#if !defined(sphere_h) #define sphere_h #include "parameters.hh" /** * Structure definition for sphere parameters */ //[PYTHONCLASS] = SphereModel //[DISP_PARAMS] = radius //[DESCRIPTION] =P(q)=(scale/V)*[3V(sldSph-sldSolv)*(sin(qR)-qRcos(qR)) // /(qR)^3]^(2)+bkg // // bkg:background, R: radius of sphere // V:The volume of the scatter // sldSph: the SLD of the sphere // sldSolv: the SLD of the solvent // // //[FIXED]= radius.width //[ORIENTATION_PARAMS]= class SphereModel{ public: // Model parameters /// Scale factor // [DEFAULT]=scale= 1.0 Parameter scale; /// Radius of sphere [A] // [DEFAULT]=radius=60.0 [A] Parameter radius; /// sldSph [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=sldSph= 2.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] Parameter sldSph; /// sldSolv [1/A^(2)] // [DEFAULT]=sldSolv= 1.0e-6 [1/A^(2)] Parameter sldSolv; /// Incoherent Background [1/cm] // [DEFAULT]=background=0 [1/cm] Parameter background; // Constructor SphereModel(); // Operators to get I(Q) double operator()(double q); double operator()(double qx, double qy); double calculate_ER(); double calculate_VR(); double evaluate_rphi(double q, double phi); }; #endif