#if !defined(lamellarFF_HG_h) #define lamellarFF_HG_h /** Structure definition for lamellar parameters * [PYTHONCLASS] = LamellarFFHGModel * [DISP_PARAMS] = t_length, h_thickness [DESCRIPTION] = NOTE: The total bilayer thickness = 2(h_thickness + t_length) The meaning of the multiplicative scale factor is not well-defined, but should be on the order of the volume fraction of solution occupied by the lamellar crystallites. Please see the original references for clarification. [FIXED]= t_length.width, h_thickness.width [ORIENTATION_PARAMS]= **/ typedef struct { /// Scale factor // [DEFAULT]=scale=1.0 double scale; /// tail length [A] // [DEFAULT]=t_length=15.0 [A] double t_length; /// head thickness // [DEFAULT]=h_thickness=10.0 [A] double h_thickness; /// tail scrattering density length[1/AČ] // [DEFAULT]=sld_tail=4e-7 [1/AČ] double sld_tail; /// head group scrattering density length[1/AČ] // [DEFAULT]=sld_head=3e-6 [1/AČ] double sld_head; /// solvent scrattering density length[1/AČ] // [DEFAULT]=sld_solvent=6e-6 [1/AČ] double sld_solvent; /// Incoherent Background [1/cm] 0.00 // [DEFAULT]=background=0.0 [1/cm] double background; } LamellarFF_HGParameters; /// 1D scattering function double lamellarFF_HG_analytical_1D(LamellarFF_HGParameters *pars, double q); /// 2D scattering function double lamellarFF_HG_analytical_2D(LamellarFF_HGParameters *pars, double q, double phi); double lamellarFF_HG_analytical_2DXY(LamellarFF_HGParameters *pars, double qx, double qy); double lamellarFF_HG_analytical_2D_scaled(LamellarFF_HGParameters *pars, double q, double q_x, double q_y); #endif