* INSTALLATION For Mac and Windows, run the appropriate installer found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/sansviewproject/files/ * LINUX INSTALLATION Create a directory where you want to install SansView. For example: mkdir ~/my_username/sansview_dir Make sure that this directory is on the python path: export PYTHONPATH=~/my_username/sansview_dir Download the .egg file and run the following: easy_install -d=~/my_username/sansview_dir sansview[...].egg SansView can then be started by calling: ~/my_username/sansview_dir/sansview * DEPENDENCIES - wxPython >= 2.8.11 - numpy >= 1.4.1 - matplotlib >= - scipy The egg installation will attempt to install the following packages. You may want to install them yourself before installing SansView: - lxml - pil - periodictable