try: from sans.models.prototypes.SimCylinderF import SimCylinderF except: print "This test uses the prototypes module." from sans.models.CylinderModel import CylinderModel import time, math, random def reset(seed=0): sim = SimCylinderF() sim.setParam('radius', 20) sim.setParam('length', 200) sim.setParam('phi', 1) sim.setParam('theta', 1) sim.setParam('seed', math.fmod(time.time()*100+seed,10000)) return sim # number of times to repeat each point N_q = 50 # Relative error on the simulation sig_val = 0.20 counter = 0 sim = reset() sph = CylinderModel() sph.setParam('radius', 20) sph.setParam('length', 200) sph.setParam('scale', 1) sph.setParam('contrast',1) sph.setParam('length', 200) sph.setParam('cyl_phi', 1) sph.setParam('cyl_theta', 1) vol = math.pi*20*20*200 f = open('sim_err_cyl.txt', 'w') f.write(" \n") for i_npts in range(1): # Find which q has an error of sig_val #print err q_sigma = 0 i_min = 0 i_max = 0 i_last_max = 0 val_min = 0 val_max = 0 last_error = 0 last_val = 0 error_vec = [] found_it = False i_vec = 0 t_0 = time.time() npts = 50000 #npts = 50000*i_npts+1000 #npts = 1000 * math.pow(2.0,(i_npts+1)) sim = reset() #sim.setParam('npoints', npts) # Vectors of errors err = [] for i in range(80): q = 0.40*(i) /50 # For each Q, repeat the simulation N_q times sum_q_ana = 0 sum_q_sim = 0 sum = 0 vec = [] for i_q in range(N_q): counter += 1 sim = reset(counter) #sim.setParam('npoints', npts) simval =[q, 0]) sum_q_ana +=[q, 0]) sum_q_sim += simval vec.append(simval) mean = sum_q_sim/N_q for val in range(N_q): diff = vec[val] - mean sum += diff * diff sum /= (N_q-1) ana_value = sum_q_ana/N_q sim_value = sum_q_sim/N_q try: err_i = [q, (sim_value-ana_value)/ana_value, ana_value, math.sqrt(sum)/ana_value] except: err_i = [q,0,0,0] err.append(err_i) print err_i # update extrema if val_min > err_i[2]: val_min = err_i[2] if val_max < err_i[2]: val_max = err_i[2] # Find a minimum, where the error changes sign if last_val==val_min and err_i[2] > val_min: #print " min", err_i[0] if i_min > 0: i_plateau = i_last_max # check error for plateau #if math.fabs(err[i_plateau][1])>sig_val: if math.fabs(err[i_max][3])>sig_val: error_vec.append(err[i_plateau]) t_f = time.time() pred =[err[i_plateau][0],0]) print '[',t_f-t_0,']',math.pow((vol/npts),-.6666), 'n=',npts, 'q=',err[i_plateau][0], \ 'err=',math.fabs(err[i_plateau][1]), i_min, 'sig=',err[i_plateau][3] f.write("%10g %10g %10g\n" % (err[i_plateau][0], npts, err[i_plateau][3])) found_it = True break i_min = i_vec # Get ready for next maximum val_max = val_min # check if we are at max elif last_val==val_max and err_i[2]