#if !defined(core_shell_cylinder_h) #define core_shell_cylinder_h /** * Structure definition for core-shell cylinder parameters */ //[PYTHONCLASS] = CoreShellCylinderModel //[DISP_PARAMS] = radius, thickness, length, axis_theta, axis_phi //[DESCRIPTION] = P(q,alpha)= scale/Vs*f(q)^(2) + bkg, where: f(q)= 2(core_sld // - solvant_sld)* Vc*sin[qLcos(alpha/2)] // /[qLcos(alpha/2)]*J1(qRsin(alpha)) // /[qRsin(alpha)]+2(shell_sld-solvent_sld) // *Vs*sin[q(L+T)cos(alpha/2)][[q(L+T) // *cos(alpha/2)]*J1(q(R+T)sin(alpha)) // /q(R+T)sin(alpha)] // // alpha:is the angle between the axis of // the cylinder and the q-vector // Vs: the volume of the outer shell // Vc: the volume of the core // L: the length of the core // shell_sld: the scattering length density // of the shell // solvent_sld: the scattering length density // of the solvent // bkg: the background // T: the thickness // R+T: is the outer radius // L+2T: The total length of the outershell // J1: the first order Bessel function // theta: axis_theta of the cylinder // phi: the axis_phi of the cylinder... // //[FIXED]= axis_phi.width; axis_theta.width; length.width;radius.width; thickness.width //[ORIENTATION_PARAMS]= axis_phi; axis_theta;axis_phi.width; axis_theta.width typedef struct { /// Scale factor // [DEFAULT]=scale=1.0 double scale; /// Core radius [A] // [DEFAULT]=radius=20.0 [A] double radius; /// Shell thickness [A] // [DEFAULT]=thickness=10.0 [A] double thickness; /// Core length [A] // [DEFAULT]=length=400.0 [A] double length; /// Core SLD [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=core_sld=1.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] double core_sld; /// Shell SLD [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=shell_sld=4.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] double shell_sld; /// Solvent SLD [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=solvent_sld=1.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] double solvent_sld; /// Incoherent Background [1/cm] // [DEFAULT]=background=0 [1/cm] double background; /// Orientation of the long axis of the core-shell cylinder w/respect incoming beam [rad] // [DEFAULT]=axis_theta=1.57 [rad] double axis_theta; /// Orientation of the long axis of the core-shell cylinder in the plane of the detector [rad] // [DEFAULT]=axis_phi=0.0 [rad] double axis_phi; } CoreShellCylinderParameters; /// 1D scattering function double core_shell_cylinder_analytical_1D(CoreShellCylinderParameters *pars, double q); /// 2D scattering function double core_shell_cylinder_analytical_2D(CoreShellCylinderParameters *pars, double q, double phi); double core_shell_cylinder_analytical_2DXY(CoreShellCylinderParameters *pars, double qx, double qy); double core_shell_cylinder_analytical_2D_scaled(CoreShellCylinderParameters *pars, double q, double q_x, double q_y); #endif