# # Script to get source from SVN and build SansView # # Read the release notes to make ensure that the required software is installed. # # SVN must be installed: # http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91 # Make sure svn.exe in on the path. You might need to log out and log back in again after installing SVN. # # Inno Setup must be installed # # py2exe must be installed # # mingw must be installed # # Usage: # python build_sansview [command] # [command] can be any of the following: # -h: lists the command line options # -r: Builds a SansView using the released modules. # -t: Builds SansView from the trunk. # -i: Builds an installer from the release version. # -n: Print out the dependencies for the release notes import os import sys import shutil import logging # Installation folder import time timestamp = int(time.time()) INSTALL_FOLDER = "install_%s" % str(timestamp) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filename='build_%s.log' % str(timestamp), filemode='w') CWD = os.getcwd() # On Windows, the python executable is not always on the path. # Use its most frequent location as the default. if sys.platform == 'win32': PYTHON = "c:\python25\python" else: PYTHON = 'python' SVN = "svn" INNO = "\"c:\Program Files\Inno Setup 5\ISCC\"" # Release version 0.9.1 SANSMODELS = "0.4.4" DATALOADER = "0.2.3" GUICOMM = "0.1.2" GUIFRAME = "0.1.6" SANSVIEW = "0.9.1" PLOTTOOLS = "0.1.5" UTIL = "0.1.1" PARK = "1.2" PARK_INTEG = "0.1.2" # URLs for SVN repos SANSMODELS_URL = "svn://danse.us/sans/releases/sansmodels-%s" % SANSMODELS DATALOADER_URL = "svn://danse.us/sans/releases/DataLoader-%s" % DATALOADER GUICOMM_URL = "svn://danse.us/sans/releases/guicomm-%s" % GUICOMM GUIFRAME_URL = "svn://danse.us/sans/releases/guiframe-%s" % GUIFRAME PLOTTOOLS_URL = "svn://danse.us/common/releases/plottools-%s/trunk" % PLOTTOOLS UTIL_URL = "svn://danse.us/common/releases/util-%s" % UTIL SANSVIEW_URL = "svn://danse.us/sans/releases/sansview-%s" % SANSVIEW PARK_INTEG_URL = "svn://danse.us/sans/releases/park_integration-%s" % PARK_INTEG PARK_URL = "svn://danse.us/park/releases/park-%s" % PARK def check_system(): """ Checks that the system has the necessary modules. """ try: import wx except: logging.error("wxpython missing") try: import matplotlib except: logging.error("matplotlib missing") try: import numpy except: logging.error("numpy missing") try: import scipy except: logging.error("scipy missing") if os.system("gcc -dumpversion")==1: logging.error("missing mingw") def install_pkg(install_dir, setup_dir, url): """ Check a package out and install it @param install_dir: directory to put the code in @param setup_dir: relative location of the setup.py script @param url: URL of the SVN repo """ if not os.path.isdir(install_dir): os.mkdir(install_dir) os.chdir(install_dir) os.system("%s checkout -q %s" % (SVN, url)) os.chdir(setup_dir) os.system("%s setup.py -q build -cmingw32" % PYTHON) os.system("%s setup.py -q install" % PYTHON) def checkout(release=False): """ Check the SansView code out """ wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(wd) if release: install_pkg(".", "sansmodels-%s/src" % SANSMODELS, SANSMODELS_URL) else: install_pkg(".", "sansmodels/src", "svn://danse.us/sans/trunk/sansmodels") os.chdir(wd) if release: install_pkg(".", "DataLoader-%s" % DATALOADER, DATALOADER_URL) else: install_pkg(".", "DataLoader", "svn://danse.us/sans/trunk/DataLoader") os.chdir(wd) if release: install_pkg(".", "guicomm-%s" % GUICOMM, GUICOMM_URL) else: install_pkg(".", "guicomm", "svn://danse.us/sans/trunk/guicomm") os.chdir(wd) if release: install_pkg(".", "guiframe-%s" % GUIFRAME, GUIFRAME_URL) else: install_pkg(".", "guiframe", "svn://danse.us/sans/trunk/guiframe") os.chdir(wd) if release: install_pkg("plottools-%s" % PLOTTOOLS, "trunk", PLOTTOOLS_URL) else: install_pkg("plottools", "trunk", "svn://danse.us/common/plottools/trunk") os.chdir(wd) if release: install_pkg(".", "util-%s" % UTIL, UTIL_URL) else: install_pkg(".", "util", "svn://danse.us/common/util") os.chdir(wd) if release: install_pkg(".", "park_integration-%s" % PARK_INTEG, PARK_INTEG_URL) else: install_pkg(".", "park_integration", "svn://danse.us/sans/trunk/park_integration") #TODO: need a release version of PARK os.chdir(wd) if release: install_pkg(".", "park-1.2", PARK_URL) else: install_pkg(".", "park-1.2", "svn://danse.us/park/branches/park-1.2") os.chdir(wd) if release: os.system("%s checkout -q %s" % (SVN, SANSVIEW_URL)) else: os.system("%s checkout -q svn://danse.us/sans/trunk/sansview" % SVN) def prepare(): """ Prepare the build """ # Remove existing libraries from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib libdir = get_python_lib() old_dirs = [os.path.join(libdir, 'danse'), os.path.join(libdir, 'data_util'), os.path.join(libdir, 'DataLoader'), os.path.join(libdir, 'park'), os.path.join(libdir, 'sans'), os.path.join(libdir, 'sans_extension'), ] for d in old_dirs: if os.path.isdir(d): shutil.rmtree(d) # Create a fresh installation folder if os.path.isdir(INSTALL_FOLDER): shutil.rmtree(INSTALL_FOLDER) os.mkdir(INSTALL_FOLDER) # Check that the dependencies are properly installed check_system() # Move to the installation folder os.chdir(INSTALL_FOLDER) def warning(): """ The build script will wipe out part of the site-packages. Ask the user whether he wants to proceed. """ print "WARNING!n" print "In order to build a clean version of SansView, this script" print "deletes anything found under site-packages for the following" print "modules:" print " - danse" print " - data_util" print " - DataLoader" print " - park" print " - sans" print " - sans_extension\n" answer = raw_input("Are you sure you want to proceed? [Y|N]") return answer.upper()=="Y" if __name__ == "__main__": print "Build script for SansView %s" % SANSVIEW # Make sure the user really wants to proceed if not warning(): print "Execution canceled" sys.exit() if len(sys.argv)==1: # If there is no argument, build the installer sys.argv.append("-i") if len(sys.argv)>1: # Help if sys.argv[1]=="-h": print "Usage:" print " python build_sansview [command]\n" print "[command] can be any of the following:" print " -h: lists the command line options" print " -r: Builds a SansView using the released modules" print " -t: Builds SansView from the trunk" print " -i: Builds an installer from the release version [Windows only]" print " -n: Print out the dependencies for the release notes" elif sys.argv[1]=="-n": # Print out release URLs print SANSMODELS_URL print DATALOADER_URL print GUICOMM_URL print GUIFRAME_URL print PLOTTOOLS_URL print UTIL_URL print SANSVIEW_URL print PARK_INTEG_URL print PARK_URL else: logging.info("Build script for SansView %s" % SANSVIEW) # Prepare installation folder prepare() # Check the command line argument if sys.argv[1]=="-t": logging.info("Building trunk version") checkout() elif sys.argv[1]=="-r": logging.info("Building release version") checkout(True) elif sys.argv[1]=="-i": logging.info("Building release version") checkout(True) if sys.platform=='win32': logging.info("Building installer from release version") os.chdir("sansview-%s" % (SANSVIEW)) os.system("%s setup_exe.py -q py2exe" % PYTHON) os.system("%s/Q installer.iss" % INNO) shutil.copy2(os.path.join("Output","setupSansView.exe"), os.path.join(CWD, "setupSansView_%s.exe" % str(timestamp)))