Graph help

Add Error

Right click on a theory plot.On context menu select Add Error. Errors will be added to the theory.

Zoom in/out

Click on the plotting window, roll the wheel up to zoom out and roll it down to zoom in.

Reset Graph

To reset the graph's size, right click on the plot and the context menu pops-up. Select Reset Graph and the plot will take its initial dimensions

Select Data

Right click on the data plotted. It will be highlighted in yellow to interact with the data via context menu.

Save Data

Right click on plot. Context menu will pop-up select save image [file name].A dialog window opens and write a the name of the file to save and click on Save

Drag plot

Left Click on inside the graph and hold the left button on of the mouse and move the mouse to the direction wanted.

Remove Data

Highlight the plot and the context menu appears.Select remove [fine name]. The plot selected will disappear.