""" Random test-case generator for BaseComponents @author: Mathieu Doucet / UTK @license: This software is provided as part of the DANSE project. """ import time def randomModel(): """ Return a random model name """ from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory from random import random from math import floor model_list = ModelFactory().getAllModels() ready = False while not ready: rnd_id = int(floor(random()*len(model_list))) if model_list[rnd_id] not in ["TestSphere2", "DataModel"]: ready = True return model_list[rnd_id] class ReportCard: # pylint: disable-msg=R0902 """ Class to hold test-case results """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ ## Number of test cases self.n_cases = 0 ## Number of passed test cases self.n_cases_pass = 0 ## Number of Evaluation calls self.n_eval = 0 ## Number of passed Evaluation calls self.n_eval_pass = 0 ## Number of SetParam calls self.n_set = 0 ## Number of passed Set calls self.n_set_pass = 0 ## Number of GetParam calls self.n_get = 0 ## Number of passed Get calls self.n_get_pass = 0 ## Number of load calls self.n_load = 0 ## Number of passed Load calls self.n_load_pass = 0 ## Number of save calls self.n_save = 0 ## Number of passed Save calls self.n_save_pass = 0 ## Number of Add calls self.n_add = 0 ## Number of passed Add calls self.n_add_pass = 0 ## Number of Sub calls self.n_sub = 0 ## Number of passed Sub calls self.n_sub_pass = 0 ## Number of Div calls self.n_div = 0 ## Number of passed Div calls self.n_div_pass = 0 ## Number of mul calls self.n_mul = 0 ## Number of passed Mul calls self.n_mul_pass = 0 ## Test log self.log = "" ## Trace self.trace = "" ## Model tested self.model = "" ## List of all models tested self.modelList = [] def __add__(self, other): """ Add two report cards @param other: other report to add @return: updated self """ self.n_cases += other.n_cases self.n_cases_pass += other.n_cases_pass self.n_eval += other.n_eval self.n_eval_pass += other.n_eval_pass self.n_set += other.n_set self.n_set_pass += other.n_set_pass self.n_get += other.n_get self.n_get_pass += other.n_get_pass self.n_load += other.n_load self.n_load_pass += other.n_load_pass self.n_save += other.n_save self.n_save_pass += other.n_save_pass self.n_add += other.n_add self.n_add_pass += other.n_add_pass self.n_sub += other.n_sub self.n_sub_pass += other.n_sub_pass self.n_mul += other.n_mul self.n_mul_pass += other.n_mul_pass self.n_div += other.n_div self.n_div_pass += other.n_div_pass if len(other.log)>0: self.log += other.log if len(other.trace)>0: self.trace += other.trace if not other.model in self.modelList: self.modelList.append(other.model) return self def isPassed(self): """ Returns true if no error was found """ if self.n_cases_pass < self.n_cases \ or self.n_save_pass < self.n_save \ or self.n_load_pass < self.n_load \ or self.n_set_pass < self.n_set \ or self.n_get_pass < self.n_get \ or self.n_eval_pass < self.n_eval \ or self.n_add_pass < self.n_add \ or self.n_sub_pass < self.n_sub \ or self.n_mul_pass < self.n_mul \ or self.n_div_pass < self.n_div: return False return True def __str__(self): """ String representation of the report card """ from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory rep = "Detailed output:\n" rep += self.log rep += "\n" rep += "Total number of cases: %g\n" % self.n_cases rep += " Passed: %g\n" % self.n_cases_pass rep += "\n" self.modelList.sort() rep += "Models tested: %s\n" % self.modelList all_models = ModelFactory().getAllModels() all_models.sort() rep += "\n" rep += "Available models: %s\n" % all_models rep += "\n" rep += "Breakdown:\n" rep += " Eval: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_eval_pass, self.n_eval) rep += " Set: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_set_pass, self.n_set) rep += " Get: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_get_pass, self.n_get) rep += " Load: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_load_pass, self.n_load) rep += " Save: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_save_pass, self.n_save) rep += " Add: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_add_pass, self.n_add) rep += " Sub: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_sub_pass, self.n_sub) rep += " Mul: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_mul_pass, self.n_mul) rep += " Div: %g / %g\n" % (self.n_div_pass, self.n_div) return rep class TestCaseGenerator: """ Generator for suite of test-cases """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ self.n_tests = 0 self.n_passed = 0 self.time = 0 self.reportCard = ReportCard() def generateFiles(self, number, file_prefix): """ Generate test-case files @param number: number of files to generate @param file_prefix: prefix for the file names """ for i in range(number): filename = "%s_%d.xml" % (file_prefix, i) self.generateFileTest(filename) self.n_tests += 1 def generateAndRun(self, number): """ Generate test-cases and run them @param number: number of test-cases to generate """ start_time = time.time() for i in range(number): textcase = self.generateTest() t = TestCase(text = textcase) passed = t.run() self.reportCard += t.reportCard if not passed: t = time.localtime() xmloutput = open("error_%i-%i-%i-%i-%i-%i_%i.xml" % \ (t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],self.reportCard.n_cases),'w') xmloutput.write(textcase) xmloutput.close() self.time += time.time()-start_time print self.reportCard def generateFileTest(self, filename = "tmp.xml"): """ Write a random test-case in an XML file @param filename: name of file to write to """ text = self.generateTest() # Write test case in file xmlfile = open(filename,'w') xmlfile.write(text) xmlfile.close() def generateTest(self): """ Generate an XML representation of a random test-case """ import random #t = TestCase() text = "\n" text += "\n" stimulus = "eval" loop = True while loop: rnd = random.random() # run 50% if rnd <= 0.5: stimulus = "eval" elif rnd>0.5 and rnd<=0.7: stimulus = "set" elif rnd>0.7 and rnd<=0.72: stimulus = "save" elif rnd>0.72 and rnd<=0.74: stimulus = "load" elif rnd>0.74 and rnd<=0.8: stimulus = "get" elif rnd>0.8 and rnd<=0.81: stimulus = "add" elif rnd>0.81 and rnd<=0.82: stimulus = "div" elif rnd>0.82 and rnd<=0.83: stimulus = "mul" elif rnd>0.83 and rnd<=0.84: stimulus = "sub" else: # just run and quit stimulus = "eval" loop = False text += " \n" % stimulus text += "" return text class TestCase: """ Test-case class """ def __init__(self, filename = None, text = None): """ Initialization @param filename: name of file containing the test case """ #from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory self.filename = filename self.text = text #self.model = ModelFactory().getModel(randomModel()) self.model = getRandomModelObject() #self.model = ModelFactory().getModel("SphereModel") self.passed = True self.reportCard = ReportCard() def run(self): """ Read the test case and execute it """ from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.dom.minidom import parseString # Initialize report self.reportCard = ReportCard() self.reportCard.model = self.model.name self.reportCard.n_cases = 1 if not self.text == None: dom = parseString(self.text) elif not self.filename == None: dom = parse(self.filename) else: print "No input to parse" return False if dom.hasChildNodes(): for n in dom.childNodes: if n.nodeName == "TestCase": self.processStimuli(n) # Update report card if self.passed: self.reportCard.n_cases_pass = 1 return self.passed def processStimuli(self, node): """ Process the stimuli list in the TestCase node of an XML test-case file @param node: test-case node """ import testcase_generator as generator report = ReportCard() report.trace = "%s\n" % self.model.name self.passed = True if node.hasChildNodes(): for n in node.childNodes: if n.nodeName == "Stimulus": s_type = None if n.hasAttributes(): # Get stilumus ID for i in range(len(n.attributes)): attr_name = n.attributes.item(i).name if attr_name == "id": s_type = n.attributes.item(i).nodeValue if hasattr(generator,"%sStimulus" % s_type): stimulus = getattr(generator,"%sStimulus" % s_type) #print s_type, self.model.name m, res = stimulus(self.model) #print " ", m.name self.model = m if not res.isPassed(): self.passed = False report += res else: print "Stimulus %s not found" % s_type self.reportCard += report if not self.passed: print "\nFailure:" print report.trace return self.passed def evalStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwise """ minval = 0.001 maxval = 1.0 # Call run with random input import random, math input_value = random.random()*(maxval-minval)+minval # Catch division by zero, which can happen # when creating random models try: # Choose whether we want 1D or 2D if random.random()>0.5: output = model.run(input_value) else: output = model.run([input_value, 2*math.pi*random.random()]) except ZeroDivisionError: print "Error evaluating model %s: %g" % (model.name, input_value) output = None #print "Eval: %g" % output # Oracle bit - just check that we have a number... passed = False try: if output != None and math.fabs(output) >= 0: passed = True except: print "---> Could not compute abs val", output, model.name report = ReportCard() report.n_eval = 1 if passed: report.n_eval_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Eval: bad output value %s\n" % str(output) report.trace = "Eval(%g) = %s %i\n" % (input_value, str(output), passed) return model, report def setStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwize """ # Call run with random input import random, math minval = 1 maxval = 5 # Choose a parameter to change keys = model.getParamList() if len(keys)==0: #print model.name+" has no params" return model, ReportCard() p_len = len(keys) i_param = int(math.floor(random.random()*p_len)) p_name = keys[i_param] # Choose a value # Check for min/max if hasattr(model, "details"): if model.details.has_key(p_name): if model.details[p_name][1] != None: minval = model.details[p_name][1] if model.details[p_name][2] != None: maxval = model.details[p_name][2] elif model.other.details.has_key(p_name): if model.other.details[p_name][1] != None: minval = model.other.details[p_name][1] if model.other.details[p_name][2] != None: maxval = model.other.details[p_name][2] elif model.operateOn.details.has_key(p_name): if model.operateOn.details[p_name][1] != None: minval = model.operateOn.details[p_name][1] if model.operateOn.details[p_name][2] != None: maxval = model.operateOn.details[p_name][2] input_val = random.random()*(maxval-minval)+minval model.setParam(p_name, input_val) # Read back check_val = model.getParam(p_name) #print "Set: %s = %g" % (p_name, check_val) # Oracle bit passed = False if check_val == input_val: passed = True report = ReportCard() report.n_set = 1 if passed: report.n_set_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Set: parameter %s not set properly %g <> %g\n" % \ (p_name, input_val, check_val) report.trace = "Set %s = %g %i\n" % (p_name, input_val, passed) return model, report def getStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwise """ import random, math # Choose a parameter to change keys = model.getParamList() if len(keys)==0: #print model.name+" has no params" return model, ReportCard() p_len = len(keys) i_param = int(math.floor(random.random()*p_len)) p_name = keys[i_param] # Read back check_val = model.getParam(p_name) #print "Get: %s = %g" % (p_name, check_val) # Oracle bit passed = False if math.fabs(check_val) >= 0: passed = True report = ReportCard() report.n_get = 1 if passed: report.n_get_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Get: bad value for parameter %s: %g\n" % \ (p_name, check_val) report.trace = "Get %s = %g %i\n" % (p_name, check_val, passed) return model, report def loadStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwize """ from sans.models.ModelIO import ModelIO from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory factory = ModelFactory() io = ModelIO(factory) # testModel.xml should be in the directory loaded = io.load("load_test_model.xml") value2 = loaded.run(1) # Oracle bit passed = False if not value2 == 0: passed = True report = ReportCard() report.n_load = 1 if passed: report.n_load_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Load: bad loaded model\n" report.trace = "Load = %s %i\n" % (loaded.name, passed) return model, report def saveStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwize """ from sans.models.ModelIO import ModelIO from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory factory = ModelFactory() io = ModelIO(factory) io.save(model,"testModel.xml") #value = model.run(1) # Check it loaded = io.load("testModel.xml") try: value2 = loaded.run(1) except ZeroDivisionError: value2 = -1 # Oracle bit passed = False # The two outputs do not need to be the same # since we do not save the parameters! # If it's the subtraction of two identical models, # we will also get zero! #if value2 == value: # passed = True passed = True report = ReportCard() report.n_save = 1 if passed: report.n_save_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Save: bad output from saved model %g\n" % value2 report.trace = "Save %s %i\n" % (model.name, passed) return model, report def getRandomModelObject(): """ Return a random model object """ from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory while True: try: modelname = randomModel() add_model = ModelFactory().getModel(modelname) return add_model except: # Don't complain when a model can't be loaded. # A list of tested models will appear in the # file report, which can be compared with the # list of available models, also printed. pass #print "Could not load ", modelname def addStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwize """ #from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory #factory = ModelFactory() #add_model = factory.getModel("SphereModel") add_model = getRandomModelObject() tmp = model + add_model model = tmp # Oracle bit passed = False try: value2 = model.run(1) value2 = float(value2) except: passed = False # If we made it this far, we have a float passed = True report = ReportCard() report.n_add = 1 if passed: report.n_add_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Add: bad output from composite model\n" report.trace = "Div %s %i\n" % (model.name, passed) return model, report def subStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwize """ from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory from random import random #factory = ModelFactory() #sub_model = factory.getModel("CylinderModel") #sub_model = factory.getModel(randomModel()) sub_model = getRandomModelObject() sub_model.params["scale"] = 1.1*random() tmp = model - sub_model # Oracle bit passed = False try: value2 = tmp.run(1.1 * (1.0 + random())) value2 = float(value2) except: value2 = None passed = False # If we made it this far, we have a float passed = True report = ReportCard() report.n_sub = 1 if passed: report.n_sub_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Sub: bad output from composite model\n" report.trace = "Sub %s (%g - %g = %s) %i\n" % \ (model.name, model.run(1), \ sub_model.run(1), str(value2), passed) return tmp, report def mulStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwize """ #from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory #factory = ModelFactory() #mul_model = factory.getModel("SphereModel") #mul_model = factory.getModel(randomModel()) mul_model = getRandomModelObject() tmp = model * mul_model # Oracle bit passed = False from random import random input_val = 1.1 * (1.0 + random()) v1 = None v2 = None try: v1 = mul_model.run(input_val) v2 = model.run(input_val) value2 = tmp.run(input_val) value2 = float(value2) except ZeroDivisionError: value2 = None # If we made it this far, we have a float passed = True report = ReportCard() report.n_mul = 1 if passed: report.n_mul_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Mul: bad output from composite model\n" report.trace = "Mul %s (%s * %s = %s) %i\n" % \ (model.name, str(v1), str(v2), str(value2), passed) return tmp, report def divStimulus(model): """ Apply the stimulus to the supplied model object @param model: model to apply the stimulus to @return: True if passed, False otherwise """ #from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory #factory = ModelFactory() #div_model = factory.getModel("SphereModel") #div_model = factory.getModel(randomModel()) from random import random input_val = 1.5 * random() # Find a model that will not evaluate to zero # at the input value try_again = True while try_again: div_model = getRandomModelObject() try: v2 = div_model.run(input_val) try_again = False except: pass tmp = model / div_model # Oracle bit passed = False v1 = None v2 = None try: # Check individual models against bad combinations, # which happen from time to time given that all # parameters are random try: v2 = div_model.run(input_val) v1 = model.run(input_val) value2 = tmp.run(input_val) value2 = float(value2) except ZeroDivisionError: value2 = None except: passed = False # If we made it this far, we have a float passed = True report = ReportCard() report.n_div = 1 if passed: report.n_div_pass = 1 else: report.log = "Div: bad output from composite model\n" report.trace = "Div %s/%s (%g) = %s / %s = %s %i\n" % \ (model.name, div_model.name, input_val, str(v1), str(v2), str(value2), passed) return tmp, report if __name__ == '__main__': #print randomModel() g = TestCaseGenerator() g.generateAndRun(20000) #t = TestCase(filename = "error_1.17721e+009.xml") #print t.run()