#!/usr/bin/env python """ Provide F(x) = scale* (|x|)^(-m) + bkd Power law function as a BaseComponent model """ from sans.models.PowerLawModel import PowerLawModel import math class PowerLawAbsModel(PowerLawModel): """ Class that evaluates a absolute Power_Law model. F(x) = scale* (|x|)^(-m) + bkd The model has three parameters: m = power scale = scale factor bkd = incoherent background """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization """ # Initialize PowerLawAbsModel PowerLawModel.__init__(self) ## Name of the model self.name = "Absolute Power_Law" self.description=""" The Power_Law model. F(x) = scale* (|x|)^(-m) + bkd The model has three parameters: m = power scale = scale factor bkd = incoherent background""" def _PowerLaw(self, x): return PowerLawModel._PowerLaw(self, math.fabs(x))