/** \file points_model.cc */ #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include "points_model.h" #include "Point3D.h" PointsModel::PointsModel() { r_grids_num_ = 2000; rmax_ = 0; cormax_ = 0; rstep_ = 0; } void PointsModel::CalculateIQ(IQ *iq) { //fourier transform of the returned Array2D from ddFunction() int nIpoints = iq->GetNumI(); double qstep = (iq->GetQmax()) / (nIpoints-1); vector fint(nIpoints, 0); //I(0) is calculated seperately int num_rstep = pr_.dim1(); for (int k = 1; k from ddFunction() int num_rstep = pr_.dim1(); double r =0; double debeye = 0; double fadd = 0; double Irelative = 0; //I(0) is calculated seperately if (q == 0){ //I(0) double Izero = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_rstep; ++i) Izero += pr_[i][1]; Irelative = Izero; } else { for (int i = 1; i < num_rstep; ++i){ r = i*rstep_; //r should start from 1* rstep double qr = q*r; debeye = sin(qr)/qr; fadd = pr_[i][1]*debeye; Irelative = Irelative + fadd; } } return Irelative; } double PointsModel::CalculateIQError(double q) { //fourier transform of the returned Array2D from ddFunction() int num_rstep = pr_.dim1(); double r =0; double debeye = 0; double fadd = 0; double Irelative = 0; //I(0) is calculated seperately for (int i = 1; i < num_rstep; ++i){ r = i*rstep_; //r should start from 1* rstep double qr = q*r; debeye = sin(qr)/qr; fadd = fabs(pr_[i][2])*debeye*debeye + rstep_*rstep_/4.0/r/r*(cos(qr)*cos(qr) + debeye*debeye); Irelative = Irelative + fadd; } return sqrt(Irelative); } //pass in a vector of points, and calculate the P(r) double PointsModel::DistDistribution(const vector &vp) { //get r axis:0,rstep,2rstep,3rstep......d_bound int sizeofpr = r_grids_num_ + 1; //+1 just for overflow prevention double d_bound = GetDimBound(); rstep_ = CalculateRstep(r_grids_num_,d_bound); Array2D pr(sizeofpr, 3); //third column is left for error for the future pr = 0; for (int i = 1; i != sizeofpr; ++i) pr[i][0] = pr[i-1][0] + rstep_ ; //column 1: distance int size = vp.size(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < size - 1; ++i1) { for (int i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < size; ++i2) { //dist_.push_back(vp[i1].distanceToPoint(vp[i2])); //product_sld_.push_back(vp[i1].getSLD() * vp[i2].getSLD()); double a_dist = vp[i1].distanceToPoint(vp[i2]); double its_sld = vp[i1].getSLD() * vp[i2].getSLD(); //save maximum distance if (a_dist>rmax_) { rmax_ = a_dist; } //insert into pr array int l = int(floor(a_dist/rstep_)); //cout << "i1,i2,l,a_dist"<= sizeofpr) { cerr << "one distance is out of range: " << l < cormax_) cormax_ = pr[l][1]; } } } //normalize Pr for (int j = 0; j != sizeofpr; ++j){ //final column2 for P(r) //pr[j][1] = pr[j][1]/cormax_; // 'Size' is the number of space points, without double counting (excluding // overlapping regions between shapes). The volume of the combined shape // is given by V = size * (sum of all sub-volumes) / (Total number of points) // V = size / (lores_density) // - To transform the integral to a sum, we need to give a weight // to each entry equal to the average space volume of a point (w = V/N = 1/lores_density). // The final output, I(q), should therefore be multiplied by V*V/N*N. // Since we will be interested in P(r)/V, we only need to multiply by 1/N*(V/N) = 1/N/lores_density. // We don't have access to lores_density from this class; we will therefore apply // this correction externally. // // - Since the loop goes through half the points, multiply by 2. // TODO: have access to lores_density from this class. // pr[j][1] = 2.0*pr[j][1]/size; pr[j][2] = 4.0*pr[j][2]/size/size; } pr_ = pr; return rmax_; } Array2D PointsModel::GetPr() { return pr_; } double PointsModel::CalculateRstep(int num_grids, double rmax) { assert(num_grids > 0); double rstep; rstep = rmax / num_grids; return rstep; } void PointsModel::OutputPR(const string &fpr){ ofstream outfile(fpr.c_str()); if (!outfile) { cerr << "error: unable to open output file: " << outfile << endl; exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < pr_.dim1(); ++i){ outfile << pr_[i][0] << " " << pr_[i][1] << endl; } } void PointsModel::OutputPDB(const vector &vp,const char *fpr){ FILE *outfile=NULL; outfile = fopen(fpr,"w+"); if (!outfile) { cerr << "error: unable to open output file: " << outfile << endl; exit(1); } int size = vp.size(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){ ++index; fprintf(outfile,"ATOM%7d C%24.3lf%8.3lf%8.3lf%6.3lf\n", \ index,vp[i].getX(),vp[i].getY(),vp[i].getZ(),vp[i].getSLD()); } fclose(outfile); } PointsModel::~PointsModel() { } void PointsModel::DistDistributionXY(const vector &vp) { //the max box get from 3D should be more than enough for 2D,but doesn't hurt double d_bound = GetDimBound(); //using 1A for rstep, so the total bins is the max distance for the object int sizeofpr = ceil(d_bound) + 1; //+1 just for overflow prevention rstep_ = 1; Array2D pr_xy(sizeofpr,sizeofpr); //2D histogram //the max frequency in the correlation histogram double cormax_xy_ = 0; //initialization pr_xy = 0; for (int i = 1; i != sizeofpr; ++i){ pr_xy[i][0] = pr_xy[i-1][0] + rstep_ ; //column 1: distance } int size = vp.size(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < size - 1; ++i1) { for (int i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < size; ++i2) { int jx = int(floor(fabs(vp[i1].getX()-vp[i2].getX())/rstep_)); int jy = int(floor(fabs(vp[i1].getY()-vp[i2].getY())/rstep_)); //the sld for the pair of points double its_sld = vp[i1].getSLD()*vp[i2].getSLD(); //overflow check if ((jx >= sizeofpr) || (jy >= sizeofpr)) { cerr << "one distance is out of range: " < cormax_xy_ ) cormax_xy_ = pr_xy[jx][jy]; } } } //normalize Pr_xy for (int m = 0; m != sizeofpr; ++m){ //final column2 for P(r) for (int n = 0; n != sizeofpr; ++n){ pr_xy[m][n] = pr_xy[m][n]/cormax_xy_; //cout << "m n:"<GetNumI(); double qstep = (iq->GetQmax()) / (nIpoints-1); vector fint(nIpoints, 0); double Izero = 0; //number of bins on x and y axis int size_r = pr_xy_.dim1(); //rstep is set to one, otherwise should be cos(phi)*rstep double cosphi = cos(phi); double sinphi = sin(phi); for(int k = 1; k != nIpoints; ++k){ double q = k * qstep; double tmp = cos(q*(cosphi+sinphi)); for(int i=0; i!=size_r; ++i){ for(int j = 0; j!=size_r; ++j){ fint[k] += pr_xy_[i][j]*tmp; } } } for(int i=0; i!=size_r; ++i){ for(int j = 0; j!=size_r; ++j){ Izero += pr_xy_[i][j]; } } fint[0] = Izero; //assign I(Q) with normalization for(int j = 0; j < nIpoints; ++j){ (*iq).iq_data[j][0] = j * qstep; (*iq).iq_data[j][1] = fint[j] / Izero; } } vector PointsModel::GetCenter() { vector vp(3,0); return vp; } double PointsModel::CalculateIQ_2D(double qx, double qy) { //for each (Qx,Qy) on 2D detector, calculate I double q = sqrt(qx*qx+qy*qy); double I = 0; double cosphi = qx/q; double sinphi = qy/q; double tmp = cos(q*(cosphi+sinphi)); //loop through P(r) on xy plane int size_r = pr_xy_.dim1(); for(int i=-size_r+1; i!=size_r; ++i){ for(int j = -size_r+1; j!=size_r; ++j){ //rstep is set to one, left out from calculation I += pr_xy_[abs(i)][abs(j)]*cos(q*(cosphi*i+sinphi*j)); } } //return I, without normalization return I; }