Data Explorer Options


Data Explorer is a panel that allows the user more interactions with data. Some functionalities provided by the Data Explorer are also available through the context menu of plot panels or other menus of the applications.Under menu View of the menubar, Data explorer can be toggle from Show to Hide when clicking on menu Data Explorer OFF. This latter can be labeled as Data Explorer ON if the Data Explorer is not visible.

IMPORTANT! When Data explorer is not visible all data loaded will be send directly to the current active application. When data Explorer is shown data go fist to the Data Explorer for the user to handle them.

Load data

To Load data, click on the button Load Data, then select one or more files to load into the application. Close the file dialog that first appears. In the list control label Data will be displayed data label with the name of each selected file. Expending this data by clicking on + sign on each label will display available information about this loaded data.

Activate data

To interact with data, check a data label and click on a button. Checking Data make them active for the next operation. Unchecking Data labels will deactivate them.

There is a combo box labeled Selection Options that allows to activate or select multiple data simultaneously.

Remove data

Remove data button remove all reference of this data into the application.

WARNING! Remove data will stop any jobs currently using the selected data.

Send data to applications

Click on the button Send To to send Data to the current active application. Then from the application control panel interact more with that Data.

Append plot to graph

Click on the button Append To to append selected Data to a plot panel on focus. Next to this button is a combo box containing available panels names. Selecting a name from this combo box will set the corresponding lot panel on focus. If not plot panel is available, the combo box and button will be disable. 2D Data cannot be appended to any plot panels . This operation can only be performed on 1D data and plot panels currently containing 1D data.

Create new plot

Click on New Plot button to create a new plot panel where selected data will be plotted.

Freeze theory

Freeze Theory button generate Data from selected theory. This operation can only be performed when theory labels are selected.

Delete plot panel

Click on Delete Plot to remove all reference of the plot panel on focus. User can click on a plot panel or select a name of the plot panel in the corresponding combo box to set a plot panel on focus.