Graph Context Menu


Locating the pointer and right-clicking on a data/theory plot will bring a context menu. On the menu, select a menu item.

Reset Graph

To reset the graph's axis range, right click on the plot and the context menu pops-up. Select Reset Graph and the plot will take its initial range. Also the 'home' icon in tool bar will do the same.

Save Plot Image

Right click on plot. Context menu will pop-up select save image [file name].A dialog window opens and write a the name of the file to save and click on Save Image.

Save Data

From the context menu, select 'Save points as a file' for 1D, or 'Save as a file(DAT)' for 2D. Note that two formats, txt and xml, are available in 1D saving.

Drag Plot

Select the crossed arrows button on the plot panel toolbar to drag the plot. To disable dragging mode, unselect the same button on the toolbar.

Remove data from plot

Highlight the plot and the context menu appears.Select remove [file name]. The plot selected will disappear.

Zoom In/Out

Select the rectangle button on the plot panel toolbar to zoom in a region of the plot.

To disable zoom mode, unselect the same button on the toolbar. After zoom in a region, select left arrow or right arrowbutton on the toolbar to set the graph the the previous size. If a mouse wheel button is available, zoom in/out by scrolling the mouse wheel ( see 'Key combination' help for details).

Change Scale

If the loaded data is a 1-D data.Changing scale or Data Representation will work as followed:right click on the plot window. A context menu pops-up and select Change Scale. A dialog window titled select the scale of the graph will pop-up then change the x, the y and the view values as wish. If the loaded data is an image.Right click on the image to pop-up the context menu. Select to switch from linear to log scale. The scale selected is printed on the statusbar.

Linear Fit

Linear fit is to perform a line model fitting keeping the scale of the plot. Highlight data to fit. From the context menu select Linear Fit.A dialog window appears. Change model initial parameters, data limits and hit fit button. New parameters values are displayed and the line with the new parameters is added to the plot.

Other Graph Modifications

Some custom modifications of the symbols, text, axis, etc of the graph are provided