#if !defined(corefourshell_h) #define corefourshell_h /** * Structure definition for sphere parameters */ //[PYTHONCLASS] = CoreFourShellModel //[DISP_PARAMS] = rad_core, thick_shell1,thick_shell2,thick_shell3,thick_shell4 //[DESCRIPTION] = Calculates the scattering intensity from a core-4 shell structure. // scale = scale factor * volume fraction // rad_core: the radius of the core // sld_core: the SLD of the core // thick_shelli: the thickness of the i'th shell from the core // sld_shelli: the SLD of the i'th shell from the core // sld_solv: the SLD of the solvent // background: incoherent background // //[FIXED]= thick_shell4.width; thick_shell1.width;thick_shell2.width;thick_shell3.width;rad_core.width //[ORIENTATION_PARAMS]= typedef struct { /// Scale factor // [DEFAULT]=scale= 1.0 double scale; /// Radius of the core [A] // [DEFAULT]=rad_core=60. [A] double rad_core; /// sld of core [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=sld_core= 6.4e-6 [1/A^(2)] double sld_core; /// thickness of the shell1 [A] // [DEFAULT]=thick_shell1=10.0 [A] double thick_shell1; /// sld of shell1 [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=sld_shell1= 1.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] double sld_shell1; /// thickness of the shell2 [A] // [DEFAULT]=thick_shell2=10.0 [A] double thick_shell2; /// sld of shell2 [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=sld_shell2= 2.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] double sld_shell2; /// thickness of the shell3 [A] // [DEFAULT]=thick_shell3=10.0 [A] double thick_shell3; /// sld of shell3 [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=sld_shell3= 3.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] double sld_shell3; /// thickness of the shell4 [A] // [DEFAULT]=thick_shell4=10.0 [A] double thick_shell4; /// sld of shell4 [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=sld_shell4= 4.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] double sld_shell4; /// sld_solv[1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=sld_solv= 6.4e-6 [1/A^(2)] double sld_solv; /// Incoherent Background [1/cm] // [DEFAULT]=background=0.001 [1/cm] double background; } CoreFourShellParameters; /// 1D scattering function double corefourshell_analytical_1D(CoreFourShellParameters *pars, double q); /// 2D scattering function double corefourshell_analytical_2D(CoreFourShellParameters *pars, double q, double phi); double corefourshell_analytical_2DXY(CoreFourShellParameters *pars, double qx, double qy); #endif