from sans_extension.prototypes.c_models import CCanvas from sans.models.SphereModel import SphereModel from sans.models.CoreShellModel import CoreShellModel import math # Sphere ############################### sphere = SphereModel() sphere.setParam('radius',40.0) sphere.setParam('contrast',1.0) sphere.setParam('scale',1.0) sphere.setParam('background',0.0) can = CCanvas() print "ID", can.add() can.setParam(0,1,40.0) for q in [1,0.1,0.05,0.02,0.01,0.001,0.0001]: ana =[q,1.0]) sim = can.evaluate([q,1.0]) print "Sphere: ANA = %g SIM = %g (%g)" %(ana, sim, sim/ana) # Core-shell ########################### # This is a core shell model where the weight-average # of the SLDs is zero. The I(q) should go to zero as q->0. import time t_0 = time.time() sphere = CoreShellModel() # Core radius radius = 10.0 thickness = 5.0 sphere.setParam('radius', radius) # Shell thickness sphere.setParam('thickness', thickness) sphere.setParam('core_sld', 1.0) core_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*radius*radius*radius outer_radius = radius+thickness shell_vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*outer_radius*outer_radius*outer_radius - core_vol shell_sld = -1.0*core_vol/shell_vol print "Shell SLD", shell_sld sphere.setParam('shell_sld', shell_sld) sphere.setParam('solvent_sld',0.0) sphere.setParam('background',0.0) sphere.setParam('scale',1.0) can = CCanvas() print "ID", can.add() can.setParam(0,1, outer_radius) can.setParam(0,2, shell_sld) print "ID", can.add() can.setParam(1,1, radius) can.setParam(1,2, 1.0) print "VOLS inner = %g, outer = %g, shell = %g" % (core_vol, shell_vol+core_vol, shell_vol) f = open('core-shell.txt','w') f.write(" \n") for q in [1,0.1,0.05,0.04,0.03,0.02,0.01,0.005,0.001,0.0001]: #for i in range(400): #q = 0.0001+i*0.005 ana =[q,1.0]) sim = can.evaluate([q,1.0]) f.write("%g %g %g\n" %(q, ana, sim)) print "Core-shell: q=%g ANA = %g SIM = %g (%g)" %(q, ana, sim, sim/ana) f.close() print "Time: ", time.time()-t_0