############################################################################ #This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the #Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) #project funded by the US National Science Foundation. #If you use DANSE applications to do scientific research that leads to #publication, we ask that you acknowledge the use of the software with the #following sentence: #This work benefited from DANSE software developed under NSF award DMR-0520547. #copyright 2008,2009 University of Tennessee ############################################################################# # Known issue: reader not compatible with multiple SASdata entries # within a single SASentry. Will raise a runtime error. #TODO: check that all vectors are written only if they have at # least one non-empty value #TODO: Writing only allows one SASentry per file. # Would be best to allow multiple entries. #TODO: Store error list #TODO: Allow for additional meta data for each section #TODO: Notes need to be implemented. They can be any XML # structure in version 1.0 # Process notes have the same problem. #TODO: Unit conversion is not complete (temperature units are missing) import logging import numpy import os import sys from sans.dataloader.data_info import Data1D from sans.dataloader.data_info import Collimation from sans.dataloader.data_info import Detector from sans.dataloader.data_info import Process from sans.dataloader.data_info import Aperture from lxml import etree import xml.dom.minidom _ZERO = 1e-16 has_converter = True try: from data_util.nxsunit import Converter except: has_converter = False CANSAS_NS = "cansas1d/1.0" def write_node(doc, parent, name, value, attr={}): """ :param doc: document DOM :param parent: parent node :param name: tag of the element :param value: value of the child text node :param attr: attribute dictionary :return: True if something was appended, otherwise False """ if value is not None: node = doc.createElement(name) node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str(value))) for item in attr: node.setAttribute(item, attr[item]) parent.appendChild(node) return True return False def get_content(location, node): """ Get the first instance of the content of a xpath location. :param location: xpath location :param node: node to start at :return: Element, or None """ nodes = node.xpath(location, namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) if len(nodes)>0: return nodes[0] else: return None def get_float(location, node): """ Get the content of a node as a float :param location: xpath location :param node: node to start at """ nodes = node.xpath(location, namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) value = None attr = {} if len(nodes) > 0: try: value = float(nodes[0].text) except: # Could not pass, skip and return None msg = "cansas_reader.get_float: could not " msg += " convert '%s' to float" % nodes[0].text logging.error(msg) if nodes[0].get('unit') is not None: attr['unit'] = nodes[0].get('unit') return value, attr class Reader: """ Class to load cansas 1D XML files :Dependencies: The CanSas reader requires PyXML 0.8.4 or later. """ ## CanSAS version version = '1.0' ## File type type_name = "CanSAS 1D" ## Wildcards type = ["CanSAS 1D files (*.xml)|*.xml", "CanSAS 1D AVE files (*.AVEx)|*.AVEx", "CanSAS 1D AVE files (*.ABSx)|*.ABSx"] ## List of allowed extensions ext = ['.xml', '.XML','.avex', '.AVEx', '.absx', 'ABSx'] def __init__(self): ## List of errors self.errors = [] def read(self, path): """ Load data file :param path: file path :return: Data1D object if a single SASentry was found, or a list of Data1D objects if multiple entries were found, or None of nothing was found :raise RuntimeError: when the file can't be opened :raise ValueError: when the length of the data vectors are inconsistent """ output = [] if os.path.isfile(path): basename = os.path.basename(path) root, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) if extension.lower() in self.ext: tree = etree.parse(path, parser=etree.ETCompatXMLParser()) # Check the format version number # Specifying the namespace will take care of the file # format version root = tree.getroot() entry_list = root.xpath('/ns:SASroot/ns:SASentry', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for entry in entry_list: self.errors = [] sas_entry = self._parse_entry(entry) sas_entry.filename = basename # Store loading process information sas_entry.errors = self.errors sas_entry.meta_data['loader'] = self.type_name output.append(sas_entry) else: raise RuntimeError, "%s is not a file" % path # Return output consistent with the loader's api if len(output) == 0: #cannot return none when it cannot read #return None raise RuntimeError, "%s cannot be read \n" % path elif len(output) == 1: return output[0] else: return output def _parse_entry(self, dom): """ Parse a SASentry :param node: SASentry node :return: Data1D object """ x = numpy.zeros(0) y = numpy.zeros(0) data_info = Data1D(x, y) # Look up title self._store_content('ns:Title', dom, 'title', data_info) # Look up run number nodes = dom.xpath('ns:Run', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for item in nodes: if item.text is not None: value = item.text.strip() if len(value) > 0: data_info.run.append(value) if item.get('name') is not None: data_info.run_name[value] = item.get('name') # Look up instrument name self._store_content('ns:SASinstrument/ns:name', dom, 'instrument', data_info) # Notes note_list = dom.xpath('ns:SASnote', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for note in note_list: try: if note.text is not None: note_value = note.text.strip() if len(note_value) > 0: data_info.notes.append(note_value) except: err_mess = "cansas_reader.read: error processing" err_mess += " entry notes\n %s" % sys.exc_value self.errors.append(err_mess) logging.error(err_mess) # Sample info ################### entry = get_content('ns:SASsample', dom) if entry is not None: data_info.sample.name = entry.get('name') self._store_content('ns:SASsample/ns:ID', dom, 'ID', data_info.sample) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:thickness', dom, 'thickness', data_info.sample) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:transmission', dom, 'transmission', data_info.sample) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:temperature', dom, 'temperature', data_info.sample) nodes = dom.xpath('ns:SASsample/ns:details', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for item in nodes: try: if item.text is not None: detail_value = item.text.strip() if len(detail_value) > 0: data_info.sample.details.append(detail_value) except: err_mess = "cansas_reader.read: error processing " err_mess += " sample details\n %s" % sys.exc_value self.errors.append(err_mess) logging.error(err_mess) # Position (as a vector) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:position/ns:x', dom, 'position.x', data_info.sample) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:position/ns:y', dom, 'position.y', data_info.sample) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:position/ns:z', dom, 'position.z', data_info.sample) # Orientation (as a vector) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:orientation/ns:roll', dom, 'orientation.x', data_info.sample) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:orientation/ns:pitch', dom, 'orientation.y', data_info.sample) self._store_float('ns:SASsample/ns:orientation/ns:yaw', dom, 'orientation.z', data_info.sample) # Source info ################### entry = get_content('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource', dom) if entry is not None: data_info.source.name = entry.get('name') self._store_content('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:radiation', dom, 'radiation', data_info.source) self._store_content('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:beam_shape', dom, 'beam_shape', data_info.source) self._store_float('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:wavelength', dom, 'wavelength', data_info.source) self._store_float('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:wavelength_min', dom, 'wavelength_min', data_info.source) self._store_float('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:wavelength_max', dom, 'wavelength_max', data_info.source) self._store_float('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:wavelength_spread', dom, 'wavelength_spread', data_info.source) # Beam size (as a vector) entry = get_content('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:beam_size', dom) if entry is not None: data_info.source.beam_size_name = entry.get('name') self._store_float('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:beam_size/ns:x', dom, 'beam_size.x', data_info.source) self._store_float('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:beam_size/ns:y', dom, 'beam_size.y', data_info.source) self._store_float('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASsource/ns:beam_size/ns:z', dom, 'beam_size.z', data_info.source) # Collimation info ################### nodes = dom.xpath('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SAScollimation', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for item in nodes: collim = Collimation() if item.get('name') is not None: collim.name = item.get('name') self._store_float('ns:length', item, 'length', collim) # Look for apertures apert_list = item.xpath('ns:aperture', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for apert in apert_list: aperture = Aperture() # Get the name and type of the aperture aperture.name = apert.get('name') aperture.type = apert.get('type') self._store_float('ns:distance', apert, 'distance', aperture) entry = get_content('ns:size', apert) if entry is not None: aperture.size_name = entry.get('name') self._store_float('ns:size/ns:x', apert, 'size.x', aperture) self._store_float('ns:size/ns:y', apert, 'size.y', aperture) self._store_float('ns:size/ns:z', apert, 'size.z', aperture) collim.aperture.append(aperture) data_info.collimation.append(collim) # Detector info ###################### nodes = dom.xpath('ns:SASinstrument/ns:SASdetector', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for item in nodes: detector = Detector() self._store_content('ns:name', item, 'name', detector) self._store_float('ns:SDD', item, 'distance', detector) # Detector offset (as a vector) self._store_float('ns:offset/ns:x', item, 'offset.x', detector) self._store_float('ns:offset/ns:y', item, 'offset.y', detector) self._store_float('ns:offset/ns:z', item, 'offset.z', detector) # Detector orientation (as a vector) self._store_float('ns:orientation/ns:roll', item, 'orientation.x', detector) self._store_float('ns:orientation/ns:pitch', item, 'orientation.y', detector) self._store_float('ns:orientation/ns:yaw', item, 'orientation.z', detector) # Beam center (as a vector) self._store_float('ns:beam_center/ns:x', item, 'beam_center.x', detector) self._store_float('ns:beam_center/ns:y', item, 'beam_center.y', detector) self._store_float('ns:beam_center/ns:z', item, 'beam_center.z', detector) # Pixel size (as a vector) self._store_float('ns:pixel_size/ns:x', item, 'pixel_size.x', detector) self._store_float('ns:pixel_size/ns:y', item, 'pixel_size.y', detector) self._store_float('ns:pixel_size/ns:z', item, 'pixel_size.z', detector) self._store_float('ns:slit_length', item, 'slit_length', detector) data_info.detector.append(detector) # Processes info ###################### nodes = dom.xpath('ns:SASprocess', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for item in nodes: process = Process() self._store_content('ns:name', item, 'name', process) self._store_content('ns:date', item, 'date', process) self._store_content('ns:description', item, 'description', process) term_list = item.xpath('ns:term', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for term in term_list: try: term_attr = {} for attr in term.keys(): term_attr[attr] = term.get(attr).strip() if term.text is not None: term_attr['value'] = term.text.strip() process.term.append(term_attr) except: err_mess = "cansas_reader.read: error processing " err_mess += " process term\n %s" % sys.exc_value self.errors.append(err_mess) logging.error(err_mess) note_list = item.xpath('ns:SASprocessnote', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) for note in note_list: if note.text is not None: process.notes.append(note.text.strip()) data_info.process.append(process) # Data info ###################### nodes = dom.xpath('ns:SASdata', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) if len(nodes) > 1: msg = "CanSAS reader is not compatible with multiple" msg += " SASdata entries" raise RuntimeError, msg nodes = dom.xpath('ns:SASdata/ns:Idata', namespaces={'ns': CANSAS_NS}) x = numpy.zeros(0) y = numpy.zeros(0) dx = numpy.zeros(0) dy = numpy.zeros(0) dxw = numpy.zeros(0) dxl = numpy.zeros(0) for item in nodes: _x, attr = get_float('ns:Q', item) _dx, attr_d = get_float('ns:Qdev', item) _dxl, attr_l = get_float('ns:dQl', item) _dxw, attr_w = get_float('ns:dQw', item) if _dx == None: _dx = 0.0 if _dxl == None: _dxl = 0.0 if _dxw == None: _dxw = 0.0 if attr.has_key('unit') and \ attr['unit'].lower() != data_info.x_unit.lower(): if has_converter==True: try: data_conv_q = Converter(attr['unit']) _x = data_conv_q(_x, units=data_info.x_unit) except: msg = "CanSAS reader: could not convert " msg += "Q unit [%s]; " msg += "expecting [%s]\n %s" % (attr['unit'], data_info.x_unit, sys.exc_value) raise ValueError, msg else: msg = "CanSAS reader: unrecognized Q unit [%s]; " msg += "expecting [%s]" % (attr['unit'], data_info.x_unit) raise ValueError, msg # Error in Q if attr_d.has_key('unit') and \ attr_d['unit'].lower() != data_info.x_unit.lower(): if has_converter==True: try: data_conv_q = Converter(attr_d['unit']) _dx = data_conv_q(_dx, units=data_info.x_unit) except: msg = "CanSAS reader: could not convert dQ unit [%s];" msg += " expecting " msg += "[%s]\n %s" % (attr['unit'], data_info.x_unit, sys.exc_value) raise ValueError, msg else: msg = "CanSAS reader: unrecognized dQ unit [%s]; " msg += "expecting [%s]" % (attr['unit'], data_info.x_unit) raise ValueError, msg # Slit length if attr_l.has_key('unit') and \ attr_l['unit'].lower() != data_info.x_unit.lower(): if has_converter == True: try: data_conv_q = Converter(attr_l['unit']) _dxl = data_conv_q(_dxl, units=data_info.x_unit) except: msg = "CanSAS reader: could not convert dQl unit [%s];" msg += " expecting [%s]\n %s" % (attr['unit'], data_info.x_unit, sys.exc_value) raise ValueError, msg else: msg = "CanSAS reader: unrecognized dQl unit [%s];" msg += " expecting [%s]" % (attr['unit'], data_info.x_unit) raise ValueError, msg # Slit width if attr_w.has_key('unit') and \ attr_w['unit'].lower() != data_info.x_unit.lower(): if has_converter == True: try: data_conv_q = Converter(attr_w['unit']) _dxw = data_conv_q(_dxw, units=data_info.x_unit) except: msg = "CanSAS reader: could not convert dQw unit [%s];" msg += " expecting [%s]\n %s" % (attr['unit'], data_info.x_unit, sys.exc_value) raise ValueError, msg else: msg = "CanSAS reader: unrecognized dQw unit [%s];" msg += " expecting [%s]" % (attr['unit'], data_info.x_unit) raise ValueError, msg _y, attr = get_float('ns:I', item) _dy, attr_d = get_float('ns:Idev', item) if _dy == None: _dy = 0.0 if attr.has_key('unit') and \ attr['unit'].lower() != data_info.y_unit.lower(): if has_converter==True: try: data_conv_i = Converter(attr['unit']) _y = data_conv_i(_y, units=data_info.y_unit) except: if attr['unit'].lower() == 'count': pass else: msg = "CanSAS reader: could not" msg += " convert I(q) unit [%s];" % str(attr['unit']) msg += " expecting [%s]\n" % str(data_info.y_unit) msg += " %s" % str(sys.exc_value) raise ValueError, msg else: msg = "CanSAS reader: unrecognized I(q) unit [%s];" msg += " expecting [%s]" % (attr['unit'], data_info.y_unit) raise ValueError, msg if attr_d.has_key('unit') and \ attr_d['unit'].lower() != data_info.y_unit.lower(): if has_converter==True: try: data_conv_i = Converter(attr_d['unit']) _dy = data_conv_i(_dy, units=data_info.y_unit) except: if attr_d['unit'].lower() == 'count': pass else: msg = "CanSAS reader: could not convert dI(q) unit " msg += "[%s]; expecting [%s]\n %s" % (attr_d['unit'], data_info.y_unit, sys.exc_value) raise ValueError, msg else: msg = "CanSAS reader: unrecognized dI(q) unit [%s]; " msg += "expecting [%s]" % (attr_d['unit'], data_info.y_unit) raise ValueError, msg if _x is not None and _y is not None: x = numpy.append(x, _x) y = numpy.append(y, _y) dx = numpy.append(dx, _dx) dy = numpy.append(dy, _dy) dxl = numpy.append(dxl, _dxl) dxw = numpy.append(dxw, _dxw) # Zeros in dx, dy if not numpy.all(dx==0): dx[dx==0] = _ZERO if not numpy.all(dy==0): dy[dy==0] = _ZERO data_info.x = x[x!=0] data_info.y = y[x!=0] data_info.dx = dx[x!=0] data_info.dy = dy[x!=0] data_info.dxl = dxl[x!=0] data_info.dxw = dxw[x!=0] data_conv_q = None data_conv_i = None if has_converter == True and data_info.x_unit != '1/A': data_conv_q = Converter('1/A') # Test it data_conv_q(1.0, output.Q_unit) if has_converter == True and data_info.y_unit != '1/cm': data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm') # Test it data_conv_i(1.0, output.I_unit) if data_conv_q is not None: data_info.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", data_info.x_unit) else: data_info.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') if data_conv_i is not None: data_info.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", data_info.y_unit) else: data_info.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity}","cm^{-1}") return data_info def _to_xml_doc(self, datainfo): """ Create an XML document to contain the content of a Data1D :param datainfo: Data1D object """ if not issubclass(datainfo.__class__, Data1D): raise RuntimeError, "The cansas writer expects a Data1D instance" doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() main_node = doc.createElement("SASroot") main_node.setAttribute("version", self.version) main_node.setAttribute("xmlns", "cansas1d/%s" % self.version) main_node.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance") main_node.setAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", "cansas1d/%s http://svn.smallangles.net/svn/canSAS/1dwg/trunk/cansas1d.xsd" % self.version) doc.appendChild(main_node) entry_node = doc.createElement("SASentry") main_node.appendChild(entry_node) write_node(doc, entry_node, "Title", datainfo.title) for item in datainfo.run: runname = {} if datainfo.run_name.has_key(item) and \ len(str(datainfo.run_name[item]))>1: runname = {'name': datainfo.run_name[item] } write_node(doc, entry_node, "Run", item, runname) # Data info node = doc.createElement("SASdata") entry_node.appendChild(node) for i in range(len(datainfo.x)): pt = doc.createElement("Idata") node.appendChild(pt) write_node(doc, pt, "Q", datainfo.x[i], {'unit':datainfo.x_unit}) if len(datainfo.y)>=i: write_node(doc, pt, "I", datainfo.y[i], {'unit':datainfo.y_unit}) if datainfo.dx != None and len(datainfo.dx) >= i: write_node(doc, pt, "Qdev", datainfo.dx[i], {'unit':datainfo.x_unit}) if datainfo.dxl != None and len(datainfo.dxl) >= i: write_node(doc, pt, "dQl", datainfo.dxl[i], {'unit':datainfo.x_unit}) if datainfo.dxw != None and len(datainfo.dxw) >= i: write_node(doc, pt, "dQw", datainfo.dxw[i], {'unit':datainfo.x_unit}) if datainfo.dy != None and len(datainfo.dy) >= i: write_node(doc, pt, "Idev", datainfo.dy[i], {'unit':datainfo.y_unit}) # Sample info sample = doc.createElement("SASsample") if datainfo.sample.name is not None: sample.setAttribute("name", str(datainfo.sample.name)) entry_node.appendChild(sample) write_node(doc, sample, "ID", str(datainfo.sample.ID)) write_node(doc, sample, "thickness", datainfo.sample.thickness, {"unit":datainfo.sample.thickness_unit}) write_node(doc, sample, "transmission", datainfo.sample.transmission) write_node(doc, sample, "temperature", datainfo.sample.temperature, {"unit":datainfo.sample.temperature_unit}) for item in datainfo.sample.details: write_node(doc, sample, "details", item) pos = doc.createElement("position") written = write_node(doc, pos, "x", datainfo.sample.position.x, {"unit":datainfo.sample.position_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, pos, "y", datainfo.sample.position.y, {"unit":datainfo.sample.position_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, pos, "z", datainfo.sample.position.z, {"unit":datainfo.sample.position_unit}) if written == True: sample.appendChild(pos) ori = doc.createElement("orientation") written = write_node(doc, ori, "roll", datainfo.sample.orientation.x, {"unit":datainfo.sample.orientation_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, ori, "pitch", datainfo.sample.orientation.y, {"unit":datainfo.sample.orientation_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, ori, "yaw", datainfo.sample.orientation.z, {"unit":datainfo.sample.orientation_unit}) if written == True: sample.appendChild(ori) # Instrument info instr = doc.createElement("SASinstrument") entry_node.appendChild(instr) write_node(doc, instr, "name", datainfo.instrument) # Source source = doc.createElement("SASsource") if datainfo.source.name is not None: source.setAttribute("name", str(datainfo.source.name)) instr.appendChild(source) write_node(doc, source, "radiation", datainfo.source.radiation) write_node(doc, source, "beam_shape", datainfo.source.beam_shape) size = doc.createElement("beam_size") if datainfo.source.beam_size_name is not None: size.setAttribute("name", str(datainfo.source.beam_size_name)) written = write_node(doc, size, "x", datainfo.source.beam_size.x, {"unit":datainfo.source.beam_size_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, size, "y", datainfo.source.beam_size.y, {"unit":datainfo.source.beam_size_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, size, "z", datainfo.source.beam_size.z, {"unit":datainfo.source.beam_size_unit}) if written == True: source.appendChild(size) write_node(doc, source, "wavelength", datainfo.source.wavelength, {"unit":datainfo.source.wavelength_unit}) write_node(doc, source, "wavelength_min", datainfo.source.wavelength_min, {"unit":datainfo.source.wavelength_min_unit}) write_node(doc, source, "wavelength_max", datainfo.source.wavelength_max, {"unit":datainfo.source.wavelength_max_unit}) write_node(doc, source, "wavelength_spread", datainfo.source.wavelength_spread, {"unit":datainfo.source.wavelength_spread_unit}) # Collimation for item in datainfo.collimation: coll = doc.createElement("SAScollimation") if item.name is not None: coll.setAttribute("name", str(item.name)) instr.appendChild(coll) write_node(doc, coll, "length", item.length, {"unit":item.length_unit}) for apert in item.aperture: ap = doc.createElement("aperture") if apert.name is not None: ap.setAttribute("name", str(apert.name)) if apert.type is not None: ap.setAttribute("type", str(apert.type)) coll.appendChild(ap) write_node(doc, ap, "distance", apert.distance, {"unit":apert.distance_unit}) size = doc.createElement("size") if apert.size_name is not None: size.setAttribute("name", str(apert.size_name)) written = write_node(doc, size, "x", apert.size.x, {"unit":apert.size_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, size, "y", apert.size.y, {"unit":apert.size_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, size, "z", apert.size.z, {"unit":apert.size_unit}) if written == True: ap.appendChild(size) # Detectors for item in datainfo.detector: det = doc.createElement("SASdetector") written = write_node(doc, det, "name", item.name) written = written | write_node(doc, det, "SDD", item.distance, {"unit":item.distance_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, det, "slit_length", item.slit_length, {"unit":item.slit_length_unit}) if written == True: instr.appendChild(det) off = doc.createElement("offset") written = write_node(doc, off, "x", item.offset.x, {"unit":item.offset_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, off, "y", item.offset.y, {"unit":item.offset_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, off, "z", item.offset.z, {"unit":item.offset_unit}) if written == True: det.appendChild(off) center = doc.createElement("beam_center") written = write_node(doc, center, "x", item.beam_center.x, {"unit":item.beam_center_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, center, "y", item.beam_center.y, {"unit":item.beam_center_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, center, "z", item.beam_center.z, {"unit":item.beam_center_unit}) if written == True: det.appendChild(center) pix = doc.createElement("pixel_size") written = write_node(doc, pix, "x", item.pixel_size.x, {"unit":item.pixel_size_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, pix, "y", item.pixel_size.y, {"unit":item.pixel_size_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, pix, "z", item.pixel_size.z, {"unit":item.pixel_size_unit}) if written == True: det.appendChild(pix) ori = doc.createElement("orientation") written = write_node(doc, ori, "roll", item.orientation.x, {"unit":item.orientation_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, ori, "pitch", item.orientation.y, {"unit":item.orientation_unit}) written = written | write_node(doc, ori, "yaw", item.orientation.z, {"unit":item.orientation_unit}) if written == True: det.appendChild(ori) # Processes info for item in datainfo.process: node = doc.createElement("SASprocess") entry_node.appendChild(node) write_node(doc, node, "name", item.name) write_node(doc, node, "date", item.date) write_node(doc, node, "description", item.description) for term in item.term: value = term['value'] del term['value'] write_node(doc, node, "term", value, term) for note in item.notes: write_node(doc, node, "SASprocessnote", note) # Return the document, and the SASentry node associated with # the data we just wrote return doc, entry_node def write(self, filename, datainfo): """ Write the content of a Data1D as a CanSAS XML file :param filename: name of the file to write :param datainfo: Data1D object """ # Create XML document doc, sasentry = self._to_xml_doc(datainfo) # Write the file fd = open(filename, 'w') fd.write(doc.toprettyxml()) fd.close() def _store_float(self, location, node, variable, storage, optional=True): """ Get the content of a xpath location and store the result. Check that the units are compatible with the destination. The value is expected to be a float. The xpath location might or might not exist. If it does not exist, nothing is done :param location: xpath location to fetch :param node: node to read the data from :param variable: name of the data member to store it in [string] :param storage: data object that has the 'variable' data member :param optional: if True, no exception will be raised if unit conversion can't be done :raise ValueError: raised when the units are not recognized """ entry = get_content(location, node) try: value = float(entry.text) except: value = None if value is not None: # If the entry has units, check to see that they are # compatible with what we currently have in the data object units = entry.get('unit') if units is not None: toks = variable.split('.') exec "local_unit = storage.%s_unit" % toks[0] if units.lower()!=local_unit.lower(): if has_converter==True: try: conv = Converter(units) exec "storage.%s = %g" % (variable, conv(value, units=local_unit)) except: err_mess = "CanSAS reader: could not convert" err_mess += " %s unit [%s]; expecting [%s]\n %s" \ % (variable, units, local_unit, sys.exc_value) self.errors.append(err_mess) if optional: logging.info(err_mess) else: raise ValueError, err_mess else: err_mess = "CanSAS reader: unrecognized %s unit [%s];" err_mess += " expecting [%s]" % (variable, units, local_unit) self.errors.append(err_mess) if optional: logging.info(err_mess) else: raise ValueError, err_mess else: exec "storage.%s = value" % variable else: exec "storage.%s = value" % variable def _store_content(self, location, node, variable, storage): """ Get the content of a xpath location and store the result. The value is treated as a string. The xpath location might or might not exist. If it does not exist, nothing is done :param location: xpath location to fetch :param node: node to read the data from :param variable: name of the data member to store it in [string] :param storage: data object that has the 'variable' data member :return: return a list of errors """ entry = get_content(location, node) if entry is not None and entry.text is not None: exec "storage.%s = entry.text.strip()" % variable if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filename='cansas_reader.log', filemode='w') reader = Reader() print reader.read("../test/cansas1d.xml") #print reader.read("../test/latex_smeared.xml")