try: from sans.models.prototypes.SimCylinder import SimCylinder except: print "This test uses the prototypes module." from sans.models.CylinderModel import CylinderModel import os, sys def simulate(filename="simul.txt", npts=500): output_file = open(filename, 'w') #output_file = open("simul_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20_9.txt", 'w') sim = SimCylinder() sim.setParam('scale', 1.0) #sim.setParam('length', 100.0) #sim.setParam('radius', 40.0) sim.setParam('length', 400.0) sim.setParam('radius', 20.0) sim.setParam('theta', 1.57) sim.setParam('phi', 0.0) sim.setParam('qmax', 0.2) output_file.write(" \n") norma = 0 for i in range(npts): q = 1.0/npts*(i+1) cyl_val = sim_val =[q, 0.0]) if i==0: norma = cyl_val/sim_val #print q, cyl_val, sim_val, sim_val/cyl_val output_file.write("%10g %10g %10g\n" % (q, cyl_val, sim_val*norma)) output_file.close() def create_model(): sim = SimCylinder() sim.setParam('scale', 1.0) sim.setParam('length', 100.0) sim.setParam('radius', 40.0) # simul and simul_2 #sim.setParam('theta', 1.57) #sim.setParam('phi', 0.0) sim.setParam('theta', 0.0) sim.setParam('phi', 1.0) sim.setParam('qmax', 0.2) return sim def comp(): """ Simple test that should give 1 for the ratio of simulated and analytical """ sim = create_model() ana_val = sim_val =[0.05, 0]) print ana_val, sim_val, ana_val/sim_val # ana_val = # sim_val =[0.05, 1]) # print ana_val, sim_val, ana_val/sim_val # sim = create_model() # sim.setParam('theta', 1.0) # sim.setParam('phi', 1.0) # ana_val = # sim_val =[0.05, 1]) # print ana_val, sim_val, ana_val/sim_val # sim = create_model() # sim.setParam('theta', 1.0) # sim.setParam('phi', 2.0) # ana_val = # sim_val =[0.05, 1]) # print ana_val, sim_val, ana_val/sim_val sim = create_model() sim.setParam('theta', 1.0) sim.setParam('phi', -2.0) ana_val = sim_val =[0.15, 1]) print ana_val, sim_val, ana_val/sim_val def add_error_to_file(prefix = "", dir = "output"): import os, math # Open standard deviation file std_file = open("%s/std_simul.txt" % dir, 'r') std_content = std_lines = std_content.split('\n') std_values = {} for line in std_lines: if line == std_lines[0]: continue toks = line.split() if not len(toks) > 3: continue std_values[toks[0]] = float(toks[2]) std_file.close() # Read the files file_list = os.listdir(dir) for file in file_list: if file.count(prefix)>0: print "Reading", file file_obj = open("%s/%s" % (dir, file), 'r') # open new file file_new = open("%s/error-%s" % (dir, file), 'w') file_content = lines = file_content.split('\n') for line in lines: if line == lines[0]: file_new.write(line+'\n') continue toks = line.split() if not len(toks) == 3: file_new.write(line+'\n') continue error = 0 if toks[0].lower() in std_values: error = float(toks[2]) * std_values[toks[0].lower()] file_new.write(line+" %10g\n" % error) file_obj.close() file_new.close() def std_estimate(prefix = "", dir="output"): import os, math file_list = os.listdir(dir) output_file = open("%s/std_simul.txt" % dir, 'w') output_file.write(" \n") values = {} for file in file_list: if file.count(prefix)>0: print "Reading", file file_obj = open("%s/%s" % (dir, file), 'r') file_content = lines = file_content.split('\n') for line in lines: if line == lines[0]: continue toks = line.split() if not len(toks) == 3: continue if toks[0] not in values: values[toks[0]] = [] values[toks[0]].append(float(toks[2])) q_list = values.keys() q_list.sort() for q in q_list: num = len(values[q]) sum = 0 mean = 0 for val in range(num): mean += values[q][val] mean /= num for val in range(num): diff = values[q][val] - mean sum += diff * diff sum /= (num-1) #print q, math.sqrt(sum) output_file.write("%10s %10g %10g %10g\n" % (q, math.sqrt(sum), math.sqrt(sum)/mean, math.sqrt(sum)/mean*100.0)) output_file.close() # sqrt( 1/(N-1) sum[ (x-mean)**2 ] ) def test_volume_pts(): import random, math, time print "Generating points" pt_list = [] for i in range(50000): x = random.random() y = random.random() z = random.random() pt_list.append([x, y, z]) # Compute list of closest distance for each point print "Computing distances" closest_list = [] t_init = time.time() for i in range(len(pt_list)): if math.fmod(i,100)==0: print i, time.time()-t_init t_init = time.time() pt = pt_list[i] min_dist = -1.0 for j in range(i+1, len(pt_list)): pt_2 = pt_list[j] #print pt_2 dx = pt[0]-pt_2[0] dy = pt[1]-pt_2[1] dz = pt[2]-pt_2[2] dist = math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz ) if min_dist<0 or dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist closest_list.append(min_dist) # Analyze list of distances print "Analyzing" sum = 0 for d in closest_list: sum += d average = sum/len(closest_list) sum = 0 for d in closest_list: diff = d - average sum += diff*diff sum /= len(closest_list) print "%5g +/- %5g)" % (average, math.sqrt(sum)) if __name__ == '__main__': #test_volume_pts() #simulate("simul_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20_test.txt") #std_estimate("simul_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20") #add_error_to_file("l=400_r=20.txt") option = "error" #if len(sys.argv)>1: if len(option)>0: if option=="gen": ifile = 0 for i in range(100): ifile += 1 #print "simul_qmax=1_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20_%g.txt" % ifile #simulate("simul_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20_%g.txt" % ifile) print "simul_qmax=1_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20_%g.txt" % ifile simulate("output/pt5000/simul_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20_%g.txt" % ifile) elif option=="comp": comp() elif option=="std": #std_estimate("simul_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20") std_estimate("simul_phi=0_theta=1_57_l=400_r=20", "output/pt5000") elif option=="error": #add_error_to_file("l=400_r=20.txt") add_error_to_file("l=400_r=20_1.txt", "output/pt5000")