/* * Scattering model for a SC_ParaCrystal */ #include "fcc.h" #include "libSphere.h" #include #include /** * Function to evaluate 1D scattering function * @param pars: parameters of the FCC_ParaCrystal * @param q: q-value * @return: function value */ double fcc_analytical_1D(FCParameters *pars, double q) { double dp[7]; double result; dp[0] = pars->scale; dp[1] = pars->dnn; dp[2] = pars->d_factor; dp[3] = pars->radius; dp[4] = pars->sldSph; dp[5] = pars->sldSolv; dp[6] = pars->background; result = FCC_ParaCrystal(dp, q); // This FIXES a singualrity the kernel in libigor. if ( result == INFINITY || result == NAN){ result = pars->background; } return result; } /** * Function to evaluate 2D scattering function * @param pars: parameters of the FCC_ParaCrystal * @param q: q-value * @return: function value */ double fc_analytical_2DXY(FCParameters *pars, double qx, double qy){ double q; q = sqrt(qx*qx+qy*qy); return fc_analytical_2D_scaled(pars, q, qx/q, qy/q); } double fc_analytical_2D(FCParameters *pars, double q, double phi) { return fc_analytical_2D_scaled(pars, q, cos(phi), sin(phi)); } /** * Function to evaluate 2D scattering function * @param pars: parameters of the FCCCrystalModel * @param q: q-value * @param q_x: q_x / q * @param q_y: q_y / q * @return: function value */ double fc_analytical_2D_scaled(FCParameters *pars, double q, double q_x, double q_y) { double b3_x, b3_y, b3_z, b1_x, b1_y; double q_z; double alpha, cos_val_b3, cos_val_b2, cos_val_b1; double a1_dot_q, a2_dot_q,a3_dot_q; double answer; double Pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); double aa, Da, qDa_2, latticeScale, Zq, Fkq, Fkq_2; double dp[5]; //convert angle degree to radian double theta = pars->theta * Pi/180.0; double phi = pars->phi * Pi/180.0; double psi = pars->psi * Pi/180.0; dp[0] = 1.0; dp[1] = pars->radius; dp[2] = pars->sldSph; dp[3] = pars->sldSolv; dp[4] = 0.0; aa = pars->dnn; Da = pars->d_factor*aa; qDa_2 = pow(q*Da,2.0); //contrast = pars->sldSph - pars->sldSolv; latticeScale = 4.0*(4.0/3.0)*Pi*(dp[1]*dp[1]*dp[1])/pow(aa*sqrt(2.0),3.0); // q vector q_z = 0.0; // for SANS; assuming qz is negligible /// Angles here are respect to detector coordinate /// instead of against q coordinate in PRB 36(46), 3(6), 1754(3854) // b3 axis orientation b3_x = sin(theta) * cos(phi);//negative sign here??? b3_y = sin(theta) * sin(phi); b3_z = cos(theta); cos_val_b3 = b3_x*q_x + b3_y*q_y + b3_z*q_z; alpha = acos(cos_val_b3); // b1 axis orientation b1_x = sin(psi); b1_y = cos(psi); cos_val_b1 = (b1_x*q_x + b1_y*q_y); // b2 axis orientation cos_val_b2 = sin(acos(cos_val_b1)); // alpha correction cos_val_b2 *= sin(alpha); cos_val_b1 *= sin(alpha); // Compute the angle btw vector q and the a3 axis a3_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b2+cos_val_b1); // a1 axis a1_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b2+cos_val_b3); // a2 axis a2_dot_q = 0.5*aa*q*(cos_val_b3+cos_val_b1); // The following test should always pass if (fabs(cos_val_b3)>1.0) { printf("fcc_ana_2D: Unexpected error: cos(alpha)>1\n"); return 0; } // Get Fkq and Fkq_2 Fkq = exp(-0.5*pow(Da/aa,2.0)*(a1_dot_q*a1_dot_q+a2_dot_q*a2_dot_q+a3_dot_q*a3_dot_q)); Fkq_2 = Fkq*Fkq; // Call Zq=Z1*Z2*Z3 Zq = (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a1_dot_q)+Fkq_2); Zq = Zq * (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a2_dot_q)+Fkq_2); Zq = Zq * (1.0-Fkq_2)/(1.0-2.0*Fkq*cos(a3_dot_q)+Fkq_2); // Use SphereForm directly from libigor answer = SphereForm(dp,q)*Zq; //consider scales answer *= latticeScale * pars->scale; // This FIXES a singualrity the kernel in libigor. if ( answer == INFINITY || answer == NAN){ answer = 0.0; } // add background answer += pars->background; return answer; }