import VolumeCanvas from sans.models.SphereModel import SphereModel from sans.models.CoreShellModel import CoreShellModel import math, time def form_factor(q, r): qr = q*r f = 3*( math.sin(qr) - qr*math.cos(qr) ) / (qr*qr*qr) return f*f def test_1(): radius = 15 density = .1 vol = 4/3*math.pi*radius*radius*radius npts = vol*density canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() canvas.setParam('lores_density', density) handle = canvas.add('sphere') canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, radius) canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, 1.0) if False: # Time test t_0 = time.time() value_1 = 1.0e8*canvas.getIq(0.1) print "density = 0.1: output=%g time=%g" % (value_1, time.time()-t_0) t_0 = time.time() canvas.setParam('lores_density', 1) value_1 = 1.0e8*canvas.getIq(0.1) print "density = 1000: output=%g time=%g" % (value_1, time.time()-t_0) t_0 = time.time() canvas.setParam('lores_density', 0.01) value_1 = 1.0e8*canvas.getIq(0.1) print "density = 0.00001: output=%g time=%g" % (value_1, time.time()-t_0) print sphere = SphereModel() sphere.setParam('radius', radius) sphere.setParam('scale', 1.0) sphere.setParam('contrast', 1.0) # Simple sphere sum(Pr) = (rho*V)^2 # each p(r) point has a volume of 1/density for i in range(35): q = 0.001 + 0.01*i #sim_1 = 1.0e8*canvas.getIq(q)*4/3*math.pi/(density*density*density) sim_1 = canvas.getIq(q) ana_1 = #ana_1 = form_factor(q, radius) print "q=%g sim=%g ana=%g ratio=%g" % (q, sim_1, ana_1, sim_1/ana_1) def test_2(): radius = 15.0 thickness = 5.0 core_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*radius*radius*radius outer_radius = radius+thickness shell_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*outer_radius*outer_radius*outer_radius - core_vol shell_sld = -1.0*core_vol/shell_vol print "Shell SLD", shell_sld density = .1 vol = 4/3*math.pi*radius*radius*radius npts = vol*density canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() canvas.setParam('lores_density', density) handle = canvas.add('sphere') canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, outer_radius) canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, shell_sld) handle2 = canvas.add('sphere') canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle2, radius) canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle2, 1.0) # Core-shell sphere = CoreShellModel() # Core radius sphere.setParam('radius', radius) # Shell thickness sphere.setParam('thickness', thickness) sphere.setParam('core_sld', 1.0) sphere.setParam('shell_sld', shell_sld) sphere.setParam('solvent_sld',0.0) sphere.setParam('background',0.0) sphere.setParam('scale',1.0) out = open("lores_test.txt",'w') out.write(" \n") for i in range(65): q = 0.001 + 0.01*i # For each volume integral that we change to a sum, # we must multiply by 1/density = V/N # Since we want P(r)/V, we will need to multiply # the sum by 1/(N*density), where N is the number of # points without overlap. Since we already divide # by N when calculating I(q), we only need to divide # by the density here. We divide by N in the # calculation because it is difficult to estimate it here. # Put the factor 2 in the simulation two... sim_1 = canvas.getIq(q) ana_1 = print "q=%g sim=%g ana=%g ratio=%g" % (q, sim_1, ana_1, sim_1/ana_1) out.write( "%g %g %g\n" % (q, sim_1, ana_1)) out.close() def test_4(): radius = 15 density = .1 vol = 4/3*math.pi*radius*radius*radius npts = vol*density canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() canvas.setParam('lores_density', density) #handle = canvas.add('sphere') #canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, radius) #canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, 1.0) pdb = canvas.add('test.pdb') sphere = SphereModel() sphere.setParam('radius', radius) sphere.setParam('scale', 1.0) sphere.setParam('contrast', 1.0) # Simple sphere sum(Pr) = (rho*V)^2 # each p(r) point has a volume of 1/density for i in range(35): q = 0.001 + 0.01*i #sim_1 = 1.0e8*canvas.getIq(q)*4/3*math.pi/(density*density*density) sim_1 = canvas.getIq(q) ana_1 = #ana_1 = form_factor(q, radius) print "q=%g sim=%g ana=%g ratio=%g" % (q, sim_1, ana_1, sim_1/ana_1) def test_5(): from sans.models.SphereModel import SphereModel model = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() handle = model.add('sphere') radius = 10 density = .1 ana = SphereModel() ana.setParam('scale', 1.0) ana.setParam('contrast', 1.0) ana.setParam('background', 0.0) ana.setParam('radius', radius) model.setParam('lores_density', density) model.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, radius) model.setParam('scale' , 1.0) model.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, 1.0) model.setParam('background' , 0.0) ana = ana.runXY([0.1, 0.1]) sim = model.getIq2D(0.1, 0.1) print ana, sim, sim/ana, ana/sim def test_6(): from sans.models.CylinderModel import CylinderModel radius = 5 length = 40 density = 20 ana = CylinderModel() ana.setParam('scale', 1.0) ana.setParam('contrast', 1.0) ana.setParam('background', 0.0) ana.setParam('radius', radius) ana.setParam('length', length) # Along Y ana.setParam('cyl_theta', 1.57) ana.setParam('cyl_phi', 1.57) # Along Z #ana.setParam('cyl_theta', 0) #ana.setParam('cyl_phi', 0) model = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() handle = model.add('cylinder') model.setParam('lores_density', density) model.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, radius) model.setParam('%s.length' % handle, length) model.setParam('scale' , 1.0) model.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, 1.0) model.setParam('background' , 0.0) # Along Y model.setParam('%s.orientation' % handle, [0,0,0]) # Along Z #model.setParam('%s.orientation' % handle, [1.57,0,0]) print model.npts for i in range(40): qmax = 0.5 anaX = ana.runXY([qmax*i/40.0, 0.0]) simX = model.getIq2D(qmax*i/40.0, 0.0) anaY = ana.runXY([0, qmax*i/40.0]) simY = model.getIq2D(0, qmax*i/40.0) print anaX, simX, simX/anaX, '|', anaY, simY, simY/anaY def test_7(): from sans.models.CoreShellModel import CoreShellModel print "Testing core-shell" radius = 15 thickness = 5 density = 5 core_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*radius*radius*radius outer_radius = radius+thickness shell_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*outer_radius*outer_radius*outer_radius - core_vol shell_sld = -1.0*core_vol/shell_vol # Core-shell sphere = CoreShellModel() # Core radius sphere.setParam('radius', radius) # Shell thickness sphere.setParam('thickness', thickness) sphere.setParam('core_sld', 1.0) sphere.setParam('shell_sld', shell_sld) sphere.setParam('solvent_sld', 0.0) sphere.setParam('background', 0.0) sphere.setParam('scale', 1.0) ana = sphere canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() canvas.setParam('lores_density', density) handle = canvas.add('sphere') canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle, outer_radius) canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle, shell_sld) handle2 = canvas.add('sphere') canvas.setParam('%s.radius' % handle2, radius) canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % handle2, 1.0) canvas.setParam('scale' , 1.0) canvas.setParam('background' , 0.0) """ Testing default core-shell orientation """ qlist = [.0001, 0.002, .01, .1, 1.0, 5.] for q in qlist: ana_val = ana.runXY([q, 0.2]) sim_val, err = canvas.getIq2DError(q, 0.2) print ana_val, sim_val, sim_val/ana_val, err, (sim_val-ana_val)/err if __name__ == "__main__": test_6()