

class sans.models.MultiplicationModel.MultiplicationModel(p_model, s_model)

Bases: sans.models.BaseComponent.BaseComponent

Use for P(Q)*S(Q); function call must be in the order of P(Q) and then S(Q): The model parameters are combined from both models, P(Q) and S(Q), except 1) ‘effect_radius’ of S(Q) which will be calculated from P(Q) via calculate_ER(), and 2) ‘scale’ in P model which is synchronized w/ volfraction in S then P*S is multiplied by a new param, ‘scale_factor’. The polydispersion is applicable only to P(Q), not to S(Q). Note: P(Q) refers to ‘form factor’ model while S(Q) does to ‘structure factor’.


Returns a new object identical to the current object


Evaluate the model in cartesian coordinates @param x: input q[], or [qx[], qy[]] @return: scattering function P(q[])

fill_description(p_model, s_model)

Fill the description for P(Q)*S(Q)


Return a list of all available parameters for the model


Set the value of a model parameter

Parameters:name – name of the parameter

Return a list of all available parameters for the model

getParamListWithToken(token, member)
getParamWithToken(name, token, member)

Get SLD profile of p_model if exists

: return: (r, beta) where r is a list of radius of the transition points
beta is a list of the corresponding SLD values

: Note: This works only for func_shell# = 2 (exp function).


Check if a given parameter is fittable or not

Parameters:par_name – the parameter name to check

Evaluate the model @param x: input q-value (float or [float, float] as [r, theta]) @return: (scattering function value)


Evaluate the model @param x: input q-value (float or [float, float] as [qx, qy]) @return: scattering function value

setParam(name, value)

Set the value of a model parameter

@param name: name of the parameter @param value: value of the parameter

setParamWithToken(name, value, token, member)
set_dispersion(parameter, dispersion)

Set the dispersion object for a model parameter @param parameter: name of the parameter [string] @dispersion: dispersion object of type DispersionModel

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