""" Installation script for SANS models - To compile and install: python setup.py install - To create distribution: python setup.py bdist_wininst - To create odb files: python setup.py odb """ import sys import os from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_numpy_include_dirs numpy_incl_path = os.path.join(get_numpy_include_dirs()[0], "numpy") def createODBcontent(class_name): """ Return the content of the Pyre odb file for a given class @param class_name: Name of the class to write an odb file for [string] @return: content of the file [string] """ content = "\"\"\"\n" content += " Facility for SANS model\n\n" content += " WARNING: THIS FILE WAS AUTOGENERATED AT INSTALL TIME\n" content += " DO NOT MODIFY\n\n" content += " This code was written as part of the DANSE project\n" content += " http://danse.us/trac/sans/\n" content += " @copyright 2007:" content += " SANS/DANSE Group (University of Tennessee), for the DANSE project\n\n" content += "\"\"\"\n" content += "def model():\n" content += " from ScatteringIntensityFactory import ScatteringIntensityFactory\n" content += " from sans.models.%s import %s\n" % (class_name, class_name) content += " return ScatteringIntensityFactory(%s)('%s')\n"\ % (class_name, class_name) return content def createODBfiles(): """ Create odb files for all available models """ from sans.models.ModelFactory import ModelFactory class_list = ModelFactory().getAllModels() for name in class_list: odb = open("src/sans/models/pyre/%s.odb" % name, 'w') odb.write(createODBcontent(name)) odb.close() print "src/sans/models/pyre/%s.odb created" % name # # Proceed with installation # # First, create the odb files if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].lower() == 'odb': print "Creating odb files" try: createODBfiles() except: print "ERROR: could not create odb files" print sys.exc_value sys.exit() # Then build and install the modules from distutils.core import Extension, setup #from setuptools import setup#, find_packages # Build the module name srcdir = os.path.join("src", "sans", "models", "c_extensions") igordir = os.path.join("src","sans", "models", "libigor") c_model_dir = os.path.join("src", "sans", "models", "c_models") smear_dir = os.path.join("src", "sans", "models", "c_smearer") print "Installing SANS models" IGNORED_FILES = ["a.exe", "__init__.py" ".svn", "lineparser.py", "run.py", "CGaussian.cpp", "CLogNormal.cpp", "CLorentzian.cpp", "CSchulz.cpp", "WrapperGenerator.py", "wrapping.py", "winFuncs.c"] EXTENSIONS = [".c", ".cpp"] def append_file(file_list, dir_path): """ Add sources file to sources """ for f in os.listdir(dir_path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, f)): _, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext.lower() in EXTENSIONS and f not in IGNORED_FILES: file_list.append(os.path.join(dir_path, f)) elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir_path, f)) and \ not f.startswith("."): sub_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, f) for new_f in os.listdir(sub_dir): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sub_dir, new_f)): _, ext = os.path.splitext(new_f) if ext.lower() in EXTENSIONS and\ new_f not in IGNORED_FILES: file_list.append(os.path.join(sub_dir, new_f)) model_sources = [] append_file(file_list=model_sources, dir_path=srcdir) append_file(file_list=model_sources, dir_path=igordir) append_file(file_list=model_sources, dir_path=c_model_dir) smear_sources = [] append_file(file_list=smear_sources, dir_path=smear_dir) dist = setup( name="sansmodels", version = "1.0.0", description = "Python module for SANS scattering models", author = "SANS/DANSE", author_email = "sansdanse@gmail.gov", url = "http://danse.us/trac/sans", # Place this module under the sans package #ext_package = "sans", # Use the pure python modules package_dir = {"sans":os.path.join("src", "sans"), "sans.models":os.path.join("src", "sans", "models"), "sans.models.sans_extension":srcdir, }, package_data={'sans.models': [os.path.join('media', "*")]}, packages = ["sans","sans.models", "sans.models.sans_extension","sans.models.pyre",], ext_modules = [ Extension("sans.models.sans_extension.c_models", sources=model_sources, include_dirs=[igordir, srcdir, c_model_dir, numpy_incl_path]), # Smearer extension Extension("sans.models.sans_extension.smearer", sources = [os.path.join(smear_dir, "smearer.cpp"), os.path.join(smear_dir, "smearer_module.cpp"),], include_dirs=[smear_dir, numpy_incl_path]), Extension("sans.models.sans_extension.smearer2d_helper", sources = [os.path.join(smear_dir, "smearer2d_helper_module.cpp"), os.path.join(smear_dir, "smearer2d_helper.cpp"),], include_dirs=[smear_dir,numpy_incl_path] ) ] )