.structurebox.Insert("None", 0, None) self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.structurebox.Hide() self.text2.Hide() self.structurebox.Disable() self.text2.Disable() if self.model.__class__ in self.model_list_box["P(Q)*S(Q)"]: self.structurebox.Show() self.text2.Show() self.structurebox.Enable() self.text2.Enable() def set_dispers_sizer(self): """ fill sizer containing dispersity info """ self.sizer4.Clear(True) name="Polydispersity and Orientational Distribution" box_description= wx.StaticBox(self, -1,name) boxsizer1 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(box_description, wx.VERTICAL) #---------------------------------------------------- self.disable_disp = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Off', (10, 10), style=wx.RB_GROUP) self.enable_disp = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'On', (10, 30)) self.disp_help_bt = wx.Button(self,wx.NewId(),'?', size=(20,15)) self.disp_help_bt.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_pd_help_clicked,id= self.disp_help_bt.GetId()) self.disp_help_bt.SetToolTipString("Helps for Polydispersion.") self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._set_dipers_Param, id=self.disable_disp.GetId()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._set_dipers_Param, id=self.enable_disp.GetId()) #MAC needs SetValue self.disable_disp.SetValue(True) sizer_dispersion = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_dispersion.Add((20,20)) name=""#Polydispersity and \nOrientational Distribution " sizer_dispersion.Add(wx.StaticText(self,-1,name)) sizer_dispersion.Add(self.enable_disp ) sizer_dispersion.Add((20,20)) sizer_dispersion.Add(self.disable_disp ) sizer_dispersion.Add((25,20)) sizer_dispersion.Add(self.disp_help_bt) ## fill a sizer for dispersion boxsizer1.Add( sizer_dispersion,0, wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM|wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE,border=5) #boxsizer1.Add( (10,10) ) #boxsizer1.Add( sizer_select_dispers ) self.sizer4_4 = wx.GridBagSizer(6,5) boxsizer1.Add( self.sizer4_4 ) #----------------------------------------------------- self.sizer4.Add(boxsizer1,0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer4.Layout() self.Layout() self.Refresh() ## saving the state of enable dispersity button self.state.enable_disp= self.enable_disp.GetValue() self.state.disable_disp= self.disable_disp.GetValue() self.SetupScrolling() def onResetModel(self, event): """ Reset model state """ menu = event.GetEventObject() ## post help message for the selected model msg = menu.GetHelpString(event.GetId()) msg +=" reloaded" wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) name = menu.GetLabel(event.GetId()) self._on_select_model_helper() if name in self.saved_states.keys(): previous_state = self.saved_states[name] ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and regular parameters value self.reset_page(previous_state) def on_report_state(self, event): """ Report the current fit results """ event.Skip() # Get plot image from plotpanel images, canvases = self.get_images() # get the report dialog, canvases) def on_save(self, event): """ Save the current state into file """ self.save_current_state() new_state = self.state.clone() # Ask the user the location of the file to write to. path = None dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self._default_save_location, "", "*.fitv", wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) else: return None #the manager write the state into file self._manager.save_fit_state(filepath=path, fitstate=new_state) return new_state def _get_time_stamp(self): """ return time and date stings """ # date and time year, month, day,hour,minute,second,tda,ty,tm_isdst= time.localtime() current_time= str(hour)+":"+str(minute)+":"+str(second) current_date= str( month)+"/"+str(day)+"/"+str(year) return current_time, current_date def on_bookmark(self, event): """ save history of the data and model """ if self.model==None: msg="Can not bookmark; Please select Data and Model first..." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') return self.save_current_state() new_state = self.state.clone() ##Add model state on context menu self.number_saved_state += 1 current_time, current_date = self._get_time_stamp() #name="[%g]"%self.number_saved_state name = "Fitting: %g]" % self.number_saved_state name += self.model.__class__.__name__ name += "bookmarked at %s on %s" % (current_time, current_date) self.saved_states[name]= new_state ## Add item in the context menu msg = "Model saved at %s on %s"%(current_time, current_date) ## post help message for the selected model msg +=" Saved! right click on this page to retrieve this model" wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) #id = wx.NewId() #self.popUpMenu.Append(id,name,str(msg)) #wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onResetModel) wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, AppendBookmarkEvent(title=name, hint=str(msg), handler=self.onResetModel)) def old_on_bookmark(self, event): """ save history of the data and model """ if self.model==None: msg="Can not bookmark; Please select Data and Model first..." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') return if hasattr(self,"enable_disp"): self.state.enable_disp = copy.deepcopy(self.enable_disp.GetValue()) if hasattr(self, "disp_box"): self.state.disp_box = copy.deepcopy(self.disp_box.GetSelection()) #Remember fit engine_type for fit panel if self.engine_type == None: self.engine_type = "scipy" if self._manager !=None: self._manager._on_change_engine(engine=self.engine_type) self.state.engine_type = self.engine_type new_state = self.state.clone() = new_state.enable2D = copy.deepcopy(self.enable2D) ##Add model state on context menu self.number_saved_state += 1 #name="[%g]"%self.number_saved_state name= self.model.__class__.__name__+"[%g]"%self.number_saved_state self.saved_states[name]= new_state ## Add item in the context menu year, month, day,hour,minute,second,tda,ty,tm_isdst= time.localtime() my_time= str(hour)+" : "+str(minute)+" : "+str(second)+" " date= str( month)+"|"+str(day)+"|"+str(year) msg= "Model saved at %s on %s"%(my_time, date) ## post help message for the selected model msg +=" Saved! right click on this page to retrieve this model" wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) id = wx.NewId() self.popUpMenu.Append(id,name,str(msg)) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onResetModel) def onSetFocus(self, evt): """ highlight the current textcrtl and hide the error text control shown after fitting """ return def read_file(self, path): """ Read two columns file :param path: the path to the file to read """ try: if path==None: wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status=\ " Selected Distribution was not loaded: %s"%path)) return None, None input_f = open(path, 'r') buff = lines = buff.split('\n') angles = [] weights=[] for line in lines: toks = line.split() try: angle = float(toks[0]) weight = float(toks[1]) except: # Skip non-data lines pass angles.append(angle) weights.append(weight) return numpy.array(angles), numpy.array(weights) except: raise def createMemento(self): """ return the current state of the page """ return self.state.clone() def save_current_state(self): """ Store current state """ self.state.engine_type = copy.deepcopy(self.engine_type) ## save model option if self.model!= None: self.disp_list= self.model.getDispParamList() self.state.disp_list= copy.deepcopy(self.disp_list) self.state.model = self.model.clone() #save radiobutton state for model selection self.state.shape_rbutton = self.shape_rbutton.GetValue() self.state.shape_indep_rbutton = self.shape_indep_rbutton.GetValue() self.state.struct_rbutton = self.struct_rbutton.GetValue() self.state.plugin_rbutton = self.plugin_rbutton.GetValue() #model combobox self.state.structurebox = self.structurebox.GetSelection() self.state.formfactorbox = self.formfactorbox.GetSelection() self.state.enable2D = copy.deepcopy(self.enable2D) self.state.values= copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy( self.weights) ## save data copy.deepcopy( self.state.qmax_x = self.qmax_x self.state.qmin_x = self.qmin_x if hasattr(self,"enable_disp"): self.state.enable_disp= self.enable_disp.GetValue() self.state.disable_disp = self.disable_disp.GetValue() self.state.smearer = copy.deepcopy(self.smearer) if hasattr(self,"enable_smearer"): self.state.enable_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.enable_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.disable_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.disable_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.pinhole_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.slit_smearer = copy.deepcopy(self.slit_smearer.GetValue()) if len(self._disp_obj_dict)>0: for k , v in self._disp_obj_dict.iteritems(): self.state._disp_obj_dict[k]= v self.state.values = copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) ## save plotting range self._save_plotting_range() self.state.orientation_params = [] self.state.orientation_params_disp = [] self.state.parameters = [] self.state.fittable_param = [] self.state.fixed_param = [] self.state.str_parameters = [] ## save checkbutton state and txtcrtl values self._copy_parameters_state(self.str_parameters, self.state.str_parameters) self._copy_parameters_state(self.orientation_params, self.state.orientation_params) self._copy_parameters_state(self.orientation_params_disp, self.state.orientation_params_disp) self._copy_parameters_state(self.parameters, self.state.parameters) self._copy_parameters_state(self.fittable_param, self.state.fittable_param) self._copy_parameters_state(self.fixed_param, self.state.fixed_param) #save chisqr self.state.tcChi = self.tcChi.GetValue() def save_current_state_fit(self): """ Store current state for fit_page """ ## save model option if self.model!= None: self.disp_list= self.model.getDispParamList() self.state.disp_list= copy.deepcopy(self.disp_list) self.state.model = self.model.clone() if hasattr(self, "engine_type"): self.state.engine_type = copy.deepcopy(self.engine_type) self.state.enable2D = copy.deepcopy(self.enable2D) self.state.values= copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy( self.weights) ## save data copy.deepcopy( if hasattr(self,"enable_disp"): self.state.enable_disp= self.enable_disp.GetValue() self.state.disable_disp = self.disable_disp.GetValue() self.state.smearer = copy.deepcopy(self.smearer) if hasattr(self,"enable_smearer"): self.state.enable_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.enable_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.disable_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.disable_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.pinhole_smearer = \ copy.deepcopy(self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue()) self.state.slit_smearer = copy.deepcopy(self.slit_smearer.GetValue()) if hasattr(self,"disp_box"): self.state.disp_box = self.disp_box.GetCurrentSelection() if len(self.disp_cb_dict) > 0: for k, v in self.disp_cb_dict.iteritems(): if v == None : self.state.disp_cb_dict[k] = v else: try: self.state.disp_cb_dict[k] = v.GetValue() except: self.state.disp_cb_dict[k] = None if len(self._disp_obj_dict) > 0: for k , v in self._disp_obj_dict.iteritems(): self.state._disp_obj_dict[k] = v self.state.values = copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) ## save plotting range self._save_plotting_range() ## save checkbutton state and txtcrtl values self._copy_parameters_state(self.orientation_params, self.state.orientation_params) self._copy_parameters_state(self.orientation_params_disp, self.state.orientation_params_disp) self._copy_parameters_state(self.parameters, self.state.parameters) self._copy_parameters_state(self.fittable_param, self.state.fittable_param) self._copy_parameters_state(self.fixed_param, self.state.fixed_param) def check_invalid_panel(self): """ check if the user can already perform some action with this panel """ flag = False if is None: self.disable_smearer.SetValue(True) self.disable_disp.SetValue(True) msg = "Please load Data and select Model to start..." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') return True def set_model_state(self, state): """ reset page given a model state """ self.disp_cb_dict = state.disp_cb_dict self.disp_list = state.disp_list ## set the state of the radio box self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(state.shape_rbutton ) self.shape_indep_rbutton.SetValue(state.shape_indep_rbutton) self.struct_rbutton.SetValue(state.struct_rbutton) self.plugin_rbutton.SetValue(state.plugin_rbutton) ## fill model combobox self._show_combox_helper() #select the current model self.formfactorbox.Select(int(state.formfactorcombobox)) self.structurebox.SetSelection(state.structurecombobox ) if state.multi_factor != None: self.multifactorbox.SetSelection(state.multi_factor) ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and regular parameters value self._reset_parameters_state(self.orientation_params_disp, state.orientation_params_disp) self._reset_parameters_state(self.orientation_params, state.orientation_params) self._reset_parameters_state(self.str_parameters, state.str_parameters) self._reset_parameters_state(self.parameters,state.parameters) ## display dispersion info layer self.enable_disp.SetValue(state.enable_disp) self.disable_disp.SetValue(state.disable_disp) if hasattr(self, "disp_box"): self.disp_box.SetSelection(state.disp_box) n= self.disp_box.GetCurrentSelection() dispersity= self.disp_box.GetClientData(n) name = dispersity.__name__ self._set_dipers_Param(event=None) if name == "ArrayDispersion": for item in self.disp_cb_dict.keys(): if hasattr(self.disp_cb_dict[item], "SetValue") : self.disp_cb_dict[item].SetValue(\ state.disp_cb_dict[item]) # Create the dispersion objects from sans.models.dispersion_models import ArrayDispersion disp_model = ArrayDispersion() if hasattr(state,"values")and\ self.disp_cb_dict[item].GetValue() == True: if len(state.values)>0: self.values=state.values self.weights=state.weights disp_model.set_weights(self.values, state.weights) else: self._reset_dispersity() self._disp_obj_dict[item] = disp_model # Set the new model as the dispersion object #for the selected parameter self.model.set_dispersion(item, disp_model) self.model._persistency_dict[item] = \ [state.values, state.weights] else: keys = self.model.getParamList() for item in keys: if item in self.disp_list and \ not self.model.details.has_key(item): self.model.details[item] = ["", None, None] for k,v in self.state.disp_cb_dict.iteritems(): self.disp_cb_dict = copy.deepcopy(state.disp_cb_dict) self.state.disp_cb_dict = copy.deepcopy(state.disp_cb_dict) ## smearing info restore if hasattr(self, "enable_smearer"): ## set smearing value whether or not the data #contain the smearing info self.enable_smearer.SetValue(state.enable_smearer) self.disable_smearer.SetValue(state.disable_smearer) self.onSmear(event=None) self.pinhole_smearer.SetValue(state.pinhole_smearer) self.slit_smearer.SetValue(state.slit_smearer) ## we have two more options for smearing if self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): self.onPinholeSmear(event=None) elif self.slit_smearer.GetValue(): self.onSlitSmear(event=None) ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and dispersity parameters value self._reset_parameters_state(self.fittable_param,state.fittable_param) self._reset_parameters_state(self.fixed_param,state.fixed_param) ## draw the model with previous parameters value self._onparamEnter_helper() self.select_param(event=None) #Save state_fit self.save_current_state_fit() self._lay_out() self.Refresh() def reset_page_helper(self, state): """ Use page_state and change the state of existing page :precondition: the page is already drawn or created :postcondition: the state of the underlying data change as well as the state of the graphic interface """ if state == None: #self._undo.Enable(False) return # set data, etc. from the state self.set_data( self.enable2D= state.enable2D self.engine_type = state.engine_type self.disp_cb_dict = state.disp_cb_dict self.disp_list = state.disp_list ## set the state of the radio box self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(state.shape_rbutton ) self.shape_indep_rbutton.SetValue(state.shape_indep_rbutton) self.struct_rbutton.SetValue(state.struct_rbutton) self.plugin_rbutton.SetValue(state.plugin_rbutton) ## fill model combobox self._show_combox_helper() #select the current model self.formfactorbox.Select(int(state.formfactorcombobox)) self.structurebox.SetSelection(state.structurecombobox ) if state.multi_factor != None: self.multifactorbox.SetSelection(state.multi_factor) #reset the fitting engine type self.engine_type = state.engine_type #draw the pnael according to the new model parameter self._on_select_model(event=None) if self._manager !=None: self._manager._on_change_engine(engine=self.engine_type) ## set the select all check box to the a given state self.cb1.SetValue(state.cb1) ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and regular parameters value self._reset_parameters_state(self.orientation_params_disp, state.orientation_params_disp) self._reset_parameters_state(self.orientation_params, state.orientation_params) self._reset_parameters_state(self.str_parameters, state.str_parameters) self._reset_parameters_state(self.parameters,state.parameters) ## display dispersion info layer self.enable_disp.SetValue(state.enable_disp) self.disable_disp.SetValue(state.disable_disp) # If the polydispersion is ON if state.enable_disp: # reset dispersion according the state self._set_dipers_Param(event=None) self._reset_page_disp_helper(state) ##plotting range restore self._reset_plotting_range(state) ## smearing info restore if hasattr(self, "enable_smearer"): ## set smearing value whether or not the data #contain the smearing info self.enable_smearer.SetValue(state.enable_smearer) self.disable_smearer.SetValue(state.disable_smearer) self.onSmear(event=None) self.pinhole_smearer.SetValue(state.pinhole_smearer) self.slit_smearer.SetValue(state.slit_smearer) ## we have two more options for smearing if self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): self.onPinholeSmear(event=None) elif self.slit_smearer.GetValue(): self.onSlitSmear(event=None) ## reset state of checkbox,textcrtl and dispersity parameters value self._reset_parameters_state(self.fittable_param,state.fittable_param) self._reset_parameters_state(self.fixed_param,state.fixed_param) ## draw the model with previous parameters value self._onparamEnter_helper() #reset the value of chisqr when not consistent with the value computed self.tcChi.SetValue(str(self.state.tcChi)) ## reset context menu items self._reset_context_menu() ## set the value of the current state to the state given as parameter self.state = state.clone() def _reset_page_disp_helper(self, state): """ Help to rest page for dispersions """ keys = self.model.getParamList() for item in keys: if item in self.disp_list and \ not self.model.details.has_key(item): self.model.details[item] = ["", None, None] #for k,v in self.state.disp_cb_dict.iteritems(): self.disp_cb_dict = copy.deepcopy(state.disp_cb_dict) self.state.disp_cb_dict = copy.deepcopy(state.disp_cb_dict) self.values = copy.deepcopy(state.values) self.weights = copy.deepcopy(state.weights) for key, disp in state._disp_obj_dict.iteritems(): # From saved file, disp_model can not be sent in model obj. # it will be sent as a string here, then converted to model object. if disp.__class__.__name__ == 'str': com_str = "from sans.models.dispersion_models " com_str += "import %s as disp_func" exec com_str % disp disp_model = disp_func() else: disp_model = disp self._disp_obj_dict[key] = disp_model param_name = key.split('.')[0] # Try to set dispersion only when available # for eg., pass the orient. angles for 1D Cal try: self.model.set_dispersion(param_name, disp_model) self.model._persistency_dict[key] = \ [state.values, state.weights] except: pass selection = self._find_polyfunc_selection(disp_model) for list in self.fittable_param: if list[1] == key and list[7] != None: list[7].SetSelection(selection) # For the array disp_model, set the values and weights if selection == 1: disp_model.set_weights(self.values[key], self.weights[key]) try: # Diables all fittable params for array list[0].SetValue(False) list[0].Disable() list[2].Disable() list[5].Disable() list[6].Disable() except: pass # For array, disable all fixed params if selection == 1: for item in self.fixed_param: if item[1].split(".")[0] == key.split(".")[0]: # try it and pass it for the orientation for 1D try: item[2].Disable() except: pass # Make sure the check box updated when all checked if self.cb1.GetValue(): self.select_all_param(None) def _selectDlg(self): """ open a dialog file to selected the customized dispersity """ import os dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a weight file", self._default_save_location , "", "*.*", wx.OPEN) path = None if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() return path def _reset_context_menu(self): """ reset the context menu """ for name, state in self.state.saved_states.iteritems(): self.number_saved_state += 1 ## Add item in the context menu id = wx.NewId() msg = 'Save model and state %g' % self.number_saved_state self.popUpMenu.Append(id, name, msg) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onResetModel) def _reset_plotting_range(self, state): """ Reset the plotting range to a given state """ # if self.check_invalid_panel(): # return self.qmin.SetValue(str(state.qmin)) self.qmax.SetValue(str(state.qmax)) def _save_typeOfmodel(self): """ save radiobutton containing the type model that can be selected """ self.state.shape_rbutton = self.shape_rbutton.GetValue() self.state.shape_indep_rbutton = self.shape_indep_rbutton.GetValue() self.state.struct_rbutton = self.struct_rbutton.GetValue() self.state.plugin_rbutton = self.plugin_rbutton.GetValue() self.state.structurebox= self.structurebox.GetCurrentSelection() self.state.formfactorbox = self.formfactorbox.GetCurrentSelection() #self._undo.Enable(True) ## post state to fit panel event = PageInfoEvent(page = self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) def _save_plotting_range(self ): """ save the state of plotting range """ self.state.qmin = self.qmin_x self.state.qmax = self.qmax_x self.state.npts = self.npts_x def _onparamEnter_helper(self): """ check if values entered by the user are changed and valid to replot model """ # Flag to register when a parameter has changed. is_modified = False self.fitrange = True is_2Ddata = False #self._undo.Enable(True) # check if 2d data if == "Data2D": is_2Ddata = True if self.model !=None: try: is_modified = self._check_value_enter(self.fittable_param, is_modified) is_modified = self._check_value_enter(self.fixed_param, is_modified) is_modified = self._check_value_enter(self.parameters, is_modified) except: pass #if is_modified: # Here we should check whether the boundaries have been modified. # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax and # set the is_modified flag to True if self._validate_qrange(self.qmin, self.qmax): tempmin = float(self.qmin.GetValue()) if tempmin != self.qmin_x: self.qmin_x = tempmin is_modified = True tempmax = float(self.qmax.GetValue()) if tempmax != self.qmax_x: self.qmax_x = tempmax is_modified = True if is_2Ddata: # set mask is_modified = self._validate_Npts() else: self.fitrange = False ## if any value is modify draw model with new value if not self.fitrange: #self.btFit.Disable() if is_2Ddata: self.btEditMask.Disable() else: #self.btFit.Enable(True) if is_2Ddata: self.btEditMask.Enable(True) if is_modified and self.fitrange: self.state_change= True self._draw_model() self.Refresh() return is_modified def _update_paramv_on_fit(self): """ make sure that update param values just before the fitting """ #flag for qmin qmax check values flag = True self.fitrange = True is_modified = False #wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=" \ #updating ... ",type="update")) ##So make sure that update param values on_Fit. #self._undo.Enable(True) if self.model !=None: ##Check the values self._check_value_enter( self.fittable_param ,is_modified) self._check_value_enter( self.fixed_param ,is_modified) self._check_value_enter( self.parameters ,is_modified) # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax and # Here we should check whether the boundaries have been modified. # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax and # set the is_modified flag to True self.fitrange = self._validate_qrange(self.qmin, self.qmax) if self.fitrange: tempmin = float(self.qmin.GetValue()) if tempmin != self.qmin_x: self.qmin_x = tempmin tempmax = float(self.qmax.GetValue()) if tempmax != self.qmax_x: self.qmax_x = tempmax if tempmax == tempmin: flag = False temp_smearer = None if not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(): temp_smearer= self.current_smearer if self.slit_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_slit_smear() elif self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_pinhole_smear() else: self._manager.set_smearer(smearer=temp_smearer, uid=self.uid, qmin=float(self.qmin_x), qmax=float(self.qmax_x), draw=False) elif not self._is_2D(): self._manager.set_smearer(smearer=temp_smearer, qmin=float(self.qmin_x), uid=self.uid, qmax= float(self.qmax_x)) index_data = ((self.qmin_x <=\ ( <= self.qmax_x)) val = str(len([index_data==True])) self.Npts_fit.SetValue(val) flag = True if self._is_2D(): # only 2D case set mask flag = self._validate_Npts() if not flag: return flag else: flag = False else: flag = False #For invalid q range, disable the mask editor and fit button, vs. if not self.fitrange: #self.btFit.Disable() if self._is_2D():self.btEditMask.Disable() else: #self.btFit.Enable(True) if self._is_2D():self.btEditMask.Enable(True) if not flag: msg = "Cannot Plot or Fit :Must select a " msg += " model or Fitting range is not valid!!! " wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) self.save_current_state() return flag def _is_modified(self, is_modified): """ return to self._is_modified """ return is_modified def _reset_parameters_state(self, listtorestore, statelist): """ Reset the parameters at the given state """ if len(statelist) == 0 or len(listtorestore) == 0: return if len(statelist) != len(listtorestore): return for j in range(len(listtorestore)): item_page = listtorestore[j] item_page_info = statelist[j] ##change the state of the check box for simple parameters if item_page[0]!=None: item_page[0].SetValue(item_page_info[0]) if item_page[2]!=None: item_page[2].SetValue(item_page_info[2]) if item_page[2].__class__.__name__ == "ComboBox": if self.model.fun_list.has_key(item_page_info[2]): fun_val = self.model.fun_list[item_page_info[2]] self.model.setParam(item_page_info[1],fun_val) if item_page[3]!=None: ## show or hide text +/- if item_page_info[2]: item_page[3].Show(True) else: item_page[3].Hide() if item_page[4]!=None: ## show of hide the text crtl for fitting error if item_page_info[4][0]: item_page[4].Show(True) item_page[4].SetValue(item_page_info[4][1]) else: item_page[3].Hide() if item_page[5]!=None: ## show of hide the text crtl for fitting error item_page[5].Show(item_page_info[5][0]) item_page[5].SetValue(item_page_info[5][1]) if item_page[6]!=None: ## show of hide the text crtl for fitting error item_page[6].Show(item_page_info[6][0]) item_page[6].SetValue(item_page_info[6][1]) def _reset_strparam_state(self, listtorestore, statelist): """ Reset the string parameters at the given state """ if len(statelist) == 0: return listtorestore = copy.deepcopy(statelist) for j in range(len(listtorestore)): item_page = listtorestore[j] item_page_info = statelist[j] ##change the state of the check box for simple parameters if item_page[0] != None: item_page[0].SetValue(format_number(item_page_info[0], True)) if item_page[2] != None: param_name = item_page_info[1] value = item_page_info[2] selection = value if self.model.fun_list.has_key(value): selection = self.model.fun_list[value] item_page[2].SetValue(selection) self.model.setParam(param_name, selection) def _copy_parameters_state(self, listtocopy, statelist): """ copy the state of button :param listtocopy: the list of check button to copy :param statelist: list of state object to store the current state """ if len(listtocopy)==0: return for item in listtocopy: checkbox_state = None if item[0]!= None: checkbox_state= item[0].GetValue() parameter_name = item[1] parameter_value = None if item[2]!=None: parameter_value = item[2].GetValue() static_text = None if item[3]!=None: static_text = item[3].IsShown() error_value = None error_state = None if item[4]!= None: error_value = item[4].GetValue() error_state = item[4].IsShown() min_value = None min_state = None if item[5]!= None: min_value = item[5].GetValue() min_state = item[5].IsShown() max_value = None max_state = None if item[6]!= None: max_value = item[6].GetValue() max_state = item[6].IsShown() unit=None if item[7]!=None: unit = item[7].GetLabel() statelist.append([checkbox_state, parameter_name, parameter_value, static_text ,[error_state, error_value], [min_state, min_value], [max_state, max_value], unit]) def _set_model_sizer_selection(self, model): """ Display the sizer according to the type of the current model """ if model == None: return if hasattr(model ,"s_model"): class_name = model.s_model.__class__ name = flag = (name != "NoStructure") if flag and \ (class_name in self.model_list_box["Structure Factors"]): self.structurebox.Show() self.text2.Show() self.structurebox.Enable() self.text2.Enable() items = self.structurebox.GetItems() self.sizer1.Layout() for i in range(len(items)): if items[i]== str(name): self.structurebox.SetSelection(i) break if hasattr(model ,"p_model"): class_name = model.p_model.__class__ name = self.formfactorbox.Clear() for k, list in self.model_list_box.iteritems(): if k in["P(Q)*S(Q)","Shapes" ] and class_name in self.model_list_box["Shapes"]: self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(True) ## fill the form factor list with new model self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox,self.model_list_box["Shapes"]) items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() ## set comboxbox to the selected item for i in range(len(items)): if items[i]== str(name): self.formfactorbox.SetSelection(i) break return elif k == "Shape-Independent": self.shape_indep_rbutton.SetValue(True) elif k == "Structure Factors": self.struct_rbutton.SetValue(True) elif k == "Multi-Functions": continue else: self.plugin_rbutton.SetValue(True) if class_name in list: ## fill the form factor list with new model self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, list) items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() ## set comboxbox to the selected item for i in range(len(items)): if items[i]== str(name): self.formfactorbox.SetSelection(i) break break else: ## Select the model from the menu class_name = model.__class__ name = self.formfactorbox.Clear() items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() for k, list in self.model_list_box.iteritems(): if k in["P(Q)*S(Q)","Shapes" ] and class_name in self.model_list_box["Shapes"]: if class_name in self.model_list_box["P(Q)*S(Q)"]: self.structurebox.Show() self.text2.Show() self.structurebox.Enable() self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.text2.Enable() else: self.structurebox.Hide() self.text2.Hide() self.structurebox.Disable() self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.text2.Disable() self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(True) ## fill the form factor list with new model self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox,self.model_list_box["Shapes"]) items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() ## set comboxbox to the selected item for i in range(len(items)): if items[i]== str(name): self.formfactorbox.SetSelection(i) break return elif k == "Shape-Independent": self.shape_indep_rbutton.SetValue(True) elif k == "Structure Factors": self.struct_rbutton.SetValue(True) elif k == "Multi-Functions": continue else: self.plugin_rbutton.SetValue(True) if class_name in list: self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.structurebox.Disable() self.text2.Disable() ## fill the form factor list with new model self._populate_box(self.formfactorbox, list) items = self.formfactorbox.GetItems() ## set comboxbox to the selected item for i in range(len(items)): if items[i]== str(name): self.formfactorbox.SetSelection(i) break break def _draw_model(self, update_chisqr=True): """ Method to draw or refresh a plotted model. The method will use the data member from the model page to build a call to the fitting perspective manager. :param chisqr: update chisqr value [bool] """ #if self.check_invalid_panel(): # return if self.model !=None: temp_smear=None if hasattr(self, "enable_smearer"): if not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(): temp_smear= self.current_smearer toggle_mode_on = self.model_view.IsEnabled() self._manager.draw_model(self.model,, smearer= temp_smear, qmin=float(self.qmin_x), qmax=float(self.qmax_x), qstep= float(self.npts_x), page_id=self.uid, toggle_mode_on=toggle_mode_on, state = self.state, enable2D=self.enable2D, update_chisqr=update_chisqr) def _on_show_sld(self, event=None): """ Plot SLD profile """ # get profile data x,y=self.model.getProfile() from danse.common.plottools import Data1D #from sans.perspectives.theory.profile_dialog import SLDPanel from sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting.profile_dialog \ import SLDPanel sld_data = Data1D(x,y) = 'SLD' sld_data.axes = self.sld_axes self.panel = SLDPanel(self, data=sld_data,axes =self.sld_axes,id =-1 ) self.panel.ShowModal() def _set_multfactor_combobox(self, multiplicity=10): """ Set comboBox for muitfactor of CoreMultiShellModel :param multiplicit: no. of multi-functionality """ # build content of the combobox for idx in range(0,multiplicity): self.multifactorbox.Append(str(idx),int(idx)) #self.multifactorbox.SetSelection(1) self._hide_multfactor_combobox() def _show_multfactor_combobox(self): """ Show the comboBox of muitfactor of CoreMultiShellModel """ if not self.mutifactor_text.IsShown(): self.mutifactor_text.Show(True) self.mutifactor_text1.Show(True) if not self.multifactorbox.IsShown(): self.multifactorbox.Show(True) def _hide_multfactor_combobox(self): """ Hide the comboBox of muitfactor of CoreMultiShellModel """ if self.mutifactor_text.IsShown(): self.mutifactor_text.Hide() self.mutifactor_text1.Hide() if self.multifactorbox.IsShown(): self.multifactorbox.Hide() def _show_combox_helper(self): """ Fill panel's combo box according to the type of model selected """ if self.shape_rbutton.GetValue(): ##fill the combobox with form factor list self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.structurebox.Disable() self.formfactorbox.Clear() self._populate_box( self.formfactorbox,self.model_list_box["Shapes"]) if self.shape_indep_rbutton.GetValue(): ##fill the combobox with shape independent factor list self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.structurebox.Disable() self.formfactorbox.Clear() self._populate_box( self.formfactorbox, self.model_list_box["Shape-Independent"]) if self.struct_rbutton.GetValue(): ##fill the combobox with structure factor list self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.structurebox.Disable() self.formfactorbox.Clear() self._populate_box( self.formfactorbox, self.model_list_box["Structure Factors"]) if self.plugin_rbutton.GetValue(): ##fill the combobox with form factor list self.structurebox.Disable() self.formfactorbox.Clear() self._populate_box( self.formfactorbox, self.model_list_box["Customized Models"]) def _show_combox(self, event=None): """ Show combox box associate with type of model selected """ #if self.check_invalid_panel(): # self.shape_rbutton.SetValue(True) # return self._show_combox_helper() self._on_select_model(event=None) self._save_typeOfmodel() self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer4.Layout() self.Layout() self.Refresh() def _populate_box(self, combobox, list): """ fill combox box with dict item :param list: contains item to fill the combox item must model class """ for models in list: model= models() name = model.__class__.__name__ if models.__name__!="NoStructure": if hasattr(model, "name"): name = combobox.Append(name,models) return 0 def _onQrangeEnter(self, event): """ Check validity of value enter in the Q range field """ tcrtl = event.GetEventObject() #Clear msg if previously shown. msg = "" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) # Flag to register when a parameter has changed. is_modified = False if tcrtl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() != "": try: value = float(tcrtl.GetValue()) tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax if self._validate_qrange(self.qmin, self.qmax): tempmin = float(self.qmin.GetValue()) if tempmin != self.qmin_x: self.qmin_x = tempmin tempmax = float(self.qmax.GetValue()) if tempmax != self.qmax_x: self.qmax_x = tempmax else: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error:wrong value entered : %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) return except: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error:wrong value entered : %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) return #Check if # of points for theory model are valid(>0). if self.npts != None: if check_float(self.npts): temp_npts = float(self.npts.GetValue()) if temp_npts != self.num_points: self.num_points = temp_npts is_modified = True else: msg = "Cannot Plot :No npts in that Qrange!!! " wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) else: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error:wrong value entered!!!" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) #self._undo.Enable(True) self.save_current_state() event = PageInfoEvent(page=self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) self.state_change = False #Draw the model for a different range self._draw_model() def _theory_qrange_enter(self, event): """ Check validity of value enter in the Q range field """ tcrtl= event.GetEventObject() #Clear msg if previously shown. msg= "" wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) # Flag to register when a parameter has changed. is_modified = False if tcrtl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip()!="": try: value = float(tcrtl.GetValue()) tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) # If qmin and qmax have been modified, update qmin and qmax if self._validate_qrange(self.theory_qmin, self.theory_qmax): tempmin = float(self.theory_qmin.GetValue()) if tempmin != self.theory_qmin_x: self.theory_qmin_x = tempmin tempmax = float(self.theory_qmax.GetValue()) if tempmax != self.qmax_x: self.theory_qmax_x = tempmax else: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg= "Model Error:wrong value entered : %s"% sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) return except: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg= "Model Error:wrong value entered : %s"% sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) return #Check if # of points for theory model are valid(>0). if self.theory_npts != None: if check_float(self.theory_npts): temp_npts = float(self.theory_npts.GetValue()) if temp_npts != self.num_points: self.num_points = temp_npts is_modified = True else: msg= "Cannot Plot :No npts in that Qrange!!! " wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) else: tcrtl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Model Error:wrong value entered!!!" wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) #self._undo.Enable(True) self.save_current_state() event = PageInfoEvent(page = self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) self.state_change= False #Draw the model for a different range self._draw_model() def _on_select_model_helper(self): """ call back for model selection """ ## reset dictionary containing reference to dispersion self._disp_obj_dict = {} self.disp_cb_dict ={} f_id = self.formfactorbox.GetCurrentSelection() #For MAC form_factor = None if f_id >= 0: form_factor = self.formfactorbox.GetClientData(f_id) if not form_factor in self.model_list_box["multiplication"]: self.structurebox.Hide() self.text2.Hide() self.structurebox.Disable() self.structurebox.SetSelection(0) self.text2.Disable() else: self.structurebox.Show() self.text2.Show() self.structurebox.Enable() self.text2.Enable() if form_factor != None: # set multifactor for Mutifunctional models if form_factor().__class__ in self.model_list_box["Multi-Functions"]: m_id = self.multifactorbox.GetCurrentSelection() multiplicity = form_factor().multiplicity_info[0] self.multifactorbox.Clear() #self.mutifactor_text.SetLabel(form_factor().details[]) self._set_multfactor_combobox(multiplicity) self._show_multfactor_combobox() #ToDo: this info should be called directly from the model text = form_factor().multiplicity_info[1]#'No. of Shells: ' #self.mutifactor_text.Clear() self.mutifactor_text.SetLabel(text) if m_id > multiplicity -1: # default value m_id = 1 self.multi_factor = self.multifactorbox.GetClientData(m_id) if self.multi_factor == None: self.multi_factor =0 form_factor = form_factor(int(self.multi_factor)) self.multifactorbox.SetSelection(m_id) # Check len of the text1 and max_multiplicity text = '' if form_factor.multiplicity_info[0] == len(form_factor.multiplicity_info[2]): text = form_factor.multiplicity_info[2][self.multi_factor] self.mutifactor_text1.SetLabel(text) # Check if model has get sld profile. if len(form_factor.multiplicity_info[3]) > 0: self.sld_axes = form_factor.multiplicity_info[3] self.show_sld_button.Show(True) else: self.sld_axes = "" else: self._hide_multfactor_combobox() self.show_sld_button.Hide() form_factor = form_factor() self.multi_factor = None else: self._hide_multfactor_combobox() self.show_sld_button.Hide() self.multi_factor = None s_id = self.structurebox.GetCurrentSelection() struct_factor = self.structurebox.GetClientData( s_id ) if struct_factor !=None: from sans.models.MultiplicationModel import MultiplicationModel self.model= MultiplicationModel(form_factor,struct_factor()) else: if form_factor != None: self.model= form_factor else: self.model = None return self.model ## post state to fit panel self.state.parameters =[] self.state.model =self.model self.state.qmin = self.qmin_x self.state.multi_factor = self.multi_factor self.disp_list =self.model.getDispParamList() self.state.disp_list = self.disp_list self.Layout() def _validate_qrange(self, qmin_ctrl, qmax_ctrl): """ Verify that the Q range controls have valid values and that Qmin < Qmax. :param qmin_ctrl: text control for Qmin :param qmax_ctrl: text control for Qmax :return: True is the Q range is value, False otherwise """ qmin_validity = check_float(qmin_ctrl) qmax_validity = check_float(qmax_ctrl) if not (qmin_validity and qmax_validity): return False else: qmin = float(qmin_ctrl.GetValue()) qmax = float(qmax_ctrl.GetValue()) if qmin <= qmax: #Make sure to set both colours white. qmin_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) qmin_ctrl.Refresh() qmax_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) qmax_ctrl.Refresh() else: qmin_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") qmin_ctrl.Refresh() qmax_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") qmax_ctrl.Refresh() msg= "Invalid Q range: Q min must be smaller than Q max" wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg)) return False return True def _validate_Npts(self): """ Validate the number of points for fitting is more than 10 points. If valid, setvalues Npts_fit otherwise post msg. """ #default flag flag = True # q value from qx and qy radius= numpy.sqrt( * + * ) #get unmasked index index_data = (float(self.qmin.GetValue()) <= radius) & \ (radius <= float(self.qmax.GetValue())) index_data = (index_data) & ( index_data = (index_data) & (numpy.isfinite( if len(index_data[index_data]) < 10: # change the color pink. self.qmin.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.qmin.Refresh() self.qmax.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.qmax.Refresh() msg= "Cannot Plot :No or too little npts in that data range!!! " wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) self.fitrange = False flag = False else: self.Npts_fit.SetValue(str(len([index_data==True]))) self.fitrange = True return flag def _check_value_enter(self, list, modified): """ :param list: model parameter and panel info :Note: each item of the list should be as follow: item=[check button state, parameter's name, paramater's value, string="+/-", parameter's error of fit, parameter's minimum value, parrameter's maximum value , parameter's units] """ is_modified = modified if len(list)==0: return is_modified for item in list: #skip angle parameters for 1D if !="Data2D": if item in self.orientation_params: continue #try: name = str(item[1]) if string.find(name,".npts") ==-1 and \ string.find(name,".nsigmas")==-1: ## check model parameters range param_min= None param_max= None ## check minimun value if item[5]!= None and item[5]!= "": if item[5].GetValue().lstrip().rstrip()!="": try: param_min = float(item[5].GetValue()) if not self._validate_qrange(item[5],item[2]): if numpy.isfinite(param_min): item[2].SetValue(format_number(param_min)) item[5].SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) item[2].SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) except: msg = "Wrong Fit parameter range entered " wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg)) raise ValueError, msg is_modified = True ## check maximum value if item[6]!= None and item[6]!= "": if item[6].GetValue().lstrip().rstrip()!="": try: param_max = float(item[6].GetValue()) if not self._validate_qrange(item[2],item[6]): if numpy.isfinite(param_max): item[2].SetValue(format_number(param_max)) item[6].SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) item[2].SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) except: msg = "Wrong Fit parameter range entered " wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg)) raise ValueError, msg is_modified = True if param_min != None and param_max !=None: if not self._validate_qrange(item[5], item[6]): msg= "Wrong Fit range entered for parameter " msg+= "name %s of model %s "%(name, wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg)) if name in self.model.details.keys(): self.model.details[name][1:3] = param_min, param_max is_modified = True else: self.model.details [name] = ["", param_min, param_max] is_modified = True try: # Check if the textctr is enabled if item[2].IsEnabled(): value= float(item[2].GetValue()) item[2].SetBackgroundColour("white") # If the value of the parameter has changed, # +update the model and set the is_modified flag if value != self.model.getParam(name) and \ numpy.isfinite(value): self.model.setParam(name, value) except: item[2].SetBackgroundColour("pink") msg = "Wrong Fit parameter value entered " wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg)) return is_modified def _set_dipers_Param(self, event): """ respond to self.enable_disp and self.disable_disp radio box. The dispersity object is reset inside the model into Gaussian. When the user select yes , this method display a combo box for more selection when the user selects No,the combo box disappears. Redraw the model with the default dispersity (Gaussian) """ #if self.check_invalid_panel(): # return ## On selction if no model exists. if self.model ==None: self.disable_disp.SetValue(True) msg="Please select a Model first..." wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info') wx.PostEvent(self._manager.parent, StatusEvent(status=\ "Polydispersion: %s"%msg)) return self._reset_dispersity() if self.model ==None: self.model_disp.Hide() self.sizer4_4.Clear(True) return if self.enable_disp.GetValue(): ## layout for model containing no dispersity parameters self.disp_list= self.model.getDispParamList() if len(self.disp_list)==0 and len(self.disp_cb_dict)==0: self._layout_sizer_noDipers() else: ## set gaussian sizer self._on_select_Disp(event=None) else: self.sizer4_4.Clear(True) ## post state to fit panel self.save_current_state() if event !=None: #self._undo.Enable(True) event = PageInfoEvent(page = self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) #draw the model with the current dispersity self._draw_model() self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer5.Layout() self.Layout() self.Refresh() def _layout_sizer_noDipers(self): """ Draw a sizer with no dispersity info """ ix=0 iy=1 self.fittable_param=[] self.fixed_param=[] self.orientation_params_disp=[] self.sizer4_4.Clear(True) text = "No polydispersity available for this model" text = "No polydispersity available for this model" model_disp = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) self.sizer4_4.Add(model_disp,( iy, ix),(1,1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer4.Layout() def _reset_dispersity(self): """ put gaussian dispersity into current model """ if len(self.param_toFit)>0: for item in self.fittable_param: if item in self.param_toFit: self.param_toFit.remove(item) for item in self.orientation_params_disp: if item in self.param_toFit: self.param_toFit.remove(item) self.fittable_param=[] self.fixed_param=[] self.orientation_params_disp=[] self.values={} self.weights={} from sans.models.dispersion_models import GaussianDispersion, ArrayDispersion if len(self.disp_cb_dict)==0: self.save_current_state() self.sizer4_4.Clear(True) self.Layout() return if (len(self.disp_cb_dict)>0) : for p in self.disp_cb_dict: # The parameter was un-selected. Go back to Gaussian model (with 0 pts) disp_model = GaussianDispersion() self._disp_obj_dict[p] = disp_model # Set the new model as the dispersion object for the selected parameter try: self.model.set_dispersion(p, disp_model) except: pass ## save state into self.save_current_state() self.Layout() self.Refresh() def _on_select_Disp(self,event): """ allow selecting different dispersion self.disp_list should change type later .now only gaussian """ self._set_sizer_dispersion() ## Redraw the model self._draw_model() #self._undo.Enable(True) event = PageInfoEvent(page = self) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event) self.sizer4_4.Layout() self.sizer4.Layout() self.SetupScrolling() def _on_disp_func(self, event=None): """ Select a distribution function for the polydispersion :Param event: ComboBox event """ # get ready for new event if event != None: event.Skip() # Get event object disp_box = event.GetEventObject() # Try to select a Distr. function try: disp_box.SetBackgroundColour("white") selection = disp_box.GetCurrentSelection() param_name = disp_box.Name.split('.')[0] disp_name = disp_box.GetValue() dispersity= disp_box.GetClientData(selection) #disp_model = GaussianDispersion() disp_model = dispersity() # Get param names to reset the values of the param name1 = param_name + ".width" name2 = param_name + ".npts" name3 = param_name + ".nsigmas" # Check Disp. function whether or not it is 'array' if disp_name.lower() == "array": value2= "" value3= "" value1 = self._set_array_disp(name=name1, disp=disp_model) else: self._del_array_values(name1) #self._reset_array_disp(param_name) self._disp_obj_dict[name1] = disp_model self.model.set_dispersion(param_name, disp_model) self.state._disp_obj_dict[name1]= disp_model value1= str(format_number(self.model.getParam(name1), True)) value2= str(format_number(self.model.getParam(name2))) value3= str(format_number(self.model.getParam(name3))) # Reset fittable polydispersin parameter value for item in self.fittable_param: if item[1] == name1: item[2].SetValue(value1) item[5].SetValue("") item[6].SetValue("") # Disable for array if disp_name.lower() == "array": item[0].SetValue(False) item[0].Disable() item[2].Disable() item[5].Disable() item[6].Disable() else: item[0].Enable() item[2].Enable() item[5].Enable() item[6].Enable() break # Reset fixed polydispersion params for item in self.fixed_param: if item[1] == name2: item[2].SetValue(value2) # Disable Npts for array if disp_name.lower() == "array": item[2].Disable() else: item[2].Enable() if item[1] == name3: item[2].SetValue(value3) # Disable Nsigs for array if disp_name.lower() == "array": item[2].Disable() else: item[2].Enable() # Make sure the check box updated when all checked if self.cb1.GetValue(): self.select_all_param(None) # update params self._update_paramv_on_fit() # draw self._draw_model() self.Refresh() except: # Error msg msg = "Error occurred:" msg += " Could not select the distribution function..." msg += " Please select another distribution function." disp_box.SetBackgroundColour("pink") # Focus on Fit button so that users can see the pinky box self.btFit.SetFocus() wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) def _set_array_disp(self, name=None, disp=None): """ Set array dispersion :param name: name of the parameter for the dispersion to be set :param disp: the polydisperion object """ # The user wants this parameter to be averaged. # Pop up the file selection dialog. path = self._selectDlg() # Array data values = [] weights = [] # If nothing was selected, just return if path is None: self.disp_cb_dict[name].SetValue(False) #self.noDisper_rbox.SetValue(True) return self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) basename = os.path.basename(path) values,weights = self.read_file(path) # If any of the two arrays is empty, notify the user that we won't # proceed if len(self.param_toFit)>0: if name in self.param_toFit: self.param_toFit.remove(name) # Tell the user that we are about to apply the distribution msg = "Applying loaded %s distribution: %s" % (name, path) wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) disp.set_weights(values, weights) self._disp_obj_dict[name] = disp self.model.set_dispersion(name.split('.')[0], disp) self.state._disp_obj_dict[name]= disp self.values[name] = values self.weights[name] = weights # Store the object to make it persist outside the # scope of this method #TODO: refactor model to clean this up? self.state.values = {} self.state.weights = {} self.state.values = copy.deepcopy(self.values) self.state.weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) # Set the new model as the dispersion object for the #selected parameter #self.model.set_dispersion(p, disp_model) # Store a reference to the weights in the model object #so that # it's not lost when we use the model within another thread. #TODO: total hack - fix this self.state.model= self.model.clone() self.model._persistency_dict[name.split('.')[0]] = \ [values, weights] self.state.model._persistency_dict[name.split('.')[0]] = \ [values,weights] return basename def _del_array_values(self, name=None): """ Reset array dispersion :param name: name of the parameter for the dispersion to be set """ # Try to delete values and weight of the names array dic if exists try: del self.values[name] del self.weights[name] # delete all other dic del self.state.values[name] del self.state.weights[name] del self.model._persistency_dict[name.split('.')[0]] del self.state.model._persistency_dict[name.split('.')[0]] except: pass def _lay_out(self): """ returns self.Layout :Note: Mac seems to like this better when self. Layout is called after fitting. """ self._sleep4sec() self.Layout() return def _sleep4sec(self): """ sleep for 1 sec only applied on Mac Note: This 1sec helps for Mac not to crash on self.:ayout after self._draw_model """ if ON_MAC == True: time.sleep(1) def _find_polyfunc_selection(self, disp_func = None): """ FInd Comboox selection from disp_func :param disp_function: dispersion distr. function """ # List of the poly_model name in the combobox list = ["RectangleDispersion", "ArrayDispersion", "LogNormalDispersion", "GaussianDispersion", "SchulzDispersion"] # Find the selection try: selection = list.index(disp_func.__class__.__name__) return selection except: return 3 def on_reset_clicked(self,event): """ On 'Reset' button for Q range clicked """ flag = True #if self.check_invalid_panel(): # return ##For 3 different cases: Data2D, Data1D, and theory if == "Data2D": data_min= 0 x= max(math.fabs(, math.fabs( y= max(math.fabs(, math.fabs( self.qmin_x = data_min self.qmax_x = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) # check smearing if not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(): temp_smearer= self.current_smearer ## set smearing value whether or not the data contain the smearing info if self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_pinhole_smear() else: flag = True elif != "Data2D": self.qmin_x = min( self.qmax_x = max( # check smearing if not self.disable_smearer.GetValue(): temp_smearer= self.current_smearer ## set smearing value whether or not the data contain the smearing info if self.slit_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_slit_smear() elif self.pinhole_smearer.GetValue(): flag = self.update_pinhole_smear() else: flag = True else: self.qmin_x = _QMIN_DEFAULT self.qmax_x = _QMAX_DEFAULT self.num_points = _NPTS_DEFAULT self.state.npts = self.num_points if flag == False: msg= "Cannot Plot :Must enter a number!!! " wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) else: # set relative text ctrs. self.qmin.SetValue(str(self.qmin_x)) self.qmax.SetValue(str(self.qmax_x)) self.set_npts2fit() # At this point, some button and variables satatus (disabled?) should be checked # such as color that should be reset to white in case that it was pink. self._onparamEnter_helper() self.save_current_state() self.state.qmin = self.qmin_x self.state.qmax = self.qmax_x #reset the q range values self._reset_plotting_range(self.state) #self.compute_chisqr(smearer=self.current_smearer) #Re draw plot self._draw_model() def get_images(self): """ Get the images of the plots corresponding this panel for report : return graphs: list of figures : TODO: Move to guiframe """ # set list of graphs graphs = [] canvases = [] # call gui_manager gui_manager = self.parent.parent # loops through the panels [dic] for item1, item2 in gui_manager.panels.iteritems(): data_title = data_name = # try to get all plots belonging to this control panel try: # check titles (main plot) # and data_names (model plot[2D], and residuals) if item2.group_id == data_title or \ item2.window_name.count(data_name): #panel = gui_manager._mgr.GetPane(item2.window_name) # append to the list graphs.append(item2.figure) canvases.append(item2.canvas) except: # Not for control panels pass # return the list of graphs return graphs, canvases def on_model_help_clicked(self,event): """ on 'More details' button """ from help_panel import HelpWindow import sans.models as models # Get models help model_function path path = models.get_data_path(media='media') model_path = os.path.join(path,"model_functions.html") if self.model == None: name = 'FuncHelp' else: name = self.model.origin_name frame = HelpWindow(None, -1, pageToOpen=model_path) frame.Show(True) if frame.rhelp.HasAnchor(name): frame.rhelp.ScrollToAnchor(name) else: msg= "Model does not contains an available description " msg +="Please try searching in the Help window" wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) def on_pd_help_clicked(self, event): """ Button event for PD help """ from help_panel import HelpWindow import sans.models as models # Get models help model_function path path = models.get_data_path(media='media') pd_path = os.path.join(path,"pd_help.html") frame = HelpWindow(None, -1, pageToOpen=pd_path) frame.Show(True) def on_left_down(self, event): """ Get key stroke event """ # Figuring out key combo: Cmd for copy, Alt for paste if event.CmdDown() and event.ShiftDown(): flag = self.get_paste() elif event.CmdDown(): flag = self.get_copy() else: event.Skip() return # make event free event.Skip() # messages depending on the flag if flag == None: msg = " Parameter values are copied to the clipboard..." infor = 'warning' elif flag: msg = " Parameter values are pasted from the clipboad..." infor = "warning" else: msg = "Error was occured during pasting the parameter values " msg += "from the clipboard..." infor = "error" # inform msg to wx wx.PostEvent( self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status= msg, info=infor)) def get_copy(self): """ Get the string copies of the param names and values in the tap """ content = 'sansview_parameter_values:' # Do it if params exist if self.parameters !=[]: # go through the parameters string = self._get_copy_helper(self.parameters, self.orientation_params) content += string # go through the fittables string = self._get_copy_helper(self.fittable_param, self.orientation_params_disp) content += string # go through the fixed params string = self._get_copy_helper(self.fixed_param, self.orientation_params_disp) content += string # go through the str params string = self._get_copy_helper(self.str_parameters, self.orientation_params) content += string if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(wx.TextDataObject(str(content))) data = wx.TextDataObject() success = wx.TheClipboard.GetData(data) text = data.GetText() wx.TheClipboard.Close() return None def _get_copy_helper(self, param, orient_param): """ Helping get value and name of the params : param param: parameters : param orient_param = oritational params : return content: strings [list] [name,value:....] """ content = '' # go through the str params for item in param: # 2D if "Data2D": name = item[1] value = item[2].GetValue() # 1D else: ## for 1D all parameters except orientation if not item[1] in orient_param: name = item[1] value = item[2].GetValue() # add to the content content += name + ',' + value + ':' return content def get_paste(self): """ Get the string copies of the param names and values in the tap """ context = {} text = "" # Get text from the clip board if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): if wx.TheClipboard.IsSupported(wx.DataFormat(wx.DF_TEXT)): data = wx.TextDataObject() # get wx dataobject success = wx.TheClipboard.GetData(data) # get text text = data.GetText() # close clipboard wx.TheClipboard.Close() # put the text into dictionary lines = text.split(':') if lines[0] != 'sansview_parameter_values': return False for line in lines[1:-1]: if len(line) != 0: item =line.split(',') name = item[0] value = item[1] # Transfer the text to content[dictionary] context[name] = value # Do it if params exist if self.parameters != []: # go through the parameters self._get_paste_helper(self.parameters, self.orientation_params, context) # go through the fittables self._get_paste_helper(self.fittable_param, self.orientation_params_disp, context) # go through the fixed params self._get_paste_helper(self.fixed_param, self.orientation_params_disp, context) # go through the str params self._get_paste_helper(self.str_parameters, self.orientation_params, context) return True def _get_paste_helper(self, param, orient_param, content): """ Helping set values of the params : param param: parameters : param orient_param: oritational params : param content: dictionary [ name, value: name1.value1,...] """ # go through the str params for item in param: # 2D if "Data2D": name = item[1] if name in content.keys(): item[2].SetValue(content[name]) # 1D else: ## for 1D all parameters except orientation if not item[1] in orient_param: name = item[1] if name in content.keys(): # Avoid changing combox content which needs special care if item[2].__class__.__name__ != "ComboBox": item[2].SetValue(content[name])