#if !defined(smeared_cylinder_h) #define smeared_cylinder_h /** Structure definition for cylinder parameters * [PYTHONCLASS] = SmearCylinderModel * */ typedef struct { /// Scale factor // [DEFAULT]=scale=1.0 double scale; /// Radius of the cylinder [A] // [DEFAULT]=radius=20.0 A double radius; /// Length of the cylinder [A] // [DEFAULT]=length=400.0 A double length; /// Contrast [A-2] // [DEFAULT]=contrast=3.0e-6 A-2 double contrast; /// Incoherent Background (cm-1) 0.000 // [DEFAULT]=background=0 cm-1 double background; /// Orientation of the cylinder axis w/respect incoming beam [rad] // [DEFAULT]=cyl_theta=1.0 rad double cyl_theta; /// Orientation of the cylinder in the plane of the detector [rad] // [DEFAULT]=cyl_phi=1.0 rad /// // [DEFAULT]=cyl_phi=0.0 rad double cyl_phi; /// // [DEFAULT]=sigma_theta=0.0 rad double sigma_theta; /// // [DEFAULT]=sigma_phi=0.0 rad double sigma_phi; /// // [DEFAULT]=sigma_radius=0.0 rad double sigma_radius; } SmearCylinderParameters; /// 1D scattering function double smeared_cylinder_analytical_1D(SmearCylinderParameters *pars, double q); /// 2D scattering function double smeared_cylinder_analytical_2D(SmearCylinderParameters *pars, double q, double phi); double smeared_cylinder_dist( double x, double mean, double sigma ); #endif