#!/usr/bin/env python """ WrapperGenerator class to generate model code automatically. """ import os, sys,re def split_list(separator, mylist, n=0): """ @return a list of string without white space of separator @param separator: the string to remove """ list=[] for item in mylist: if re.search( separator,item)!=None: if n >0: word =re.split(separator,item,int(n)) else: word =re.split( separator,item) for new_item in word: if new_item.lstrip().rstrip() !='': list.append(new_item.lstrip().rstrip()) return list def split_text(separator, string1, n=0): """ @return a list of string without white space of separator @param separator: the string to remove """ list=[] if re.search( separator,string1)!=None: if n >0: word =re.split(separator,string1,int(n)) else: word =re.split(separator,string1) for item in word: if item.lstrip().rstrip() !='': list.append(item.lstrip().rstrip()) return list def look_for_tag( string1,begin, end=None ): """ @note: this method remove the begin and end tags given by the user from the string . @param begin: the initial tag @param end: the final tag @param string: the string to check @return: begin_flag==True if begin was found, end_flag==if end was found else return false, false """ begin_flag= False end_flag= False if re.search( begin,string1)!=None: begin_flag= True if end !=None: if re.search(end,string1)!=None: end_flag= True return begin_flag, end_flag def readhelper(lines, key, key2, key3 , file): temp="" # flag to found key find_fixed= False find_key2=False find_key3=False listtofill=[] for line in lines: if line.count(key.lstrip().rstrip())>0 :#[FIXED]= ..... try: find_fixed= True index = line.index(key) toks = line[index:].split("=",1 ) temp = toks[1].lstrip().rstrip() find_key2, find_key3=look_for_tag( string1=temp, begin=key2, end=key3 ) if find_key2 and find_key3: temp1=[] temp2=[] temp3=[] temp4=[] temp1=split_text(separator=key2, string1=temp) temp2=split_list(separator=key3, mylist=temp1) temp3=split_list(separator=';', mylist=temp2) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp3) listtofill= temp3 + temp4 return listtofill elif find_key2 and not find_key3: ## [key]= key2() ## .... ## key3() temp1=[] temp2=[] temp3=[] temp4=[] ## remove key2= temp1=split_text(separator=key2, string1=temp) ## split ";" first temp3=split_list(separator=';', mylist=temp1) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp3) if len(temp3 + temp4)==0: # [FIXED]= only one param listtofill+= temp1 listtofill += temp3+temp4 elif not find_key2 and not find_key3 : ## [key]= param done looking temp3=[] temp4=[] if look_for_tag( string1=temp,begin=";")[0]: ## split ";" first temp3=split_text(separator=';',string1=temp) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp3) else: ## slip "," first temp3=split_text(separator=',',string1=temp) temp4=split_list(separator=';', mylist=temp3) if len(temp3+ temp4)==0: ## [FIXED]= only one param if temp.lstrip().rstrip()!="": listtofill= [temp.lstrip().rstrip()] listtofill += temp3+temp4 return listtofill except: raise ValueError, "Could not parse file %s" % file elif find_fixed : if not find_key2: raise ValueError, "Could not parse file %s" % file if find_key3: temp1=[] temp2=[] temp3=[] temp4=[] temp5=[] temp1=split_text(separator=key3, string1=line) temp2=split_list(separator='//',mylist=temp1) temp5=split_list(separator="\*",mylist=temp1) if len(temp5)>0: temp3=split_list(separator=';',mylist=temp5) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp5) elif len(temp2)>0: temp3=split_list(separator=';',mylist=temp2) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp2) else: temp3=split_list(separator=';',mylist=temp1) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp1) if len(temp3 + temp4)==0:# [FIXED]= only one param listtofill += temp1 listtofill+=temp3+temp4 # break else: temp2=split_text(separator='//', string1=line) temp5=split_text(separator="\*", string1=line) if len(temp5)>0: temp3=split_list(separator=';', mylist=temp5) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp5) elif len(temp2)>0: temp3=split_list(separator=';', mylist=temp2) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp2) else: if look_for_tag( string1=line,begin=";")[0]:# split ";" first temp3=split_text(separator=';', string1=line) temp4=split_list(separator=',', mylist=temp3) else: temp3=split_text(separator=',', string1=line)# slip "," first temp4=split_list(separator=';', mylist=temp3) if len(temp3+ temp4)==0:# [FIXED]= only one param if line.lstrip().rstrip()!="": listtofill=[line.lstrip().rstrip()] listtofill+=temp3+temp4 # break return listtofill # main if __name__ == '__main__': # Read file name= "sphere.h" f = open("..\include\core_shell.h",'r') buf = f.read() lines = buf.split('\n') ## Catch Fixed parameters key = "[FIXED]" #open item in this case Fixed text='text' key2="<%s>"%text.lower() # close an item in this case fixed text='TexT' key3=""%text.lower() listto=[] listto= readhelper(lines, key, key2,key3, file=name) print "fixed parameters\n ",listto print key0="[ORIENTATION_PARAMS]" listto=[] listto= readhelper(lines,key0, key2,key3, file=name) print "orientation parameters\n ",listto print f.close() # End of file