""" Class for making sure all category stuff is installed and works fine. Copyright (c) Institut Laue-Langevin 2012 @author kieranrcampbell@gmail.com @modified by NIST/MD sanview team """ import os import shutil import cPickle as pickle from collections import defaultdict USER_FILE = 'serialized_cat.p' class CategoryInstaller: """ Class for making sure all category stuff is installed Note - class is entirely static! """ def __init__(self): """ initialization """ @staticmethod def _get_installed_model_dir(): """ returns the dir where installed_models.txt should be """ import sans.dataloader.readers return sans.dataloader.readers.get_data_path() @staticmethod def _get_models_py_dir(): """ returns the dir where models.py should be """ import sans.perspectives.fitting.models return sans.perspectives.fitting.models.get_model_python_path() @staticmethod def _get_default_cat_p_dir(): """ returns the dir where default_cat.p should be """ from sans import sansview as sasview app_path = os.path.dirname(sasview.__file__) return app_path @staticmethod def _get_home_dir(): """ returns the users sansview config dir """ return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".sasview") @staticmethod def _regenerate_model_dict(master_category_dict): """ regenerates self.by_model_dict which has each model name as the key and the list of categories belonging to that model along with the enabled mapping returns tuplet (by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict) """ by_model_dict = defaultdict(list) model_enabled_dict = defaultdict(bool) for category in master_category_dict: for (model, enabled) in master_category_dict[category]: by_model_dict[model].append(category) model_enabled_dict[model] = enabled return (by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict) @staticmethod def _regenerate_master_dict(by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict): """ regenerates master_category_dict from by_model_dict and model_enabled_dict returns the master category dictionary """ master_category_dict = defaultdict(list) for model in by_model_dict: for category in by_model_dict[model]: master_category_dict[category].append(\ (model, model_enabled_dict[model])) return master_category_dict @staticmethod def get_user_file(): """ returns the user data file, eg .sasview/serialized_cat.p """ return os.path.join(CategoryInstaller._get_home_dir(), USER_FILE) @staticmethod def get_default_file(): """ returns the path of the default file e.g. blahblah/default_categories.p """ return os.path.join(\ CategoryInstaller._get_default_cat_p_dir(), "default_categories.p") @staticmethod def check_install(homedir = None, defaultfile = None, modelsdir = None, installed_models_dir = None): """ the main method of this class makes sure serialized_cat.p exists and if not compile it and install :param homefile: Override the default home directory :param defaultfile: Override the default file location :param modelsfile: The file where models.py lives. This MUST be overwritten in setup.py :param installed_models_dir: Where installed_models.txt is to go: """ model_list = [] serialized_file = None if homedir == None: serialized_file = CategoryInstaller.get_user_file() else: serialized_file = os.path.join(homedir, USER_FILE) if os.path.exists(serialized_file): return if installed_models_dir == None: installed_models_dir = \ CategoryInstaller._get_installed_model_dir() installed_model_file = open( os.path.join(installed_models_dir, "installed_models.txt"), 'w') if modelsdir == None: modelsdir = CategoryInstaller._get_models_py_dir() python_model_file = open(os.path.join(modelsdir, "models.py"), 'r') python_models = python_model_file.read() # we remove models that appear in the installed # model folder but not in models.py . the excess # hard coded ones on the end come from them being # present in models.py but not actual models, eg # TwoLorenzianModel contains the string 'Lorenzian' # but we don't actually want to include Lorenzian model_list = [mod for mod in model_list if \ mod in python_models and \ not 'init' in mod and \ not 'BaseComponent' in mod \ and not 'MultiplicationModel' in mod \ and not 'pluginmodel' in mod \ and mod != 'PowerLawModel' \ and mod != 'Lorentzian'] for mod in model_list: installed_model_file.write(mod + '\n') installed_model_file.close() # start sorting category stuff default_file = None if defaultfile == None: default_file = CategoryInstaller.get_default_file() else: default_file = defaultfile master_category_dict = pickle.load(open(default_file, 'rb')) (by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict) = \ CategoryInstaller._regenerate_model_dict(master_category_dict) for found_model in model_list: if not found_model in by_model_dict: print found_model + ' : ' + str(by_model_dict[found_model]) by_model_dict[found_model].append("Uncategorized") model_enabled_dict[found_model] = True # remove any stray models from categorization # that aren't stored anymore models_to_delete = [] for model in by_model_dict: if not model in model_list: models_to_delete.append(model) for model in models_to_delete: by_model_dict.pop(model) master_category_dict = \ CategoryInstaller._regenerate_master_dict(by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict) pickle.dump( master_category_dict, open(default_file, 'wb') ) #shutil.copyfile(default_file, serialized_file)