#!/usr/bin/env python """ Test for Elliptical Cylinder model. Class to validate a given 2D model by averaging it and comparing to 1D prediction. """ import sys, math from sans.models.EllipticalCylinderModel import EllipticalCylinderModel class Validate2D: """ Class to validate a given 2D model by averaging it and comparing to 1D prediction. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ # Precision for the result comparison self.precision = 0.000001 # Flag for end result self.passed = True # Verbose flag self.verbose = True def __call__(self, npts = 101): """ Perform test and produce output file @param npts: number of points to average over @return: True if the test passed, otherwise False """ passed = True model = EllipticalCylinderModel() theta_label = 'cyl_theta' if not model.params.has_key(theta_label): theta_label = 'axis_theta' phi_label = 'cyl_phi' if not model.params.has_key(phi_label): phi_label = 'axis_phi' output_f = open("average_func.txt",'w') output_f.write(" <2d_average> <1d_average>\n") for i_q in range(1, 15): q = 0.3/15.0*i_q value = self.average_point_3D(model, q, npts) ana = model.run(q) if q<0.3 and (value-ana)/ana>0.05: passed = False output_f.write("%10g %10g %10g\n" % (q, value, ana)) if self.verbose: print "Q=%g: %10g %10g %10g %10g" % (q, value, ana, value-ana, value/ana) output_f.close() return passed def average_point_3D(self, model, q, npts): """ Average intensity over all orientations of the main cylinder axis and the rotation around that axis @param model: model to test @param q: q-value @param npts: number of points to average over @return: average intensity """ sum = 0.0 for i_theta in range(npts): theta = math.pi/npts*i_theta model.setParam('cyl_theta', theta) for j in range(npts): model.setParam('cyl_phi', math.pi * 2.0 / npts * j) for k in range(npts): model.setParam("cyl_psi", math.pi * 2.0 / npts * k) if str(model.run([q, 0])).count("IN")>0: if self.verbose: #print "ERROR", q, theta, math.pi * 2.0 / npts * j pass else: sum += math.fabs(math.cos(theta))*model.run([q, 0]) value = sum/npts/npts/npts return value def checkCylinder2D(self, phi): """ Check that the 2D scattering intensity reduces to a cylinder when r_ratio = 1.0 @param phi: angle of the vector q on the detector @return: True if the test passed, otherwise False """ from sans.models.CylinderModel import CylinderModel cyl = CylinderModel() cyl.setParam("cyl_theta", 90) cyl.setParam("cyl_phi", 0.0) cyl.setParam("radius", 20) cyl.setParam("length", 400) cyl.setParam("sldCyl", 2.0e-6) cyl.setParam("sldSolv", 1.0e-6) ell = EllipticalCylinderModel() ell.setParam("r_ratio", 1.0) ell.setParam("r_minor", 20) ell.setParam("cyl_theta", 90) ell.setParam("cyl_phi", 0.0) ell.setParam("length", 400) ell.setParam("sldCyl", 2.0e-6) ell.setParam("sldSolv", 1.0e-6) passed = True for i_q in range(1, 30): q = 0.025*i_q ell_val = ell.run([q, phi]) cyl_val = cyl.run([q, phi]) if self.verbose: print "Q=%g Ell=%g Cyl=%g R=%g" %(q, ell_val, cyl_val, ell_val/cyl_val) if math.fabs(ell_val-cyl_val)/cyl_val>0.05: passed= False return passed def checkCylinder(self, points): """ Compare the average over all orientations of the main cylinder axis for a cylinder and the elliptical cylinder with r_ratio = 1 @param points: number of points to average over @return: True if the test passed, otherwise False """ from sans.models.CylinderModel import CylinderModel passed = True npts =points model = EllipticalCylinderModel() model.setParam('r_ratio', 1.0) model.setParam("r_minor", 20) model.setParam("cyl_theta", 90) model.setParam("cyl_phi", 0.0) model.setParam("length", 400) model.setParam("sldEll", 2.0e-6) model.setParam("sldSolv", 1.0e-6) cyl = CylinderModel() cyl.setParam("cyl_theta", 90) cyl.setParam("cyl_phi", 0.0) cyl.setParam("radius", 20) cyl.setParam("length", 400) cyl.setParam("sldCyl", 2.0e-6) cyl.setParam("sldSolv", 1.0e-6) output_f = open("average_func.txt",'w') output_f.write(" <2d_average> <1d_average>\n") for i_q in range(1, 15): q = 0.3/15.0*i_q value = self.average_point_2D(model, q, npts) ana = cyl.run(q) if q<0.3 and math.fabs(value-ana)/ana>0.05: passed = False output_f.write("%10g %10g %10g\n" % (q, value, ana)) if self.verbose: print "Q=%g: %10g %10g %10g %10g" % (q, value, ana, value-ana, value/ana) output_f.close() return passed def average_point_2D(self, model, q, npts): """ Average intensity over all orientations of the main cylinder axis @param model: model to test @param q: q-value @param npts: number of points to average over @return: average intensity """ sum = 0.0 for i_theta in range(npts): theta = math.pi/npts*i_theta model.setParam('cyl_theta', theta * 180 / math.pi) for j in range(npts): model.setParam('cyl_phi', 180 * 2.0 / npts * j) if str(model.run([q, 0])).count("IN")>0: if self.verbose: print "ERROR", q, theta, 180 * 2.0 / npts * j else: sum += math.fabs(math.cos(theta))*model.run([q, 0]) value = sum/npts/npts*math.pi/2.0 return value if __name__ == '__main__': select = 0 validator = Validate2D() validator.verbose = True print "Testing Elliptical cylinder to 5%\n" if select == 0 or select == 1: # Check that the scat intensity reduces to a cylinder # for r_ratio = 1 print "Comparing to Cyl I(q,theta):", validator.checkCylinder2D(1.5) elif select == 0 or select == 2: print "Comparing average to Cyl I(q):", validator.checkCylinder(100) elif select == 0 or select == 3: ellcyl_passed = validator(100)